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@Ramanujan When you reduce the external magnetizing field to zero, the material does not lose its net magnetic moment (this remainder is called remanence or retentivity).
@BalarkaSen I don't think satire is supposed to communicate graveness, so that's fine ;)
It's certainly deriving entertainment out of that.
the whole point of satire is to communicate completely horrible things in a funny way :P
@Ramanujan If you start increasing the external magnetizing field in the reverse direction, at some point the material loses all its magnetic moment. If you continue to increase the magnetizing field even further, the magnetic moment of the material reverses (relative to the initial direction). Now if you decrease the external field to zero, the material retains some amount of magnetic moment but this time in the reverse direction.
@Ramanujan If you continue to increase the magnetizing field in the original direction (first case), the magnetic moment of the material hits zero again. If you continue to increase further, you will get the same saturation point which you achieved when you magnetized the material for the first time.
@Ramanujan This forms a closed curve and the cycle repeats.
(Needless to say, I am still a big fan of black comedy and dark humor)
Do you mean like Chris Rock
@Ramanujan This is better
@BalarkaSen I know, which is why I emphasised on the "known" in this regard bit but OK, I see.
@yashas thanks
@Yashas, A plumb line is suspended from the roof of a rail road car. When the car is moving on a circular track, the plumb line inclines:

1). Forward

2). Backward

3). Towards the centre of path

4). Away from the centre of path
I won't answer until you show your attempt.
@yashas, I really have no idea
This question is some super silly question too. All you need to is to know that psudeo forces in a non-inertial frame act in the opposite direction relative to the acceleration of the frame.
@Ramanujan Then you should open the lesson titled Newton's laws of motion.
because the question is so silly
if you can't answer it then it tells that you don't understand the concepts
@Ramanujan suppose you are in a car going round a corner, which way are you accelerated?
i.e. which side of the car are you thrown towards
, I guess right side. @JohnRennie
right? o0 what is the right side?
the one which is not the wrong one
@Ramanujan right side? - doesn't it depend on which way the car is turning?
Yeah @JohnRennie
@ACuriousMind Am I correct in stating that given a state $| \psi \rangle$ and two unitary operators $\hat{U}_1$ and $\hat U_{2}$, the modulus squared of the projection of the state $\hat{U}_2| \psi \rangle$ onto the state $\hat{U}_1 | \psi \rangle$ is given as $$\langle \psi| \hat{U}_{2}^{-1} \hat{U}_1 | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | \hat{U}_{1}^{-1} \hat{U}_2 | \psi \rangle ?$$
@JohnDoe sure
@BalarkaSen I'm trying to prove that if $\Bbb R^4$ has a flat Lorentizan metric $g$, there is a diffeo $f:\Bbb R^4\to\Bbb R^4$ with $g=f^*\mathrm{diag}(-1,1,1,1)$. When you learn the statement for Riemannian metrics, can you keep an eye out for if positivity of the metric is used?
So R^n with any flat metric is isometric to standard R^n, yeah?
Yeah, but there's a tricky procedure by which you stitch together the local isometries that the Frobenius theorem give you.
I see. Interesting.
if that's not true I'm gonna be mad
@BalarkaSen Any $K=0$ manifold has $\Bbb R^n$ with the standard metric as a universal cover.
It's a pretty common assumption in GR
But clearly $\Bbb R^n$ has itself as a universal cover...
Ah, yes, I remember.
But $K$ is not a good concept in Lorentzian geometry so I don't think you can immediately generalize the standard proof.
I would appreciate it if someone could explain-to-OP/mediate/step-in/vote-to-reopen/vote-to-close here...Wait. OP deleted the post.
Ok, I'll let you know when I get to Riemann curvature tensor.
@BalarkaSen Aha, one also must assume completeness for the Riemannian proof.
So it will definitely fail for Lorentzian ones.
The proof, not the conclusion.
@Qmechanic deleted just now by OP
@BalarkaSen Completeness is very hard for Lorentzian manifolds because the metric does not give a length function.
It's what makes the subject so tricky from a math standpoint.
@ACuriousMind : Yeah, I noticed.
@0celouvsky oh, nice point of view.
@Ramanujan Imagine that you are in a fixed position relative to the ground and you can watch the rotating car. An object rotating requires a centripetal acceleration (because the direction is changing, you need an acceleration). In the rail road car, the tracks provide the centripetal force (if you are driving a normal car, the friction provides you the centripetal force unless the road is banked where the gravity also provides the centripetal force).
@Ramanujan If you go to the non-inertial frame of the car (you sit inside the car), you are going to feel a pseudo force acting on you as your frame is acceleration. As the direction of acceleration of your frame is towards the center (centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the path), you are going to feel a m*(centripetal acceleration) in the opposite direction, i.e. you are going to feel a force outwards.
@Ramanujan This force is called centrifugal force (and wrongly taught in schools as a magic force which acts when you are inside rotating bodies).
There is a metric to check completeness of Lorentzian manifolds
but it's a metric for the frame bundle
These actually makes me want to power through some more Riem. geom. so I'll do that I guess
It's in the Schmidt paper
@Yashas , it means the ans is away from the centre of path
@Ramanujan Guess? Explain how you drew that conclusion.
, just a guess @Yashas
@Ramanujan You should read your textbook and try to understand what it tells. If you had understood the concepts, this question would have been trivial.
@Yashas, the most poisonous metal is:

1). Uranium

2). Technetium

3). Platinum

4). Plutonium
1, 2 and 4
are radioactive
@Yashas we can choose only one
The question is wrong or it is the board being just stupid as always. They are probably expecting you to mark the most radioactive element.
@Yashas, then it might be 4th one
As far as I know, Polonium is the most radioactive metal (I don't remember and I don't bother to remember the order).
But that option isn't there and the question says "the most poisonous".
This question is so bad that I want to puke.
@Ramanujan The best option is 4. Tc is weak and Pu is more dangerous than Uranium.
@Ramanujan Just check out the half life of those elements. AFAIK Tc is used in injections to measure some properties of the blood. So that is definitely not so poisonous.
This is a list of radioactive isotopes ordered by half-life from shortest to longest. == 10−24 seconds == == 10−21 seconds == == 10−18 seconds == == 10−15 seconds == == 10−12 seconds == == 10−9 seconds == == 10−6 seconds == == 10−3 seconds == == 100 seconds == == 103 seconds == == 106 seconds == == 109 seconds == == 1012 seconds == == 1015 seconds == == 1018 seconds == == 1021 seconds == == 1024 seconds == == 1027 seconds == == 1030 seconds == Tellurium-128's half-life is over 160 trillion times longer than the universe has existed. == See also == Lis...
@blue, so which one do you think is correct?
@Ramanujan Uranium I suppose.
68.9 years half life
Plutonium-238 has half life of 87.7 years
Platinum is a noble metal. Why the hell did they include that in the options? =P
@blue o0
You are taking the worst case.
@Yashas What? (I might be wrong)
U238 is the most abundant isotope and it has a half life in billions of years.
@Yashas God knows which isotope they mean. I'll just chicken out =P
Pu244 is the most abundant isotope of Pu.
HL is 80 million years
And Half life 3 is still not out
They were talking about the most poisonous...so I thought I should compare the most unstable form of the two. @Yashas
I didn't think about abundance as such
Anyhow, the question is stupid and I don't want to waste time on it. =P
It takes a lot more uranium to pose a threat than it does plutonium since plutonium has a much shorter half life than uranium. @Ramanujan The answer does not state which isotope they mean....
Probably the most abundant isotope.
What happen if Valve decided to break the number 3 rule...?
But, meh...
@Secret I would drop a nuclear bomb on their HQ
@Secret They promised HL3 years ago and it hasn't come out yet.
In the meantime, they have released many other games. This makes me wonder if they have abandoned HL :(
@Yashas, which has the highest viscosity?

1). Water

2). Honey

3). Glycerine

4). Blood
Oh god ^
Just another stupid question. The answer is 2 > 3 > 4 > 1
@Ramanujan Google
I don't understand why the exam board prepares such terrible questions.
@yashas, the book says ans. Is glycerine
Those who mug things up score and those who really understand concepts but don't mug up (because they know that they don't need it) score less.
user image
@Ramanujan Interesting. I think I got confused between glycerine and ethyl glycol.
@BalarkaSen So the question, even in Riemannian geometry, is: if $\Bbb R^n$ has a flat metric, is it complete?
or maybe not
I think I had used glycerine (or ethyl glycol) while doing an experiment on total internal reflection.
And it didn't seem to be more viscous than honey.
@Yashas , oh
@0celouvsky Hm, I don't know, but I also don't know completeness yet.
@BalarkaSen Ok, something to think about then.
It is an interesting question, imo.
@0celouvsky mathoverflow.net/q/39669 helps, maybe?
What is Wein's displacement law uses for?@Yashas
@Ramanujan Open the lesson on heat transfer and jump to the section titled "heat transfer through radiation"
A: When is the Riemannian manifold $\mathbb{R}^n$ complete as a metric space with respect to the Riemannian distance?

Jean Van SchaftingenA standard necessary and sufficient condition is that every bounded set for your metric is bounded in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with the standard Euclidean norm.

^troll answer
But that's how I was thinking one should prove it.
Show that a $g$-bounded set is bounded in $\Bbb R^n$ with the usual norm.
@yashas, is it used for determining the temperature of steam?
It is used for determining temperature of everthing.
Q: If a metric on $\Bbb R^n$ is flat, is the space globally isometric to Euclidean space?

0celouvskyLet $g$ be a metric of arbitrary signature on $\Bbb R^n$. If the Riemann tensor of $g$ vanishes identically, is there a diffeomorphism $f:\Bbb R^n\to\Bbb R^n$ with $g=f^*e$, where $e$ is the standard metric with the same signature as $g$? In the Riemannian case, assuming $(\Bbb R^n,g)$ is compl...

@ACuriousMind @BalarkaSen @Slereah
After further investigations of the semi-Riemannian literature, it is true assuming the manifold is geodesically complete
So...is every flat $\Bbb R^n$ geodesically complete?
Are there even metrics outside of the canonical one
pick any coordinate system
@Slereah So I'm thinking that I should use local isometries to flat space to prove completeness
I can always extend in a small ball
@ACuriousMind Sound right?
Yes, I'm quite sure that works.
@Yashas Are irodov's mechanics and electromagnetism books good for theory? Or they only contain problems?
@blue There are two books. One is for problems and the other one is for theory.
In my opinion, Irodov's theory books are the best.
You learn physics by reading such kind of books unlike JEE prep books which teach yo use stupid tricks to solve MCQs.
You learn way more than what you need for JEE. If you are preparing for physics olympiad, then that is the best book you have.
But please do not overstudy physics because JEE requires you to be good at all the subjects even though you want to major in physics -__- (you need to be an expert in inorganic chem to study physics... hehe ... -.- )
I only have the General Problems in Physics. I solved the mechanics part in class 11. In class 12 I only used the Physics Galaxy books. They contain all the relevant problems in Irodov and HC Verma. So it helped me cut down on the number of books.
HC Verma problems are good too.
@Yashas I am not sure if I want to "major" in Physics...actually I've not decided yet. I love Physics, that's for sure.
The Golden Rule is: don't buy JEE prep books; buy books which are used by UG students or books where the author's goal is to teach you physics (not to help you get as many marks as possible in JEE)
This JEE is a very bad test.
I don't understand why someone has to know organic chemistry reactions to major in physics.
@Yashas I don't use books other the the previous 40 years question bank (and the PG books/website) =P Just self made notes are sufficient for me.
I have a note book for organic chem only :p
The last time I studied physics from textbook was an year or two ago...??...
@Yashas I remember yesterday you were reading Feynman =D
I am going to screw up JEE because of chem
@blue I don't count referencing as studying
Chem is easiest of the 3 =P
If you included those acts, then I am studying 24x7.
can we please not have JEE discussions here...
@blue and also the most annoying
@blue Physics is not a proper noun.
@0celouvsky Thanks.
Unlike Rigor of course ;)
Relax and beeyumbole.
I'm updating TeamViewer and it's taking forever!
What speed is your computer travelling at?
that was a poor joke
in what frame
the one with the picture in it
picture of computer?
@Slereah I got a comment on my post which claims the result is not true
Ah yeah, just take a bounded submanifold that's still $\approx \Bbb R^n$
I guess!
Lol @ all of GR being wrong
Eh, it's a removable singularity
[(Old news)]
The idea is interesting though. Talk about unguided self realisation of a prescribed goal
@Slereah what?
@ACuriousMind what's the German word for undergrad
@0celouvsky We don't have one
Recall that until a few years ago we didn't have the split into bachelor and master, it was just one five-year course that ended in a diploma
@ACuriousMind Is it ok to flag questions as VLQ when I am out of votes? :P
So there were just "students" - if a student is a PhD student they usually say they're a Doktorand, not a student.
Germany is on the LMD system, no?
@Yashas Only if they are VLQ
Surely an undergrad would be like
@Slereah What's the LMD system?
A license student
License - Master - Doctorat
The bachelor's master's doctorate system (in French réforme licence-master-doctorat or réforme LMD) is a European educational system designed by the Bologna Process. Its purpose is to standardize the educational system at European universities in order to harmonize study norms in terms of content, curriculum, syllabus, and course credits. As a result of this reform, European universities will offer the following three degree levels, but the names will vary from country to country: bachelor's, master's, and doctoral (PhD) degrees == External links == http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducatio...
Hm, the bologna process
sounds delicious
Ah, yes, now - post Bologna - it is
But most universities really just split the former diploma courses in half and called one part "bachelor" and the other "master"
So, well, you might say Bachelorstudent, but in actual speech it's not as common as the undergrad/grad distinction seems to be in English
In particular, there aren't really equivalents to phrases like "undergrad level", at least not that I've heard
Also we don't spend crazy money to get degrees
How much was your student loan, @0celouvsky
@Yashas VLQ means the question is so poorly written as to be incomprehensible. It doesn't mean it's a silly question, or a duplicate or homework. It's tempting to resort to flagging when you've run out of close votes, but you shouldn't flag unless the flag really is appropriate.
@JohnRennie, oxidation number of P in KH_2PO_3 is?
PO_3 or PO_4?
@JohnRennie, it's 3
Phosphorous acid is the compound described by the formula H3PO3. This acid is diprotic (readily ionizes two protons), not triprotic as might be suggested by this formula. Phosphorous acid is an intermediate in the preparation of other phosphorus compounds. == Nomenclature and tautomerism == H3PO3 is more clearly described with the structural formula HPO(OH)2. This species exists in equilibrium with a minor tautomer P(OH)3. IUPAC recommendations, 2005, are that the latter be called phosphorous acid, whereas the dihydroxy form is called phosphonic acid. Only the reduced phosphorus compounds are...
Especially the clock question!
@JohnRennie, phosphine gas is: 1. Acidic, 2. Basic, 3. Neutral, 4. An oxidizing agent
@Ramanujan Honestly, stop just asking questions here without showing any kind of effort or interest in learning anything except the correct answer. It's not what this room is for.
@JohnRennie, I got the answer for the first question but not for second
@ACuriousMind: re that question about submitting to Arxiv - that question seems a bit fishy to me
disputed = all the reviewers disagreed with my VLQ flag?
@JohnRennie It's certainly a rather odd question.
That doesn't mean we should sling it off to academia.SE :P
One wonders if he wouldn't be better off submitting to vixra instead :-)
@Yashas It means the review ended with not validating the flag. For VLQ, that can be as many as 4 recommend deletion to 2 looks OK votes
Q: What does the "disputed" status of a flag mean?

centralchargeWhat does the "disputed" status of a flag mean? E.g. Does it mean that the moderators couldn't decide whether the flag should be accepted or declined ? .

So, no, it doesn't mean that all reviewers disagreed, just that enough disagreed to complete the reivew without deleting/closing the post
If all reviewers agree and a mod disagrees, does it become a declined flag?
That...depends how the mod disagrees, I think
We can act on flags either from within the review queues or "as mods"
From within the review queue you should get a disputed like in the ordinary caes
But declining the flag "as a mod" will decline it rather than dispute it.
I don't think any of us uses the VLQ review queue, though, so generally mods acting on flags will give you either helpful or declined.
The declined flags - unlike the disputed ones - also should usually carry some sort of reason why they were declined
Hi @ACuriousMind
Lets be a man and shake hand :D. Sorry for my past behaviour @ACuriousMind
@Fawad that's treading close to the edge. I speak as a room owner.
1 message moved to Trash
@Fawad You know what? Take a day off chat to reflect on how a proper apology looks like and why trying to force a reply from other people by insulting them is not really better than just insulting them. You've been warned about personal attacks before, e.g. here.
Did you ban him @ACuriousMind ?
Mods from other communities are entering this room. This makes me suspicious :O
@JohnR: Are you around?
@Yashas I can only see one alien mod ...
Hi :-) I was wondering if you could help me out with something (It's utterly unfair, really, how I'm always the one asking for favors >.< I'm sorry for bothering you)
Yes, of course. What's up?
This time tell me in advance what I'm supposed to answer :-)
@JohnRennie There are 3 :D
@JohnRennie :-) I was wondering if you had in possession the soft copies of any of the books from the H.P series...
(Yes. I am hoping for a "Yes" :-P)
@Kaumudi.H Some might say I had all the HP books in ePub format ...
I think I installed an ePub reader on your laptop. If not I can give you a link to download one.
@Kaumudi.H I think you should be studying for JEE Advanced at this time
@JohnRennie :-D I knew I could trust you!
@Yashas I appreciate your input in this matter but I need to read something before bed and I am also in desperate need of H.P at the moment (I've already read all 7 books)
Read Feynman lectures on physics
@0celouvsky so your thing turned out to be false?
It is as good as any other novel.
@Yashas It's fine to have actual literary interests.
Bonus: you learn physics as you read
@Yashas It's not a novel.
@Yashas You haven't read any good novel, have you? :P
@Kaumudi.H you have mail
@Kaumudi.H It is as good as a novel :P
@JohnRennie :-D Thank you! <3
@ACuriousMind I have read few of them. I can estimate the number of novels I have read to be around 15 and I have completed only 5 I guess :P
And those were years ago
Before 9th grade
Out of the 5 I have completed, 3 are Malory towers
though i advocate reading non-HP novels as well
Novels are addictive.
I don't read them anymore :-D
@BalarkaSen Same here but I am in need of some H.P for personal reasons at the moment :-)
Reading a good book can broaden the mind. I read a book called Fifty Shades of Grey recently. That ... erm .. broadened my mind :-)
@JohnRennie ahhhhhhh =P
@JohnRennie Eh.
I saw the movies
They were very "educative"
15...back when I read much more I'd go through that much in like a month.
I watched "The Man Who Knew Infinity" in December.
I keep watching documentaries every week :)
@Yashas Ramanjan?
I read and liked Hard to be a God, by Strugatskies.
@JohnRennie Ramanujan*
a week ago
It is very emotional :(
Even I watched TMWKI
It was really good =)
With some great dialogues
I like to watch animated movies :p
Shrek, Tangle, Frozen, Cars, Bolt, E Wall, Toy Story, etc.
You're a grown up baby :-D
@JohnR: What app would I need to download on my phone to read them?
I can recommend good animated films but they're old and not American.
Well, tbh even I like animated Disney movies
@Yashas The Pixar movies are pretty good.
And they are truly artistic.
@Kaumudi.H I recommend Aldiko. Though the free version is a bit prone to showing ads if you leave the wireless on.
@ACuriousMind Yup. I am not sure what role they play in the movie making process but I do remember seeing their logo in most of the movies I watch.
@JohnRennie Wokay. I'll download it now. I got your mail; please give me a few minutes...
@Yashas Because those are Disney movies!
@BalarkaSen I like music from 1980s. Not sure if I would like the movies. I can give a try though :P
I keep listening to Groucho Max's videos.
Pixar (/ˈpɪksɑːr/), also referred to as Pixar Animation Studios, is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California that is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division, before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the majority shareholder. Disney purchased Pixar in 2006 at a valuation of $7.4 billion, a transaction that resulted in Jobs becoming Disney's largest single shareholder at the time. Pixar is best known for CGI-animated...
@Yashas Hedgehog In the Fog and Tale of Tales by Yuri Norshteyn. These are pre-80's and Russian.
I also like the 1950s show where Groucho Marx takes part in the "What is my line" show
It is funny. The best one I have seen was about the "Skirt Blower"
(The latter is said to be one of the greatest animated films in history.)
You've eco test tomorrow! @Yashas Gooooo!!!
I took my med 2 mins ago
need to wait 10 more mins
@BalarkaSen it's false in general. If you assume geodesic completeness it's true.
The 80's films (non-animated) are weird. I just watched one yesterday that I had on my list for some time.
Ah, @JohnR: You've included The Cuckoo's Calling as well. Did u read that book?
@Kaumudi.H No. Detective stories aren't my thing, though I must admit I did enjoy the Inspector Morse books. I only included it because I grabbed everything I had by JKR.
@JohnRennie Ohh, OK...
@Kaumudi.H Have you read it?
No, I'm afraid not. I was reading the H.P series when that one came out.
Huh. Aldiko hasn't recognised these new books yet...
You need to open Aldiko and import the epubs.
Ah, yes. Importing now.
Clink the menu button up at the top left and go to Files. Then tap Downloads. Then select all and import.
@Kaumudi.H Aha you were there before me :-)
Howver unless you have a large screen phone, or you set the text size really small, reading on a phone is a little painful.
The screen is just too small to show more than a small part of each page.
Done and done.
@JohnRennie I'll manage :-) Once again, THANKS ever so much!!
I must get round to reading the FBAWTFT screenplay ...
@JohnRennie Have u got it?!
Enjoy! :-D
It's ridiculously small; I bet you'd be able to finish it in 2-3 hours.
I have many volatile emotions that looks like still water
(The neutral-type emotions)
Not ideal but I think I'll be able to manage.
@Kaumudi.H Hmm, your eyes are 38 years younger than mine. I couldn't read that on a phone screen.
You can increase the text size and decrease the margins to make it more readable.

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