Well, asking why cheese heats up faster than the rest is a legitimate question, but the question should be framed properly. Remember, we hate fun here!
I can't think of a good reason why the cheese should heat faster. It's hard to see what would absorb the microwaves in cheese. There isn't much water in it.
The question is:
consider the tidal force
$$F = -GMm\left[\frac{\hat{d}}{d^2}-\frac{\hat{d}_0}{d_0^2}\right] $$
on a mass m at the position $P$. Write $d$ as $d_0-R_\oplus=d_0(1-R_\oplus/d_0)$, where $R_\oplus$ is the radius of the Earth, and use the binomial approximation to show that $F...
I have to say that after attending a live (outdoor!) concert including the 1812 Overture with supporting percussion courtesy of a local national guard artillery unit all the recorded renditions I hear just don't have the same impact.
When they set off a 105 mm howitzer just 30 meters away from where you're sitting you feel it in your rib-cage.
When they do it six times in rapid sequence you start to tense up in anticipation.
@BernardoMeurer The time I saw it that way was the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra in the amphitheater at the Botanical Gardens there. I've only heard of a few other production like that since (I was 10ish at the time), so you really have to keep you eyes open.
The team with the guns is going to have to train with the orchestra to get the timing right, which means it's not "business as usual"
If there's anything I've learned is that percussion style instruments have the power to absolutely destroy a performance
I'm reminded of a recording of Peer Gynt by the Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Karajan if I recall that had the cymbals slightly off tempo and it put me off so much I couldn't listen to it
One of the perks of working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa (which I did for about 4 years) is that their music program orchestra is widely considered to be just shy of as a good as first rate pro organizations. But tickets come as low as $4 for a performance. And good seats are only about $30.
@alarge @DavidZ Also, if you use Bumblebee with an Nvidia GPU, switching it on for a game requires some LD preload hacks under Wayland; but it might be the same with X.
I have an idea of what it should look like. I drew a bit of inspiration from this
Basically, a night sky of changing hue (bluer in some areas, darker in others) with stars, a few constellations, shooting stars, and a ground near the bottom
I know people prefer using CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator, but I want to know if there is a technique I can follow to use Adobe Photoshop to make vector Images.
> It's worth noting that if your intention is to use vectors to create a bitmap resulting file (PNG etc), then Photoshop can product higher quality results than Illustrator. It really depends on the specifics of the artwork. Both tools can be the right choice.
Well...I'm also hesitant about using public domain vectors. Thing is, I don't think any SE site uses public domain vectors. They seem to all be hand-made.