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In physics, the CHSH inequality can be used in the proof of Bell's theorem, which states that certain consequences of entanglement in quantum mechanics cannot be reproduced by local hidden variable theories. Experimental verification of violation of the inequalities is seen as experimental confirmation that nature cannot be described by local hidden variables theories. CHSH stands for John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard Holt, who described it in a much-cited paper published in 1969 (Clauser et al., 1969). They derived the CHSH inequality, which, as with John Bell's original...
> a and a′ are detector settings on side A, b and b′ on side B, the four combinations being tested in separate subexperiments. The terms E(a, b) etc. are the quantum correlations of the particle pairs, where the quantum correlation is defined to be the expectation value of the product of the "outcomes" of the experiment, i.e. the statistical average of A(a)·B(b), where A and B are the separate outcomes, using the coding +1 for the '+' channel and −1 for the '−' channel
switching to E(a,b) notation
@JohnR: I would like to make you jealous with pictures of the gulab jamuns that my mum made but they look like shit so here is a picture I found on the internet because they taste as delicious as ever anyway:
I like the Gulab Jamun sandwiches more than the plain ones =)
@blue Sandwiches?
I've never tasted that!
Yup, they are stuffed.
What is that in the middle?
Ah, OK, thanks.
My tongue treats sweet as poison.
@Yashas Happens when you eat too many sweets
My nose aches when I eat sweets other than gulab jamun, rasgulla & Mysore pak.
nose ache?
That's some new category of disease =P
@blue U say "lol" a lot :-P
idk what I am typing but I'm typing
I have started to hate Economics >.<
too many tables to draw
Economics is an interesting subject but the 3 hours of exam time is the worst part of my life.
@Yashas Why on Earth are u taking an exam in Economics?!
I also have data entry :P
computer science too
But why?
@Kaumudi.H Don't ask. He'll cry now =P
because why not?
Aaand I'm back home
Flight canceled
@BernardoMeurer Whaat? Why?
It takes just one week out of 52 weeks to prepare for economics
@BernardoMeurer Or you were thrown out for being drunk ? =D
@Yashas Is "I hate this" not a good enough reason?
I don't hate economics
I hate the 3 hour exam ^
Unfortunately, the maximum limit is 7 subjects.
I would've had more subjects otherwise :p
@Yashas I take that this was only a hyperbole, then?
@blue I hate physics, math and chemistry exam too!
@Kaumudi.H Dunno. Have to wait until 14h now
@Kaumudi.H I got annoyed because I was solving a sample paper and I had to draw 7 tables in total
@Yashas I hate giving exams. I just like preparing for them. =D
@BernardoMeurer .__. I see.
that is the worst case scenario
Also, @Yashas: you do you, man. I have absolutely no idea why but I sound as though I am trying to dissuade you from taking these exams and that wasn't my intention at all :-P
I take every exam :p
I do want you not to take these bogus exams. But your life depends on them now =P
I have only one language exam though :p
Only English
@blue you have two? :P
I did. But I never studied vernacular at home =P.
Still I will pass..hehe :-D
You won't fail in economics if you take it too :P
Why is India's population increasing? [1 Mark]
Answer: Birth rate > Death Rate
20 marks out of 100 will be stats
8th/9th/10th grade stats
@Yashas Our class 10 bio book would say: Lack of means of entertainment.
You went toooo deeeeep.
@Yashas It's true. Our book had that written! amazon.in/Candid-ICSE-Biology-Class-10/dp/B00VBJY80M
@Yashas Hehe. Our bio teacher made us cancel it out with a pencil. Yet many students wrote it in the final exam.
dirty minds
"Mirrors and copulation are abominable, because they increase the number of men"
from one of my favorite literary passages for a while
@JohnRennie A server died or something, I suppose; you've been gone for hours :-P
listening to Feynman's lecture, absolutely worthy of all the time searching for it. love it.
Link please.
Anyone selling a digital camera by any chance?
Perhaps JR
Apparently the three elementary cobordisms are the yarmulke, the trouser and the reverse yarmulke
@Kaumudi.H ?
Oh, wtf, it's you. You already know to ask him :-P Sorry, didn't look at ur username before replying.
Yes, I am me
and me am I.
To anyone here who knows MIPS:
What's the issue here?
"the bear will wake up instantly because the speed of wood is greater than the speed of light, it's basic physics"
My sides
What is this madness
@Slereah The movement on the stick will propagate at the speed of sound, right?
Where's my physics degree? I am clearly ready for it
that's trivia
not physics
@Slereah Hodge theaters? Are you looking into the work of Mochizuki, and if so, why?
I am not
just looking at science memes
I...see :P
"Shinichi Mochizuki is the author of the famous inter-universal Teichmüller theory (IUT)"
ah yes
That too is a math meme
does anyone in mathematics actually care about inter-universal Teichmüller theory
I'm not sure anyone has understood it so far
Is it actually a theory
rather than the ravings of a madman
There was at least one conference devoted to it when the paper was fresh, but I don't know whether people made progress or just gave up
@Slereah That's the thing - no one knows
Which is also why not many people are willing to invest a large amount of time into understanding it, I guess
that reminds me of what's his name
the crazy physicist that's deaf, blind and has crab hands
That's the guy
Burkhard Heim (February 9, 1925 – January 14, 2001) was a German theoretical physicist. He devoted a large portion of his life to the pursuit of his unified field theory, Heim theory. One of his childhood ambitions was to develop a method of space travel, which contributed to his motivation to find such a theory. During World War II, Heim was conscripted into the air force. However, a previous essay about explosives led to his working briefly in a chemical laboratory as an explosives technician, instead. An explosion in the laboratory caused by the mishandling of unstable compounds left him with...
@Kaumudi.H Had to go to a meeting (IT related). Boring but they'll be paying me a lot of money so these things are necessary if I want to keep up my laptop addiction :-)
@Slereah Hm, interesting, in contrast to most other people with...unorthodox theories who claim they're being suppressed by the establishment, the university of Göttingen actually sent him students to assist and he sent them away because he thought they wanted to steal his ideas
Hi all
@Slereah well a lot of actual mathematicians are actually actively trying to understand that stuff
not sure how successfully
lol at that diagram tho
@JohnRennie OK :-P
@Kaumudi.H I'm not sure about the idea of filling gulab jamuns with a sweet filling - presumably just in case they aren't sweet enough already :-)
Eh, me neither. I wouldn't venture to make/try that one because like I said before, my nose starts to ache when I consume too much sweet.
Gulab Jamun is just the right amount of sweet for me :-)
Have you ever eaten jalebis?
@Slereah basic algebraic topology
@JohnRennie Lol, yes. Of course I have but I have found that I can only eat one full jalebi when made by certain brands/people.
Hello @JohnRennie
Nose. Ache. Revulsion :-P
My mother used to make jelabis and gulab jamuns, though I found jelabis a bit too sweet. They are absolutely oozing with syrup!
@Ramanujan Afternoon :-)
@Kaumudi.H they weren't too bad if you snapped them to let the syrup out then left them to drain.
@JohnRennie, How are you?
@JohnRennie Hmm, I haven't tried that. I'll do it the next chance I get :-)
@Ramanujan pretty good thanks :-) And you?
@JohnR: Quick question (Nobody's around at home so please help): Yes or No? (Just pick one)
@JohnRennie, I am good too.

Iron loss in a dynamo arises because of;

1). The resistance of arnature coil.

2). The production of eddy current

3). The presence of mechanical friction

4). Lekage of flux.
@JohnRennie :-( Sigh. Why do I do this? I already knew I wanted the answer to be No. (Was deciding whether or not to finish a series I started 3 years ago this summer)
@BalarkaSen Can't they just ask him
@Ramanujan Iron loss? Do you mean energy loss?
@Slereah they did. but he refused to come outside of his den and give a talk
@0celouvsky Maybe do a thesis on inter universe Teichmuller theory
@Kaumudi.H :-) Sorry, my telepathic powers let me down again! I meant no of course.
@BalarkaSen I'm gonna go with crazy then
they even offered him that they'd pay for everything, they'd go there, but he refused. vOv :)
@JohnRennie, I guess so
Does what he's talking about check out, syntactically speaking
@Ramanujan well, what are your thoughts on the four options?
Im no good with basic maths and used to be a self taught science nerd (till last december) Physics was always my best subject, I am good with conceptual ideas and explinations
@Kaumudi.H So what, go with "No."
@JohnRennie :-) I dunno if I even remember the characters and the reviews don't look good so eh, done with that, then.
@JonathonMirza what happened last December?
Why are you letting someone else make the decision when you have already made it for yourself, apparently?
@Kaumudi.H What series? Is the one you have mentioned before?
@ACuriousMind I'm probably the most indecisive person you'll meet so I do shit like this.
@Slereah I'm no number theorist and I have never read any of his paper. The general conscience I think is that the problem with his IUTT stuff is that it's written unsystematically, making it unreadable
@JohnRennie option 2
"The present paper is the first in a series of four papers, the goal of which is to establish an arithmetic version of Teichmuller theory for number fields equipped with an elliptic curve"
it's 184 pages long
I was forced to accept I would never hold an academic job, due to multiple learning difficulties, autism and epilepsy.
They held a conference last year iirc and he appeared in a video chat there.
> The one you've mentioned before
I still understand the basic concept of quantum mechanics though
I have no idea which one you're talking about :-P
@ACuriousMind Are you at all familiar with squeezing operators on spin states?
I don't know basic Teichmuller theory so it's probably not worth reading
I think people are frustrated, and there're silent jokes going about it always, but it's not considered crackpottery.
@JonathonMirza I was forced to accept I would never hold an academic job due to wanting enough money to eat :-)
well I mean
it seems like it uses correct math linguo
But so did the Bogdanov papers
@JohnDoe nope, I'm afraid not
@ACuriousMind isn't that fairly standard with the fairer sex?
@Kaumudi.H standard fix is to postpone making the decision further
@BalarkaSen But I'm trying to get better at this so :-P
well I have dyscalculia, so my basic maths is at the level of a reception class student, ironically I understand most of the basic concepts behind advanced mathematics though
@Ramanujan: do the armatures in dynamos have a non-zero resistance?
,@JohnRennie, No idea regarding that
no there would be a level of resistance
well you can spend the time gained by postponing complicated decisions by trying to make more decisions
it would be only small though
@JohnRennie Um. That's vaguely sexist and I'd prefer not to make such generalizations, but no, that does not match my experience with the women I know.
even the most effective dynamo on the planet would have some level of resistance
@Ramanujan well the armatures in dynamos are made from coils of wire, and unless you're using superconducting wire it will have a non-zero resistance. So when current flows through it some energy will be lost as heat.
@BalarkaSen And u suggest creating opportunities to make even more (but easier, presumably) decisions in the face of having to make difficult decisions?
So, is the ans. Option 1. @JohnRennie
and as it rotates there is kinetic resistance as well
@ACuriousMind Okay no prob.
@Ramanujan are you allowed only one choice?
,@JohnRennie, yeah
Of course. Producing decision-problems at exponential rate for yourself and postponing everything indefinitely is more constructive than deciding on whether to make a decision or not.
"In mathematics, the Teichmüller space T(S) of a (real) topological (or differential) surface S, is a space that parameterizes complex structures on S up to the action of homeomorphisms that are isotopic to the identity homeomorphism."
@BalarkaSen Sounds like an excellent strategy to end up not doing anything at all :-P
@Ramanujan Well I've never heard of the term iron loss, but some Googling suggests it means hysteresis losses in the iron core. If so then I guess option 2 is correct. Options 1 and 3 also cause energy to be lost, but I guess they wouldn't be described as iron loss.
Thought is a powerful component of the multiverse, it is what allows quantum mechanics to exist, so the decision is only as hard as you believe it to be.
Ban @JonathonMirza
@Slereah the teichmuller space is important in string theory
@0celouvsky Even more boring
sorry for wasting your time
just tying to help
@Slereah wow look what you did
@JohnRennie what do you think about option 4
otoh you just make yourself a decision problem the only answer to which can be "yes". eg, "do I want to listen to david bowie?" :P
Let's make an inter universal teichmuller string theory
@BalarkaSen I can easily say no to that
I dunno Teichmuller theory actually
@Ramanujan Do you have any original thought on the question? Thus far you've just asked John for his thoughts without contributing anything yourself. We're not a "solve this exam question for me" service here.
@Ramanujan I don't know what flux leakage is in dynamos, but I doubt it is associated with hysteresis in the iron core.
@0celo you don't count man
@JonathonMirza Don't take @Slereah too seriously :P
@BalarkaSen there's lots of things you don't know :P
@JonathonMirza Don't mind him :-) I didn't realise you were adding to Balarka and my conversation about decisions until I read your message just now and yes, that makes sense :-)
you're a nonstandard alien who likes functional analysis over algebraic topology
I can't do pictures
@ACuriousMind Apparently spin squeezing results from the transofmration of the form form $$\hat{U}_{sq}(t) = \text{exp}[-i \chi \hat{J}^2_{z}t].$$ Is it at all clear why this would induce a phase shift on a superposition of spin states?
What do you want from me
@JonathonMirza: assuming you don't really believe that human cognition is an essential component of quantum mechanics :-)
@JohnDoe Uh...if $J_z$ is a Pauli matrix then its square is just 1, and what is $\chi$? I need more information to say anything here
@JohnR: I was talking about this series.
@JohnRennie Iron loss is indeed hysteresis loss. We have crappy terminology. The first few months in JEE prep goes at undoing what we were taught at regular high school.
@0celouvsky That's true.
Too much to learn and unlearn.
@Yashas Aha! Then option 2 isn't really correct as hysteresis losses aren't due to eddy currents.
@ACuriousMind $\chi$ is just some number
@JohnRennie Flux leakage is said to happen when the flux produced by one coil does not link with another coil completely.
@Kaumudi.H I think you might find yourself disappointed by books that you enjoyed when you were three years younger ...
If you take a source of changing magnetic flux and keep a circular loop, then the flux which does not go through the circular loop is called flux loss.
or flux leakage
@JohnRennie I was thinking along the same lines, actually. So yes, OK, I'm definitely skipping those two.
we have a lot of dirty terminology
@ACuriousMind Okay let me try something first.
Hmm, then that isn't iron losses either.
So the answer to the question is None of the above :-)
@Yashas example?
What we're taught at high school is a lie
@Kaumudi.H there are more great books that you could read in your lifetime, and people keep writing more of the damned things! If you're ever in doubt about a book don't read it.
@Fawad Iron loss is not a physics term; the engineers use it. For more simple examples are smooth surface, rough surface, etc. Unforunately, the textbooks mix engineering terms with the science terms. Textbooks uses both i and j for imaginary numbers.
We are supposed to assume that a smooth surface is a frictionless flat surface.
Rough surface is a flat surface with friction.
Very vague definitions.
and unpopular too
an outsider will have to make guesses to understand what we mean
@JohnRennie This is probably something I'm likely to carry with me for a very long time :-P I'll do well to remember this.
@Kaumudi.H Life doesn't seem too short when you're eighteen. However that view changes over time :-)
@Fawad This problem exists because the textbook is a compiled version of lessons written by different people. Different people use different termionlogies and notations. This is very confusing.
@Yashas which textbook you follow?
@Fawad I don't use any board level textbook or JEE prep book.
@JohnRennie :-) The coming summer seems looong anyway!
@Yashas then?
@Kaumudi.H isnt this summer for us now?
@BalarkaSen Tom Lehrer! My mother is a big fan of Tom Lehrer and she used to play his records to us when we young.
is there an example of a Killing vector field that doesn't correspond to any coordinates
@Fawad Eh, I tend to associate the season of summer with joy and that comes later so no, not yet for me!
For physics, I use HC Verma + Feynman's lectures on Physics + Fundamentals of Mechanics (Irodov) + Electricity and Magnetsism (Irodov)+ Aptitude test problems in Physics (SS Krotov) + Problems in General Physics (Irodov).
@BalarkaSen learn anything interesting lately?
@JohnRennie Haha, nice.
@Yashas, what would be the correct option?
@0celouvsky Well, still learning foliations and a little Riemannian geometry at snail's pace.
@Kaumudi.H hmm, wresultmania is over. so these are summer for me.
@Ramanujan I'd agree with you that it's option 2.
it is very relatable
I lost track of that message @Ramanujan Iron loss = hysterisis loss (and sometimes eddy current loss)
Can you repeat the options again?
@Fawad I had to Google "WrestleMania" but OK.
@JohnRennie People will have to think hard on how to include the superheavy elements 111-118 nowadays, though
My favorite is definitely Lobachevsky but I have lost taste in satire.
@Ramanujan option 2
@Yashas i am not ramanujan bro
it's a good one
Although musically speaking, I also love his world war III song
@BalarkaSen oh yes, that is good. Bit unfair on Lobachevsky though as I don't think he was particularly noted for plagiarism.
"Remember mommie, I'm off to get a commie, so send me a salami and try to smile somehow!"
1). The resistance of armature coil.

2). Production of eddy current

3). Presence of mechanical friction

4). Lekage of flux
@BalarkaSen You have lost taste in... satire? Who the heck are you and what have you done with a person named Balarka (whom I have "known" (in this regard) for the past few months) ? :-P
The fractional Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation of fractional quantum mechanics. It was discovered by Nick Laskin (1999) as a result of extending the Feynman path integral, from the Brownian-like to Lévy-like quantum mechanical paths. The term fractional Schrödinger equation was coined by Nick Laskin. == Fundamentals == The fractional Schrödinger equation in the form originally obtained by Nick Laskin is: r is the 3-dimensional position vector, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, ψ(r, t) is the wavefunction, which is the quantum mechanical probability amplitude for the particle to...
@JohnRennie Ya I think he acknowledged somewhere that he just used it for musical purposes.
This is so weird
The name Lobachevsky I mean.
@Yashas why not 4?
@BalarkaSen you use google for other than math? :O
@Ramanujan because the question said "iron loss"
@Kaumudi I am the same I was and ever will be. It's hard to know a person by his posts on a chat on the internet.
I frequently write satirical comments, but that's just out of boredom. I don't perceive the world through satire.
@Ramanujan I am pretty certain that if you had opened your textbook, you would got the answer (irrespective of whether you understand it or not).
@Ramanujan The words, "hysteresis" and "eddy currents", will appear right after the Iron loss heading.
iron loss sounds like some medical condition
you gotta eat more meat and lentils
@BalarkaSen If you perceived the world through satire, how could you tell it is satire at all? I think satire requires you to already know that which is satirized, no?
@yahas, what is the meaning of hysteresis loss?
@Ramanujan Do you know what hysteresis means? Do you remember the hysteresis curve?
@Ramanujan Do you remember that the area under the hysteresis curve gives the energy lost due to reversing the magnetization?
This energy loss is called hysteresis loss.
@ACuriousMind That was a psychological, not philosophical point. What I was trying to say was that I do not think anymore that satire is a good medium to convey the graveness of certain aspects of the world I perceive. Aka, I do not perceive it as a good medium to communicate world-views and opinions and protests and so on.
@yashas, I know that "Hysteresis is a phenomenon which takes place when there is magnetisation ans demagnetisation of a medium
Do you know what is the hysteresis phenomenon?
@yashas, No not till.
I used to, perhaps a couple years ago, but ideas change. Why I think so is probably irrelevant to the discussion.

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