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@SirCumference Wtf, didn't u ask this a few days ago?
@Kaumudi.H A few months ago, no one responded
@SirCumference yes i already have 1000 rep
@SirCumference Probably. Hardly anyone uses Stack Apps
@JohnRennie OK, do let me know...
@Kenshin This is for every site tho
@SirCumference OK :-P
@anonymous Yeah, Stack Apps is dead, but it's got some pretty neat stuff
@SirCumference I use the one to change the PSE theme to black
It looks great
@anonymous Really?
@SirCumference Yup
I heard people hated that look
na the black is stoopid
It is the Science Fiction SE look
quite nice
The chat room looks like this chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/198/mos-eisley
wow cool
@Kaumudi.H Hmm it looks prett good
we should change the hbar to that
@JohnRennie Really?
@Kenshin You can by using stack apps
no i want it to be the default
as a chat regular I demand that it be the default
@Kenshin Ask on Meta. I don't think anyone will listen though.
Once a theme is fixed its fixed. They almost never change.
@JohnRennie what do you think of changing the chat tmplate
@Kenshin What's wrong with the current one?
it's not as cool as Mos Eisley's that's what's wrong with it
@Kenshin as being arsed about it goes, I'm not
@JohnRennie Nice. Alright then, I will trust that AVG was to blame and install Air Droid...
Having said that, if you're happy with PushBullet why change?
@JohnRennie ty for your opinion but please mind your language in the chat room
I'm allowed to say arse in the chat room.
@JohnRennie The SMS service doesn't work very well and also, it doesn't alert me of calls.
So long as I'm not calling someone an arse of course :-)
@JohnRennie gasp!
Unless of course one of the chat room members is literally an arse, though it's hard to see how they'd be typing in that case.
@Kenshin We already had a huge conflict over changing the room name. I can't imagine what would happen if some of us suggest to change the whole theme. I'll stay out.
@anonymous the current name is great
@anonymous the current theme is average
@anonymous I'm still kind of bummed that we didn't go with Schrödinger's chat
Brilliant pun
So is the current theme.
People aren't against change, they just don't want to change some that is brilliiant, i.e. "the h bar"
@Kenshin the h bar is commonly used
"the h bar " is fanstastica and while "schrodinger's chat" is good, it is not fanstatic like the hbar is
It's lost its originality
@SirCumference I liked it but unfortunately it didn't go about well :/
@SirCumference I've never heard "the h bar" apart from being the title of this chat
@Kenshin See the meta post on the name change. Youll see how common it is.
Aaah, so many messages. I have to goooo to preserve my sanity! ::Runs away::
I have seen the name being used in many places
Bye, everyone :-)
@Kenshin I think it was the name of someone's university's bar here
@Kaumudi.H Bye
@Kaumudi.H Bye
welcome back @Kaumudi.H
NB, I have no idea what's the official name for that deep dark purple btw
@Secret which one?
the one I labelled "Monolith"
Prussian Blue
midnight blue
why do you have a table of colours?
Because I like colors. I sometimes use the sampling tool to collect interesting color shades for analysis in my photos and my screenshots
which colour there is your favourite though
should be quite obvious from the distribution of hues in that table
Which hue is your favourite though
Violet (must be the one from light, not from RGB, because RGB cannto mix that color)
Detail for table of colors: Recall I am an analysis freak thus if any topic interested me, I can turn the topic into something that look like seminar slides
Wow, look what I've just received in the post:
Fame at last! :-)
so, is his book contain legitimate physics? given the long track record that relativity is quite hard for even undergrad students
btw, how on earth did this guy knew your address?
@Secret it's called googling
@JohnRennie you will be appropriately paid I hope?
A Most Incomprehensible Thing: Notes Towards a Very Gentle Introduction to the Mathematics of Relativity

ISBN-13: 9780957389458
ISBN-10: 0957389450
Author: Peter Collier
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Incomprehensible Books
Published: June 2014
List Price: $14.99
Looks pretty legitmate
The reviews seem to be good!
5 out of 5 stars
@Kenshin he has suggested £300, but given how long it will take me to read the book thoroughly that's a lot lower than my hourly rate for hacking computers.
@JohnRennie yeah that's not enough you should be paid 300 plus 2% of all sales
I won't proof read the book, but I might well invest £2.55 in the Kindle version as it does seem quite a nice book.
why won't you do it John?
@Kenshin :-) And an option on any unmarried daughters he has.
will take too long
@Kenshin I don't have the time.
Doing a proper proof read ona science book is enormously time consuming.
you don't have to do it perfectly
just make sure you have an agreement that you won't be liable for any unnoticed errors
Sadly my conscience would trouble me were I to take that route
if he's not willing to have such an agreement up the price until it's worth while
oh k
I wouldn't be troubled too much, most books have lots of errors
Peter Anthony Dale Collier (born June 2, 1939) is a writer and publisher based in California. He was the founding publisher of Encounter Books in California and held that position from 1998 until he resigned in 2005. The company moved from San Francisco to New York City, and Collier was replaced as publisher by Roger Kimball. He continues as a consultant to the company. Initially allied with liberal causes, Collier has moved right and collaborated with conservative writer David Horowitz on many projects over many decades, notably as co-editor of Ramparts; and publishing articles on Horowitz...
Is he this person ^
@anonymous it's poor form to google another human being
@Kenshin What ?
yes it's called privacy
@Kenshin I wanted to know about his books -_-
yes but the letter was a private letter to John
@Kenshin The book is a famous one
I've heard of it before
oh k
you can be excused then
@Kenshin Google isn't exactly private
just becuase you have the ability to do something doesn't mean it's ok to do it
@Kenshin I don't need to be excused.
It is something very natural to do
@anonymous I don't think so. I'd guess it's a different Peter Collier. Incidentally I Googled him too - I don't see any harm in doing that.
@anonymous just because it's natural doesn't mean it's ok
@Kenshin Keep your opinions with yourself. I'm not interested.
@JohnRennie Yeah, it seems so !
@anonymous in a chat one is entitled to share one' sopinions
I think I'll mail him back and say I can't do a formal proof-read but I would be interested in reading a copy if he would like to send me one.
@Kenshin Ok. I'm putting you on ignore mode.
@JohnRennie you can purchase a copy on the internet, no need to ask for freebees
@Kenshin Wait what
"Natural" in that sense means "okay"
@Kenshin I could, but if he wants to send me one I'm happy to have an informal read through it.
@SirCumference in my language natural and ok are differen't things
@Kenshin Good to hear
That seems to me one of those win-win situations ...
@SirCumference e.g. it is often natural for poeple to cheat on others, but in society it is frowned upon
and a person might naturally kill another, but that doesn't mean it's ok
@Kenshin Clearly context is important. As I said, "'natural in that sense means 'okay'"
I have to say I fail to see what is wrong with Googling someone. You're welcome to Google me (though you won't find anything interesting).
Read how it was being used
@SirCumference he was saying googling is a natural thing to do
that doesn't mean it's ok
it's like if you cheat on someone and then say, but hey cheating is a natural thing to do
@Kenshin Dude, stop comparing it to cheating and murder
If you put your face and name on the internet, you're giving up your privacy (in some regards)
@SirCumference I didn't compare cheating to murder
@Kenshin This seems a somewhat pedantic point. Googling someone is fine because it's fine. So it is both natural and OK.
@SirCumference I used cheating and murder as examples of a concept, the conept of naturality
@JohnRennie yes but if so it is a coincidence that it is natural and ok, it isn't ok because it is natural
@Kenshin Dude...
and I didn't say it was wrong to google someone
I said it was poor form to do so
For googling someone I'm not gonna be jailed. For murder and adultery I'll be jailed. Even if you feel googling someone is wrong I'll do it. Full stop. @Kenshin
@Kenshin Poor form =/= wrong?
I didn't say you would be jailed, that's called argument by exageration
Poor form doesn't equal wrong, no
It is poor form to go to a wedding in jeans, but it isn't morally wrong to do so
This isn't getting anywhere. Just keep your opinions to yourself and stop expecting other people to follow them.
I never said I expected others to show good form
I actually expect most poeple to not have good form
@SirCumference I'll advice you to stay away from this particular debate :).
@anonymous Right
Is my address Googlable? Not that I care.
So it is. Oh well, I'll have to make sure not to annoy any psychopaths
@JohnRennie Well luckily the naked physicist is a few oceans away
:-) Phew!
@JohnRennie You mean IP address or actual address?
for those interested in John's address:
@Kenshin Uh, that's an invasion of privacy
That was a joke!
keep ur opinions to urself Sir
asnd yes that was a joke lol
That's a road called John Rennie road not me!
Actually there are a lot of John Rennie's in the UK. You'd need more than just my name to find me.
@anonymous now that is a real invasion of privacy
please remove
@anonymous Uh...
@Kenshin I don't care. BTW that is probably not JR.
it is JR
so please remove
John Rennie is such a common name
yes but that is this JR
so please remove
Dude, just remove it
ok I'm flagging for moderator attention
too far mate too far
@SirCumference Relax man. Read JR's message above. The address appears on the first link of Google Search. Anyone can find it
he's gonna have students knocking on his door now asking for help
Provided they're willing to pay me £300 a go that's fine by me :-)
@JohnRennie I'll visit you soon :D
When I go for a Europe trip
wow creepy much
Just joking :P
How would I know it's you? Anyone could turn up and say Hi I'm Anonymous from the PSE.
@JohnRennie I'll change my name to my real name before I visit you. I personally want to thank you for all the help.
lol sorry JR
Anyway that is a far fetched plan. I don't know when I will visit Europe :)
this creep is actually gonna visit u
@anonymous hah, then I can pass on your name to the authorities hunting you for the episode involving the sheep and the shaving foam!
@JohnRennie What? Sheep? Foam?
Ha! Now you're pretending to be innocent!!! You can run but you can't hide!
Actually this is all getting a bit random, and maybe I should stop now :-)
@JohnRennie I really can't understand what you are talking about !
You've gone crazy :P
@anonymous it had to happen eventually.
Physics does that ...
therre are only so many brain cells and physics can use them up very quickly
@Slereah 'Morning
I thought of visting you for thanking you for your help and giving you some presents :'D. You took it to another level XD
mate he doesn't want your so called "presents"
Who needs sleep when you have coffee?
$p² = (mU^\mu)^2 = m^2 U^\mu U_\mu = -m²$, per the definition of the mass
I want it to be in the tachyonic sector
@Kenshin I'll force him to take :'D
so $U^2$ should be equal to 1
Where is my mistake
Perhaps the mistake lies in the definition of $p^\mu = m U^\mu$
@anonymous Want to see a magic trick?
@SirCumference Don't ask me to calculations now :)
Anything else will do !
@anonymous Nah, watch this
Pick a card, any card (1-Ace, any suit)
Ok, is your number prime or composite?
neither, I didn't picka number
I picked a broadway card (K, Q, J..)
@Kenshin Jack = 11, Queen = 12, etc.
@anonymous OK, then cube it
is 1 prime or composite or neither
Done cubed
also done
@anonymous OK, is your suit black or red?
(although mine was composite)
@SirCumference Red.
@Kenshin Then you square yours instead
@anonymous Ok, then divide by 9
and me?
@Kenshin After you squared, divide by 9
Is your number between 1-12?
@SirCumference Done
@SirCumference yes
mine doesn't go neatly into 9 is that ok
@Kenshin Yeah
mine is also between 1 adn 12
@anonymous Is your card: the 4 of hearts?
@Kenshin Is your card: the 3 of diamonds?
3 of heart actually
crud, I'm an idiot
@SirCumference mine is composite remember
so mine can't be 3
@Kenshin Yeah everything got all confused
Ah, I think I know
I switched your numbers
OK, once more
Obviously $p \neq m U$, since $m$ would be imaginary
@anonymous @Kenshin Pick a card, any card:
🂠 🂠 🂠 🂠
mine is composite
Let kenshin play
then square it
I'm a bit busy
and mine is red
yep i've squred it alreayd
divide by 9
is your num between 1-12?
Is your number: the 7 of spades?
no I said it was red
spades is black
dammit I'm an idiot
Well I gotta get my work done
cool trick bro
@Kenshin It was random guessing ;)
lol obviously
Aw, I thought it could be convincing XD
@SirCumference It is indeed a magical way to prove that you are an idiot. XD
lol na it's impossible for u to differentiate hearts and diamonds
so that alone made it obvious you were just guessing
DHMO didn't fall for it whatsoever
Feb 2 at 6:13, by Sir Cumference
is your card the 3 of clubs?
Feb 2 at 6:13, by DHMO
of course not...
@SirCumference Even he did at first. Later he realized.
He did all the calculations
the first time
I believe I'm gonna have to rederive the stress energy tensor from scratch
To make sure all is well
@Slereah then do it, don't talk about it
mate it just sounded like you were complaing about it and you'd never get it done
@Slereah Kenshin seems to be a bit cracked today. Ignore :P.
It's not the most fun
@Kenshin Chill
but not too complicated
@anonymous Rude
@JohnRennie I've never heard of someone being picked for such a task solely from their fame on SE
@SirCumference I was a bit surprised.
happens to me all the time
Though it does look like an interesting book.
It's quite the honor. You should negotiate the price with him, it might be worth the time
@SirCumference Some people get even jobs due to their rep on SE.
That's why SO started the jobs section
@SirCumference while it may be an honour, I don't think we can decide if John should do it or not
Hm, should I use the classical point particle action if I use arbitrary mass or the whatchamacallit
@anonymous And here I am, giving my rep to people who delete their accounts like Obliv, @obe, etc.
(no offense ;) )
The Polyakov action
@SirCumference Building rep is actually very easy. But I don't have much time to spend :P
@Slereah i think ur on the right track
@Kenshin Of course it's his decision, I was just suggesting
@anonymous I've built a ton of rep on Astro, but that's all I really care about/am good at
Fduck, I need to be working
@SirCumference Bye. See you. Even I gotta go!
I believe I have found the issue
The point particle action is $-m\sqrt{-\dot X^2}$
Changing it into a tachyon one should be something of the form $\sqrt{-m^2 \dot X^2}$
Or something, I dunno
I suspect there's a sign that flips somewhere in there
Hence the change in the definition of the momentum
Can somebody please ping me?
@Kaumudi.H PING!
@Kaumudi.H testing AirDroid?

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