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@JohnRennie I don't really know what rankings are and aren't reputable :P I don't even know what rankings there are outside of QS and the Times one :P Yep. Better than that other place :)
is this chatroom for asking questions too? or not?
Yeah, you can ask questions
can any one help me find out what makes electrical current exist? when every thing is in equilibrium position why would electrons move from one side to the other side?
is there always an electrical field that causes the electrical current?
Electric current is there precisely because of an inequilibrium, that is, the presence of a potential difference.
another question, i read s.where that electrons are moving from one side to the other but the number of the ones going form left to right is same as the number of the ones moving from right to left, so if we count them all the avg is zero, is that so ? why would they even move?
@Avantgarde i see... so what causes the inequilibrium?
Electrons move (in a metal) because the energy gap between valence band and conduction band is small enough to be bridged easily. So the electrons leave the confines of their parent atoms and roam around.
Anything can cause an inequilibrium. That depends on the situation. For example, you can put a battery by hand. That creates a potential difference
@parvin "so if we count them all the avg is zero"....that's certainly wrong....
Where did you read that?
Whichever way a potential difference is created, it will create a non-zero electric field. If any charged particles happen to be lying in the vicinity of that electric field, the field imparts a non-zero force on the particles.
Do you mean in a conductor where current is 0?
I assume that's what he means yeah
I see...hmm
He's confused about why electrons in a conductor move in the absence of an electric field.
@Avantgarde Oh, I guess the band theory would be a good explanation for that. I had a good video on that topic...lemme find
"about why electrons in a conductor move in the absence of an electric field"
ok u say they don't?
Can this be used to calculate Kretschmann and is it easy to derive (vaguely seen things like this and skipped them) physics.stackexchange.com/a/198111/25851
Potentially could make that nightmare very easy to work out
@parvin They do. Just that in the absence of a potential difference, there is no net flow of electric charge in any one direction.
@Blue thank you.
@parvin Watch the videos from 1 to 7 here
thank you
You will realize that in metals the valence bands and the conduction band overlap
So the electrons can move around freely
When the current flowing is 0 even then the electrons move around but the net flow is 0.
(Tip: Switch to Global accent if you can't follow the Indian accent in the videos)
@parvin As an analogue you can think of two isotonic solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane. The solvent molecules flow in both directions but the net flow is 0.
@bolbteppa It's simpler when conformal flatness holds, else you will have to include the contracted Weyl tensors' contribution as well. Kretschmann scalars ($K$) are computationally laborious to find. Even if you have $R_{\mu \nu}$ in an expression for $K$, you will first need to know what those Ricci tensors are. To know your Ricci tensors, you will need the Riemann tensors (not all, but still)
But why calculate it by hand?
That's terrible lol
Yeah it's absolutely terrible if you try it directly, but can you use that idea on Schwarzschild to get the $48/r^6$ or whatever it is? If so using the last equation is an honest derivation if you derive it
It's a nightmare no matter what
There's no escape. It's a black hole of indices
MTW have what seems like the quickest way to get it using forms and it is huge
I can imagine. MTW is a blue whale. I haven't read it though
@JohnRennie I cannot believe I am saying this
But I need your help with
Windows programming
@BernardoMeurer Something very wrong must have happened there.
@BernardoMeurer Sorry for being predictable, but it's got to be asked: who are you and what have you done with the real Bernardo?
He's the Bernardo from West Side Story
Look, it's not my fault
touch doesn't work well with exfat
and it's doing crazy shit
I wrote a C code to try and use the stat syscall directly but that didn't work
Which means this must be something evil
Exposing yourself to Windows is around 10 nanosieverts per hour. If you dose your usage well, it won't incur major damage.
But be quick.
::dramatically dons hazmat suit::
MS Dos ftw
@Bernardo As I see it, there are two alternatives: either you use Windows, or you read the exFAT specs and hack something together. I don't know how time-consuming the latter option could be, though.
I doubt exFAT docs are any good
I am using Windows on a VM
Fuck I was doing so good
@JaimeGallego but the exposure effect is cumulative over your lifetime and, if repeated, will eventually be fatal.
I should probably be running windows on a VM inside a VM just to be sure
Do like the Jews on Saturday and hire someone else to press the buttons.
No money for that
@JaimeGallego Paying someone money is prohibited on Saturday :P
I'm having a problem with TeXWorks
I'm spinning my head trying to figure out how to use VMware fusion
@SirCumference Don't
use VirtualBox
VMWare is malware
@BernardoMeurer bull
Way more people use VMWare than VB
The new versions of TeXWorks uses Qt 5.x . This version of Qt introduced a new bug that prevents a half space (important in Persian typesetting) to be used
I have to compile it myself using Qt 4
@JaimeGallego wtf dude...
@SirCumference Way more people don't know what continuity is than do
That's no argument for worth of software
@SirCumference "Spinning my head"
@BernardoMeurer Just 'cause one app might not be good doesn't make it malware :P
@JaimeGallego yeah i get it but...
But have never compiled (a similar software with many dependencies) on Windows before
omg Jaime such horror
The demon was rocking to Ke$ha's round round song while turning her head
@BernardoMeurer Ok ok, why do you like VB more?
Someone flagged that
Just so you know
@AkivaWeinberger The GIF?
@SirCumference It's Free Software (GPLv2)
@BernardoMeurer Probably free 'cause it's not worth money...
@SirCumference Also, I tried VMWare once and found it to be a nightmare
VBox just works
@SirCumference Dude, VBox is developed by Oracle
I'm going to go read
Ok jeez
I just asked a question
@BernardoMeurer Well, you're also against userscripts for some reason
Okay, I am sorry
That was uncalled for
It is warm, I get angry
@SirCumference I'm against non-free userscripts
@BernardoMeurer Mine was free, and you wouldn't try it...
Point is, give VBox a try
@SirCumference No it wasn't, you didn't license it under GPL or a compatible license AFAIK
@BernardoMeurer Dude, I'm not charging you
I gave you the link
That's not libre
That's gratis
I'm talking about free as in Freedom
Not as in gratis
@BernardoMeurer Oh, yeah no
Why do you care tho?
Sum it up?
Because it is important to me that software respects it's users, and the only way I see of that happening is through Free software
Ok, that's you
Yes, I am me
Though that doesn't make VMWare malware...
Yes, because my definition of Malware is software that works against the interests of it's users
Which non-free does
Malware is meant to damage a computer
No malware damages the computer AFAIK
@BernardoMeurer look if you don't help me with this i will lose my job
lol why is he banned
oh wow
Someone flagged him saying "fuck you"
Even though it wasn't directed to anyone but me...
it wasn't me
if that makes you feel better
People here need to loosen up
not going to happen
the mods are under a lot of pressure to keep this chat clean
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the users who is always in the chat but never says anything is a bot
I need a song recommendation
Something good while I program
Tangerine Dream is good
Or a good soundtrack, like Interstellar's
Pretty much anything without vocals and not too loud
I've been listening to soft rock
Quieter lyrics are often fine
@SirCumference Try Death Grips
Sounds like heavy metal...
it belongs to a realm where musical terminologies do not apply
maybe it's progressive dance pop

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