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(or maybe I'm just too tired today or something)
I do think the GNS procedure is the wiggling around
You start with a state $\omega(A)$, which corresponds to $\langle \Omega, A \Omega \rangle$
The algebra modulo zero norm elements form the Hilbert space
So that basically you have $\langle A, BC \rangle = \omega (A^* BC) = \langle A^* \Omega, B C\Omega \rangle$
Then you work with the states $A \Omega = |\phi \rangle$ and $C \Omega = |\psi \rangle$
To have the quantity $\langle \phi | B | \psi \rangle$
All obtained from the vacuum
So I guess that the whole unitary inequivalence business in AQFT is translated by the choice of the original state $\omega$?
I don't understand my Philosophy teacher. He gives us "the best notes that a pupil wrote last year" and they're written like a stream of consciousness. Garbage in, garbage out, I guess.
that's philosophy for you
Scientists Achieve Direct Counterfactual Quantum Communication For The First Time: sciencealert.com/…
Actually, the original paper was first published last year.
I know that I would regret clicking on that link
@ACuriousMind Why do you say that?
@Slereah pretty good deal for $20
the used book market is pretty sweet if you can get good condition ones
Because most pop-sci articles on anything quantum and in particular about "quantum communication" or teleportation are usually horrible and full of mischaracterizations and needless exaggerations
this one is unused, but a 60% discount
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I don't even mind poor condition ones, really
@ACuriousMind Well, if you read the abstract of the original paper, the article seems to be quite faithful to it
Now, that's a clever trap: To determine whether you're right, I have to click on the link!
Noooo!!! ahahah
Is that a "modern" rickroll? :P
What do they mean here by 'counterfactual' - just sending info without transmitting any particles?
@ACuriousMind No.
Btw, if you want to join me for serious discussions regarding hip hop music.

 Hip hop

General chat to talk about hip hop and related derivatives or ...
@nbro ::flees in the opposite direction:: ;)
I shouldn't be spamming (last time I was banned for 30 minutes on SO because I did this).
@ACuriousMind Oh come on
It's not like rap is worse than metal
they're both degenerate
@nbro Ah, some rooms are pretty strict with their "on-topic" policies, we're not.
Ok, why do people think $Spin(n)$ is acceptable typesetting
Huh - it turns out that I agree with Vaidman on this one :) - arxiv.org/abs/1605.02181
It looks awful. Do people not see that?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I don't think most people think about it at all when they type that - it's just the easiest to type on LaTeX.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 It does look awful :/
@ACuriousMind wtf is it with German math books using quantifiers
Jaffe's paper on the GNS construction is pretty good
oh no
I...thought mathscr worked on lower case?
It's appearing upright for me.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I don't know, I've never read a German math book (except for the textbooks in school, and they didn't have quantifiers)
Oh no
Witt's theorem
Where did I read about this before
well things are much clearer now
I like when people write ??? in diagrams
it is the mystery case
Witt's theorem is in Wolf
@ACuriousMind halp
If $(V,B)$ is a finite-dimensional non-degen quadratic form, then for every maximal null-subspace $W\subset V$, $\dim W\le \frac 12\dim V$.
I guess it has to be a proper subspace?
How could it be improper?
Because in 2-D Minkowski, the null vectors generate the whole thing
If $V$ is null, then the form is degenerate
$(1,1)$ and $(-1,1)$ are linearly independent and null
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I think a null subspace is a space in which every vector is null, not one which is merely generated by null vectors.
it says that the definition is $W\subset W^\bot$, but clearly then $V$ is null...
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Hm? $V^\text{whatever that symbol is called} = 0$, right?
God, fucking algebra
as in perpetrator
It's \bot
well perp also works
Why bot?
and $\top $ is \top
oh, bottom
@Slereah top upside down
What is the name of the quantum algebra that also includes unbounded operators
@Slereah Oh right, how could I forget the perp symbol
I wonder if anyone wrote a paper named "Finding the $\perp$"
Because you've abandoned regular math
@Slereah "Spawn of hell no mathematician wants to deal with"?
it's not a TVS
so fuck it
"I don't know" would have worked :p
I mean really, who wants to deal with stuff like that
You need to set a BS limit on your math.
Who wants to work on math for physical theories when you can do abstract nonsense
For me, if it involves (a) Noetherian rings, (b) homology with coefficients outside of $\Bbb R,\Bbb Z$, (c) vector space that's not an LCS, (d) relative homology, (e) representation theory, (f) categories, it's simply not worth the effort.
what about if it involves set theory
I don't even know of mathematics that involves actual set theory.
What about
set theory
It involves a lot of it
Besides set theory, of course.
You probably use set theory
That is what $\cup$ and $\cap$ is all about
I don't know any of the ZF axioms
I disregard classical logic anyway.
most of them are fairly simple
Mostly they're just existence theorems
Existence of an empty set, existence of the integers, existence of the union of two sets
existence of the power set
@ACuriousMind wot's an anti-involution
it's an anti-homomorphism
I would've guessed either of those, I don't know which one is the one your text means
@Sir hello =)
@heather Care to test something? :)
what sort of thing? sure!
@heather I wrote a userscript here:
Q: Regional 12-hour timestamps

Sir CumferenceThis script is a modification of Kip's "Display absolute timestamps (in local time)"; I have his permission to post this. Most of the credit for the script goes to him. About This script displays timestamps based on your timezone in 12-hour format. This is pretty convenient for anyone who doesn...

Need to know how useful it is
You'll need Tampermonkey though
ooh, nice, converting into your own time - does it work in chat?
@heather Not yet, though I'll try to get around to it
okay, cool. i don't think i have tampermonkey - is this a "see if it works" test, or a "how useful do you think" test?
because if it's the latter, two thumbs up!
@heather Both
If you're on chrome, you'll need to download tampermonkey from the chrome store
It lets you modify websites with JavaScript (from your perspective, not everyone's)
@heather Don't touch tampermonkey
It's like cigarettes
@BernardoMeurer Wait what
You just hate JS, don't you?
@SirCumference Also that
It's not that bad of a language
It's definitely nice to know
Javascript is much like HTML
@BernardoMeurer ??
It couldn't have seen how it was going to be used
Oh chill. If you are on the internet as much as me, JS is really handy
I blame Netscape for all this mess
They ruined the internet
Plus it's a good language for beginners
wtf is going on
can we PLEASE stop having CS conversations here
You said the same thing about the JEE...
this is a physics chatroom, not CS
And astronomy
Most of the time the chat talks about anything but physics
and that's wrong
like math ::ahem 0celo::
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Are you calling your own conversations wrong?
or video games ::double ahem 0celo::
@ACuriousMind How so?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 ...because they're rarely about physics these days?
@ACuriousMind Would you believe that my end goal is physics?
@heather He doesn't play them that much anymore, so I don't get to talk about them :'(
@ACuriousMind Huh? I play games all the time
@0celouvskyopoulo7 If you said so, yes
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Anything but Skyrim?
@ACuriousMind =/ sad.
@ACuriousMind Metal Gear before that
i don't play anything but minecraft, and that rarely.
These are nontrivial games
I played Fallout 3 before that
I want to play half life
But who knows when that will be
> Physics chatroom...
@0celouvskyopoulo7 If the end goal of all math is physics
Which isn't the case
@ACuriousMind Ok my end goal isn't physics, I just happen to be writing my thesis on GR
So right now I consider it to be physics-oriented
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Oh, right
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Did you play the other ones? I forget
Play what other ones?
I haven't played any half life.
I got all of them on a humble bundle
I have too many games to play :P
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Love this conversation
Nov 6 '16 at 7:25, by John Rennie
0celo7's new avatar? It's an ocelot kitten. Very cute too :-)
That's when I got that horrible ban for a year
@ACuriousMind My avatar doesn't show up for me
What do I do?
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Please easy on the totalitarian comparisons, I've had enough of those for a long while ;P
@ACuriousMind You know that saying "if everyone calls you an asshole"
or maybe it's if you think everyone is an asshole
irony mark
pls no ban
how do I fix that?
Did you reload the page?
Many times.
::jumps up and down:: i just got a response from a professor (I asked a few questions about a research paper they wrote)!!!!!
I emailed a Nobel prize winner once and got an answer.
A senile answer, but an answer.
My profs talk about their papers in class
@0celouvskyopoulo7, yeah, well, still. I'm happy.
and I learned something.
i asked a question i didn't know the answer too. i got an answer. i learned something.
@ACuriousMind what did one call a -morphism before Bourbaki
Did they come up with the terminology?
Or was it surjective/injective they came up with
@0celouvskyopoulo7 no idea, not a historian
@ACuriousMind you know Ancient Greek and Latin!
Don't be silly
You're basically Herodotus
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Ctrl-Shift-R (Chrome) for hard reload
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Well I can (could) read him, but I am not everyone I can understand!
i don't suppose there's any chemistry people around here? the periodic table is pretty quiet.
Am I a chemistry person if I'm the son of two chemists? ;)

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