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> I cannot post in Biology anymore. If you say its off topic, better not call yourself human after
@enumaris Ya know, I just looked. One of your answers is on the hot network. That's pretty lucky
yeah, that's how I got like 160 rep today lol
It took me a few weeks to get 160 rep at first...
"hey enumaris how'd you get all that rep"
yeah my stack overflow is at like 79 rep even tho I've been there for a while
all the coding questions are either too hard or too specific or too tedious
ahem I don't like to brag but I've only been on this site for a few years and I have 21 rep
@enumaris How to get rep on Stack Overflow: answer the most basic questions about the most common programming languages
@goodnight ...
I am so angry now
I try to find them...but they are usually answered quite nicely already
angery reacts only
I wouldn't have much to contribute lol
@goodnight that's...kinda hypnotic. and creepy.
@Semiclassical can you help
i already checked stackoverflow
I know literally nothing about that stuff
rip he was my only friend
bye boiye cow
now this chat's my only resolve
To be real here I haven't gotten rep on physics in like 3 years
you lost some though
I just hung around here because it's an active chat
cf. my free bounty reward
@goodnight .............
@goodnight after which you promptly deleted your account...
@SirCumference i'll never forget that though
what is your background in physics @SirCumference?
i was touched
@goodnight just...just stop
time for this
Jan 13 '16 at 22:57, by FenderLesPaul
I had a dream that @0celo7 was touching me relatively
@enumaris Well I'm a physics major, but I'm far more interested in astronomy
I want to be an alien that can see the uncountable possibilities directly, but I am only human
Which I became a huge nerd about in high school, but haven't had many classes in college
High five :D Astronomy is awesome
high fives
@Secret same I'm also HUMAN and I love doing HUMAN things like BREATHING and EATING cereal
Discovered Astro SE, which expanded my knowledge exponentially
Now I'm just waiting for the chance for my physics knowledge to be applicable to something more interesting...
any particular field of Astro interest you the most?
@enumaris Cosmology or stellar physics are some of my favorites. Planetary science is the only one that really bores me though.
Almost everything in astro requires physics so, there should be a lot of applications...
i love pluto
Cosmology for example relies heavily on GR
Yeah. I've taken some basic cosmology courses and they were absolutely mind blowing.
Stellar physics is a mix of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and gravitation
and radiative transport
i specialize in crop formations i.e. the abstract art that aliens work so hard to produce and I think that's beautiful
Are you a grad student in astronomy?
finished grad school last week finally
self taught astrology phd
@goodnight not you >_>
my bad
@goodnight Welp, it's been a year. How've things been
cool and good
have ya taken analysis?
i learned how to count to 50
that's sort of close to infinity
ya if you superimpose the 5 on the 0 you'll get $\infty$
haha I graduated like 5 months ago
@enumaris Oh, neat. Postdoc?
I decided not to go do a post doc
I will worship anyone who can count to the uncountable, lol
too much research....
0, 1
does that count
how about that
Ah, I still haven't told @goodnight my famous physics joke
worships enumaris
Now try:
::Maniacal laugh::
:41348435 cuz he could bench 500
Meanwhile, Valve still cannot count to 3
didn't know newton was into forced
I think
HL3 is gonna be the biggest dissapointment
in the history of disappointments
@SirCumference what does that even mean
and why'd you delete it
@goodnight It's a pun
@goodnight It's a pun
It's already been built up so high that no matter what it is, it's gonna be a disappointment
@goodnight Wow. The person who asked that question had 1000 rep.
Solely from a single question too.
looks like i need to rethink my priorities in life then
Literally only one of his questions had a positive score. And it was 238.
@enumaris since when do people look up to disappointments?
source: am tall and nobody looks at me
it feels like it takes too much effort to answer most of the questions I find...
@enumaris Oh didn't see that. So you're a prof?
I start typing...and then I realize my post has to be so long...and then I give up
No, not a prof heh, I'm unemployed at the moment D:
Looking for a job lol
@enumaris It gets fun writing detailed answers when it's interesting and you learn along the way.
most of the time I just give up cus it's taking too long lol
@enumaris I'm currently employing
full time human clock
you just gotta hold your hands out to the time
that's not a bad rate...
includes food and bed
but the bed's vertical is that alright
@enumaris ya 50 cashews an hour is quite fair i'd say
not really a cashew fan...
Though over time I've a sad number of OPs that won't accept an answer, due to the most bizarre reasons
This chart doesn't look real because how come it's Now when they are all same!! — Archi Feb 5 at 14:32
oh we also offer laundry detergent
Howdy @peterh
it's of the blue variety
rare liquid
@SirCumference Sircum :-)
@goodnight What do you call the inverse of differentiation
@SirCumference is this a trick
@goodnight No it's an opinion
@enumaris thumbs up
tbh that's not even fully wrong
There was a discussion earlier today on the term "indefinite integral"
@SirCumference this isn't facebook it's called starring
we didn't deserve this
Imma try and head to sleep
Good night @goodnight and @enumaris
@SirCumference indefinite integrals are just integrals having a definition crisis
it's difficult yuh know for a single integral to make ends meet
has to let ppl do them all the time
Wow...I dropped my charger plug into a jar of mayonaise
Now it's not working...
i don't want to know what you were doing with that mayonnaise.
Oh very funny... >_>
you set yourself up for that one.
don't go to sleep @SirCumference
who ends a party after midnight?
consider all the things you could be doing with that jar of mayonnaise while simultaneously talking to us.
@goodnight what on earth is wrong with you...?
that's just a creepy joke
user image
It's cold in Chester this morning!
Ah, snow! Pretty :D
I never saw a real snowfall
@JohnRennie Could you guide me through the Linux installation now (if you're free)?
@Blue just answerign Abcd's question in Problem Solving - I'll be five minutes
@JohnRennie Oh, sure sure
@Blue press windows-R to open the Run dialog and type control and click OK. That should open the control panel.
@JohnRennie Done!
On the top right change the View by setting to Small icons - that just shows all the icons in a useful way.
Then click the icon Programs and Features
On the left side click Turn Windows features on and off
okay, next?
"Windows Features" opened
In the Windows Features dialog scroll down to the bottom and you should see an option Windows subsystem for Linux.
@JohnRennie Can't find :/
"for linux" option
Hmm, you must have a different version of Windows.
If you open Explorer and go to File/Help/About Windows what does it show?
I get:
That's fine. My version is 1709 because that's the Fall Creators update, which will be appearing in your Windows update any day now.
But 1703 should have the Linux subsystem.
Yeah, I dunno why it doesn't have it listed
If you go back to Control Panel and click System what do you get?
That's mine
You've installed 32 bit Windows 10
That was an odd thing to do, given that you have a 64 bit CPU ...
My previous Windows (Windows 7) was also 32-bit, so I thought it won't support 64-bit one. But later I realized it is x64-based processor :P
Actually the guys at the repair store had changed it from 64-bit Windows 8--> 32-bit Windows 7
Now that I look back....:P
The 32 bit version of Windows is missing some features of the 64 bit version, and it appears that the Linux subsystem is one of them. I'm afraid there's nothing you can do unless you wipe the disk and reinstall.
@JohnRennie Okay, I'll try to reinstall Windows 10 this week if possible. I need to follow the steps you had once told me a few months back, right? Lemme find the transcript
@Blue It depends how badly you want the unix subsystem.
@JohnRennie It's not urgent or anything. I want to get introduced to Linux . Have been hearing about it's advantages from quite a few people for quite sometime.
So, I'm going to reinstall Windows this week someday, and ping you when done! :)
Linux doesn't have any advantages over Windows 10 other than being free
It's no better and no worse - just different.
But universities tend to use Linux a lot, mainly because it's free and their budgets are limited.
Yeah, I'm learning C and our college uses Linux too.
I see, hmm. Actually I needed to install Windows 64 bit anyway. 32-bit version doesn't support many of the softwares I need like Matlab.
@JohnRennie That's not true
So, I have a quick question for anyone familiar with thermodynamics and partial differential equations: Why is it said that the Fourier heat equation assume an infinite speed of propagation?
It's not about being free, it's about being Free
As in Freedom ;)
Also, POSIX compliance matters for people
And don't come at me with "Windows has a POSIX subsystem", that's not what I'm talking about
I mean actually being an entirely POSIX-compliant OS
@JohnRennie Here everyone uses pirated version of Windows..lol
@BernardoMeurer aha, I wondered if you were still around.
@JohnRennie Hehehe
And Microsoft doesn't seem to do much to prevent privacy. They are way less strict than Apple
I speed tested my old Precision, that uses the same CPU as your laptop, and ... it's faster than my upgraded E6440!
Perhaps that acts a promotion strategy
Also, Linux is way more accessible for a beginner developer. Developing on Windows is really daunting b/c people tell you to just use an IDE and it's crazy
On Linux you just call make/gcc from the CLI and go slow
@BernardoMeurer that is complete bollocks balderdash!
At least this is my own experience, from waaaaay before I even liked linux
I agree that people should learn to code at the CLI
But as soon as your project gets big using Visual Studio is vastly superior.
I use Clion myself
Agreed, I'm not telling people to never use an IDE
Iff I were on Windows I'm sure I'd use VS
And when it comes to debugging, using an IDE is basically essential.
My point is that, as a beginner, operating the POSIX CLI was faaaaaaar easier than the Windows variant
But you can develop from the command line in VS. It has a command line compiler just like GCC.
In fact I usually use the command line for small apps.
@JohnRennie Yes, but it's not as easy to use, IMHO a beginner shouldn't even touch an IDE
IDE's are like giving a bazooka to a child
they'll blow their foot off and never want to play again
That almost happened to me!
@BernardoMeurer yes it is. Open a command prompt and type cl hello.c
What's complicated about that?
People should really start with gedit or w/e and a cli
@JohnRennie Hell, I've been a dev for a long time now and I did not know about that :P
I'm just talking anecdotes mostly, because this was the sole reason I moved to Linux
that I found developing on Windows to be overwhelming
@BernardoMeurer that's because you have such a downer on anything that isn't Open Source that you never look properly!
Again, I didn't even know what Free Software was back then, I didn't care
@JohnRennie Sublime Text isn't Open Source and I gave it a chance!
I just don't like Malware
I guess we differ on what constitutes malware
Anyhow ... back to the laptop.
It turns out that the heatsink in it is rated only up to TDP of 37W and the BIOS throttles back the CPU as soon as the power dissipation exceeds this.
The i7-4810 is a 47W TPU processor, and that's why it gets throttled back from 2.8 to 2.6GHz as soon as the load builds up.
If I watch it in HWMonitor I can see it boosting to 3.8GHz under transient loads, which is what it should do, but a sustained load causes the clock throttling.
Can you modify the fan curve to make it more aggressive?
I've had to do that before, manually write to the fan controller's DMA
I do that at boot actually :^)
@BernardoMeurer well, it's harded coded in the BIOS. It would take considerable hackery ...
@JohnRennie Do you like Bossa?
I'm assuming no, since I know you loathe Jazz
Never even heard of him/them ...
Bossa Nova? The Genre?
But you're right, I'm not keen on jazz.
@JohnRennie Do you have a Spotify?
Ah, it's a genre. I've heard of bossa nova.
@BernardoMeurer no
God, you're like my dad
Facebook is the only social media site I use.
What, spotify isn't social media
It's a music streaming service!
Ah, yes, sorry.
Mixing it up with something else.
last.fm probably
I don't have a Spotify account because I prefer to get whole albums and listen to the whole album.
Spotify isn't really designed for that
It is if you pay :P
I honestly use it for one thing: Discover Weekly and Daily Playlists
I have found a lot of new music that way
I got the impression Spotify was really based around playlists of selected tracks, though I'm sure you can listen to whole albums.
I uses some creepy AI/ML to find you stuff you might like
Ah, no, you can listen to whole albums
Or whole discographies
Or playlists if that's what you're into
I mostly just find the album I want and listen to it end to end
I listen to the radio a lot. BBC radio 6 and a couple of weird Internet stations, and I hear new stuff through that.
@JohnRennie I don't have a lot of patience for radio tbh, It's just bad SNR
A lot of the tracks on the radio aren't of interest to me, but I hear enough tracks that I do like to make it worth while, and the stations I listen to play a lot of new stuff.
But US radio has a poor reputation ...
Yeah, it's not very good :/
Anyway, you might want to give Spotify's 3 month trial a try
It's a nice service, and the music-finding algo makes it well worth it for me
We'll see :-)
Anyway, Bossa Nova is stuff like this @JohnRennie :
I've always liked music that has a weird edge to it. Something different and new.
Flutes are good. Lots of my favourite prog rock bands use flutes. But a whole album of flutes would get a bit dull.
What about this
I actually really like the crazy lagoon flute song
Specially when he summons the butterflies
@JohnRennie Anyway, before I head off to bed, try and listen to this album
See what you think
We'll see :-)
I am back again with Einstein!
back with Einstein?
Like Einstein quotes and stuffs , works
There are so many questions and I hope you can help
...Lets start with a question that why Einstein is special? ... I got a point that he was able to connect the unconnected concepts!
Einstein's genius was that he could see how the physics worked. He wasn't a great mathematician, but he had an ability to grasp the physical principles that the maths needed to describe.
But it has to be said that this ability deserted him in his later years, hence he wasted the second half of his life looking for theories that we now know are non-starters.
Anyhow, I have to work for about an hour so I'll have to go offline. Back in about an hours time ...
@JohnRennie He wasn't a great mathematician? Really?
That sounds like a common rumour (a false one)
I can agree he didn't discover anything "original" in mathematics.
How come Einstein not be a great mathematician?
@Mr.Xcoder Well, that's my question too.
I love the second answer to ^^
I have heard that story too (about Einstein not being a very good mathematician)
tbh you don't need to be a good mathematician to be a good physicist. I agree with what JR said
the fundamental principals of thinking are very different in the two branches
Indeed, I think being a good physicist might actually hinder being a good mathematician, and vice versa
Of course, Physics and Mathematics mindsets are very different, but coming up and solving with his brilliant equations of GR is not something a mathematician would be ashamed of
@BalarkaSen What if you're bad at both
What do I do
@BernardoMeurer Then you become a computer scientist.
Not to mention he was a self-taught guy
@Mr.Xcoder Sure he did some nontrivial mathematical work in the physical cover-up. That's true for a lot of contemporary physics. Physics influences math in countless ways.
But that doesn't make physicists into mathematicians, is all I am saying
I am not demeaning anyone, just saying there's a distinct boundary between the various scientific disciplines
I concur
That being said, I think GR is pretty dope. I'd like to learn it at one point
Me too... sometimes in high school perhaps
@BernardoMeurer You still learning logic?
@BalarkaSen Elite computer scientists are quite good mathematicians. For example Knuth
I'm talking about computer science
Not software development
Yeah computer science ≠≠≠ software development
@Blue I was making a joke, but of course
How stupid can some professors be? ಠ_ಠ They selected a 10th grade thermodynamics exercise for an 8th grade Physics contest, gave full marks to a greedy and incorrect 8th grade approach and gave half the marks for the correct solution
... And the solutions they gave were wrong haha
Namely, we were asked to find the percent of water that vaporizes during a certain period, whilst they assumed the mass of the liquid water is constant
Xcoder if you can learn GR in highschool then you are fucking insane...
@CooperCape Oh, I meant to say after, not in... My bad!

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