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Is this an actual setup with an actual radioactive source that you plan on physically implementing yourself?
yes. though i don't have said radioactive source yet.
and, if so, do you have someone on the ground who's trained in the safe handling of that source?
my dad has experience handling that stuff.
ok, just needed to check
he said he's willing to help make sure i don't injure myself.
@EmilioPisanty no, thank you =)
so, let's see, $E=hc/\lambda$
so assuming the upper end, 10 picometers for wavelength, $E = 1.98644582 × 10^{-14 }$ joules
That's not very many Joules.
which is 123,984.197 electron volts
That's a lot of electron volts.
@EmilioPisanty Yeah, which is why optical quantum computing is hard.
@EmilioPisanty thanks =) I actually had already found that, it's quite interesting.
@DanielSank ... and they should all quit and join the superconducting-qubit overlords? =P
Why, yes!
@EmilioPisanty so...not quite a mega electron volt.
is it high enough for it to work if enough gamma photons get to try their hand at it?
@heather I know the air becomes opaque at some point between near UV and vacuum UV, and it becomes transparent at some point afterwards, but I don't know what that second point is
@DanielSank i've been feeling like a traitor because i'm researching optical quantum computing =P
I imagine MeV photons will quite happily blaze through whatever you put in front of them that isn't made of lead
@heather It's a good idea to learn more things.
That never a bad idea.
i just came across the randomest sentence in a wikipedia blurb: 'Reindeer use near-UV radiation to see polar bears [...]'
@heather btw the author of that thesis is in the bay area at the moment, and she's super awesome. If you go back to California lemme know and I'll see if she can give tours.
@heather Polar bears are awesome.
@EmilioPisanty =O wow, okay. thank you! (i don't know if i'll be in california anytime soon, but still, that's awesome!)
Their hairs are like little greenhouses.
@DanielSank they're the same as grizzlies
@EmilioPisanty That's not quite true.
They're not the "same".
yah yah yah
@EmilioPisanty well, i think i'm okay in terms of photon energies/transparency, because 10 picometers is the upper limit in terms of wavelength, or the lower limit in terms of energy. They'll only be more energetic from there.
and yes, I'm abusing the term "same"
besides, it's the least of my problems.
10 picometers is not a lot of meters.
okay, instead of interference, is there a way to measure phases of each and compare the two?
You wanna measure photon phases? eeeesh
(i know i can compare using a two-channel oscilloscope, so i guess just measuring photon phases)
I have no idea how you'd use a two channel oscilloscope to measure photon phases.
@DanielSank compare, not measure.
Photon frequencies >>>> frequencies you can measure on a scope.
@DanielSank microwaves are also photons
Ok true.
@heather beyond the GHz microwave regime, the only way to access phases is via interference
But heather was talking about gamma photons.
I know, I know
@EmilioPisanty ::groans::
Groan all you want. Mamma Nature don't care.
@DanielSank wikipedia lied to me =/ or rather, i didn't think about how the gamma bit affects things.
@heather if it helps, I'm facing precisely that problem myself
I have an observable that is encoded in the relative phase between a fundamental and its second harmonic
@EmilioPisanty What frequency range?
and it's... proving tricky to design a good experimental protocol for measuring it
@DanielSank honestly? I don't care
@EmilioPisanty Then call Michel Devoret.
okay, are there ways to make the frequencies of two photons the same?
@heather Yeah, you need nonlinear materials.
@DanielSank it just keeps coming back to these guys, doesn't it?
or if you're intent on using gammas, you can look for something with a double-e^+ decay
@EmilioPisanty The microwave quantum / superconducting qubits world has a catalog of weird mixing devices that work in the quantum regime.
@DanielSank Curved swords?
@EmilioPisanty not intent on using gammas, just entangled photons.
@DanielSank to clarify, I'm interested in propagation in free space, in the linear-optics regime
@heather ..and I guess you don't want to use a cryostat.
@EmilioPisanty So you do care about the frequency.
" In neutrinoless double beta decay, a hypothesized process that has never been observed, only electrons would be emitted."
@heather so the vast majority of single-photon sources use spontaneous parametric down-conversion as the key process
@DanielSank not particularly.
@DanielSank you could do my experiment with microwaves in free space
@EmilioPisanty yeah yeah ok fine.
it would have the added bonus that you could just measure the phase directly
true dat
but really, I'm looking between the near IR and the near UV, for added oomph with the optics people
Yeah ok. Can't help you.
well, luckily I work in a photonics institute ;-)
@EmilioPisanty so the photon pairs produced are entangled?
@heather exactly
that sounds like another thing i want to build =)
okay, question: how expensive is the laser involved?
and there's probably plenty of interesting physics that an enterprising DIYer can do with that
@heather probably not very
because, if it just needs to be a laser beam that produces single photons every, say, microsecond, i could do that without too much trouble
i've already done some calculations for that.
and then i can just use a mirror for the phase shift, and then i'm assuming measurement also becomes much easier...
I'm not sure how expensive the crystal is (and how carefully it needs to be poled for phase matching to work well) but it's probably reasonably obtainable
@heather (but again, though, making single photons interfere is not an easy experiment)
@EmilioPisanty, of course, but it's a lot easier with photons that aren't gamma photons.
even though i am still interested in doing that experiment.
@heather yes
but more importantly
if you build that setup, there's plenty of interesting optics experiments you can do that don't require single-photon conditions to work
i.e. it degrades gracefully
looking it up on one supplier, it seems to be \$500-$1000 for the crystal.
Where are you gonna get that money?
I have suggestions if you need them
@heather Get a job
that's actually easier said than done, with my dad. he's...kind of picky about what sort of job he wants me to have.
i've been trying to find some sort of programming job, because that'd make him happy, or a job putting papers into LaTeX, but all freelancing sites I've checked are for 16 and up or 18 and up
eh, well, i'll figure out a way.
I think my first jobs were mowing lawns, babysitting, and swim lessons.
hmm, it seems i'll need a specific type of laser as well.
oh, looks like i can get it for $40-ish dollars.
@EmilioPisanty if one hasn't been manipulated at all, and one's phase has been manipulated, what type would that be?
i think it'd be temporal coherence, because spatial coherence seems to be checking whether the amplitudes are the same.
and, i believe the interferometer to use would be the mach-zender, as wikipedia says "The interferometer has been used, among other things, to measure phase shifts between the two beams"
it just occurred to me my permanent address (which I'm still leaving at my parents...for now) is now in the district with Yucca Mountain
...which makes me a constituent
writes emails
3 hours later…
I ordered two books and one arrived
2 hours later…
Hi, everyone :-)
Hello :-)
How are you? @Kaumudi.H
I'm alright, thanks :-) Still shopping. And you?
@TheRaidersofLasVegas God, no; I'm shopping online.
@JohnRennie Morning :-)
There's a half price sale at Amazon India at the moment ...
Top of the morning :-)
@JohnRennie Oh, but Amazon doesn't feature a great collection of bags; I'm shopping on LimeRoad.
:: John is mystified by the finer details of shopping for fashion accessories ::
:-) I'm quite tired of feeling inadequate in that realm of "being a girl".
This time around, I am actually making an effort!
When you're a nerd that trumps any notions of gender. It's a higher calling than being a male or female.
It makes life a lot simpler :-)
Haha, perhaps :-) Still, I don't particularly enjoy the feeling of being hugely inadequate in that area. This is why I've been paying attention while shopping for my clothes and bags to take to college.
Although, I can't be bothered to start wearing any makeup yet :-P
@Kaumudi.H Me neither :-)
:-) What's up with you?
On a more "nerdy" note, the IMO 2017 has started in Rio!
It's quiet at the moment ...
@JohnRennie You say that a lot :-)
I've got a Dell engineer coming today to replace the system fan in the PC I bought for my brother.
Ohh, I see.
@Kaumudi.H life is generally quiet for us semi-retired computer nerds. And that's not a bad thing :-)
@Kaumudi.H the fan is a bit noisy - just due its age I think. Anyhow, the PC is still under warranty, so that nice Mr. Dell is sending an engineer out to replace the fan.
@JohnRennie Hmm :-)
@JohnRennie Ah, that's convenient.
Gosh, I've got so many tabs open on Chrome that the little cross to close any one has disappeared.
It's a serious business this online fashion shopping :-)
@JohnRennie What is semi-retired?
@Kaumudi.H That's pretty less.
A good manly traditional canvas rucksack!
Haha, it's nice :-)
@Sid Still quite stressful!
Stressful? Shopping for bags?
@JohnRennie Absolutely. HOW TO CHOOSE?!
@Sid I work part time these days. Just a couple of hours in the morning.
@Kaumudi.H Heh, see this. puu.sh/rA0IX/2805932c41.jpg
How is this one?
Nobody? :-( OK.
@Kaumudi.H It looks ... like a bag ... with sharks ...
> Flaunt your rich taste by carrying this bag with excellent finish, it will elevate your fashion quotient in no time.
Lol, I sure hope so.
@JohnRennie Right, but does it look nice?
To me, that looks like something a high-school/middle-school kid will carry.
But, then, people tell me I have no fashion sense. So, don't listen to me
@JohnRennie How about this?
@Kaumudi.H Polyurethane? Hmm, if you're not going to splash out for real leather I'd go for fabric.
I quite liked the one with sharks
Heh. Alright, then, I'll buy the one with sharks.
>Blue Leatherette (Pu) Backpack
I think Leatherette (Pu) is fake leather made from polyurethane
I bought it. Phew.
@JohnRennie I Googled it. Right, right.
@Kaumudi.H Now the doubts set in - should I have bought a bag with dolphins rather than sharks?
Haha, nope! Out of sight, out of mind.
why don't you have a simple black/any other color bag?
Or a traditional canvas bag like that fashion icon John Rennie?
@Sid I am trying to make an effort, you see.
duh. Sounds too much work
And as I understand it, that sort isn't "fashionable". Not that I give a rat's ass about fashion...but, well, I do.
> fashion icon
For the longest time, I thought that you were up at 5 in formal attire; long-sleeved shirt and pants etc. That was until you burst the bubble by announcing that you'd spilt coffee over your sweatpants.
I am widely regarded as an iconic example of how (not) to do fashion
@Sid It is.
@JohnRennie :-P I figured.
And now, onto the next thing; a back cover for my phone!
I'm buying this pair of earphones.
When I bought it two years ago, it was so great that when I eventually broke it, I even kept a piece as a souvenir.
@Kaumudi.H Did you buy a headphone adaptor for the laptop?
@JohnR: And I bought this back cover for my phone.
Did you need a back cover for your phone?
(silly question I know :-)
@JohnRennie Yep; the old one broke as a result of the many many times I dropped my phone.
@JohnRennie Doing now.
@JohnR: The prices seem to have risen on the headphone adaptor, hmm.
What do u think of this one? What is it anyway?
Nope, that is not what I'm looking for.
I've never attempted to use Bluetooth audio with the Latitude laptops. I don't know how well it would work.
I'm sorry, that's not USB.
Heyy everybody
Let's light this party up
Haha hbar, I get it
@MetaPhysic99 Lol. Please do; I'm sure that everybody is bored out of their mind of this shopping spew that I have been providing for the past hour.
@MetaPhysic99 ... what?
And now I must go and open my own bank account!
Oh no, talk about money and fashion makes me sleepy
talk about fizix wakey me uppey
:) :) :) :)
I suppose everyone here's above the undergrad level?
I'm just a wee junior (well, technically, senior now)
@JohnRennie AH, YES, thanks! :-) I had been looking for that one all over!
@Kaumudi.H It has rather mixed reviews, but that seems to be the case for all the cheap adapters.
I saw, yes :-( Oh, well. I hope it works.
The trouble is that the really good adapters start around this sort of price.
The Dragonfly Black would be an excellent choice, but 10,000 rupees! :-(
Wow. That is too much. I went ahead and bought the other one.
Phew; I am mostly finished with online shopping now!
But the dragonfly is so good :P
@JohnR: BTW, the static on my keyboard while charging never quite went away.
@Kaumudi.H You need a new laptop. I have one here ... :-)
Lol :-)
I need a new computer too
Now, to reward myself for having done all that shopping, I am going to play some more Portal 2.
I need to go to bed
I'm not tired at all
@0celoñe7 Yeah, man, what the heck are u doing up at this time?
@Kaumudi.H Was at work until midnight
Came home, wasn't tired
Next thing I know it's 4am
Wtf, wow :-(
Ocelone7 what do you work as?
@MetaPhysic99 If I were a girl, the polite term would be "Lady of the Night."
Not sure what the polite term for men is.
@0celoñe7 hmm, in the UK lady of the night has a rather specific meaning and I doubt it would apply to you.
@JohnRennie Don't judge me
I wasn't being judgemental ...
I'd just be a bit surprised if you decided to supplement your income in quite that manner :-)
@0celoñe7 Well, don't sleep.
@0celoñe7 new laptop presumably? Are you getting fed up with the Mac?
@Sid tempting proposition at this point
@JohnRennie new desktop
why would I get fed up with the mac?
It does everything better than Windows
Amen to that
@0celoñe7 a desktop for work - obviously you have a new gaming machine.
@JohnRennie it could stand an upgrade
GPU is too weak
Is there a better GPU than the GTX 1080?
1080 Ti
My card is benchmarking lower than people with the same card
I don't know why
I thought you were getting about 13,000 on the benchmark?
@JohnRennie That benchmark doesn't mean anything, it turns out
There are programs that benchmark the whole system running a game
I'm getting ~7% less performance than expected.
I can increase my GPU clock speed significantly, if the internet is to be believed
Although my CPU overclocking adventures did not end well
My GPU clock is 1700MHz. People claim to get 2000.
I might need a water or hybrid cooler for that. Water cooling is an issue. My mini mobo doesn't have another fan plug.
The search for the last few % performance is all good fun if you have nothing better to do
I'd have to get a splitter or something.
@JohnRennie I do have better things to do, but I spent a shitload on this. I want it to work correctly.
It is working correctly.
Because some people commit the equivalent of steroid abuse doesn't mean there's anythong wrong with your system
@JohnRennie the only thing I need to make this a real work computer is a second monitor
Do you really want to use it as a work computer though? Compared to your Mac it's big and noisy (and running the wrong OS). Wouldn't it be better to get a second monitor for the Mac?
@JohnRennie Uh, I can plug these monitors into my laptop.
The laptop can run 4 monitors.
Yes, a friend of mine who is a developer uses a Mac laptop (don't know which one) with lots of monitors attached.
And it works very well.
Why does everyone say computers are noisy?
This thing isn't any louder than my AC.
I guess it depends on what you consider acceptable. At the moment the noisiest thing where I'm sitting is a blackbird singing in my garden.
@JohnRennie The train 2 miles from my house is louder than this computer.
Also it's about to be light
I should force myself to sleep
That's pretty good then. Most of the gaming machines I've seen have had quite intrusive fan noise.
@JohnRennie For one, my case only has one fan
It's a small form factor
Also, the loud part is the GPU fan. Whenever that's running I have my headphones on, so...
Fair enough then. The gaming machine will certainly be ideal for doing big calculations.
@ACuriousMind What are you doing here
Apparently, wandering into chat to be interrogated why I'm wandering into it :P
@ACuriousMind I'm trying the vampiric lifestyle for a day
Well, I've been trying to cut down on it. So far, it's working, I rise before noon :P
@0celoñe7 Any particular reason? Too busy with gaming to sleep? ;)
@ACuriousMind I was at work for 16 hours. Came home and wasn't tired. All of a sudden it was 4am
Then I talked to JR. Here we are
I worked on the Blood and Wine main quest. Also got Wolven Grandmaster armor
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Well, I get 4 hours of sleep. Not asked. Just saying. :P
Wow! 4 hours isn't much @Sid
@0celoñe7 Ah, you managed to scrap together enough money to get a grandmaster set?
I went for the Griffin one since I played through the expansions with a build focused on Igni and Yrden
@ACuriousMind I didn't need that much money. Maybe 16,000.
No money problems anymore?
I only had to buy one enhanced plate
Enriched plate
@ACuriousMind Nah, I didn't spend money since I got the Master Armor
Also I farmed this one huge bandit camp that kept respawning
@ACuriousMind I have burning at 100 now
Ok I've got to sleep now. Cheers
g'night (or g'morning, I guess)
Cya. @0celoñe7
What's the best CPU for number crunching? Like running bigass N-body simulations in Fortran type stuff
@MetaPhysic99 there is no single best CPU
A friend of mine does finite element calculations for modelling reactor cooling systems and his workstation has twin 20 core Xeons. That works well because the finite element calculations are easily parallised.
With calculations that aren't easily parallelised you'd be better using a CPU with fewer cores but a higher core speed.
Wow, just saying "twin 20 core xeons" out loud sounds pretty cool. Also, when encountering discussions on numerical simulations and parallelizable code, I've always wondered, is it "parallized" or "parallelized" and is the spelling with a "z" or an "s"? hmm
"s" if you're on the East side of the Atlantic and "z" if you're on the West side :-)
If you're in the United States or work for Oxford University, "parallelized".
Anywhere else in the English speaking world, "parallelised".
Yes, typically 's' is the Brit way to spell it
Definitely not "parallized" - it sounds too much like "paralysed".
Physics prof telling a grad student to "paralyze" some code
Since I am on neither side of the Atlantic, I can't apply John's algorithm.
@DawoodibnKareem I choose to interpret that to mean you're currently in space.
That means you're on the top side of the Atlantic. Still a side.
> This question just popping in my mind badly
What's John's algorithm?
Sometimes I wonder about the colorful formulations people come up with to say "I have a question" :P
@MetaPhysic99 The algorithm outlined in Professor Rennie's most recent comment.
And the Oxford people would all disagree with him - they prefer the Z spelling in all of their publications, including their dictionaries.
I think I fixed the collision issue
Well, to some degree
@Slereah Site doesn't load for me, network timeout
Nor for me.
Nor for me (says John keen not to be left out)
Works here
now it works here, too
the default orbit has some precession
Oh I know why it didn't work for you
My server's connection had some trouble at home
Also, I think collision is still broken - if you just let two balls collide they shoot off each other with much more velocity than momentum conservation would all
Whoops, I managed to send all the bodies out into space. It looks like I'll have to restart it. Damned hyperbolic paths.
Yeah random masses tends to fuck everything up
@ACuriousMind yeah, but it's less bad than before
I'm not sure what the issue is
The previous issue is that the computation of the force on each mass wasn't independant
You mean momentum conservation is not as blatantly violated? :P
Those masses need some opiate.
@ACuriousMind Well momentum is conserved now, it's energy that isn't
Also, these masses seem to have a weird penchant for hitting each other
Almost every click of "random" produces a collision
Cool, I got it to draw a double helix.
@ACuriousMind Such is randomness
Oh no my orbit is perturbed
Also, the speed setting seems to be broken - when I set speed to 0x and add a mass, then it still moves
Yeah I need to make the pause button work
@Slereah Nice to see you using the Internet for its original purpose.
Orbits are a fragile thing
@heather yeah, you're looking for temporal coherence there
and yeah, a Mach-Zehnder or a Michelson-Morley configurations are the clearest ways to test for that
but I should point out that optical coherence gets very tricky once you get down to the quantum optical regime
like, Nobel-prize-worthy tricky
Roy Glauber's Nobel lecture is probably a good intro to the topic
(and actually: Nobel-prize lectures tend to be good reads in general)
Feynman's is fun
Not too many of his contemporaries like him.
I wonder why people voted to leave this open
it is literally the same question

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