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@Mladen My proudest magic is that I can almost always correctly assess whether a problem will be P or NP :P
@ACuriousMind I had just found the dupe and was about to vote to close
but yours is obviously way more effective
That "On the internet no one knows you're a dog" strip might be one of the best ever
@AccidentalFourierTransform You might enjoy living in Germany. I once saw this served as a legitimate lunch main dish in our go-to cafeteria:
apparently dessert for lunch is just a thing for Germans
Last guy I talked to about this conceded that dessert for lunch and for dinner might be too much
It has all the essential nutrients: sugar, fat, more sugar, more fat and some healthy fruit :-)
Berliner! (which, oddly, are called Pfannkuchen in Berlin itself, while the rest of the country uses that for pancakes) They are delicious
Aren't Berliner a type of doughnut?
At least quite similar, yes
But filled with jam, and no hole.
I have a vague recollection of people laughing because President Kennedy said I am a doughnut.
@ACuriousMind It was described as a Himbeerknödel mit Himbeerspiegel on the menu, if I recall correctly, or something pretty close to that
@Mladen in the UK most doughnuts are filled with jam and with no hole. The tori are specifically called ring doughnuts.
so not quite a Berliner, more of a doughy southerny knödel thing
@EmilioPisanty Ah, then the dough is different from that of a Berliner
Berliners are more like these ones
That's just like doughnuts in the UK!
And speaking of food:
I haven't seen Berliners served as a main, but then nothing would surprise me by this stage
Q: Why is cheese the World's most powerful microwave magnet?

Robert FrostWhenever I put a meal in the microwave which contains cheese, why is the cheese at about 3,700 Kelvin before the rest of the meal is heated through?

I solved so many K-Maps every time I see a doughnut I get triggered now
@JohnRennie maybe change the title to something that sounds less crackpotty?
@EmilioPisanty Please don't
I pretty much immediately reached for the close button
Oh I don't know. I quite like that title :-)
That title is a work of art
@BernardoMeurer We're not artists here :P
Yeah, but it admits a second reading
I'm actually laughing out loud here
@ACuriousMind Come on, that title is amazing
Except for @AccidentalFourierTransform and his sugary fingerworks, I guess :P
That whole question lol
It's just so true
Leave the meal in the microwave a bit longer and the cheese will get hot enough for fusion to take place.
as in: why is it that if you change your oven's magnetron to a block of cheese, you get the world's most powerful microwave oven
why is the cheese always on the brink of nuclear fusion and the rest of the food is almost superconductive
Well, asking why cheese heats up faster than the rest is a legitimate question, but the question should be framed properly. Remember, we hate fun here!
@JohnRennie Guys, we've had it all wrong. The moon's not made of cheese, the Sun is.
@ACuriousMind Please leave that question as is lol
It's amazing
I can't think of a good reason why the cheese should heat faster. It's hard to see what would absorb the microwaves in cheese. There isn't much water in it.
The sun is a gigantic cheese fondue? brb, securing funding for space expedition
How about: change the title to something sensible, then move the existing title into the first line of the question?
@ACuriousMind I agree, the way he put it was too cheesy.
@JohnRennie Lots of water?
Though the question is pretty gouda
Incoming cheese puns!!!!!!
@JohnRennie Hopefully they're cheddar than before :)
OK, I'll stop
@SirCumference Stop, I only find cheese puns funny when I'm inebrieated
@EmilioPisanty You're like the guy who came up with those Explicit tags for music
@ACuriousMind Cheez man, calm down.
I can't solve this induction proofvolone
Q: Do we not need a Zeroth Law of motion similar to the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics?

lucasIs the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics necessary? If so, then do we need a similar law for motion?

Q: How to deal with unit vectors?

MathHelper123The question is: consider the tidal force $$F = -GMm\left[\frac{\hat{d}}{d^2}-\frac{\hat{d}_0}{d_0^2}\right] $$ on a mass m at the position $P$. Write $d$ as $d_0-R_\oplus=d_0(1-R_\oplus/d_0)$, where $R_\oplus$ is the radius of the Earth, and use the binomial approximation to show that $F...

How does this fare homework-wise?
Has anyone read the book by Joseph Conlon, Why String Theory?
@EmilioPisanty Oh god that looks so good...
Question, is there gonna be a new post for advertisements this year?
@SirCumference should be, at some point
used to be posted early December, but it slipped over the years
1 hour later…
Q: The loudest acoustic instrument

SovereignSunThere are more than a hundred different acoustic instruments, some of which are very loud. What is the loudest acoustic instrument?

is fun.
@obe I spent an hour designing a vector background for that site, only to find out that it's too laggy to use...
I have to say that after attending a live (outdoor!) concert including the 1812 Overture with supporting percussion courtesy of a local national guard artillery unit all the recorded renditions I hear just don't have the same impact.
When they set off a 105 mm howitzer just 30 meters away from where you're sitting you feel it in your rib-cage.
When they do it six times in rapid sequence you start to tense up in anticipation.
@dmckee I can imagine
but then live instruments do have a way of doing that
the off-stage horns in Strauss's Alpine Symphony and in Mahler's 3rd just don't get particularly well captured by any recording
@dmckee I've been dying to see a performance of 1812 with live cannons!
I have a good recording, but the cannons are not as kaboom as I'd like
@BernardoMeurer The time I saw it that way was the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra in the amphitheater at the Botanical Gardens there. I've only heard of a few other production like that since (I was 10ish at the time), so you really have to keep you eyes open.
The team with the guns is going to have to train with the orchestra to get the timing right, which means it's not "business as usual"
If there's anything I've learned is that percussion style instruments have the power to absolutely destroy a performance
I'm reminded of a recording of Peer Gynt by the Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Karajan if I recall that had the cymbals slightly off tempo and it put me off so much I couldn't listen to it
A shame really, flawless performance otherwise
Good orchestral music is expensive for a reason.
I got a box LP set of Ashkenazy playing Rachmaninoff today :)
The piano concertos and Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini
One of the perks of working at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa (which I did for about 4 years) is that their music program orchestra is widely considered to be just shy of as a good as first rate pro organizations. But tickets come as low as $4 for a performance. And good seats are only about $30.
@obe ...would you mind doing me a favor?
My wife and I saw one with a visiting soloist playing a violin from from of Stradivarius. Beautiful sounds and an unusual almost black wood.
I think the guy was there to give some masters classes and played the show as a bonus.
@dmckee That's really cool!
My favourite piece that I saw live was Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor
curiously enough his only piano concerto
great piece though
@BernardoMeurer I really missed it when we had to move. There is nothing like that to be found within 100 miles of Joplin.
@dmckee Here in Lisbon the orchestra is good, but their selection is not
They only play things I have no interest in
if $F(x) = \int_a^b {f(x)}$ then $F'(x) = f(b)b'-f(a)a'$ right?
@SirCumference what
@obe Well this stuff is draining me
Would you be willing to make a vector background for astronomy SE?
The hell is wrong with the mobile app
@alarge @DavidZ Also, if you use Bumblebee with an Nvidia GPU, switching it on for a game requires some LD preload hacks under Wayland; but it might be the same with X.
@BernardoMeurer I'm not sure that makes sense. Did you mean $F(a,b) = \int_a^b f(x)dx$ ?
@JohnRennie I meant $a(x)$ and $b(x)$, my bad :)
@JohnRennie Mine does make sense, but it's just always $0$ assuming $a$ and $b$ are constants
and I forgot the $dx$ too
I don't understand how a definite integral $dx$ can be a function of $x$
$$F(x) = \int_{a(x)}^{b(x)}{f(t)dt} \\ F'(x)=f(b(x))b'(x)-f(a(x))a'(x)$$
This is what I mean
Without being a craphead and screwing up notation :P
Ah, yes, that makes more sense :-)
@JohnRennie I make sense every once in a blue moon :P
You're a were-scientist? :-)
Lol, yes, exactly
@SirCumference yes
@obe Wow, thanks a ton man
I have an idea of what it should look like. I drew a bit of inspiration from this
Basically, a night sky of changing hue (bluer in some areas, darker in others) with stars, a few constellations, shooting stars, and a ground near the bottom
I'll definitely give ya credit
wait what was wrong with yours?
and is this going to be official
@obe Nope (at least, not necessarily)
We got a few years until the site graduates
you should save it as png-8 interlaced and it prob wont lag
file > export > save for the web > png-8
@obe I did. I thought it was all right, but when I dicked around with the background I sent you
I became pretty interested in a night sky idea, with a ground near the bottom
Obviously I wouldn't want a carbon copy, but a more night-sky themed design rather than a deep space design would be nice
ok ill do my best
Thanks a ton :D
give me a few days
but doesnt the site scroll indefinitely?
so a ground would be weird
@obe I can have a night sky indefinitely, and then near the footer, I can add a second image that shows the ground
ohh true
I did that right now with the earth
Though I'm not too fond of it
but like
dont the sites all have to be bright?
idk any dark se except area 51
@obe Well, what did ya think of the image I sent here?
3 mins ago, by Sir Cumference
user image
I'd say it's a pretty nice design
i think it's okay but
how about
You can't really have a bright space design
you know some astronomy ppl do like reverse colours when viewing images of space
it can become white like that
You mean false color?
Ehh, I'm not too certain that'd fit with an astronomy design
wait not false colour
A few people said they actually like the darker background, with a white container
Especially if it's a calming night sky
like that
@obe I dunno if "white" is really fitting for astronomy
Especially if we're thinking of space
If anything, we could make a black design, and then see how it'd look inverted
Thanks again :)
does it have to be an eps or svg
or just like ultra hd vector graphic in png format
@obe Preferably a .svg or .ai
I have to wonder, how do you make vectors in photoshop?
I thought photoshop only deals with rasters
oh there is a vector mode but its painful
@SirCumference damn that means i need to renew my illustrator subscription
@obe Don't worry, svg is fine
photoshop only does eps
eps is like svg
Yeah, that works
Though are you sure photoshop can do vector images, as in, they never pixelate?
This says they can't...
Q: How to create vector graphics In Photoshop?

ChandanI know people prefer using CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator, but I want to know if there is a technique I can follow to use Adobe Photoshop to make vector Images.

@SirCumference it looks pretty good for latex when I zoom in all the way on a figure
oh i see
so fills are pixelated but edges are not
didnt know thx
@obe Then again, the comment here says
> It's worth noting that if your intention is to use vectors to create a bitmap resulting file (PNG etc), then Photoshop can product higher quality results than Illustrator. It really depends on the specifics of the artwork. Both tools can be the right choice.
but damn if you do it in illustrator it has to look like an illustration
I wanted to have some photo-like things on it
like real galaxies not drawings
I can't use any images that aren't public domain
wikipedia has tons of astro images
Even Wikipedia images are often licensed with Creative Commons, meaning there are terms I'd have to abide by if I use the images
find me public domain stuff then
Public domain have no copyright whatsoever
Well...I'm also hesitant about using public domain vectors. Thing is, I don't think any SE site uses public domain vectors. They seem to all be hand-made.
im gonna use some new techniques on this design
i can make vectors
i meant
for you to find public domain images of astronomical stuff
not vectors
Oh, I don't think we need any astronomical objects like galaxies. The idea was to keep it simpler like the design I sent ya.
oh ok
ill do it in photoshop and convert it to a vector in illustrator then
its really easy
@obe Ok. Just keep in mind that the SE post I sent ya says that if you save or export a vector from photoshop, only the edges will remain vectors.
Thanks again, btw
@SirCumference yes I just said that ^
I just learned how to draw vector galaxy illustrations
7 day trial of illustrator on my other comp
7 days let's do this lmao
@SirCumference what are the dimensions?
I've never done websites before
@obe Well it can be relatively tall and wide, but it would be nice if it could tile seamlessly
so like repeated tiles?
just give me some dimensions to work with lol
Yep, but very tall and pretty wide in size
is 3000x3000 ok?
I guess 900x1500
i'll just do hd dimensions
illustrator has a preset for websites
1 hour later…
@SirCumference i'm trying different designs for 2d galaxies in illustrator
here's one, it's kinda bad but what do you think about the concept? (I can work on it to make it look better)
I'm up for that
ok awesome I'll make it look better then
same idea though
@BernardoMeurer Nouveau or proprietary drivers?
I can make it look a lot better I just figured out this new art design
called facet
@alarge proprietary, bumblebee with Nouveau has been deprecated
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