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I can't tell how much you can safely donate. People are saying a gram is fine, but I wonder if more is too
150 grand to grow a baby
@0ßelö7 So...where does the 23k figure come from if it's illegal to sell it like that?
Sexism, men need wombs too
@ACuriousMind that's the black market/medical tourism value
"except Iran"!
Someone ping Mostafa.
Hi @SirCumference
hi @Blue
@Blue Howdy
2 hours later…
I just spent
^don't know how that happened
This is the funniest thing I've ever read on this site:
> Thank you! But, what you have said is rather straightforward and pretty understandable.
@DanielSank The "but" does not make sense there
@BalarkaSen we can make it i.redditmedia.com/…
oh my gooood
temperature for air is given in C
everything else is imperial
Q: KaTeX instead of Mathjax

Luc J. BourhisMathjax is slow enough that for math-heavy questions or answers my Safari 10 can barely keep up on a 3 years old mac (I am giving these details for precision sake: this is not a bug report but a feature request!). I have been experimenting with KaTeX for my own stuff and I am very impressed with ...

1 hour later…
Has NOTHING to do with the theory of the same name
3 hours later…
@0ßelö7 @BalarkaSen I literally cried
(Click on link, it's a comment)
@0ßelö7 it's a nice book...I had to buy it with print on demand at full price. Lucky you ;-P
1 hour later…
@nasil: when we talk about elementary particles like electrons strictly speaking these only exist when they are isolated i.e. far enough from any other particles to not interact with them. That is an electron is a state of the electron quantum field only when it is the only electron around.
As soon as electrons start interacting with anything they evolved into states that we can loosely think of mixtures of electrons and other particles.
What we do in QFT when calculating processes like antiparticle production is to start with isolated particles and calculate their evolution forward in time as they interact. The final state will be a mixture of new particles, and from that mixture we can calculate the probability that new particles like antiparticles are created.
I think the reactions you got to your question were based on the fact that while we can do the calculation, and to very high precision, the question as to whether the calculation represents what is actually happening is a somewhat philosophical one.
2 hours later…
mathematica, who're you trying to fool?
you started at 11:56:48 and you finished at 12:00:52, but it only took you 60 seconds?
Hi, everyone :-)
Afternoon (just - it's 12:03 here)
Ah :-)
@Secret It should be destroyed by now (or in the few next minutes) in Saturn's atmosphere. good bye Cassini :(
@lılostafa Oh yes, the impact is very soon now isn't it.
Hmm? What is this of which you speak?
@EmilioPisanty You. It's trying to fool you.
@JohnRennie Ah, it is taking far too long to load :-(
@JohnRennie They're still recieving data from Cassini but it should be destroyed by now. They changed the Status here form showing the distance from Saturn to "mission accomplished" a few minutes ago.
Ah yes. The NASA page is showing 47 minutes to the end of the mission, but that's the time the last transmission will be received not the time Cassini hit Saturn.
:'-( My internet cannot handle two websites at once, it seems.
rip in peace
@Kaumudi.H It's not sad really. Cassini has been an astonishing success, but it had to run out of fuel one day.
Ah, you were sad about your Internet connection not the death of Cassini :-)
@JohnR: Dinner-bread and nutella.
@JohnRennie During its mission, Cassini has taken 453,048 images and sent 635GB of data back to the Earth, at a rate of 3.4 kilobytes per second.
@Kaumudi.H not the most nutritious meal but I have to confess I like Nutella. I have been know to eat just Nutella on its own, fishing it out of the jar with a spoon :-)
@JohnRennie YES, you're one of us!! :-)
@lılostafa 635GB per 13 years. That's even slower than Kaumudi's broadband connection! :-)
@Kaumudi.H What happens if I eat dinner-bread for breakfast?
(I have no idea what dinner-bread is)
I suspect that's Dinner = bread and nutella :-)
@ACuriousMind DON'T DO THAT! You could cause a CTC (closed timelike consumption).
@ACuriousMind well, it dinn't work, did it
@JohnRennie reminds me of my dial-up connection ~13 years ago
I used to just have bread and a bunch of stuff as dinner at one point on TIFR
good times
@lılostafa I remember using a 2,400 baud modem :-)
@JohnRennie Does that mean I eat bread in a loop, become fatter and fatter and eventually engulf the universe?
@BalarkaSen To comment, I need to have access to what a bunch of stuff is :-P
I feel there was a Garfield strip about that
@Kaumudi.H He just grabs random stuff lying around and attempts to eat it, I suppose
@ACuriousMind It's all good as long as you don't contradict the Whitney embedding theorem.
Eating actual food is bourgeosie
^ <3 x'D
Nothing about that onebox entices me to click on it.
ravioli ravioli what's lying aroundaoli
@ACuriousMind it's the most cancerous meme of the century
enacted by the most cancerous person of youtube
aka filthy frank
@Kaumudi.H for some reason I recently got sent some trial packs of a new Nutella like chocolate spread, and I ate them straight out of the pack.
@BalarkaSen Good thing I have no idea what you're talking about, then
@JohnRennie <3
haha filthy frank
I am attempting not to do this with the two unopened jars I've stashed in my room.
@Kaumudi.H in about an hour I'm going to eat pizza with bacon and BBQ sauce (but not with Nutella)
Pizza with Nutella ... hmm ...
@Kaumudi.H Do the jars contain something or are they just unopened jars? Maybe unopened jars of mystery (as may be found in the back of most fridges)?
@JohnRennie It has been done
The taste is...unique, according to my sources
@ACuriousMind It's a two minute video, I encourage you to watch it.
It's a life changing experience.
@ACuriousMind x'D You're definitely, high, aren't you?
ACM is always high
@Kaumudi.H I'm just in a silly mood today, I guess
I meant unopened jars of Nutella! Clearly!
@ACuriousMind :-) Nice.
@BalarkaSen But will it change my life for the better?
I have no interest in a life-worsening experience.
It depends on how you define betterment
That's a "no" masquerading as a "maybe" :P
@JohnRennie No, NO. Do not corrupt holy Nutella by spreading it on Holy Pizza! Holy+Holy $\ne$ Holy!
it's just a prank bro
@Kaumudi.H You tried chocolate pizza a while back didn't you?
@JohnRennie Do not remind me of decisions I regret ::Says she in the most sombre tone::
@Avantgarde that be some top quality ravioli
@BalarkaSen right now in his pocketoli
lol I hadn't seen this video.
@JohnRennie Wait, people send you food and you don't even know why?
hey @DanielSank I hadn't logged into github for a while, just did this morning and this bugs me
it's a masterpiece of his @Avantgarde
how do I put stuff there?
@ACuriousMind IKR!
He's living the dream.
@Kaumudi.H Someone is either trying to bribe or to poison him
@JohnR: Enemies, do you have enemies, Sir?
@ACuriousMind every now and then some company decides it's a good marketing strategy to send out unsolicited free samples of their latest right idea. They are rarely very interesting, but I have to say I did enjoy the chocolate spread.
@ACuriousMind unopened jars of mystery (as may be found in the back of most fridges)
They've been always bothering me as far as I can remember! Last night I discovered one of them was pickled sour cherry!
who's a vegan here
@lılostafa Only a very brave sould tries the jars of mystery. I'm impressed
@Kaumudi.H there are a few people who wouldn't urinate on me if I was on fire ...
(but they are massively outnumbered by the people who urinate on me even if I wasn't on fire :-)
@JohnRennie Huh. Must be a bit UK-specific, I've never heard of anyone receiving unsolicited products here.
The closest you get is unsolicited vouchers for getting "free" stuff sent to you, but usually there's some sort of catch
@JohnRennie T. M. I.
i guess nobody. then this is appropriate
Sometimes it's surprising how he's still on youtube @Balarka
@BalarkaSen I am semi vegan, why?
@ACuriousMind Hmm, the expression piss on you is normally an expression of contempt in the UK. I didn't mean it to imply any form of deviant practice.
@Kaumudi definitely check the video out
@Kaumudi.H What's a semi-vegan? You only eat one half of animals?
@JohnRennie :-)
@JohnRennie I see, I didn't get that meaning at all ;P
Ah, the traps of regional slang ...
@ACuriousMind :-) No, I don't eat any meat at all but I do eat all dairy products other than egg (and beef, of course).
@Avantgarde filthyfrank, idubbbz and maxmoefoe are still doing their shit, eh?
...which would be milk, cheese and butter.
Egg is a dairy product?
It is not?
@Kaumudi.H That's being a lacto vegetarian, not a semi-vegan ;)
Diary product even :-)
@Kaumudi.H I don't think eggs come from cows.
@JohnRennie Sorry :-P
@BalarkaSen Oh maxmoefoe. The prank calls guy? He still doing that?
@JohnRennie x'D Oh, my! That was a spectacular brain fart!
@Kaumudi.H dairy products are by definition made out of milk - if your eggs are made from milk your chickens are doing something very weird
x'D Yes, yes, I'm sorry.
@Avantgarde he puts up a lot of disgusting content on his channel than just pranks
mostly in collaboration with those other guys
@Kaumudi.H Are you feeding yourself again tonight or will you brave the canteen?
In site matters, the close queue is growing again. I'm worrying that we may have lost a number of reviewers, or that the tide of flagged questions has overtaken those we have.
@BalarkaSen Oh, I didn't know that.
@JohnRennie Like I said, I'm having bread and nutella :-)
I think I'm just fine with the prank calls :P
@Kaumudi.H and, along that line, beef is not a dairy product
@Kaumudi.H ah, oops, yes. Is tonight's canteen meal really that awful?
@JohnRennie Rice again, so yes :-(
@Avantgarde Have you listened to the Pink Guy track, "stfu"?
Masterpiece of the masterpieces imo
i shouldn't link it here because it's heavily nsfw lol
@BalarkaSen Yes
@Kaumudi.H "dairy" doesn't mean "all products that come from farm animals" it means all products made of milk specifically.
Made of milk! AH! Thanks.
@BalarkaSen Ownage pranks is nice too
@EmilioPisanty how can I help you?
@Kaumudi.H According to this average person needs well over 100g of protein each day. Considering the fact that an egg has only 5g of protein, and a chicken breast has around 50g, I really don't know how should I reach that recommended threshold.
(I certainly haven't in the past)
@Avantgarde not sure if I have seen them
not big on the prank culture
@lılostafa it's more like 50g per day
@JohnRennie But that website...says 160g for me!
@DanielSank making the gihub front page suck less
ooooooh, this is slick
@JohnRennie 56g....Seems reasonable.
I totally lost my faith in eggs after I saw that website!
Before that, eggs had a special place in my mind (and my diet).
@ACuriousMind lol
@lılostafa nothing wrong with eggs. I like eggs in all their forms.
This is how I like my eggs best:
@JohnRennie yeah me too :) I just thought they have too little nutrients after I saw that website yesterday!
@JohnRennie I almost never eat the yolk
noooooo I need dmckee :3
@GPhys why
@JohnRennie is like 6 eggs?
@0ßelö7 I bought a dozen eggs to make a cake, and I had seven left over. So I had them for lunch! :-)
Very nice too.
In fact it was delicious!
@JohnRennie Do people send you free eggs too?
cholesterol explosion
those look like tiny eggs
@PrathyushPoduval sadly not. Though eggs are cheap in the UK.
Under 10 each. I guess that's about 8 rupees.
what other kinds of food do people send you? :P
@0ßelö7 the plate has a semi-major axis of 20 cm :-)
They weren't little eggs!
@JohnRennie I don't know what that means.
@0ßelö7 it's an oval plate and the large dimension is about 40cm.
The point being that it is a large piece of bread, and hence the eggs are large too.
@JohnRennie I mean the 20cm. Or is it 40 now?
What is that in human units?
20 centimetres. 8 inches.
So where did the 40 come from?
This seems an odd conversation. If the semimajor axis is 20 cm the major axis is 40 cm. It is a Euclidean plate.
Why is your plate so eccentric?
Eccentic? It's just a large plate.
> This seems an odd conversation
large eccentricity
So it does, John! x'D
@0ßelö7 ah, if you made a circular plate with a large diameter the centre would be too far from the edge of the table for you to easily reach the food. So large plates are traditionally made in an oval shape.
@JohnRennie Old John, always striving to provide tidbits of charming information in the flow of the conversation! :-)
That's actually quite interesting, I hadn't thought of that before.
That's pretty obvious though
@yuggib I have to believe it was a mistake, the shipping label on the package was for $4...
@BalarkaSen not if you're mentally less fit (which I am)
Use the word dumb, man.
@yuggib I need to get a similar deal on Giaquinta's Cartesian Currents 1. Springer has it for $200...
@Kaumudi.H I don't believe in that concept
@BalarkaSen I always sit with the major axis perpendicular to myself. Guess I've been doing it wrong.
@0ßelö7 Wtf...
Yeah, man, you have.
i mean most of us instinctively fix the minor axis towards ourselves
^ instinctively.
We're really talking about plates? Really?
@JohnRennie Better question. Why are chips always in the shape of a saddle?
@BalarkaSen That's not very Avantgarde
@BalarkaSen To provide examples for when kids wonder about differential geometry
it's a conspiracy by Big Math
@BalarkaSen Because they shrink during cooking and end up with a larger perimeter than the circle with the same area.
They are a negatively curved 2D manifold embedded in 3D space!
Oh, my.
@JohnRennie Does that really guarantee there will be two "principal" directions in which they curve upwards and downwards respectively?
That's what a saddle is to me mostly
This is my favorite conversation yet, and that is really saying something!
It seems like a controlled folding
@BalarkaSen it's the shape that minimises the internal stress at the stage during cooking where the chip has started to shrink but is still pliable.
@JohnRennie Ah.
has someone done the calculation?
seems like something a geometric measure theorist would wonder about
That makes me think of another example I know of, which explains why we fold pieces of pizza slices slightly before pulling themselves towards the mouth
Locally the stress gets minimized
@BalarkaSen that has to do with Gaussian curvature
@BalarkaSen that's to stop them bending i.e. increase the Young's modulus in the vertical direction.
You mathematicians ...
@JohnRennie basically, if the fold in the Pizza fails, then the Pizza becomes a hyperbolic fold -- a violation of Gauss' theorem.
If you downvote a question, please come with a reason to why, so that I can improve in the future. "Dumb question" is not a reason to downvote. — Pedery yesterday
uhhhh... yes it is
Or the pizza might fracture and become a disconnected manifold :-)
since the pizza is a flat manifold, you get to choose one of the principal curvatures to be 0
best to take the principal direction to be towards your mouth
which is what folding does
@ACuriousMind Can I have a conversation with you in private?
@JohnRennie I mean by Gauss' theorem this is a foolproof method. They could probably build buildings with folded pieces of Pizza.

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