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@0celo7 french for teacher
2 hours later…
@0celo7 For the record: no. Definitely not in an answer. In chat, the constraints are looser but it would be frowned upon.
@EmilioPisanty Actually, I think I understand what he/she is getting at. But I had to read the question multiple times. Now that's several minutes of my life I'll never get back.
1 hour later…
I have to confess something.
I run physics Stack Exchange from a hidden computer center buried underneath the butterfly preserve in Goleta.
3 hours later…
@JohnR: Morning! :-)
Just out of curiousity, is Sunday treated as a special day in India?
Erm, no, not really...
None of the adults go to work so they are later than usual to wake but nothing else, no...
Why do u ask?
Well I'm sitting here at my desk, on Sunday morning, and it's very quiet because everyone is still asleep. The shops don't open until mid-morning so there's no real reason to get up.
Historically Sunday was the day of rest that God took after spending six days creating the world, so Christians are supposed to rest too.
Ah, right, right.
@JohnRennie :-( But you do have work, don't you?
It occured to me to wonder how Sunday was treated in a non-Christian society.
Sunday is a holiday in most parts of the world, I believe.
@Kaumudi.H Not really. I have been doing some work, but only because there isn't a lot else to do at 5 a.m. on a Sunday :-)
@JohnRennie why did you get Ron Maimon banned?
Hang on, don't u usually have work on Sunday like any other day?
@0celo7 Me?
I was one of his fans. Somewhere in the SE archives is a post from me arguing that he not be banned.
August 8 2026?!?! Wow, can users be banned for up to 9 years?!
@Kaumudi.H I'm not contracted to work on Sundays. I usually do because it makes my life easier to spot any problems before the Monday rush starts.
@Kaumudi.H it's a long story.
@JohnRennie Oh, wow, I see.
@0celo7 that was inappropriate
@DavidZ I'm just curious how that perception came to be. If indeed Ryan is serious, which isn't necessarily the case :-)
@Kaumudi.H actually I found a major problem, and it was with one if our own servers!!
Someone said that the consigliere did it
@JohnRennie interesting
be humble
@DavidZ oops 🙈🤷🏻‍♂️
@JohnRennie Haha OK :-) Doesn't coffee help a bit?
@0celo7 during one of the elections Ron repeatedly badmouthed one of the candidates and ignored requests to stop. That was the beginning of the end.
@Kaumudi.H No, coffee doesn't help fix servers :-)
@JohnRennie which candidate?
does it matter?
And why would you defend that? Doesn't seem like a nice thing to do on his part
@Justwinbaby yes
@0celo7 I can't remember who it was, but the silly thing is that the person he was slagging obviously wasn't going to be elected anyway. So Ron got himself banned for no reason.
@0celo7 I wasn't defending his action. I was objecting to the length of the ban.
@JohnRennie :-)
Just out of curiosity, why was he banned for 9 years?
@Justwinbaby It's inappropriate to imply that someone (JR) did something (get Ron suspended) which you have no way of knowing that they actually did. Kind of a general principle, but especially when it comes to discussing suspensions.
@Kaumudi.H we had an iSCSI server unexpectedly reboot. That caused one of our Hyper-V servers to disconnect its iSCSI volume, and that caused one of the virtual servers on the HV server to lose it's D: and E: drives.
I had to remount the volumes then chkdsk everything to make sure there had been no damage to the file system. As it happens everything was OK so no real harm done.
But I shall be having words with the network manager at the office to find out why the iSCSI server was allowed to restart.
Oh, uhhh, wow, I see...
I did wonder what had happened to Ron. It used to be quite fun, counting how many sentences through one of his posts I could get before realising who the author was.
@Kaumudi.H Any multi-year suspension comes from SE directly, and it typically has to do with activity on multiple sites.
Oh, I see...
@DawoodibnKareem He was a remarkable contributor. I don't think he had any formal science training, but still managed to educate himself to a level far above anything I will ever attain.
He had an undergrad degree from Harvard
Remarkable, certainly. He was certainly capable of making a person think.
I learned a lot from Ron Maimon's posts, though he had his blind spots. As I recall he was convinced that Pons and Fleischmann's measurements of cold fusion were real.
Damn, why do I so often use the same adverb in successive sentences!
@DawoodibnKareem lack of intelligence?
@0celo7 Ah, OK. His knowledge was far above undergraduate level though.
@0celo7 Do you really want to go there with me?
What's that supposed to mean?
@JohnRennie he certainly said some odd things
Is certainly an adverb? Actually I'm not sure how to categorise the word.
His style of writing and exposition was not...standard?
@JohnRennie Yes.
He has a multi page rant on index notation
@DawoodibnKareem ah yes, the OED agrees with you! :-)
@JohnRennie I've always suspected it was a fairly reputable publication.
@0celo7: As I recall, a couple of mod elections back one of the candidates was a mod from the Skeptics SE.
The Skeptics SE has a rule that all answers must be backed up by references, which makes sense otherwise the whole thing just becomes people shouting their opinions.
However Ron felt that his statements didn't need backing up because he was an authority. This attitude got him in trouble, though I don't know exactly in what way.
Wonder what he's like irl
Anyhow, when the mod from Skeptics stood for the PSE election Ron ripped into him big time. For that he got banned by the community mods, and he was so annoyed at that that he then deliberately got himself banned on all the SEs.
He has made it very clear that he thinks the whole SE organisation is despicable and wants nothing more to do with it.
Sounds like a man after my own heart
I'm just here for the mathjax
The whole thing was silly because the Skeptics mod clearly wasn't going to be elected as a PSE mod, so Ron got himself banned for no reason. It was one of those lose/lose situations.
It was silly when he declared himself an authority despite not having a PhD
I assume he thinks academia is despicable too?
The Skeptics SE has that rule for very good reasons, because otherwise it would just degenerate into a shouting match. But Ron couldn't see that.
But sometimes people are actually the sources
@0celo7 don't know. He was active on Physics Overflow, but then there was some bust up there as well and I think he left that as well.
My dad edits wiki articles about Vietnam, his source being that he was there
I'm not sure how we works it
I don't know exactly what happened on the Physics Overflow but a number of the mods either left or were pushed.
Maybe it's a sign of the end times
Also it's 3am
I should probably go to sleep...cheerio
@Kaumudi.H Hmm, I'm out of coffee :-)
God, I can't sleep. It's too hot in here and the AC's not working...
@SirCumference it has suddenly got a lot cooler in the UK. 18ºC right now. I've had to put on a sweat shirt.
@JohnRennie I'd take it over this. It's like 30°C right now. :(
At 3 a.m.? Wow.
Summer is brutal
@SirCumference Yeah, no kidding.
@JohnRennie :-( And I'm too lazy to make myself a cup.
YES, I've managed to find more movies to watch on Netflix!
Good grief. Now I've found a server with a failed disk. What is it with Sunday morning?!!
:-( Good luck...
@Kaumudi.H Did you sort the subtitles?
@Kaumudi.H S'OK - it's not my problem :-)
...because of which I have resorted to watching some more Netflix.
@Kaumudi.H That really sounds like an action of last resort.
Not really. Incidentally, I happened to find some good ones: The Truman Show, The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, Good Will Hunting...
I think I enjoyed reading The Godfather more than I enjoyed the movie.
Good Will Hunting is a great movie. I haven't seen the other two you mentioned.
@DavidZ thanks for the policy clarification
@Justwinbaby are you Ron Maimon?
In the past hour, one of the maths user seemed to get possessed by this and terrorise the maths chat room by posing as Judge Judy
the result is a collective WTF for all maths users
It has only minimal physics content, but if anyone is interested this is quite a poignant documentary about some retired British astronomers.
I met Donald Lynden-Bell (briefly) when I was at Cambridge.
His wife worked in the same department (Chemistry) where I did my PhD.
@JohnRennie did you talk to the wife
@Kenshin Occasionally, but she was in the theoretical chemistry department while I was in physical chemistry, so our paths didn't cross that often.
BBC iPlayer only works in the UK. Sorry, it’s due to rights issues.
Yes, though if anyone was desperate to see the programme this could be arranged :-)
1 hour later…
Q: 1) Why might providing contact information be considered spam? and 2) Are moderators justified in such an approach?

Stephen ElliottMy (now changed) answer to the question,"Why is $PV^γ$ constant in an adiabatic process?" received the following comment: 1. You do not need to "archive" the question in your answer, that's what the revision history is for. 2. Suggesting people contact you at your website in an answer is inapp...

2 hours later…
@0celo7 why?
Is there a general mathematical notion for a configuration space?
What kind of mathematical object would cover classical phase space, field configuration spaces and Hilbert spaces
question is relating to entropy pretty much
what object can I define entropy on that would cover all of these
I'm guessing it would probably be at least a vector space with some measure on it
@Slereah If you want entropy, it sounds as if you are asking for a probability space.
@Slereah Phase space is not a vector space.
So just a set with a measure?
ie a probability space indeed
@Slereah Yep.
Good enough I guess
Caveat, though: Quantum statistical mechanics does not take place in a standard probability space
Yeah that I know
You'll want a "non-commutative" notion of probability for that
Kolmogorov versus non-kolmogorov probability
Why is there an automatic "nobody is allowed to talk about this" gag order put in place when anybody is suspected? Personally, I think it's a lot like sweeping the problem "under the rug" and trying to pretend that nothing happened and nobody should find out about it @DavidZ
One thing I always wonder is, can you have statistical mechanics without the assumption of phase space volumes?
Like if you don't have the minimal volume $\delta x \delta p \approx \hbar$
Do calculations still make sense
in a purely classical stat mech thing
@Slereah Not really, since you're dividing by that volume a lot :P
I never quite got what the deep argument for the ultraviolet catastrophe was
Because it seems unlikely that a classical system would radiate away infinite energy
Since it still has energy conservation
Uh, that's precisely why the catastrophe is a problem?
Not sure what your issue is
Well yes but why does it happen
Is it fundamental to the classicalness of the system or just the approximations used?
If you solved the system entirely classically, there wouldn't be any such infinite radiation, no?
it would just be a system of classical charges
Well, go and look at the derivation of the Rayleigh-Jeans law.
I don't think any approximations beyond the existence of a perfect blackbody go into it, really
it probably just comes down to you're not allowed to divide by zero :P
You can take a volume and then take the limit to zero
I guess I should look up the derivation
Q: Is a moderator's Approach to Delete the Answer Provided When No Comment Was Possible Consistent with a Metrocracy or Hypocracy?

Stephen ElliottI found the Physics Meta article How to deal with negative responses on SE due to personal grudge? interesting, because it brought to light the phenomenon where some members of the community are privileged and they use that privilege to harm other users in the community. 1) In some cases, the h...

::makes meta popcorn::
what's the difference between "meta" and "chatroom" popcorn?
(just some kernels to ponder)
I guess the issue I have is
If I consider a system of two point charges
Their radiations are perfectly well defined
Same with $n+1$ point charges
why is there an issue if I take a very large $N$
@Slereah Sounds like every other "issue" with statistical mechancs to me (e.g. "the laws of physics are time-symmetric for $N$ particles, why is the second law time-asymmetric?")
That is, unless you have a satisfying answer to Loschimdt's paradox, you shouldn't expect one for your issue, either.
I don't mind entropy issues so much?
I roughly understand that
Entropy is related to incompleteness of information and that issue goes away if you have the exact microstate
On the other hand infinite radiation isn't at all an issue of description of the system
Q: How Contact Heather to Get Help for "What Ionization Does Classical Physics Predict With the Two Moving Rings of Charge Model for Helium-Like Ions?"

Stephen Elliott בס''ד I was receiving some help from a middle school student Heather to get my question, "What Ionization Does Classical Physics Predict With the Two Moving Rings of Charge Model for Helium-Like Ion...

Is the issue maybe related to the divergence issues of classical electrodynamics?
I guess if you have to consider every configuration possible, you must consider charges arbitrarily close to each other
which does have infinite energy
but of course that would be assuming point particles, with softer distributions that problem goes away
@Slereah Look at the derivation of the R-J law: All you need is: 1. Number of standing modes in a cavity. 2. Equipartition.
Lemme get my stat mech book
The flaw in the R-J law is not anything specific to electromagnetics, it's the assumption that each frequency has a continuous spectrum of energy modes associated with it.
Is that problem common to every classical statistical mechanics system, though?
Because the R-J setup is fairly specific
Is it a problem that pops up if I try to solve any Liouville equations of classical systems
Physique Statistique, by Christian Ngô and Hélène Ngô
Possibly husband and wife team of statistical mechanicians
I don't think it has anything to do with Liouvill equations
We're not solving any equations of motion here to begin with
We had a really nice stat mech "book" back in school, which was just xeroxed copies of the first few chapters
But I don't have them anymore and I don't know what book it was from
Too bad
Well, we are solving the electromagetic ones to get the number of modes, but the assumptions that are crucial to the catastrophe do not strike me as "electromagnetic" in nature: The crucial assumption is that each frequency obeys the continuous energy distribution $\exp(-E/kT)$ instead of the discrete distribution $\exp(-n \hbar \omega/ kT)$
That's literally the only thing you need to change to get Planck's law instead of the R-J law
Is that assumption well motivated in classical mechanics, though?
Well, classically, there is no reason to assume that standing waves of specific frequency can not have continuous energy, so I'd say yes.
I wonder if the problem would go away with a cutoff point to the energy of individual particles
There are no individual particles
We're just solving the wave equation.
I don't know what you are thinking, but I think you have a very different idea of how the R-J law is arrived at from what one actually does
It has been a while
I guess I imagined more of a Liouville equation thing as a basis
Classical system of equation, cut off some of the more complex interaction terms, etc
Not at all :P
then you get some statistical ensemble
Is there an ultraviolet divergence for the Liouville approach though, if we use classical mechanics?
I don't understand how your "Liouville approach" is supposed to yield a spectral energy density to begin with
I don't know the exact details of how you'd do it, but generally just solving the Maxwell equations for a large number of particles
Consider $N$ Lorentz equations and the Maxwell equations of all those sources
I have no idea how one would go about doing anything useful with that
$$\ddot{\vec{x}}_i = \frac{e}{m} (\vec{E} + \dot{\vec{x}} \times \vec{B}) $$
$$\Box A = \sum_i e \dot x_i$$
Something like that
With some approximations to make it more tractable
I know what equations you're talking about :P I just don't see how you would extract any sort of information about a blackbody from that
Well just
If we considered that equation
Empty universe filled with a particle fluid like that
Should we expect any bad divergences
@Slereah Sometimes. "Moduli spaces" is one thing.
It feels weird reading french physics now
you have been assimilated :P
@Slereah is now finally French
what was he before?
Old photo of me
is general de gaulle still admired
He's not entirely uncontroversial but he is probably more popular than most politicians
@Slereah By Toutatis! This is you?
it is!
I like Asterix a lot but my all time classic remains Tintin
Belgian yo
A classic tale
Tintin in Congo is good
I like In The Land of Soviets more
@BalarkaSen I trust that's an ironic statement ...
For some reason Akademiks thinks Big Sean is one of the Greats of the generation
Fantano thinks he's trash
I believe in Fantano
@JohnRennie Well the first two were the crudest Tintin
but still a cult classic
@BalarkaSen I think the blatant racism is more of an issue than whether it's "crude" or not.
Yes, I know.
what's Tintin?
a lot of the tintins contain controversial elements. there is racism present in the penultimate tintin, too, say.
@BalarkaSen Blatant racism \ne good
I do not refute entirety of works based on racist material, I just disagree with the racist material. This is like Chinua Achebe dissing Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
Every time I come around you guys are talking about weirder and weirder shit
@BalarkaSen Well, but certainly you see how it comes across when you say "Tintin in Congo is good" without qualifying that statement, right?
Because that certainly sounds as if you approve of the entirety of the work.
Tintin in Congo is great
Well, what do you want me to say? I can't say it's bad, because I like the work.
What's wrong with it?
I just clarified I do not approve of the racism.
wtf are you people talking about
@0celo7 ACM is angry because a belgian cartoon character was racist in one book Balarka likes
Which I like too
what book
I've never heard of this
Tintin in Congo
You don't know about Tintin?
why would I?
Bloody Americans
try Tintin in America
@BalarkaSen Eh, I don't want to you say it's bad. But I think in such cases some upfront acknowledgement of a major issue with a work is necessary to avoid seeming unaware of or unconcerned with it.
@BalarkaSen I have not heard of "Tintin," period.
Damn millenials!
@BernardoMeurer Our colors don't run.
@ACuriousMind Is it bad if one is unaware?
@0celo7 Not really if by some miracle one genuinely is unaware.
ignorance is not an excuse :P
@ACuriousMind That's fair, but to be honest I did not feel the need to add my views on the racism present in the book when replying to Slereah. Since you and JR felt the need that I should, there you go: I do not approve of the racist elements in the book. I also think Herge intentionally put it in to be a mockery of the racism of Europeans, but it is true that it can potentially be perceived as propagating racism.
oh no that wasn't a joke
That was what he used to believe
He used to have a very naive picture of Africa
He started to really learn about foreign cultures when he wrote le lotus bleu
though still a tad racist
Blue Lotus does correctly describe the Japanese attitude towards Chinese people (at that time), I think?
What on Earth are you people talking about?
I didn't feel it was racist at all.
@Slereah Is that a mustache suspended from the edge of the nose?
The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin; [lez‿avɑ̃tyʁ də tɛ̃tɛ̃]) is a series of 24 comic albums created by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, who wrote under the pen name Hergé. The series was one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century. By 2007, a century after Hergé's birth in 1907, Tintin had been published in more than 70 languages with sales of more than 200 million copies. The series first appeared in French on 10 January 1929 in Le Petit Vingtième (The Little Twentieth), a youth supplement to the Belgian newspaper Le Vingtième Siècle (The Twentieth Century...
does this dude have a different name in German
@BalarkaSen A bit of googling suggests Herge later called the book a "sin of his youth", so apparently no subversion is intended.
Tim und Struppi
Hergé used to write for a catholic youth journal
@ACuriousMind Hm.
He did not hang out with the most progressive people
I don't think I was allowed to watch those
Good parents.
@Justwinbaby Maybe. Our religion doesn't look upon cartoons favorably.
cartoons are the best way to propagate propaganda
hence the conflict with religion
@0celo7 are you from an amish household
@JohnR: Hey, u did eventually get ur old bicycle repaired, didn't you?
@Kaumudi.H I did yes.
Ah, that's nice :-)
I'm still riding it.
That's great!
Since you're here, I finally got round to cooking thsoe frozen parathas.
Picture incoming ...
Ooh. What'd u have 'em with?
@JohnRennie Always a pleasure :-)
Looks great! :-) I see you had them with chole.
I filled them with two different types of dahl and chole
Ah, I see.
Well, I'm about to make a vegetable cheese sandwich. Any suggestions?
@Kaumudi.H Cheese, onion, tomato and garlic. Toasted!
...I don't have garlic :-/
Hmm, but I do have some pizza sauce left!
@Kaumudi.H :: John reels back in shock and horror ::
(I'm not a vampire; my parents detest the taste of garlic and to some extent, so do I)
@Kaumudi.H :: the second blow proves too much and John falls back insensible ::
@JohnRennie fresh garlic?
I have to rigorously listen to Talking Heads, this is amazing.
that's not easy to get
@0celo7 every supermarket stocks fresh garlic in the UK ...
@BalarkaSen Hello there, tumbleweed listening to Talking Heads.
@JohnRennie doesn't mean everyone has it in their house
I don't have any fresh
@JohnRennie :-/ ::Shakes the life back into you:: Sorry?
@Kaumudi Hi.
@0celo7 I keep some frozen garlic in case of dire emergencies like a vampire apocalypse or feeling hungry.
Hang on hang on, you eat pieces of garlic if you're hungry?! Wtf!
@Kaumudi.H no, not even I would eat raw garlic neat :-)
But everything tastes better with garlic.
@JohnRennie Hmm
I might be by a store later, what does one do with fresh garlic
@JohnRennie ...guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
> what does one do with fresh garlic
Good question! And I have no idea so tell us @JohnR.
Say I wanted some garlic on my chicken breast
Put it in risottos, pizzas, pasta sauces, or with pasta and just butter. In stews. On toast with butter. The list goes on and on.
Do I have to marinate it or something fancy?
I'd probably just crush it and saute it in butter then add cream and pour the sauce over the cooked chicken.
But I'm a rubbish chef so believe me at your peril. That nice Mr Google is probably a more reliable source.
I made like 5 pouds of pasta accidentally so I'm stuck with that for a while

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