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@Hippalectryon Well, what I really said (or meant) was that I'd be interested in a bot, but probably not a fork of Chembot. Some other people in the room seemed more interested in that though.
@DavidZ What about I let the bot here for a test period with those arxiv commands and commutative graph commands for instance, and see how it goes ?
@Hippalectryon I'm okay with that. Not that it's really my decision, though I'm not entirely sure how the decision of whether to enable to bot should be made. A fairly safe route is to make a meta post asking whether to do it. Or you could just start the bot up and see how it goes.
@DavidZ In the chem room we went with the option of simply asking the room mods, since they had control over the room's guidelines
Also, I can add the room's mods as bot mods just as I did with the chem room mods (basically you can make the bot stop working for any period of time)
@Hippalectryon I guess that makes sense to do, if you do enable it... but I don't think us being bot mods or not is a major factor in whether most people will be okay with it. (Of course somebody needs to have control over the bot, but it matters little to me who it is.)
I mean, the only real problem I can see with the bot is that it might be used to "spam" the chatroom since I'll have removed the "funny" commands. But of course, it's up to the users to say whether they want to keep it or not
@ACuriousMind The $\hbar$
@0celo7 Then the joke is lost to most people
@SirCumference We only want people who get the joke, clearly.
@Hippalectryon If you were to take that approach here, it would be up to the room owners, i.e. myself @ACuriousMind @rob @Qmechanic @dmckee and Manishearth. Like I said, I don't mind trying it out for, say, a couple weeks. But we can see what the others say. I do think this is not the sort of thing that really needs to be decided by the room owners; it makes sense to leave it to the community.
And "the h bar" is not any better, really
anyone who knows what h bar is will know what $\hbar$ is
@0celo7 I think they would know what $\hbar$ is if they understand "The h Bar"
Saying it out makes it more obvious that this is a "bar"
That's your problem
puns should not be obvious
Au contraire, the best puns are the worst puns :)
Take my name for example
@DavidZ Ok what about this : I develop the bot's fork for the h bar, asking which commands the users would like and implementing them in chemobot's chatroom but not here. That way people can see how the commands work and test them, but it won't have any impact here. Then, according to how this goes, you guys decide whether it should be tested in this room.
@SirCumference Your name reminds me of...I shan't say what it is out of fear of execution.
@0celo7 Well, now my mind's free to interpret what you were going to say...
@Hippalectryon Again, that sounds good to me. I mean, I'm not going to come right out and tell you "yes, do that"; it's up to the community. But all these are valid options.
Well at least testing it in chemobot's chatroom won't annoy anyone :D
@DavidZ Am I allowed to make rhymes of sexual innuendos?
@SirCumference Meh. It's medical. Circumcision.
@0celo7 Nobody can kill you through the internet, so stop talking about execution. Also, if saying something would get you suspended, there's a good chance alluding to the thing would also get you suspended. So if you think you shouldn't say a thing, don't allude to the thing either.
@0celo7 No
> Nobody can kill you through the internet
You sir, have not seen Ghost in the Shell.
...but you should, especially the series, because it's excellent.
Not what you meant, I know, but it seemed appropriate :-P
@DanielSank I can tack it on to my list
@SirCumference Well?
Do you agree or not?
So eh, how come so many users get capitalization wrong?
They say stuff in "In the theory of Quantum Mechanics,...".
Who's teaching people to do that?
Lots of people capitalize fields
@DanielSank common knowledge
@0celo7 wat?
Field names are treated as proper nouns now?
@DanielSank I asked someone about that once, on reddit I think, and they said they thought physics was a proper noun. I'm not sure where they got that idea (and neither were they).
@DavidZ Woah.
@Hippalectryon hahah, nice.
I don't know what a proper noun is
Is it just one you capitalize?
A thing that you capitalize.
@DanielSank Is that the definition or a theorem?
Q: Should names of scientific theories be capitalized?

c.p.I'd really like to safely write stuff like Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Evolution without capitals; but I don't want to regret it, whence my question. Should the name of scientific theories be written with capitals?

somewhat relevant
@0celo7 A proper noun is roughly a name of a person or place.
@0celo7 A property of proper nouns is that they should be capitalized, but that is not their definition. (At least, I've never heard of anyone defining them like that.)
It is the case that they are capitalized in English.
As with all other things in English, the rules are weird and at some point you will wind up having to memorize a list of exceptions (or perhaps more precisely, no reasonable set of rules can completely distinguish between common and proper nouns without individually classifying at least a few of them). Anyway, one of the rules goes something like this: academic fields are not proper nouns (e.g. physics, history) unless they are also the names of languages (e.g. English, Swahili).
@ACuriousMind Oh my god
^ So how come so many people capitalize?
English (at least in the US) is supposed to be descriptive, not prescriptive. We actually don't have an official language correctness authority.
@DanielSank I assume because they don't know that rule? To be fair, I didn't actually know it either until I looked it up precisely because of this issue, I'd just known from experience that you don't capitalize "physics".
@ACuriousMind If $U-\{x\}$ were not simply connected, this would contradict $\Bbb R^2-\{x\}$ being not simply connected. Take a loop around $x$. If this were nullhomotopic in $U-\{x\}$, it would also be in $\Bbb R^2-\{x\}$. But we know that's not true.
It's not just field names.
I see "Electric Field" all over the place too.
Where is this coming from?
@DanielSank Orthography is hard, and people who ask questions here are concentrating on something else.
I used to be a snob about that sort of thing but decided to quit.
Working for clarity and being a snob are not the same thing, sir.
I simply edit and move on.
Some times, if it's a new user or one with an obviously foreign name, I'll leave a comment.
A: How to ignore a presenter's bad english?

robSo I'm a native English speaker, and I used to be kind of a snob about people whose spoken English was poor. I got over it. I remember the exact instant that I got over it, in fact. Here it is: I was an undergraduate, and I visited a seminar on a subject that interested me but that I didn't know...

Orthography may be hard but it's also rather important.
Not trying to imply you're a snob, but that I used to be one, and i'm more relaxed now.
@rob Well fortunately around here we can literally rewrite the author's words. This not only improves readability for others, but it actually helps the author learn to use better English!
@DanielSank Truth
@rob Wait, you got your PhD here?
I thought just UG
@rob I look at one of the main functions of this site as an engine for making the physics community better at communication.
@0celo7 Both degrees from the same school. There was a pretty girl involved --- staying at the same institution was a solution to the "two-body problem".
I should use the present tense there, because that pretty girl and I have been married now for fifteen years.
@rob Pretty sweet story :D
I'm tearing up.
@0celo7 ... the dance floor.
@DanielSank Have you heard of Hadamard matrices?
In mathematics, a Hadamard matrix, named after the French mathematician Jacques Hadamard, is a square matrix whose entries are either +1 or −1 and whose rows are mutually orthogonal. In geometric terms, this means that each pair of rows in a Hadamard matrix represents two perpendicular vectors, while in combinatorial terms, it means that each pair of rows has matching entries in exactly half of their columns and mismatched entries in the remaining columns. It is a consequence of this definition that the corresponding properties hold for columns as well as rows. The n-dimensional parallelotope spanned...
@rob I know what they are, I attended a talk on them.
The speaker mentioned Quantum Information Theory.
@0celo7 What did you learn?
Nothing, really. The talk was preparatory. Part two tomorrow.
The hadamard matrices lie along varieties is what I learned, I guess.
And that physicists are desperately looking for them in six dimensions.
@0celo7 Sounds like a challenge in a four-dimensional spacetime :-)
@rob yes. The analytsts in the audience had a good laugh at physicists too
The speaker said that the physicists were writing a bunch of equations that probably do not have solutions
He said the physicists use their "usual rudimentary methods"
I always think it's strange to refer to scientists as if we were a monolithic group. ("Physicists are desperately searching" vs. "There are physicists who are desperately searching.") No one's come into my office looking for Hadamard matrices.
... though looking in my office would be an unusually rudimentary method.
@0celo7 yes
@rob not that you know of...
@DanielSank so these are actually useful things?
@0celo7 sure
@DanielSank what for? The speaker was pretty cryptic
@0celo7 they show up in quantum algorithms.
@DanielSank are you being intentionally...this?
@0celo7 eh?
@0celo7 That's what I was thinking
That or "Sir Cum", as some people online call me...
@D17 What's with your new name?
@skillpatrol That's true...rather that not be my nickname here
You could change your username to 2pi*r
@skillpatrol That's also my nickname :)
Admittedly, that was a mistake
@SirCumference ...
@SirCumference disgusting
@0celo7 Huh?
There are children here for pete's sake
I realize that was moronic...
@SirCumference Which site is that?
What happened to your avatar? @dmckee
@anonymous Astro
@skillpatrol His avatar is the same
Maybe that was real Shrek typing it :P
Did something happen to my avatar. I still see the high-contrast, monocrome head-n-shoulders shot.
@dmckee Nothing happened that I see
@dmckee No.
@0celo7 Woah, I feel old
Does the name of moderators appear written in blue ?
Wow. I never noticed it before !
@SirCumference different shade of blue
I got the blues, baby!
obe doesn't really mean anything it's just a shade of blue that I liked but i want to switch it up a bit, new name doesn't mean anything either xD
@dmckee oh god
what happened to you?
@D17 Hello, welcome to the h Bar!
If you're here for JEE, please say so now!
no I'm not.
@dmckee :
@D17 Speaking of which
Since you lost the astro design, I remade it
We still working on it?
@0celo7 Here's something hilarious you might've missed when you changed your avatar to that...zombie thing
@SirCumference yes
@D17 Cool
So I shared the design with other people, they all agreed it needed more than just blue
Also, by "remade", I mean I drew over the PNG file of the background you sent me and made it into a vector
@D17 As a matter of fact...there's not much blue in space
I mean, blue stars are exceedingly rare
@D17 Also, here's your vector logo
So, let's think
The logo doesn't look too good as a favicon...
Even though I love it as a logo
i don't even like that logo
the favicon should be a generic star
i think
So we're changing the logo?
@D3075 Like a five pointed one?
does the favicon have to be the same as the one on in the banner
Hmm...will it really seem different from every other site/logo with a star?
@D3075 It'd certainly make sense. Every SE site does that.
After all, the favicon/banner icon symbolizes the site
Makes it unique
@SirCumference A galaxy type symbol would suit it better perhaps
@anonymous That's what we've got so far
Full version:
@SirCumference Looks like a cartoon to me :P
The theme is nice
The logo could be better
@anonymous Well, it's meant to differentiate us from all the other astronomy sites, in the same way as this site's Mexican hat differentiates it from every other site
@SirCumference I get it. However, I suggest thinking of some alternative logos too before finalizing!
@anonymous Well yeah, we're still thinking :)
@anonymous Here was the last design
@SirCumference Wow! That is cool :D
@anonymous Thanks, but it still doesn't feel...StackExchange-like, at least to me :/
my design is shit ok
can we start again
it was just for a test i did it in 30 mins
@D3075 'Course
@SirCumference Why?
@anonymous Too extravagant, maybe?
@0celo7 Strange that isn't even the gravatar that was associated with my account before I added my usual pic shortly after being elected moderator.
Even scifi is like that. It looks cool to me!
@dmckee all the gravatars changed remember?
@D3075 Only vaguely. I had my picture by then and was busy in "rel" life.
[Esoterics] The more I read stuff in this branch of cultural phenomenon, the more I suspect these guys are basically treating as if reality is a desktop computer and they are the programmers. This is quite different from religion where the programmer is some supernatural entity, and science where we don't think of reality as a program nor us as programmers. Actually, I am not very sure where the scientific method fits in this programming analogy.
I guess we, science, are the debuggers...?
...given how our primary aim is to understand how the physics laws work and then using these models to predict the next step of what will happen
@anonymous Hmm...can you test it for me, then give your opinion?
@D3075 Jesus, stop changing your name...
It's hard enough to keep track of people who regularly change their avatars, like @0celo7 or @ACuriousMind
@SirCumference How will I test it?
@anonymous Well, do you have tampermonkey?
@SirCumference I downloaded the extension..
@anonymous Neat. So just click here
And click "install"
Now check astro SE :)
Where is the script?
Nothing is happening
@anonymous What'd ya mean?
Hmm...you on chrome?
@SirCumference Fine.
@0celo7 No offense ._.
I got a button there
@ACuriousMind please wake up
@anonymous Yeah, click that and check your extensions
::algebraic topological bat signal::
@SirCumference hey if you make me an algebraic bat signal I will never make fun of you again
@0celo7 Uh...you have a sketch I can work with?
@SirCumference It shows no script is running
@anonymous Screenshot?
Is "Astronomy SE design" there?
@D3075 Er, two questions
First, please remember to save your work
Second, can you perhaps be a bit more active?
It's been a month since we began this endeavor
@anonymous OK, click "Create a new script"
Then click the tab "Installed userscripts"
What do you see?
it is on
Yet it still doesn't work?
yeah :/
I realized what I did wrong
All right, do Ctrl+F, and replace any "https" with "http"
Then save it with Ctrl+S
Its working now
Except the logo is missing
@anonymous Are you sure there's no https links?
I changed them all
Using ctrl f
Ok the rest of it is working
it is nice
Thanks :)
I will check and get back to you later
What's your opinion on the footer?
Gotta go
All right, later
@D3075 Only vaguely. I had my picture by then and was busy in "real" life.
So your avatar looks normal beside your message @dmckee
But in the top right hand corner along avatar row it is different
@skillpatrol halp
If $U\subset\Bbb R^n$ open, what is the $(n-1)$-th singular homology of $U-\{x\}$?
Ask Ted
Why not?
How about BalarkaSen?
He's in the math room now.
@ACuriousMind $\mathrm{int}\, M\cap \partial M=\emptyset$. Proof: Let $x\in \mathrm{int}\, M\cap \partial M$. Let $U\subset M$ be a neighborhood of $x$ homeomorphic to $\Bbb R^n$. Let $H\subset U$ be homeomorphic to a half-ball with $x$ on the boundary. Let $V=U\cap H$. This is open in $M$, and in $U$, hence homeomorphic to an open set in $\Bbb R^n$.
But since $H\subset U$, we have $V=H$.
If this is true, then the $(n-1)$-th singular homologies of both must be the same if we extract $x$.
Since $H-\{x\}$ is contractible, we simply have $H_{n-1}(H-\{x\})=0$.
The claim is that $H_{n-1}(V-\{x\})\ne 0$.
The problem is that it's just some open set. But consider a sphere $S^{n-1}$ around $x$ in $V$. This is possible since $V$ is open in $\Bbb R^n$. Then $S^{n-1}\hookrightarrow\Bbb R^{n-1}-\{x\}$ is a homotopy equivalence.
However, this map is actually the composite $$S^{n-1}\hookrightarrow V-\{x\}\hookrightarrow \Bbb R^{n}-\{x\}.$$ By functoriality, the inclusion factors through $H_{n-1}(V-\{x\})$, and it must be nonzero. $\Box$
@ACuriousMind This actually gives a proof that $\pi_1(U-\{x\})\ne 1$ too.
If $U$ is homeom to $\Bbb R^n$ then $U - x$ is htpy eq to $S^{n-1}$. That is simply connected for big enough $n$ though.
@0celo7 You can't say anything whatsoever
@BalarkaSen I can say that it's nonzero, see my wall of text.
@BalarkaSen $n=2$ in that case.
@0celo7 That I agree with.
It's just cuz there's a small ball around $x$ and removing that you have a homologically nontrivial sphere.
I don't follow.
What's wrong with what I did?
I just summarized your argument in a line.
Your work is fine
@BalarkaSen I'm headed to bed, too much algebraic topology.
1 hour later…
@YashasSamaga Thanks for that. However, I prefer this room more. We can use that room occasionally while using heavy mathjax.
@ACuriousMind event horizons are globally defined iobjects i.e. you need to consider the entire spacetime to locate them. The Rindler horizon exists only for an observer who has been accelerating for an infinite time.
For what the Rindler horizon physically is see the last section of:
A: What is the proper way to explain the twin paradox?

John RennieAppendix - why the Rindler metric? After reading my answer you could be forgiven for feel a bit cheated because it all depends on my claim that the accelerating twin observes a spacetime described by the Rindler metric not the Minkowski metric and I did kind of pull this out of the air. It isn’...

@YashasSamaga BTW I am not going to shift our discussions just to please a few people.
I am doing a mechanics course right now and I have a question that has been bothering me for quite a while.
Say i design an experiment in which i am using a system of blocks and applying forces. I perform the experiment in a specific way and repeat it. I get the same results every time I do it. Now if I got out a piece of paper and worked out using Newton's Laws what should happen, am I guaranteed to always get a unique answer to this question assuming of course that I don't forget any conditions.
@JohnRennie Could you help me out?
Basically yes, you will get a single solution.
There are a few few special cases like Norton's dome, but these are very much the exceptions.
There's a term for this type of time evolution that I forget, not being great on maths.
I think it's globally hyperbolic
@anonymous I've read back through last night's chat log, and basically my sympathies are with you. We sometimes get long intense conversations in this room and that's fine - that's just the way it happens sometimes.
@JohnRennie Ah, thanks for that :) I tried to explain my point to the few people who were complaining, in the most polite way possible. Some people like to build walls while I like to build bridges. Maybe that's what is wrong with me. Anyway, in case of increased peer pressure maybe I will have to follow what they say.
@anonymous there can be advantages to having your own room. For example you don't get distracted by conversations about food :-)
But I must admit I like discussing things here because other people may see the discussion and have something useful to contribute to it.
Once you move to a separate room no-one is going to see the discussion unless you invite them.
I tried to break it up to no avail :(
Anyhow, I've pinned skill patrol's post about the JEE Launch Pad room in case anyone is interested. I'll remove the pin in a day or so.
@skillpatrol I think in this case doing nothing would have been the best approach. You and ACM tried to help but I don't think that made things better.
Thanks for doing that @JohnRennie
Q: Increase in mass of battery of my smartphone

Creepy CreatureThe charge on my smartphone was zero. I charged my phone to its maximum capacity. How much mass $\Delta m$ did my mobile gained after charging the battery? Maximum capacity of the smartphone's battery: $2000mAh$ Weight of the smartphone with no charge: $200g$

could that be off-topic?
That^ is in PSE
The launch pad is in MSE
oh I thought you asked me to ask about that off topic post there lol I was so confused.
Not that it matters :-)
@YashasSamaga that seems a fair question
That question needs to have that protection label I guess.
So have a question I am planning to ask on Physics SE; but I am unsure what tag to use.
what's the question
what's the question about?
ask here and i'll either tell you the answer or the tag
The topic of the question is quantum logic; which is not an existing tag: specifically, I want to know why it is necessary that the distributive law fails.
The question itself is about a page long (because i needed to include the proof that raised the question for me). As such it is somewhat unsuitable to ask in chat.
I think quantum mechanics could be used
@anonymous That kind of rhetoric serves no purpose other than to 1) stroke your own ego, 2) annoy the people you're trying to "build bridges" with, and 3) Make otherwise disinterested people (like me) not really want to listen.
I'll give it a go, then write a note at the bottom suggesting the use of a new tag (quantum logic) that someone may add if they feel it is appropriate.
good idea
@user400188 "quantum information" is also a common tag to include quantum logic type questions
Can any one tell me which area to consider?
I was wondering how long it would take you to move that question from Math chat to physics.

Consider adding a bit of context to the question though.
At least add that its a thermo dynamics one for instance.
@satyatech the first one on the left
Why can't I consider the second one any reason
the second one looks like VdP not PdV
I mean can't isochoric work done be possible
even with isochoric work
the formula is still PdV
work from first principles
dV =0
Work = Force.Displacement
use this equation to derive work in terms of V and P
Displacement will be 0
As it is isochoric
if displacement is 0, then Work is 0
Work done is PV
since work = force.displacement
work is not PV, work is force.displacement
PdV is derived from force.dispaclement which is more fundemental
gtg laterz
@DanielSank Thank you for the formating edit.
@satyatech work done is $$ W = \int_{V_1}^{V_2} P(V)dV $$ where the pressure $P$ is generally a function of volume.
@satyatech (a short proof) $W=\int F dx = \int \frac{F}{A} Adx = \int P dV$ as $P$ is the (perpendicular) force per unit area. $A$ is the area of cross section of the container (assuming it to be a regular container). So $Adx=dV$ where $V$ stands for volume.
@satyatech simply work is NOT change in pressure by change in volume. It is instead pressure by change in volume. Therefore it would never be VdP and only ever PdV
@DanielSank Umm. I don't know what I should say. Sorry? No.Even my patience has limitations and it probably crossed the limits when some people are not only opposing but also vehemently disrespecting the science or physics topics I tend to discuss about. Someone gets to say "http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35635872#35635872" and "http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35635872#35635872". And when I say something in return that annoys you? Ok. Enough is enough.
I just realized that a significant proportion of questions with the tag "quantum-information" don't have an answer. It doesn't look good for my question at the moment.
Is this on-topic?
Q: Is the radiation dose limits specified by the International Basic Safety Standards based on an experimental value?

akinoThe International Basic Safety Standards on the protection of radiation has specified the limitations on radiation exposure as for occupation and public exposure. Since there is no mention on the rationale of these values, I wonder if they are based on experimentally determined radiation dose.

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