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@Kenshin How is it racist for someone to be German on their father's side?
2 hours later…
Q: Relativistic Mass and Gravity

Joe SmithDoes relativistic mass affect space time in the same way as rest mass? To my understanding, (as I am not an actual physicist, but simply a citizen scientist) relativistic mass is really the measure of an object's energy. It is not the same as rest mass, which is the definition of mass that a ...

Surely a dupe, right?
@DawoodibnKareem I never said it was racist
but it is racist to presume German's have particular unique attributes
@EmilioPisanty Possibly:
Q: Relativistic mass as seen by different observers

spraffImagine there are two observers $A$ and $B$ and a particle $P$. $A$ and $B$ are at about the same point, $P$ is some distance away. From $A$'s point of view, $P$ has velocity $V$ and $B$ has velocity $-V$. P----> A <----B Suppose $A$ and $B$ have the same rest mass ...

I'm a little reluctant to dupehammer it as I think it is a good question and I've never seen a really good answer. My own attempts at answers are too vague to be really convincing.
Hi, everyone :-)
@JohnRennie Wanna see those pictures now? :-)
Go on then :-)
...in the interest of not spamming this place with 10 photos of food, I'll send them via Gchat.
:: John hurries over to Gchat ::
@Kaumudi.H Gee you're no fun. I was thinking this was the perfect room for food photos.
:-P There are too many...
There must be some kind of happy medium between zero and too many.
3, perhaps?
There :-P
@JohnRennie That seems to me like a completely different question from the one Emilio mentioned.
@Kaumudi.H That looks yum!
And it was! :-)
@DawoodibnKareem both questions address the question of whether relativistic mass gravitates i.e. since the relativistic mass increases with speed does that mean the gravitational force increases with speed.
What's that last food item?
@Sid Fried spinach and corn.
Spinach?.... Not my favorite thing out there.
It tasted great!
Humph, Spinach sucks unless you are popeye.
@Sid to be fair spinach is frequently badly cooked so it turns into a gelatinous green goo that appeals to no-one!
It can be very nice if cooked well.
The picture K posted looks as if it has been cooked to it remains crisp.
@JohnRennie Indeed, it was. It almost fell completely apart in our hands.
@Kaumudi.H: you have to choose your course before the rankings are published? That seems odd.
@JohnRennie Well, no, it's just that I'm not gonna have any time to select my course after they're published because I've gotta start applying right away.
@Kaumudi.H There has to be information on the MEC courses somewhere. They can't expect students to apply without any idea what they're applying for.
@Kaumudi.H: you've presumably seen this, although it's pretty vague.
Actually that looks like an interesting course. What were the other courses you were considering?
@Sid Actually, I have loads of delicious spinach recipes. It sucks by itself, but there are so many interesting and wonderful things you can do with spinach, with a bit of creativity.
@JohnRennie I have, yes, and it does, yes.
The other two courses I am considering are electrical and electronics.
@JohnRennie What delighted me immensely was how the question culminated in "can this be explained with high-school maths?" and the first sentence of your answer contained "the Riemann curvature tensor is co-ordinate invariant".
@DawoodibnKareem so the answer is simply: NO :-)
I'll brb...
Actually I should have said covariant not invariant ...
@JohnRennie Whew. I was beginning to think you and I had gone to different high schools :-)
I need that pizza
I see.
wait. does that pizza have pineapple on it?!
@Avantgarde did you know that the inventor of the Hawaiian pizza died just a few days ago?
Q: How to deal with negative responses on SE due to personal grudge?

J. RahmanI recently encountered a SE user who, after I refused to mark his answer as accepted, downvoted my question, marked it as a duplicate (which is evidently not so) and deleted his own answer. How do we deal with such situations where judgements are passed based on a personal grudge? P.S. I am n...

@JohnRennie I did not. I've never tasted pineapple pizza. I'm willing to try it once though
pineapple pizza; oh no :|
I quite like pineapple on pizza as long as it's with something savoury like ham or bacon. The sharpness and sweetness of the pineapple works well with the ham.
I've never had a non-vegetarian pizza.
I haven't tried pizza in a long time.
I have no sense of taste. You could forget to put Salt in the food and I wouldn't know.
Is your tongue alright?
@Kaumudi.H Too many photos of good food is simply impossible :P
Well, I can distinguish sweet, sour, bitter
"If you have seen one complex, two-dimensional vector space, you have seen them all"
How blasé
Pretty good, but there's much more to that lol
In a way, I feel it's good that I have got no sense of taste. Will surely help me survive Ina dorm
what about life after that?
Can someone give me a review on Susskind's theoritical minimum (Classical Mechanics) book? Is it suitable for someone who knows basics Newtonian mechanics and calculus?
I've never read it
or maybe a little, but not enough to comment on it
Umm, anyone else?
@Avantgarde wouldn't make a difference. Simply praise the food that you get.
I'm finding Goldstein a bit difficult to follow (especially the language). It seems I need to know some things beforehand for Goldstein.
@Sid that's unusual. It's quite common to be able to taste only salt, sour, sweet and bitter (and umami) because the other tastes are really smell and lots of people have reduced ability to smell. In fact I have a very poor sense of smell, which is why I prefer very strong tastes.
But I haven't met anyone who could taste sour, sweet and bitter but not salt.
I could probably know Salty. But, if the guy forgot to add salt, I don't really realize it until someone else points it out.
@DawoodibnKareem Riemann curvature tensor is easy math
any 5 year old can understand what that means
@Secret I much prefer this:
make that a sphere
is this good enough?
btw are these beads?
The following is a slightly improved version, still look NOTHING like I want it to be
I mean, "Where's the awe, where's the drama, where's the particle wonder?"
I think I need a 3D rendering software to do this right
I still prefer the ones I uploaded as it's actual physics :) see e.g. youtube.com/watch?v=nmC0ygr08tE and yes, I do have a video of them walking :D
wait, so you are involved in the pilot wave oil droplet research?
Nope, we just decided to give it a try
I see
How are we making the droplets walk? Just want to know the mechanism.
One thing I am curious is whether the dynamics can produce something that is a classical analogue to entanglement, though I am not sure how we can violate bell inequality for something that seemed to have well defined trajectory
Take a speaker, put some sort of container on it. Put some silicon oil in the container and then spend several weeks messing with the frequency of the speaker until the oil droplets start doing interesting things :)
Oh, weird as hell
Interesting though
The actual physics mechanism is essentially that the droplets 'hit' the surface of the oil and create their own wave, which in turn propels the droplets along
@BalarkaSen It's incredible to watch
Yeah, I understand that
@Secret It's just a classical analogue for (quantum) pilot wave theory, so it doesn't show any actual quantum effects (except for a possible interpretation of wave-particle duality) - it is a good motivator for pilot-wave theory though
It still astonish me why condensed matter can produce many things that look just like all those crazy particle theories the particle physicists have been building and tried to find
It's as if condensed matter can produce any quasiparticle that can mimic any exotic particle we create models for
@Secret: any condensed matter system is basically a set of coupled simple harmonic oscillators. Any quantum field theory is basically a set of coupled simple harmonic oscillators :-)
It does seemed that the whole world is described in terms of coupled simple harmonic oscillators
@ACuriousMind Is there a specific way of writing 2D CFT theories
The coupling term is just zero
Is there anything to add to the KG lagrangian
I'm guessing it might restrict the potentials
For instance the mass being zero
@Secret It seems much more likely that we make everything fit the mold of the harmonic oscillator because it's one of the few systems we understand well - this does not mean it's somehow an inherent property of "the whole world".
@Slereah I'm not sure what you mean
What's the lagrangian for a 2D CFT
Is it just $\partial \phi^2$
Admittedly, my understanding of 2d CFT is not Lagrangian at all - you can develop CFT without reference to Lagrangian, and classify the minimal models purely in terms of their field content
You can't add a mass term, but are there potentials $V(\phi)$ that preserve the conformal invariance
I think the only Lagrangian theories I've seen are the free boson and the free fermion on various surfaces
But you get other CFTs, e.g. the continuum limit of the Ising model
That should have a non-free Lagrangian
I guess let's do free ones for now
Well, as I said, I'm not used to CFT from a Lagrangian perspective - the Virasoro algebra/conformal invariance is such a powerful tool that I don't really see what you need the Lagrangian for.
do u not recall Feynman's wisdom
You should be able to do something in several different ways
Frakking, frakking, fracketty frak. I have a video conference in half and hour and my laptop has decided that now is a good time to install the Windows Creator's Edition update.
@JohnRennie Surely one of your dozens of laptops will be able to handle a simple video call?
:-) I wanted to use my newest since it has the best webcam.
Eh, see it as an excuse to not have to do your makeup ;)
I think I'm OK, because even though there's no option to abort the upgrade I think it will pause at the end and ask me to click a button to restart.
I thought I'd selected the options to make feature upgrades on demand only, but obviously not.
Aha. It's just displayed a message saying click here to restart and complete the update. With less than 30 minutes to go? I think not!! :-)
@ACuriousMind because I start so early (5 a.m.) I normally tumble of out bed and put on yesterdays clothes, so crumpled clothes and bed hair makes me look like an unusually dishevelled tramp. I've actually showered and dressed in preparation for this video conference!
I did not realize "John got dressed" was a noteworthy event in your life! ;P
Speaking of which, I should get dressed :D
I don't change clothes. I have mine on from heaven knows when.
@BalarkaSen you dirty man
@BalarkaSen use deodorant. No one would realize how long it has been since you changed your clothes.
I don't care what others realize.
($\implies$ I don't use deodorants)
Way to perpetuate the stereotype
Do you also have a giant math beard
No, because I am not stereotypical. I stink, but I don't have math idiosyncrasy.
avant garde $\neq$ stereotype
Being smelly isn't being avant garde
People have been smelly for thousands of years
sure it is. the public consciousness of the postmodern age is to have stylish and attractive outer appearance
I strive to break that.
@BalarkaSen um ... must be a joke.
There are plenty of fashions breaking with that notion
You poseur
fancy cologne > deodorant
I will bet 5$ that none of those are popular trends.
Punk's not dead, as the saying goes
One should not identify me with the hippie culture either. I could write pages on our conflicting set of opinions, and point out how hippies have invaded the pop culture. My basic premise is to refute popular culture.
Look at mister contrarian
His whole identity based on not being
I am glad someone understands me.
I've been wearing the same outfit for basically 20 years really
During the warm days, T-shirt, denim jacket and jeans
Well, if it is warm, why would you wear a jacket?
If it's really warm I will tie it around my waist
@Avantgarde I noticed you were in Puzzling yesterday. Liked our site?
you could attach pockets to your T shirt
I'm no seamstress
@Sid I played spyfall, yes. I enjoyed it. I will be there again soon
Ah, spyfall. I suck at that game.
It was nice. I'll try other things in that SE too
I want a T-shirt with a face printed across it that resembles the face of Trotsky, menshevik Nikolayevsky and Uncle Sam's faces photoshopped together
crazy song coming up
@BalarkaSen Me I only want this sweater
Or perhaps Eminem's own Alf T-shirt
That's a good sweater
What is the correct word anyway
Quantized or quanticized
@Slereah What. Is. That.
I think it's one of those theory of everything that engineers come up with
Where the whole universe is made of nuts and bolts
Do we know if Motl approves of any quantum gravity outside of string theory
How much sense does semiclassical gravity make, anyway
The stress energy tensor has to be a function
but since it stems from an operator valued distribution, it's not guaranteed that it is one
Are there any case in QFT where the expectation value wouldn't be a function?
I totally understand that.
what happens to every student that lives in a dorm for more than ~2 years is explained quite good in this quote:
*”...And we forgot the taste of bread, the sound of trees, the softness of the wind...”*
(by Gollum(https://www.google.com/search?q=gollum))
Basically, this: (especailly if you live there for around 3 years or more)
So what is the chat session about
@Slereah @BernardoMeurer, I believe
My chat session is only later, no?
Is it after the normal one?
Yeah, my chat is at 1600 UTC, its only 1348 currently
Eh, I think it's at the same time as the normal one now that I think of it
Yeah, it is :P
I don't know, @vzn gave me the time
and DZ signed off on it
@Slereah He would probably say there is no QG outside of ST :p
If $A^{\mu} \mapsto A'^{\mu} = \frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}} A^{\nu}$
where the matrix $\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}}$ is an element of $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ admits tensor representations, we want to ask if the spin (projective) representations of $SO(D)$ come out of restrictions from $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$. Were we able to obtain operators in the spin representation by elements $\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}} \in GL(D,\mathbb{R})$, it would mean we could restrict the element corresponding to $x_1' = x_1 \cos(\theta) - x_1 \sin(\theta)$, $x_2' = x_1 \sin(\thet
\zeta_0 &= \pm \sqrt{\frac{x-iy}{2}} \\
\zeta_1 &= \pm \sqrt{ \frac{-x-iy}{2} }
where the components change sign after a rotation by $2 \pi$
\zeta_0' &= \pm \sqrt{\frac{x'-iy'}{2}} = \pm \sqrt{\frac{e^{i 2 \pi}(x-iy)}{2}} = \mp \sqrt{\frac{x-iy}{2}} \\
\zeta_1' &= \pm \sqrt{ \frac{-x'-iy'}{2} } = \mp \sqrt{ \frac{-x-iy}{2} }
showing that the $\frac{\partial x'^{\mu}}{\partial x^{\nu}} \in GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ must restrict to both $(\zeta_0,\zeta_1)$ and $(-\zeta_0,-\zeta_1)$, that is, the group of transformations $x_1' = x_
@ACuriousMind Are we killing him?
But of course here is the difficult part
@Slereah I believe we're just supposed to ask him stuff.
Oh is that another AMA
I prefered the first guy
First AMA was best
...that was you, wasn't it? :P
@Slereah what's the saying? First the worst? :P
The collection of matrices $\begin{bmatrix} a && b \\ c && d \end{bmatrix}$, where I chose $\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta) && -\sin(\theta) \\ \sin(\theta) && \cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix}$, is not supposed to admit faithful representations with a finite no. of variables, so the above is supposed to be a contradiction, but to show there are no faithful representations, section 75:

This avoids any homotopy etc
(To be clear, I wasn't actually there, so can't comment)
(This proof lets you see that you can't put spinors on curved manifolds)
Seems to be saying that $x' = \frac{a \tan(x) + b}{c \tan(x) + d}$ is a multi-valued function and the same $a,b,c,d$ map to $x'$ and $x\pm \pi$ etc but not fully clear how this proves the final part tbh
@bolbteppa As written, it's pretty unclear what is happening
@bolbteppa Either I don't understand what "putting spinors on curved manifolds" means, or that claim is just wrong.
Proving the theorem here:
Equivalently here, from GSW mathoverflow.net/questions/121620/…
But doing it brute force without homotopy tricks
@bolbteppa I don't know what notion of "spinor" that source uses, but the statement "you can't put spinors on curved manifolds" would be seen as wrong by the vast majority of mathematicians and physicists, that's precisely what spin structures/spinor bundles do.
only if you have a spin manifold, obviously
Sure - "spin manifolds" means you have a spin structure. The obstruction is the 2nd S-W class and not the manifold being curved, though.
you can always have a local section of the spin bundle
Apologies, yeah, you can't put spinors on manifolds that transform under general coordinate transforms $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ and need to modify your connection, but am trying to actually prove you can't just restrict from $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ down to spinor representations of $SO(D,\mathbb{R})$ as GSW claim
although you can still have pinors even if it's not a spin manifold
But pinors are weird
Summing up what I wrote above, it seems fair enough that if you could restrict from $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ down to spin representations, then even just considering the rotation $x' = x\cos(\theta)\dots$ should restrict down to spin representations, but by expressing the components of a spinor in terms of the $x,y,z = x_1,x_2,x_3$ coordinates you can explicitly see this is a double-valued relationship.
The final step (over the complex numbers, showing you can't have a multi-valued representation of $GL(D,\mathbb{R})$ using topological arguments, need to modify over the reals) seems to be showing you can't have a faithful representation, but this is the confusing part, and he proves it with this $\tan$ argument which is a bit crazy, any thoughts on that?
This argument does seem to be completely general and basically talking about the metaplectic group which is the double cover en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… but without high falutin' words
Okay, guys a question for you all. It's not intended to hurt anyone.
Is there an abbreviation for Jerk?
(Part of a puzzle)
@AccidentalFourierTransform Alright. (You just said Ask me Anything!) Why is this particular Fourier Transform an accident? :P
@AccidentalFourierTransform That's one xkcd I never got! What do the cat's periodic components refer to?
Even with that.
^ Didn't get that either!
I'm just too smart for this world!
Look. Any part of cat's body which oscillates in some rhythm will give you a component in the plot.
So, if the cats twitch their tails in some rhythm, assume it is SHM, single frequency and hence a spike somewhere in that graph.
But periodic equidistant spikes, each with decreasing amplitude, ...
I will strongly suggest to copy that graph, do a reverse fourier transform, and see what we will get
And also, I see two feet like features there.
Are cat's feet Gaussians?
@Secret lol
Or maybe I have a conspiracy theory.
@AccidentalFourierTransform is the FT of a cat.
Who is the most famous cat to grace this chatroom?
Jan 6 at 17:53, by AccidentalFourierTransform
user image
Is that a hint?
Wow that's a long long @Loong
@AccidentalFourierTransform That confuses me even more.
This is what you should have linked to:
Jan 6 at 17:58, by AccidentalFourierTransform
I just wasted a lot of time trying to find what the Fourier transform of a wavy cat looks like
I think I need to buy a new mobile phone
mine wont turn on
Ive had mine off for two days now
I wonder if someone had something important to tell me
oh well
Maybe charge it?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Did you really go through the trouble of reverse-transforming the cat?
of course I did
dont act like you dont know me
@BernardoMeurer Correction: reverse transforming the FT of a cat :P
@AccidentalFourierTransform This is why I like you
You get the struggle
How bad is our education, people taught us that IFT of FT retrieves the original function.
That doesn't look like a cat to me!
@AccidentalFourierTransform The joke is on you dude :P
You are the cat.
I smell lovely cause I don't eat meat
@AccidentalFourierTransform that cat inverse FT looks pretty suspect to me
Is it assuming a flat phase?
idk, ask mathematica
what is a flat phase though
As in, did you just take that function and Fourier transform it?
@EmilioPisanty Do you get that xkcd?
@TheDarkSide its one of the first xkcd's
its not supposed to be funny
its not supposed to mean anything actually
they are random drawings
Or did you multiply it by some position-dependent unit complex number
@EmilioPisanty Good point. There's an idiom about the Fourier trasnforms:
The devil is in the phase.
Not so much the devil
everything is in the phase
Pretty much
@AccidentalFourierTransform So, the joke is people will spend some time trying to figure out what that means, and actually it doesn't mean anything meaningful.
That's a cruel joke.
not really: there is no joke
at first, he didnt try to make funny comics
That's the joke,
they were just random thoughts
Ah. So, why did you choose this particular username and image?
i.e. avatar
dont you like it?
I can change it
yesterday, by AccidentalFourierTransform
user image
what username should I use?
Don't wear super slim fit pants. @AccidentalFourierTransform
They increase the temperature of the testicles, which in turn leads to infertility.
@Mostafa lol, they are not actually slim fit
I dont think they are
@AccidentalFourierTransform No. I didn't mean that. I was only trying to figure out if you saw more in it than me.
@Mostafa why did you assume I have testicles? :-P
also, infertility is a gift
People have invented things like this to ice their testicles.
@AccidentalFourierTransform from other room it looked like “why did you assume ass”
never assume ass
having an ass - one of the impossible standards set by the modern day society
You put ice in those blue areas.
@Mostafa How did this invention miss an IG Nobel?
Very smart invention by physicians who are typically paid 3 times a particle physicist.
Hey everybody
Space Jazz
been trying to meet you
@BernardoMeurer Do you want to set up a separate room for questions/chatter during the AMA like Daniel did or do you want to keep it all here?
@ACuriousMind I don't mind keeping it here I think, what are your thoughts?
@ACuriousMind No. It would be fun to have his/her AMA here, while the other users are discussing genius inventions by mankind!
The transcript would be so interesting.
@BernardoMeurer I think both have their advantages and drawbacks, so I'd say it's entirely your personal preference
Another smart invention by doctors: Anti- electromagnetic wave Textile fabrics and Clothing:
@ACuriousMind Let's keep it all here then :)
Price: $69.95 (no joke)
Very fashionable
Where's @vzn?
hi all
What is an AMA?
What sort of questions are usually allowed?
Ask Me Anything
Ask Me anything
Q: June 13th Ask Me Anything feat. Bernardo Meurer

Bernardo MeurerI'm Bernardo and I've been invited as the next guest for the Physics Stack Exchange AMA. The session will take place on the h Bar, on June 13th at 16:00 UTC. If you, much like me, gets awfully confused by timezones, just click here. Post questions you'd like answered below The AMA is always inf...

@Mostafa also known as chainmail
@Sid Read that
Hey @DavidZ is here for the formal deep-voiced announcement - chat session time.
T-3 min
I don't think I really need to do anything in that regard
@ACuriousMind t = ?
hi all welcome all & Bernardo Meuer to our latest AMA! we havent had one in quite awhile! thx BM for agreeing! click on BMs meta post for info on his bkg. hope to hear from everyone whos in the room at least once during the 1hr session, there will be no record of your being here unless you write at least 1 line!
@SBM I meant to say we officially start in 3 (now 2) minutes.
@ACuriousMind oh; good and sorry

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