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@ACuriousMind i suppose so =P
@ArtOfCode does that close chrome?
I have important tabs open
"where r and p specify the stoichiometry of the reactants and products, respectively. We require the net change ∆ρ = p − r of a reaction ρ = (r, p) to be nonzero. We will usually write a reaction using the “reactants, right arrow, products” notation; for example, ρ = A + B → C (in this example r = (1, 1, 0) and p = (0, 0, 1))."
how can $\Delta\rho = \mathbb{p}-\mathbb{r}\neq 0$?
I thought the idea behind stoichiometry was that the two sides balanced.
aka, subtracting = 0
please don't stoichiometry
and why are $p$ and $r$ upright
@heather I have no idea what that quote is trying to say, I'm afraid
@0celouvskyopoulo7, because they're vectors
@ACuriousMind would it be better if I linked the paper it came from?
Perhaps, but I'm about to go to bed, not gonna read that now, sorry
@ACuriousMind, sure, sorry. have a good night!
@heather what
then you write $\mathbf p,\mathbf r$
i did \mathbb{} is that not right?
Q: Calculating the efficiency of photosynthesis indoors vs. outdoors

LennartI want to defend a contention that it might be more efficient to use solar panels coupled with LED lights emitting photosynthetic active radiation on plants than it is to grow plants outside. But I have difficulty asserting a probability regarding the necessity of ten or more quantum. To understa...

I'm having trouble parsing this question. It's been flagged for migration to Biology, presumably because it's about growing plants, but I think it's just as plausible that the question is about the LED/power conversion efficiency or the end-to-end calculation. Should the question be kept here? moved to biology? closed as unclear? Thanks for your guidance.
@heather So, uh...willing to try it?
@SirCumference, I don't have enough room on the chromebook to download everything - I'm really sorry.
@heather Don't worry about it :P
it does appear very useful however, so kudos to you for doing the work on it!
Thanks. I'll keep looking for someone to test it :)
@ACuriousMind Am I right to think that when defining Spin, Pin, whatever abstractly, they should get the subspace topology from $\Bbb R^{2^n}$?
Q: This site is not a scientific writting forum/publication support service?

LuzanneI came across this question: The proper use of the terminology of forces and interactions in The Theory of Relativity which I have a feeling should be off-topic, but I cannot really localize a specific help center guideline or meta answer that would pinpoint why, so I refrained from flagging it...

4 hours later…
@JohnR: Morning :-)
@Kaumudi.H Morning :-)
Sorry for the slow response. I was looking at Bernardo's code and I can't make head nor tail of it!
I think Ill give up for now.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 can't access
@JohnRennie Ah :-( OK...
I'mma watch the first movie now; didn't get the cable but I'll watch it on my laptop anyway!
(Woke up about an hour ago; slept for close to 10 hours :-o)
Re those videos: I reduced the quality a lot to get the file size down. They looked OK when I previewed them, but you may notice some blurring in fast moving scenes.
Eh, that's OK :-) I'm immensely grateful that at least I have them!
If you find the quality is too low there is probably some scope for improving it. I didn't realise your Internet was so fast, so you could probably manage bigger files.
No, no, this'll do :-)
@Kaumudi.H Well, let me know if when you've watched the first film you think the quality is too low. It's remarkable how effective the compression is - it has squeezed three and a bit hours of film into only just over a GB!
Wow, yeah, that is impressive! :-o
@JohnR: It's time for me to reconnect with old friends and I'm dreading it.
I re-installed WhatsApp last night but promptly deleted it once again in 4 minutes.
@0celouvskyopoulo7 surely they introduced surjective and injective
@Kaumudi.H Just take it a step at a time. The worst that can happen is if your interests have diverged to the point where you no longer have much in common, and that won't be the end of the world.
When do you know for sure which college you're in and what course you're doing?
No, I already know that our interests are different but yes, if I make myself available on WhatsApp, I will be quickly attacked from all sorts of people to ask about everything; the drop year, the results, etc.
That's why I'm wondering if it's worth waiting till you have confirmation from the college.
My thoughts exactly.
How long is it likely to be?
...think I'll re-install it once everything has calmed down and I have officially been accepted into a college.
@JohnRennie A month and a half...
Wow, that's a long wait.
Yeah :-/
You could get started on CS by trying to work out what the hell Bernardo is doing in his disfunctional code :-)
@JohnRennie Hehe, which language?
That should keep you busy for a few weeks decades :-)
@Kaumudi.H C
Is C a lot different from C++?
Fairly similar except for objects
How so?
C++ is just a layer on top of C to add objects
Or at least it was originally
Uhh, that doesn't help me very much...
I think C is a subset of C++ i.e. code that is legal in C is legal in C++ though I wouldn't swear to this.
Basically C doesn't have classes, and there are a few minor features C doesn't have.
@JohnRennie It doesn't have classes?! Oh, wow, OK...
@Kaumudi.H Yes, that's the main difference. You can use structs to kind of do the same thing as classes but it's far more limited.
I'm aware of those limitations to a certain extent...
No-one uses C these days, except possibly in niche cases like programming embedded systems, so why Bernardo is being given projects to do in C escapes me. Oh well.
:-/ Hmm...
I suppose it helps develop discipline, because in C unless you're fanatically disciplined your code is likely to blow up in your face.
Bernardo's code is blowing up in his face :-)
@JohnRennie I use C :(
:-( Well...
You don't need classes for a lot of applications
especially for numerical simulations
@Slereah Why? I mean, why? There's no overhead to using C++ so why on earth use C?
why not
There's no particular reason to use C++ either
If you're not using classes there's almost no reason to use C++ over C
Convenience. Even if it's as simple as using // for comments.
Most compilers accept // comments in C
@Kaumudi.H 42°C!!!!
C++ doesn't have garbage collection, dynamic strings or most other features of a modern language
All it has over C is classes and exception handling
I need to work for about half an hour. Back later ...
And I'm finally off to watch that movie. Toodles!
BTW, @JohnR: I don't need the cable or anything! I can simply copy the films onto my pendrive and connect that to my T.V! :-)
@Kaumudi.H Perfect :-)
I need some help with understanding the dA of the differential element of a Hemisphere.
Here, we try to find out the electric field at the center of a hollow hemisphere.
We can consider the hemisphere as a combination of charged rings of Thickness Rd@ and radius Rcos@.
The only problem I face is to find out the the area dA of that ring element rigorously.
The only way I get is to do that intuitively, open up that ring into a rectangle with circumference as length and width as breadth.
If A = pi ( r^2 cos^@)
@SwapnilDas That's the correct way to do it. What problems are you running into with that approach?
But isn't that kind of intuitive and bit sloppy?
I thought dA/d@ could be a better approach.
No, not at all. It is an approximation for any finite value of $d\theta$, but as we let $d\theta \rightarrow 0$ the approximation becomes exact.
This approach is widely used when integrating up areas, volumes etc.
You'll encounter it all over the place when doing problems in electrostatics.
Ah, Ic.
Thanks a ton! @JohnRennie
how to create a programming language for PPCG
any one can answer
@JohnRennie Ugh, do u remember January when I'd been doing the same? Oof.
@Kaumudi.H Oh yes, I remember that all too clearly :-)
On the bright side it's one more thing YOU'LL NEVER HAVE TO DO AGAIN!!! :-)
Aren't you supposed to be watching The Fellowship of the Ring?
@JohnRennie :-D The movie is good! 2 more hours to go though...
@Kaumudi.H It's a looooooooooong film.
@JohnRennie Yeah, I'm taking a small break :-P Would u believe it that it's 42 deg C here and there is no current!
In fact all three of the films are over three hours.
No current? You mean no wind?
I know, yeah. Although, it looks like it's going to be worth it! I'm liking this Frodo Baggins person <3 I've also read The Hobbit (and watched all three of those films, more or less) so it's a little easier to get into the flow of things...
@JohnRennie No, no power.
Frodo is wet. He spends most of the second and third films looking anguished and pathetic!
Oh, erm :-(
@Kaumudi.H Ah, hence the break from watching the film?
He looks cheery and wonderful in this one...
@JohnRennie No, no, I think the battery on my laptop will last me for another 2 hours. Well, I hope. I was just getting tired of concentrating so much; no subtitles so that makes it just a smidge harder...
Ah, you decided not to watch on the TV - kind of an easy decision really if there's a power cut :-)
@Kaumudi.H I keep forgetting English isn't your first language because your English is so good.
Hehe, that's a compliment, thanks! :-) It's sometimes a bit difficult to understand exactly what they're saying. Especially Gandalf.
I can't remember the last time his whole face was looming right in front of the camera (with him muttering something crucial to the plot) when talking.
Wonderful! I've just accidentally downloaded some sort of malware hiding in what I thought was subtitles for this movie.
AVG is working its magic though so it's all good!
You need to be cautious. AVG is good, but not infallible. Viruses vary so rapidly that any anti-virus program struggles to keep up. If you're not 100% sure what you're downloading is safe then you're better off not downloading it.
@JohnRennie Right, right.
Gosh, I am veritably melting away...
15°C here in Chester
If I don't return again today, please believe that I melted into a pool and died.
i feel ya
@JohnRennie That's too cold!
Do the extreme temperatures last a while, or just for a day or two?
@JohnRennie For a long while, you can bet.
At least until the end of June for sure...
Gandalf is acted by Ian Mckellen, isn't it? What a guy
@JohnRennie we might even make it to 20 down here on the south coast if we're lucky
Actually I like the temperature in the range 15-20°C. You do need a pullover if you're sitting still, but if you're doing anything energetic it's just the right temperature to cool you.
I keep thinking it's the same guy who plays Dumbledore in parts 3 through 7 but nope.
haha me too
But that was an Irish fellow IIRC
@ArtOfCode I'm from down south originally - Somerset.
He was good too. I liked him a lot.
Yes, me too.
Richard Harris?
No, no, he passed away after the second one.
Ah, Michael Gambon.
Ah, this Ian Mckellen person played Magneto as well.
@BernardoMeurer: you around? I see your icon lurking there ...
he was really into x-men yeah
at least before michael fassbender
@BalarkaSen No current in my house.
Is the power outage related to the heat?
he's an accomplished actor in Shakespearean theaters, other than his commercial accomplishments, too
I don't think so. Oh God, at least I hope not.
does anyone know a good paper on the proof of Lovelock's theorem in GR?
hey guys!
@Kaumudi.H erk
When I was working in Bangkok we'd get power cuts whenever it rained - which was a lot!
...my keyboard is starting to get wet from sweat.
Ugh! :-)
So's the base oh God...
Thanks for sharing that :-)
@JohnRennie Most welcome :-P
I doubt Dell made their laptops to be resistant to bodily fluids.
Eh, it's just salt water.
So it's a good conductor then? Ideal for laptops :-)
(Source: tumblr)
Have you ever read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality?
Clearly not...
Why clearly? Anyhow, in that HP and Malfoy are friends and Snape is a good guy who supports harry.
> Harry grows up fascinated by science and science fiction. When he finds out that he is a wizard, he tries to apply scientific principles to his study of magic, with sometimes surprising results.
Oh wow.
Even though it's fan fiction it's well written. Though it goes on, and on, and on ...
@Kaumudi.H This sounds promising...
@JohnRennie Because I would've brought it up a lot earlier if I had!
over the course of years i found harry potter less interesting and more annoying
@JohnRennie I wish The Cursed Child was fan written. Sadly, it's not :-(
@BalarkaSen you're growing up! Stop it immediately!
i still like a lot of kid stuff. (LOTR is one of the best fantasy books I have read)
I haven't re-read the books ever so I'm over here still pretty happy with the movies (I've forgotten everything from the books)
I read the LOTR books and I even read The Silmarrilion. But I feel no great urge to repeat the experience. It's the sort of thing you do just to prove you can.
Nah i don't want to read it again either
@JohnRennie Ever tried Wheel of Time? It's an absolute marathon
@JohnRennie I feel similar to you on this one. They're far too huge and my willpower is, erm, limited.
@Mithrandir24601 Robert Jordan?
...which is why I'm watching the movies instead.
i never watched all of the movies
they'r just not super good
Yep, except for the last 3 books, which are Brandon Sanderson, and easily the best in the series
Haha, nice!
I'll see your Robert Jordan and raise you Steven Erikson's Malazan books :-)
Currently reading them :) On part 4 of book 3 - they're much, much better :D
he and patrick stewart put up a stage performance of Waiting for Godot
@BalarkaSen I couldn't possibly comment 'cause I never did read the books.
i hear it's very acclaimed
I mean, I tried once in 7th or something but gave up.
...all too quickly.
@Mithrandir24601 Adrian Tchaikovsky - Shadows of the Apt? I think there's about ten books in that series.
you won't miss out on anything huge if you don't read it
...and Kaumudi continues to melt.
@BalarkaSen That's a relief.
@JohnRennie Now I am :)
Good morning
I got your code to compile by rewriting asprintf and the current version seems to work fine.
Hello People
@JohnRennie Heard of, seen and will read at some point, but I've got quite a few books to go before that point...
@Kenshin Rytsas
Hey, @Kenshin! :-)
@JohnRennie are you a gambling man?
@BernardoMeurer But you have a bug where you call asprintf. You either need to cast time_t to a long or use %llu in the format string.
Hi @Kaumudi.H!!!!
@JohnRennie Sweet! If I remembered to push that means the current version does head insertions as opposed to tail
@Kenshin Wadup?
@Mithrandir24601 what is rytsas
@Kaumudi.H stuff u
x'D Same here(?)
@BernardoMeurer no, the code i have does trip_n_tailInsert and station_n_tailInsert
@Kenshin High Valyrian greeting, that is, I think, essentially wishing you 'good health', or something to that effect
@Kaumudi.H when do you find out if you can go to uni?
@JohnRennie Where do I print time_t?
Really? And it works?
@BernardoMeurer types.c:
//JR    asprintf(&str, "[ID:%u, DUR:%lu, SDT:%s, SID:%u, FDT:%s, FID:%u, BID:%s, REG:%s, DOB:%u, SEX:%s]",
//JR             self->ID, self->duration, sdt, self->start_ID, fdt, self->finish_ID,
//JR             self->bike_ID.toString(&self->bike_ID), self->user->regToString(self->user), self->user->dob,
//JR             self->user->sexToString(self->user));
@Mithrandir24601 what is valyrian
@Kenshin Dude, I'm definitely going.
Just dunno where yet...
I have an idea but I'm not sure yet.
@BernardoMeurer: self->duration is type time_t
is uni prestige a big thing in India?
@Kenshin You bet.
that's a shame
too much a thing
@Kenshin The language of a Song of Ice and Fire - David Peterson created it for the TV show
@JohnRennie Fixed, using %llu now
it should be burninated
My compiler complains
here in Australia noone cares where you go to uni
Says %lu is correct
but I hear in the USA people also care alot about prestige
ah yeah Australia is really good i hear.
@JohnRennie Ah, it's not portable, lol
I used:
sprintf(str, "[ID:%u, DUR:%lu, SDT:%s, SID:%u, FDT:%s, FID:%u, BID:%s, REG:%s, DOB:%u, SEX:%s]",
self->ID, (long)self->duration, sdt, self->start_ID, fdt, self->finish_ID,
self->bike_ID.toString(&self->bike_ID), self->user->regToString(self->user), self->user->dob,
time_t has different types
yea if you go to a bad uni in India, just move to Australia and you'll be right mate
for POSIX and Windows
Use (long)self->duration then ...
@JohnRennie Yep, i'll turn it into an unsigned long
@ACuriousMind Nice face
@BalarkaSen r u a gambler?
@JohnRennie Change your insertions to head and see what happens
I pushed a new version, but IIRC all the changes are minimal
@Kenshin not yet
QQ: Are u s'posed to understand all this elvish gibberish or is it OK that I don't have subtitles?
@kenshin we're all gambling with our lives tho
@Kaumudi.H in the film?
yeah I agree
@JohnRennie Yes?
that is why one must master gambling if one wants to master life
read The Gambler, also by Dostoyevskij
also one of my favorite short story
@BalarkaSen suppose I am a casino and have a fiar coin and I give you $1 if heads and you give me $1 if tails, will you play?
@Kaumudi.H I can't remember the film - I last saw it 15 years ago.
Dang. @Balarka: Help?
@Kenshin yeah why not.
@BalarkaSen because it isn't favourable
a fair bet isn't favourable long term
i mean it's favourable to neither of us
variance means you will face ruin eventually
so let's gain or die trying
@BalarkaSen thx
so you should only take bets that are favourable
@Kaumudi Hmm, no idea
even bets give you varience without reward
@JohnRennie LotR is 15 years old? Now I feel old.
You're probably not supposed to understand the gibberish
@BalarkaSen OK. I hope...
@Kaumudi.H you should look it up in an online elvish dictionary it is crucial to th story
yeah look in the back of LOTR
I don't trust you... (:-P)
lol good
Tolkien wrote an elvish dictionary for sure
is this elvish of the rivendell? or high elves?
@ACuriousMind I'm sure it was 2002 or 3. Hang on, a quick Google is in order ...
2001! 16 years ago.
@ACuriousMind so you converted to tyranny I see
I did
That game was actually good, not like Torment 2 :P
Yeah, I also tried Torment 2 and..I cannot say I liked it
Guys, if we consider a current, can we then always say that the current is constant along the "flow"? If we look at the wire depicted above, the current could have different values along the cross section, however, along the "flow" of the charges, the current is constant, right? Otherwise it seems to me we would have charges disappearing/appearing. (Also, is there a more formal notion of flow? Or should I just stick with "the direction the charges are going")
@JohnRennie Any luck?
Tyranny is nice! I went for a monk type character
huge number of attacks per round
@ShaVuklia current should be the same
along the "flow"
if current decreased over the distance youwould have a "sink" where charge accumulates
if current increased, you musth ave a "source" of charge
do we define flow as the direction of a steady sub-current in the wire?
@BalarkaSen High elves? I've no idea what they are...
But yes, this is Rivendell.
I dunno i've never defined flow b4
@yuggib My main issue with Tyranny is that it ends right when you really want it to go on, but it's sort-of dramatically appropriate so I can't even be mad.
@Kaumudi.H were you after Hindi subtitles?
@JohnRennie Gosh no!
English, of course!
English subtitles?
@Kenshin yea well, Griffiths doesn't define it either. I think they just use it to say something about infinitesimal widths/areas, where we consider the current "along the flow"
@Kaumudi.H OK, in that case I think I've found you subtitles
@ACuriousMind I have to confess that I switched back to bg at 75% of tyranny, so I don't know yet the end :D
AHH, really?! How did u manage? I tried before but didn't trust myself to know the difference b/w malware and harmless files...
Haha, alrighty then
ethics is just about avoiding malware
oh wow, I didn't recognise you @ACurious
I...tend to change my appearance every once in a while ;)
@Kaumudi.H: OK, have a look on the web site now.
do u play chess @JohnRennie
@Kenshin No
y not
AHHH, it works!! :-D
@Kenshin it seems a pointless exercise
Dang it, I feel incredibly guilty for troubling you like this. No more! You are far too generous.
just like life @JohnRennie?
I don't play chess either, but I was just wondering if you did
@Kenshin the reasons people find life gratifying are many and various, and generally not amenable to logical analysis. In my case chess doesn't contribute to the quality of my life.
same here, it's pretty boring to me
Damn, now I feel like watching it from the start again but nope. Must forge on...
just watch it again
ur on holidays now
No, no, apart from the occasional remark or two, I think I've understood most everything till now.
what is it that ur watching
game of thrones?
No. Fellowship of The Ring.
oh cool
I recommend the hobbit series
@Kenshin I've read the book and watched all the movies as well :-)
that's good then :)
There have been none of them weird lion-riding creatures till now and I hope there won't. They're creepy.
They're called orcs and eh, they were those same things in The Hobbit as well. They just look a lot different...
This opposed to this
The second one's not too bad; it's easy not to imagine them complexly. The first are far too human-like.
Guys, why do we have a normal derivative with respect to time when the differential operator is outside the integral, and when it’s inside the integral, we get a partial derivative? I would think then that $\int_V\rho\,d\tau$ is given entirely in terms of $t$… but that doesn’t make sense to me, tbh.
this is the definition of $J$ btw
@ShaVuklia The distinction between "total" and "partial" derivatives is not always kept stringently, but in this case it's because e.g. the integration region $\mathcal{V}$ could also depend on $t$.
Hm, maybe it does make sense. $\rho$ could depend on all kinds of things, like position and time. However, the entire $\int_V\rho\,d\tau$ just gives us how much charge is present on a specific time, so we can take the time derivative, I guess. I'm still not entirely sure
@ACurious yea, is what I just wrote after you correct then?
Additionally, the whole integral is just a function of $t$ (if you keep the region fixed), while $\rho$ is a function of both position and time.
@ShaVuklia Yes, that
right, thanks
studying EM hurts, and tomorrow I'm starting with QM. I think it can only get worse from there on
But in general I would advise not to think too hard about the difference between the total and partial derivatives unless it's relevant for a derivation because many texts are really bad at explaining what they mean by total/partial.
Yea, sure, but I try to at least make it plausible for myself, which is usually a good exercise in thinking about the dimensions/variables/etc.
I don't like the orcs they're annoying @Kaumudi.H I like Smaug best
> orcs are annoying
Yeah, no kidding x'D
Do Killing vector fields always define a one parameter isometry
ah yes, it is

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