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@hey Happy Holi :) Did you play with colors ?
@2017 yes , I love to play
what about you
@hey A little bit!
Hey, does anyone happen to know anything about electrostatic lenses?
My einzel lense isn't einzeling properly
Did you try to einzel some more
in a more einzeling fashion
@Slereah I tried turning the einzel up to 11 but it still didn't einzel
Okay I don't know what Einzel means
I admit
An einzel lens (from German: Einzellinse – single lens), or unipotential lens, is a charged particle lens that focuses without changing the energy of the beam. It consists of three or more sets of cylindrical or rectangular apertures or tubes in series along an axis. It is used in ion optics to focus ions in flight, which is accomplished through manipulation of the electric field in the path of the ions. The electrostatic potential in the lens is symmetric, so the ions will regain their initial energy on exiting the lens, although the velocity of the outer particles will be altered such that they...
Well, einzel means not doppel I guess :P
My lens is a bit different, stolen entirely from this picture:
home made?
I mean it would be, if it worked :)
Electrostatic field in mine
it is a smiley face
Thing is, I know essentially nothing about electrostatic lenses
Well then we have that in common
So someone'll probably come along and tell me how that's literally backwards
or something
I'm not sure we have anyone here who knows about electrostatic lenses
I need LaTeX Help
I need to embed an animated GIF of the death star exploding in my Computer Architecture lab report
Because I make a very bombastic conclusion
@BernardoMeurer Talk to kate beckinsale, hear she has knowledge in latex
@BernardoMeurer googling "tex embed gif" leads me directly to possible solutions.
@Giskard42 She's hot af, not sure I can pronounce words next to her
@ACuriousMind I tried animate already
@BernardoMeurer Is your problem the animation, or the embedding?
@BernardoMeurer And...how did it fail?
Animation, I need the prof to see the explosion
Like kaboom
@ACuriousMind It didn't play at all
Not on Firefox, not on Chrome, not on Evince
Hm, then we're out of my depth and you'll need to ask the nice people of TeX - LaTeX directly
@BernardoMeurer If it's a presentation, just hold down the "next slide button" really fast and make a flipbook
It works on Acrobat reader
Lol, I got this to work
On Acrobat at least
This is great
I literally diss the prof showing I can MiTM his CPU design and then just thrown an exploding death star at him
get rekd
@BernardoMeurer Edit a picture of him with one of those "Roast Me" signs
I can't get too aggressive
Hello, my name is Bernardo and I BREAK CPU DESIGNS
physics lab?
Na, Computer Architecture
We just play with springs at physics lab
boring af
oh dang it
I really need to start hitting the save button more often
hey @heather thought you &/ or @Kaumudi might find this interesting/ impressive o_O
13 hours ago, by vzn
going to watch right now =)
marie claire now covering physics/ STEM o_O :P physicsgirl.com/ywh2017.pdf
What book should I read?
what sort of book are you looking for @SirCumference?
Haag's local quantum field theory
always a good read
Quantum Computing and Quantum Information is great
@vzn That's really cool :-)
It doesn't necessarily have to be about physics
Just a regular book
@JohnR: Hello, BTW! :-) I've just had delicious butter naan and paneer butter masala for dinner.
@SirCumference Fairy tales will do ? :-D I can suggest some....
@2017 Sure
@Kaumudi.H ooh, that sounds great. Now, feast your eyes on this:
Although I'm 18, I don't know if they'll be very interesting...
@SirCumference Anything by Pratchett. Maybe try Hogfather.
@SirCumference I thought you didn't know what kind of book you wanted
@Slereah Quit arguing semantics
Friggen autocorrect
@JohnRennie Fancy schmancy :-) What is it?
What's going on here
@Sir: Have ya read that one?
@Kaumudi.H Nope, sounds interesting :)
24 hours ago, by John Rennie
user image
Imma check it out
Don't do it
Those quarks will explode
@Slereah huh?
they are billions of kelvins
@SirCumference It's an excellent book to read, especially if u're looking for "anything to read" because it's not particularly long. Only 200-300 pages, if I'm not wrong.
Pinocchio is good :-P
@2017 That's...for a different reading level, I think
@SirCumference You still didn't realize that I'm trolling ? :'D
I recommend this book
user image
@2017 I don't know how you work
@SirCumference :-)
@Slereah Lmao
@Sir: I've read TCiTR about 6-7 times so far and I might even get to buy this shirt on my birthday:
@Kaumudi.H glad you liked it, was surprised to see it last nite, dont see stuff like that often :) ... she has published adv physics papers on quantum gravity, cited by hawking etc
@Slereah I have one of those type of books at home :P
So how do you like it
I haven't read a good book in a long time
@Slereah Good visual treat
@vzn, finished watching, amazing video =)
thanks for sharing it
@Slereah Which one is the cow?
I remember I had a book as a kid
I'm stuck
@Slereah a book?
A specific book I am going to talk about
Mister I can't understand english
The plot was that a kid was locked in a cupboard when he was naughty, and in there he had magic adventures with his imagination
@Slereah That the name of it?
It did not dawn on me until later that it was kind of fucked up
@Slereah Jesus
The name was "Puni, cagibi"
That's pretty dark
@Slereah I thought that was a popular theory for what was really going on in Harry Potter.
Oh speaking of which, I re-read all of Harry Potter
@JohnRennie Oops, I almost completely forgot about these in the midst of recommending one of my favorite books, sorry :-) I see. Were they good?
Childhood memories
@SirCumference 'Cause of me!!! :-P Or at least that's what u said.
@Kaumudi.H Yep :D
I read comic books even now
@2017 Never read one
You should try the marvel series ^
@Kaumudi.H actually they were all right, but not amazingly delicious.
It's pretty engrossing
@JohnRennie Huh, OK...
by the way
Here are two GR books from my childhood
They're pretty good
@Kaumudi.H They were something I hadn't tried before, so I was eager to try them and see what they were like. You have to try these experiments or you won't find anything new. But in this case the experiment was at best a partial success :-)
Alas, you read them in French, I suppose?
@Slereah "GR books"
well yes
I don't know if they're GR books simply because they talk about GR concepts
I was like 10
@JohnRennie At least better than those nasty hajmolas eh? :-)
didn't speak english yet
This was my first GR book
@2017 I've heard of manga, but that's it
Never actually read one
Basically it was pop science
@Kaumudi.H The hajmola weren't awful. They were just too salty for my taste.
If they're not GR, how come they taught me about the Cauchy problem around naked singularities
@SirCumference Then I recommend reading comics...esp the marvel series
@JohnRennie ...OK :-P
Perfect encapsulation of the problem
@Slereah That cat looks like something out of a monster manual
Singularity Lynx, chaotic neutral
roll for initiative
@Slereah You French?
I am
Are French Fries from France? Someone asked me....
@SirCumference Tell me if u get around to reading that book.
@2017 Possibly Belgium
@Kaumudi.H Yep :)
Well I sure do love french fries
I am so happy right now
@Slereah I'd think they'd be called chips in Europe
@heather :-) What's up?
Or is that just the UK?
They are called frites in france
@SirCumference Only in the UK
@Kaumudi.H my program is working!
this is such a rare occurrence
@Slereah That book is how I first learnt the existence of black holes in my childhood
And what about French cut ?
@heather Oh, yay, congrats! :-) I made a game in C++ one time so I know what that feels like :-P
@SirCumference I see !
Made a few games in JS
Bad naming :P
@2017 Like how the French horn is actually German
hmm, now the question is, how to make a toffoli gate possible...or any amount of controls on a target qubit possible...
Very nice
Misnomers are fun
or to connect multiple target qubits...
@heather ...aaand I have no idea what u're talking about so I'm out :-P
that lady is just waiting her turn to use the wormhole
@SirCumference LOL, I'm now curious about which country the french kiss originated from :P
@Kaumudi.H it's a simulation of an ideal quantum computer. you know how in a normal computer there are logic gates, like AND or NOT? in a quantum computer, there are gates too. I'm just wondering how to implement a particular gate with my setup.
It's a common theme among languages to refer to unpleasant or scandalous things as originating from countries you don't like
France was considered by the English to be scandalously loose
@heather Ohh, nice, that sounds very interesting :-) Man, every time I talk to you, I'm blown away by how much stuff u're doing :-P
Hence a lot of "french" things in english
@Kaumudi.H just because I'm trying to do something doesn't mean it's actually working =P
that are not actually french
@heather Hey, at least u're trying and that's so much more than just nothing at all! :-)
@Slereah You mean the French did not actually invent the French kiss? :P
Probably not
Nor did they invent the french disease
This music give me feels, but I don't know how to describe it
Or do things in the french fashion
@Kaumudi.H to be honest, I'm always impressed at how quickly you figure out physics - almost every time I see you in here, you are working on a physics problem =) it's super cool.
though the same thing also exists in France, except we substitute "english" instead
La maladie anglaise
@heather Almost every time? x'D I've been discussing a lot of food stuff these days but thanks :-) I appreciate it.
Hint : The [country] disease usually means some STD
@Slereah Translation?
@Kaumudi.H, the times you're not discussing physics, you're discussing food with Sir Rennie =P
both are good pursuits
I forget which disease it is
Yeah, I guess :-P
I think it's gonnorhea or something
Alright, I'm off. Bye, guys :-)
have a good day @Kaumudi.H!
@Slereah It's syphilis
ah yes
good old syphilis
@heather And u too :-) (My day's almost over :-P)
@Kaumudi.H Bye :)
@Kaumudi.H a good night then.
I always mix up time zones.
@ACuriousMind seems uncommonly familiar with syphilis
can't you just draw a straight (horizontal line)?
right in the center?
or really, at the top of the graph, because the general emptiness of the graph is pretty high.
Solution: just draw x=0, then the graph has countably infinite width but remains empty
@Slereah Only since a rather boring talk about Nietzsche I couldn't escape also discussed it :P
@ACuriousMind suicide!
What about syphillis?
Look at this smorgasbord of particles
@JohnRennie Ah, I was talking about what the "French disease" is, not the anglaise one
(Hmm... It seems I have enough evidence that my messages are not visible to at least half of this chat, that's weird. Anyway, back to work)
Oops, yes.
Gluons, quarks, photons, neutrinos, leptons, Higgs bosons, W and Z bosons, X bosons, gravitons, WIMPs, primordial black holes, magnetic monopoles, cosmic strings
La maladie Anglaise is currently Brexit.
It's an all you can eat buffet of particles
@Slereah I'll have some monopoles then, please
careful, they're heavy
They are?
Experimental bounds say so, anyway
Monopoles have grand unification scale masses don't they?
I ordered my copy of Particle Data Group two weeks ago and still no news, BTW
I hope I ordered it right
I really hope they send it because it's the last paper edition ever
@Slereah Do you live in Paris?
Not anymore
Oh, which city do you live in?
I see :)
I went to Paris once when I was 5 years old
@JohnRennie Hardly.
I didn't know unbelievable wealth and riches could be a malady.
@0celo7 I was thinking about the enormous existential angst it appears to be generating rather than the financial consequences.
Existential angst?
English please.
Though those consequences include a 10% increase in the price of petrol - oil being priced in dollars and the pound having tanked due to Brexit.
The EU is taking billions of pounds
Maybe a trillion
Not sure how deep it runs
@0celo7 The PM will trigger article 50 in a few days, possibly as early as Tuesday, and the result is that all the papers are full of Brexit related articles.
Now testing something, please do not be suprised I don't see you pings while the test is carried out
We have Brexit related bills passing through Parliament, and the papers are full of articles about those as well.
And Nicola Sturgeon has as good as said that Scotland will hold another independence referendum as soon as the UK leaves the EU.
who would trust a fish, though
It will quieten down in a bit, but right now it seems as though there is nothing else in the news.
Lol this is so empty. Reverting changes now
I want some caviar
@Slereah Oh Jesus
There's a creepy meme based off that
You don't say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@JohnRennie politics! o_O did you see this one? farage + trump independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/…
@vzn The only person who believes Nigel Farage is an international statesman is Nigel Farage. Nothing he says should be taken at face value.
@JohnRennie dont know much about him, need to learn more, wasnt he instrumental in brexit or something?
@vzn He would like to think so.
a "sore topic" :(
There are politicians who genuinely want to do the best for the people they serve. To be fair, I think most of the UK members of parliament fall into this category (most of the time). There are also politicians who are interested only in the aggrandisement that the role brings. Farage falls into the latter category.
With power comes responsibility. Or so it's claimed. Too often that isn't the case.
Cartoons make a lot of jokes about scientists forgetting to carry the one
i'm not sure I've carried a one in a long long time

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