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actually, since you probs have HS, I imagine nails would be even more efficient
I am a Skyrim power gamer (don't know if that's the right term)
Dwarven bows is the best
You make a disgusting amount of XP and Money
and Dwarven Ingots are Free
From Markarth
I've gotten back into Stealth games lately
Yeah, you can raid the Dwemer museum
TPP, Snake Eater and downloading the new hitman rn
Also Mzulft
There are some others with lots of easy loot
The one you do for the main quest, although I've forgotten the name
I honestly feel like PC ruins it
It runs better, there's so many mods etc
Knowing console commands feels like there's a demon on your shoulder going "well all this is worthless I could've gotten this with a few seconds of googling"
I tcl my way through walls a lot
@0celouvskyopoulo7 you don't even have to tho
You can use platters bruh
Or anything large that fucks up collision
I want a mod that puts the Dawnguard castle spawn place near the castle
I hate having to take a minute to run up to it
you can skip a huge part of the story just using a metal platter to get through the wall to the Thalmor camp place
@Phase Oh man
That brings back memories
I love the speedrunning community tbh
even if they do desecrate my childhood games... Ratchet and Clank will never be the same
I used to use that to get into Dwarven ruins backwards so I could make more bows :D
And you can skip Blackreach
Fucking Blackreach
I havent played in like half a year, is blackreach the underground place?
I'm going to amass an army of followers (ultimate follower mod) and raid that place
With all the fucking centipede things
@Phase yeah
@Phase yeah
the centipede things are the worst enemies in the game
I'll take all the Companions with me
Actually those guys are pretty weak
IIRC Lydia, Jzargo, Serana are the best
Some of the other housecarls
The best follower is Serena or w.e her name is
I wonder if there are merchant mods for HF
she just gets fucking lost
and stops me from recruiting other followers
I want to have a blacksmith, etc. near my house
@Phase Serana is the worst because she leaves ashes everywhere
When I was on console that would seriously damage save files
my favourite follower is Sven honestly
The particle effects just ruin the fps
@Phase I've never once not fucked him over.
For Faendal?
I get Faendal for that free archery training.
Come on dude he's a greasy elf
Although my unofficial Skyrim patch ruined that fun for me ;(
I think I've bought skyrim like 3 times
@Phase You can get free Archery training!!
What did you think of FO4?
I thought it was ok
It seemed unfinished
What did you think of the story?
The combat was fun but IMHO it's story and how it tells it is awful
But I don't really like any of the fallout games. They seem to all be unfinished.
Stuff just happens, and that's it.
Even NV?
I think I played NV incorrectly. I screwed over Mr. House and the Legion and I missed a bunch of quests.
Yeah NV is really awkward with the story the first time through
Also the landscape was pretty bad
side note: hail caesar
Yeah. Consequence of FO3 engine with lazier textures
Dude I was with the Legion until they wanted me to do something in that bunker
Then I turned on them
@rob Can you do something about the chat only letting me post one message / 7 seconds?
Did you get spooked?
I don't remember what they wanted me to do but I decided to screw them over
@0celouvskyopoulo7 I can probably slow it down if that's too fast for you.
@rob yeah a nice month ban would be nice
@0celouvskyopoulo7 Cheers, see you in June.
You won't do it
@0celouvskyopoulo7 dude
@0celouvskyopoulo7 save the Mexican standoffs for the movie stackexchange
The issue I had with Skyrim is that nothing really happened when you got to the top of the guilds
Yeah, it boiled down to repetitive side missions
I'd kind of like inter-guild stories
Like between the Thieves guild and Dark brotherhood
or the Companions and the mages guild
The only time we saw that was when you had to sell the thing to Delvin for Astrid
The amulet
Yeah. It was shallow as hell
Imagine if the companions had an arc with the mages guild where they were hired by the remains of winterhold to try and force the mages out
or if the DB was hired to assassinate one of the top brass of the Thieves guild
Global warming
that's a myth perpetrated by the communist Chinese
A myth perpetuated by the filthy elves to excuse their magic
The use of Magicka to fuel flames release greenhouse gases into the air
Ok why didn't we have the opportunity to genocide the elves
just take the axe from the companions and head to the ivory tower or w.e it's called
Racially purge Windhelm too
Ok should I delete that because out of context that might seem bad
4 real though the Stormcloaks are basically the KKK
Legion all the way
The Legion is censoring a god
What if Tiber Septim
is a Daedra
You should be able to do the Legion
Then team up with the Companions and whoever else and murder all of the elves
You have a freaking dragon army
You're the new Alduin, basically
And nothing comes of that either
Yeah. Bethesda is basically the ball dropping company of the decade though
But you can't really blame them when they have such huge ambitions
Honestly though
I'd rather have like 3 factions, with more development in them
or have two merge halfway through
Idk just anything introducing some dynamism
I think my QM TA has given up on life
My homework is completely wrong but I got a 100
Well now you have a difficult choice
Let it slide and push em off the cliff, or persuade them to live and eat a 20%
Nah not a 20%
More like 90%
I didn't want to do a contour integral so I just said it was true
And what I said was true isn't
completely wrong
I envy you
One problem is completely wrong!
I'm not even kidding
One problem is 100% wrong.
So really I should have 50/60
What is a contour integral? I've read about them before but I didn't get what they meant
Integral in the complex plane
Could you give me like, a numerical walkthrough of a really simple one? Like the equivalent of \int 3x^2 dx with reals
If not, no worries
the reals are a subset of the complex plane
so standard Riemann integrals are contour integrals
I somehow managed to work out a 2-parameter perturbation of $n=2$ Hydrogen correctly on an exam
I mean I suspected that but I meant could you give me a simple one where a contour integral is distinct from that of a riemann integral
a contour integral is a Riemann integral!
@Phase The integral of $f(z)=1/z$ along the unit circle is easy
you just add complex numbers
It's $2\pi i$
for example, $$\int_a^b x^2=\frac13(b^3-a^3)$$
it holds for complex $a,b$
Wait so what's different
In the actual process
it becomes different when the integrated function has singularities
@Phase not much if you know how to do line integrals in $\Bbb R^2$
but there are tricks
in that case, the integral depends on the actual path connecting the points
Cauchy theorem, residue theorem, etc
residue theorem
A lecturer said that the residue theorem might be the answer to something I asked once, but I didn't look into it
I'm trying to remember the question now
what was the topic
God I really can't remember
I think I repressed it because the Lecturer was a bit of a prick
He seemed to enjoy undermining people
Eh.. As a joke maybe, if it's with a friend and I know it won't result in anything
I can't actually figure out my notation here
For Lagrangian $L=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2 + \dfrac{d}{dt}(\vec{p} \cdot \vec{A} ) + \vec{p} \cdot ( \vec{v} \times \vec{B} ) + \vec{p} \cdot \vec{E}$, $\vec{p}(t)$ is electric dipole moment, is there some clever way/identities to reduce that so to calculate the equation of motion? Thank you for any suggestions!
@EdinburghDruid Do it in special relativity notation
...and use the relativistic Lagrangian :-P
Sorry, importantly, it is for a non-relativistic particle!
but no, I dont know of any trick
Do it relativistically then take the limit?
Everything is easy in relativity.
It's...relatively easy
thats actually true... relativistic systems are usually simpler because they are much more symmetrical
$\star d\star$ is much, much nicer than $\nabla\times$
also, representation theory, applied to relativistic symmetries is way simpler than when applied to non-relativistic symmetries
No algebra please.
oh god fix it please
Why don't that TeX
it looks awful
pls fix
It won't render on my screen!
Also how the hell do people type that out without losing concentration halfway through
It wont render on mine either FIX IT
There's too much ugliness
Just because it was ugly you didn't have to kill it
Apr 23 at 13:11, by ACuriousMind
@AccidentalFourierTransform Chat inserts spaces between many continuous characters without spaces, you need to put some spaces in between the MathJax commands to avoid it inserting such a space in the middle of a command
It worked at one point in time
The dollar sign was a FAKE one
It worked for half a second
$$\int_{B_y(3\rho_j)\cap B_p(\rho)}|\nabla f|^2\phi^2\,dV\ge C_1^2C^{-8}_{\mathcal{VD},\phi}C_{\mathcal P,\phi}\rho^{-2\epsilon}|f_{B_0}-f(y)|^2\rho_j^{2\epsilon-2}V_\phi(B_y(\rho_j))$$
There we go
It's still ugly
I mean
What do you expect from analysis
Idk, what happened to the old days of Bar graphs
Ok fr I have an exam tomorrow at 1
It's currently 10:50
When should I sleep at the latest
$$||u||_{\infty,\theta\rho,[T,T_1]}\le \prod_{i=0}^j\left(\left(2A\frac{\rho^2}{C_\mathcal{SD}}\right)^\alpha\left(\fra‌​c{C_\mathcal{SD}}{\rho^2}\right)^{(\nu-1)/\nu}+C_\mathcal{SD}^{-1/\nu}(1-\theta)^‌​2\rho^{-2(\nu-1)/\nu}+C_\mathcal{SD}^{-1/\nu}\rho^{2/\nu}(T-T_0)^{-1}\right)^{(\n‌​u/2(\nu-1)(1-k/2)^i}$$
I don't understand
well you get the idea
how can things like this exist yet people call maths beautiful
11 mins ago, by AccidentalFourierTransform
insert spaces!
Every god damn message, it's like a typewriter
@Phase when people say that they are probably excluding some areas lol
But yes, Harnack inequalities are pretty horrific
Who deleted that?
"Li–Tam and Sung–Tam–Wang"
@0celouvskyopoulo7 ::raises hand::
Forget about Jobs, the Chinese are taking our analysis!
The chinese are taking our scapegoats
I don't know what came over me during this QM midterm
I did second order perturbation theory correctly
I don't think I can reproduce this for the final
btw @ACuriousMind care to put this one out of its misery?
Q: Sun emission spectrum

DenisWhat spectrum does the Sun emission have? The part of this spectrum is electromagnetic radiation with wavelength of visible range. But can anyone tell something about the full spectrum? Possible also about intensity. Spectrum irradiance have it's maximum in visible range. But I think it's not q...

it somehow got upvoted at space.se, too =/
I think that guy is back
Q: How to calcuate balance temperature?

BamonsWater at 40°C with 200g next into Water at 60°C with 100g what happens balance temperature? So I need your help.

I've seen this question asked like 3 times today
with different accounts
closed each time
He needs an answer, clear.y
Its beyond lazy
at least with these, the homework flag is unambiguous
I gave him a hint
god damn it Ocelot
Aren't you meant to be sadist?
You should've misled him
Why would I do that?
Idk, Kojima works in mysterious ways
@Phase When you notice something like that, a custom mod flag would also be appropriate - you can't be sure I'm watching chat ;P
Oh, sorry, by custom mod flag do you just mean "@ACuriousMind "?
@Phase lol, no, I mean you should raise a "in need of moderator intervention" flag on one of the questions and explain that the same user appears to be using different accounts to ask the same question over and over again.
Oh right, didn't know such a flag existed. Noted
god damn it why cant i edit old comments
a comment like 10 minutes ago accidentally had $E=MC$ instead of $E=MC^2$
$$E = \lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} mc^{2 - \varepsilon}$$
This just reminds me of how I still haven't gotten around to calc of var.
I wish I could answer more questions
@Phase Numbers coud be edited out from the question to make it to a general, conceptional one (-> homework closure probabily reduction), then he can get the trivial answer about the weighted average and the heat capacity. Following questions with similar content could be closed as dupe to this. If he doesn't stop, then downvote + flag as LQ, maybe flag for mod.
I feel like even if it could be made a conceptual one (which I don't really see how, other than "how does heat transfer work" which would be liable for a "lacks prior research flag") it would just be likely to be a duplicate anyway
I'll just flag in the future
@Phase On weekends, there are much more questions as answerers, even hitting the repcap is not impossible for laymans.
I don't really care about rep, I just want to be able to answer questions for the satisfaction of it
Although not being able to answer a lot of them does serve as inspiration most of the time, some others it just acts as the opposite
@ACuriousMind Did the user who asked the question I linked about the masses reaching thermal equilibrium delete his own account or get deleted as a sockpuppet?

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