Knowing console commands feels like there's a demon on your shoulder going "well all this is worthless I could've gotten this with a few seconds of googling"
For Lagrangian $L=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2 + \dfrac{d}{dt}(\vec{p} \cdot \vec{A} ) + \vec{p} \cdot ( \vec{v} \times \vec{B} ) + \vec{p} \cdot \vec{E}$, $\vec{p}(t)$ is electric dipole moment, is there some clever way/identities to reduce that so to calculate the equation of motion? Thank you for any suggestions!
@AccidentalFourierTransform Chat inserts spaces between many continuous characters without spaces, you need to put some spaces in between the MathJax commands to avoid it inserting such a space in the middle of a command
What spectrum does the Sun emission have?
The part of this spectrum is electromagnetic radiation with wavelength of visible range. But can anyone tell something about the full spectrum? Possible also about intensity.
Spectrum irradiance have it's maximum in visible range. But I think it's not q...
@Phase lol, no, I mean you should raise a "in need of moderator intervention" flag on one of the questions and explain that the same user appears to be using different accounts to ask the same question over and over again.
@Phase Numbers coud be edited out from the question to make it to a general, conceptional one (-> homework closure probabily reduction), then he can get the trivial answer about the weighted average and the heat capacity. Following questions with similar content could be closed as dupe to this. If he doesn't stop, then downvote + flag as LQ, maybe flag for mod.
I feel like even if it could be made a conceptual one (which I don't really see how, other than "how does heat transfer work" which would be liable for a "lacks prior research flag") it would just be likely to be a duplicate anyway
I don't really care about rep, I just want to be able to answer questions for the satisfaction of it
Although not being able to answer a lot of them does serve as inspiration most of the time, some others it just acts as the opposite
@ACuriousMind Did the user who asked the question I linked about the masses reaching thermal equilibrium delete his own account or get deleted as a sockpuppet?