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The plates already have existing plate boundaries - divergent, convergent, or transform - and from these you can tell which direction the plates have moved or will continue to move in the future. @heather
Example: Divergent plate boundaries will move apart, convergent will move together, and transform will slide past each other (they do so to account for the plates all trying to "fit" together on the spherical shape of the Earth; they basically make adjustments while the convergent and divergent plates move around). @heather
@heather Yeah well, whatever you do I've done worse
How can anyone make Python explode? It's brainlessly easy
Remember when I almost destroyed my computer trying to show you memory overflow?
(With C, in my defence)
@BernardoMeurer oh, yeah =D
@KristinaLevine but the plates have changed direction over time, right?
Oh, I forgot what I came here to mention: maybe the best-of posts should be done with fewer categories next year. (@DanielSank)
Plate tectonics is a load of BS
I mean, it doesn't seem like it could be that correct, so to speak.
@KyleKanos Er ... in what sense?
@DavidZ yeah, there did seem to be a lot of categories.
@KyleKanos Agreed
@KyleKanos you got a replacement theory that works better? (no offense)
reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/1n2emx/… @heather This explains it fairly well
@DavidZ The man gets excited
^that's what I'm trying to do @dmckee
it seems like it works fairly well to me.
@KyleKanos Oh my god reading that made my brain hurt
@KristinaLevine thank you, reading
Ah. Yes. Too many hours of LMS interaction of rendered all the actual human sensitivity out of me, leaving nothing but a seething pool of grudge.
Question: was the name of this room changed with any sort of consensus or community questioning?
@dmckee LMS?
@KyleKanos "Learning Management System"
@BernardoMeurer Only because you realize you've been lied to for the last 20 years?
@dmckee Ah. Glad I don't have to do that stuff
A tool for on-line teaching and learning or for providing on-line support for traditional instruction with requiring professors to be techies.
@KyleKanos Have you... been talking to Ryan?
And, yes, it's every bit as bad as it sounds.
@BernardoMeurer No. He's not emailed me
@KyleKanos Wegener is screaming at you from his grave
I for one would prefer not to see @Kristina's and @heather's discussion derailed
And I'm lazy as h-e-double-hockey-sticks when it comes to being proactive about emailing people
@KristinaLevine I don't know who Wegener is
@KyleKanos Ah, I'll tell him to email you
@KyleKanos Explains it
@KyleKanos I'm pretty sure the only place I've encountered that particular euphanism before was on MASH.
@dmckee Makes sense, grew up watching MASH & Doctor Who
(MASH was my mom's favorite show, Doctor Who my dad's)
@KristinaLevine I don't actually know anything about plate tectonics, but I do know a lot about Loads of BS
@KyleKanos Damn, getting burned by newcomers now :P
@BernardoMeurer Well that explains why it's so easy to burn you if you thought that was a burn
@KyleKanos ;-;
@KyleKanos, I'll give you a link, he was a pretty cool guy: ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/wegener.html
All Day
@KristinaLevine TL;DR
There's an important (American) football game on now
Not enough time to read something long and pay attention to the game
Wegener came up with the foundations of the theory of plate tectonics @KyleKanos
I'll bookmark it
Not that that's a guarantee I'll read it. I might forget about it
Oh, speaking of football: how about them Dallas Cowboys and pulling off another fantastic choke?
That's alright, as long as you don't plan on participating on Jeopardy you might make it in life without the Wegener knowledge @KyleKanos
I forget sometimes that Jeopardy is still airing.
@DavidZ perhaps. Is it annoying people that there are multiple meta posts?
@KristinaLevine Well Kyle isn't completely wrong on this account. Plate tectonic theory has several loopholes which haven't been answered yet. However I wouldn't go so far as to say is it completely wrong. This document is a good summary of the facts. nuclearplanet.com/510090.pdf
@dmckee excellent show.
plate tectonics is clearly bullshit
@DanielSank Well it seems it annoyed somebody, but I don't think that's the issue. More that it's a lot of categories to keep in mind as you go through the site looking for candidates.
@BernardoMeurer I wouldn't go so far as to conclude that.
It is wrong but it isn't useless.
It's everything that's wrong with the world
Tectonic plates cause wars
If we had pangereria we would be in peace
I don't think so
We would be having more civil wars
@BernardoMeurer people like you cause wars, lol
@KristinaLevine Damn straight we do
I've never caused a war
@KyleKanos Wait until your kids grow a bit
@anonymous, yes I agree with you. It's definitely got some problems, but it is useful (most of the time).
@KyleKanos Oh yeah, wait for the teenage years, you will git rekt.
A lot of people say that, but I'm not sure I buy it
I think that sort of issue is more due to the parents not parenting well than kids being kids
@KyleKanos Imagine a flurry of raging hormones, rebellious nig nogs, and dealing with mounds of impractical angst. Teenagers.
Last I checked, I too went through my teenage years
I went in fine and came out fine
(everything in between was fine too)
@KyleKanos "Came out fine" is very questionable
to say least
No one who ends up being an astrophysicist came out fine of puberty
That doesn't compute
OK, at least don't star the insults.
@DavidZ Come on, most of what we star here is we poking each other :P
Or John Rennie talking about testicles
@BernardoMeurer yes, exactly what I'm saying not to do
@DavidZ We pretty much do everything you tell us not to :P
Most of the star board should be constructive stuff.
28 mins ago, by Kyle Kanos
Question: was the name of this room changed with any sort of consensus or community questioning?
^Can I get an answer to that?
@KyleKanos No, it was not
It's just a joke, it'll go back soon I think
Well that's good
Because it's really bad
I think if you click on the date of the pinned message and scroll around a bit, you can see the context that led to the change
I agree, I'm rather partial to "the h bar and grill" myself :-P
@BernardoMeurer Not as long as K and JR talk keep talking about cooking and food :D
@DavidZ Seems it was about food. And I'd agree that "and grill" is better than the "(becue)"
All this talk is making me hungry, so I should probably go
@KyleKanos I might vouch for h BarBQ
@anonymous Don't
That's something Ravens and Cowboy fans would want, and nobody likes those teams
@KyleKanos Who are they ? Never even heard of that
@DavidZ can't say I'm too concerned with annoying one user.
BBQ is short form of barbecue
So BarBQ is what I might vouch for
@DanielSank You literally annoy me every day
Also, can't people pay attention to the categories they care about and ignite the others?
@anonymous American football teams
@DanielSank Yeah, me neither. (In case it wasn't clear I was referring to how somebody voted to close them all as primarily opinion-based)
@BernardoMeurer and as I said, I'm not too concerned.
@DanielSank <3
@KyleKanos I see. I don't watch football. Rather American football.
Well there are only two sports in the world: American football and ice hockey. All else is stamp collecting
@DanielSank Indeed. Just saying that the amount of support from the community may not be enough to get people providing answers to all 10(?) categories this year. This is not any sort of moderator instructions, just a bit of feedback.
@DavidZ oh, haha didn't know that. ::shrugs with eight arms::
@DavidZ yeah, makes sense.
First time and all that.
Of course. Experimenting is good.
@BernardoMeurer </3
@DavidZ preaching to the choir, er... to the experimentalist.
@KyleKanos Have you seen "Red Army"?
Great movie
@DanielSank Don't you give me no broken heart
@DanielSank Do I count as an experimenter because I had to experiment with getting my codes right?
@KyleKanos I watch only cricket and martial arts tournaments :)
@BernardoMeurer Have not.
@KyleKanos If you're into Hockey you should; it's fucking amazing
@KyleKanos We settled on (becue) to add a second physics pun, chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/34774044#34774044
@KyleKanos perhaps. I'll bring it up before the committee.
There's an experimentalist committee!?
Who else do you imagine would decide who gets a lapel pin, coffee mug, and decode ring?
It's a great honor to be asked to serve on the committee, of course.
And you get a bigger coffee mug.
Man, theorists are lame then
@KyleKanos duh
@dmckee I never got the mug
@KyleKanos >.>
@dmckee I want a mug too
@BernardoMeurer graduate
All I got was some piece of paper
@DanielSank That will never happen and we both know it
We will brute force RSA-4096 before I get a degree
Ouch, pretty low on the self-esteem today, huh?
@KyleKanos I'm going to fail analysis most likely :/
Have you considered buying your professor's good side?
I have! I even proved him Lebesgue's theorem to show that if the set of discontinuities is countably infinite the function is still Riemann integrable
And he said it was "very nice work"
@BernardoMeurer nice!
That's a start
@BernardoMeurer You seem too confident :D
@BernardoMeurer >:(
@KyleKanos In all seriousness, computation is taking it's place beside theory, experiment and phenomenology one of the ways to be involved in physics.
It doesn't have to be theory of experiment, it's computation which has different strengths and weakness from either of the others.
I agree. That's why I'm trying to be as active as I can on
@DanielSank Yeah well, I'll make a good carpenter or something
Truck driver
@anonymous I know myself
I'm afraid of electricity
Yet you're not afraid to use it?
@BernardoMeurer How about something more creative: Stand Up Comedian or Footballer ? ;-)
No. I live by middle age rules for the most part
@anonymous I'm only funny in Portuguese, and even that is debatable
And I'd rather die than do physical exercise
I need to get back into shape
I'm happy with being described by geodesics
@BernardoMeurer oh shut up.
@BernardoMeurer you'd be an amazing truck driver.
I thought about getting a stationary bike, but I'm not convinced it really does anything for building strength anywhere except calves
@KyleKanos swimming is excellent exercise fyi.
@DanielSank I think I'd be a good truck driver too, lol
I was a swimmer for about 10 years
I has a pool in my backyard too
But not big enough to really swim in
@KyleKanos nice. What events?
I've thought about getting rubber bands to hold me in place
@KyleKanos My mother used those, they work well
@DanielSank 100m breaststroke and relays mostly
"I has a pool"
Coach put me in 400m IM, but I sucked terribly at it
You're almost a gangsta rapper
I started as a butterfly swimmer cuz I was huge for my age. Then I destroyed my shoulders and went to breaststroke and 500 free.
@KyleKanos that event is torture.
In HS, I did the 200 yd free and was awesome at it, but coach needed me elsewhere
I actually got OK at breast.
I did the 500 once
@KyleKanos another torture IMHO.
Just once. Took me about 8 minutes
I was told to go as slow as I could to give a rest for someone who had an event before and after it
@KyleKanos lololol
Steelers are going to beat KC
KC has no time outs left and there is less than 2 minutes to go, 4 downs for Pitt
....whoa....I've never really looked at the 10k moderator tools, they're pretty nifty
I never understood sports fans before.
All that emotion about pixels on the screen.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because zzz Wait, someone actually used that?
Then I started watching pro Smash Bros...
Hmm, we use "insufficient effort" a lot as a custom close reason
@DanielSank If you don't mind I wanted to ask you what type of research you and your team does at Google Quantum AI lab ? I've heard about the AI lab but don't know about it much.
Skynet is a fictional neural net-based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence (see also superintelligence) system that features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's main antagonist. Rarely depicted visually in any of the Terminator media, Skynet gained self-awareness after it had spread into millions of computer servers all across the world; realizing the extent of its abilities, its creators tried to deactivate it. In the interest of self-preservation, Skynet concluded that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it and impede its capability in...
That's what they do
@anonymous If he tells you you die
@BernardoMeurer -_-
How can a dead person die ? (Rhetoric question)
By not living anymore?
@anonymous -(-1) = 1
so by living again?
@BernardoMeurer My question was B.S. and was a sarcastic reply to your "If he tells you you die" :P
Forget it
Anyway @DanielSank
you there?
Well, my game is over so I's gonna head to bed
@anonymous quantum computing!
We build quantum hardware, and the part of the group in LA does theory.
@KyleKanos sweet dreams.
Hi :-)
@DanielSank Oh, it seems really interesting. What was your PhD specialization? How did you apply for that position at google ? Any links ? (Quantum AI does not feature in the Google Careers website - careers.google.com/fields-of-work)
@BernardoMeurer given that it's quantum, I would expect that if he tells you, the universe never existed in the first place :-P
@rob more greetings
@anonymous ping me tomorrow and we can talk at length. Or email me.
@DanielSank We can talk tomorrow if you wish ...(when are you online usually in US time zone ? )
@JohnR: Morning :-)
Morning :-)
Finished the electrodynamics chapter?
Or shouldn't I mention that? :-)
@JohnRennie Nope. Moved on.
Good decision, that's what I would have done.
Onto electricity!
As in phasors, inductors, etc?
Well, yes, but resistors and capacitors first :-)
I enjoyed the circuit stuff, though I remember little of it now.
I see.
I remember that when you mastered phasors it suddenly all seemed really simple.
Hmm, OK...
ello, ello
@Kaumudi.H you sound unconvinced :-)
@JohnRennie :-) I'll share my experience with phasors when I get there.
@Pissedofflayman Hello :-)
Your book will have its own way of approaching circuits, and you should go with that. But I remember thinking how simple it all seemed once you were allowed to use complex numbers.
How are you? @Kaumudi.H
@JohnRennie Good Morning! May I ask you a thermodynamics question? Its been bugging me for the past few hours...
@JohnRennie I think we have just a little bit of phasors in my book. We'll see...
@Pissed: I'm OK, thanks. What about you?
Fine thanks
@anonymous you can ask, though my thermodynamics is rather rusty
^ LIES!!!
@JohnRennie Is work done by system during reversible expansion always greater than work done by system during irreversible expansion? Why?
@anonymous Yes.
As for why. I'm not sure I have a nice clear answer for that.
You can probably compare the formulas for gaseous systems; physically, shurg.
@JohnRennie If that is true, how can this graph be correct? i.sstatic.net/HPEC0.png
In the graph above we can see the the area under the PV curve of the irreversible adiabatic expansion is greater than the area below the PV curve of reversible adiabatic process. How to resolve this discrepancy ?
What are the x and y axes?
Clearly the x axis is measure of P and y axis is measure of V (look at the coordinates of the various points)
That isn't clear to me
I'm trying to locate the source of the picture
Bear with me
I am guessing (x, y) = (P, V)
But the third coordinate is actually confusing
Oh, yeah, it is what I thought. Two points lie above the same x-coordinate, and they have the P = P_2.
@JohnRennie Points 2 and 3 (red and cyan) both have pressure $P_2$, so $x$-axis is pressure.
y-axis could be volume, temperature, or something else.
A: Derivation of the relation between temperature and pressure for an irreversible adiabatic expansion

ADG$$\color{purple}{X-axis: Pressure},\color{green}{Y-axis: Volume}$$ Use conditions for reversible adiabatic process: $$P_1^{1-\gamma}T_1^\gamma=P_2^{1-\gamma}T_2^\gamma|\quad P_1V_1^\gamma=P_2V_2^\gamma|\quad T_1V_1^{\gamma-1}=T_2V_2^{\gamma-1}|\quad\gamma=\frac {C_p}{C_v}$$ and the combined gas...

Ok yes
X axis is pressure
So its not PV graph
It is the VP graph
Damn XD
Does that answer your question? :-)
That is why work done in irreversible process was seeming greater
Greetings @PrasadMani
Yes! Thanks a lot @JohnRennie @BalarkaSen @rob
@Pissedofflayman Hello
@BalarkaSen good point.
Yeah, but I wasn't logically correct about the other axis.
As rob pointed out
I think rob has experience on his side :)
@BalarkaSen Well, it turned out to be a good guess. Swapping the axes on a pressure-volume diagram is one thing, but making a pressure-temperature diagram to discuss a thermodynamic cycle would be ... strange.
@rob Agreed.
@PrasadMani Would you like to talk about your Pauli matrix question?
As once said one must study Thermodynamics at least three times...
Yes i would Rob
Ugh, I have so many tabs open on Chrome that I can't even see the "close" button anymore!
@Kaumudi.H Use Alt+F4
Thats unwieldy. Could you guys help me with my question? its here
@anonymous I am on Pacific time.
@anonymous I can talk for a moment now.
@anonymous Nice -__-
@PrasadMani You have a notational ambiguity. Are $\sigma_1$, $\sigma_2$ spin operators on the two particles in your singlet/triplet, or are they the Pauli matrices along the first two of your three coordinate directions?
@DanielSank Sure. Could you answer the two questions I asked you ? :)
They are the operators acting on particle 1 and particle 2 respectively.....not the co-ord axes
@DanielSank I invited you to another chat room. Please come there if possible.
@JohnRennie Actually, mathematically, there is a kind of clean answer. The work is $W = -\int_{V_1}^{V_2} P dV$. When it's irreversible $P = P_2$; when it's reversible $P$ increases little by little from $P_1$ to $P_2$. So $P_{rev} < P_{irr}$. Aka, $-\int P_{rev} dV > -\int P_{irr} dV$, aka $W_{rev} > W_{irr}$.
@PrasadMani At the right end of each message is a little right-angle arrow — that generates a "chat reply" and adds my name automatically (and some other useful stuff).
@PrasadMani You're only interested in $\sigma^2$, not in $\sigma_z$, correct?
@rob good to know
@rob yes
@PrasadMani Suppose I write the triplet in the "aligned" configuration with $m_s=1$, something like $\ket{\uparrow\uparrow}$. What does the $\sigma_1^2$ operator do to that state?
@rob it acts on the spin of the first particle. And since $\sigma_1^{2}$ is just identity, it leaves it as it is
@rob right?
@rob Sorry, 3 times identity....$3I$
@PrasadMani Let's see, I have to re-orient here and make sure I'm not accidentally answering some other question.
@PrasadMani What representation are you using for the Pauli matrices?
@rob $\sigma_1$ for particle 1.....likewise for particle 2 and $\sigma=\sigma_1 + \sigma_2$
be right back
@PrasadMani Right, but I had in mind the matrix representation.
I don't know I have the energy right now to type matrices into ChatJax, but I'll give it a try:
The usual representation for the Pauli matrices is $\sigma_x = ( 0, 1; 1, 0)$; $\sigma_y = (0, -i; i, 0)$; $\sigma_z = (1, 0; 0, 1)$, and they operate on a column vector with two rows, yes?
That makes the vector Pauli matrix something like this:
$$ \vec\sigma = \hat x \sigma_x + \cdots = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \hat z & \hat x - i\hat y \\ \hat x + i\hat y & -\hat z \end{array}\right)$$
@rob Right. Now that is a 4x4 matrix?
@PrasadMani And that's the matrix whose square is $\sigma^2 = \vec\sigma \cdot \vec\sigma = 3I$, for identity matrix $I$, yes?
@PrasadMani It's two-by-two, but each term has unit vectors.
@rob To answer you question, $\sigma_1^{2}=\sigma_{1x}^{2}+\sigma_{1y}^{2}+\sigma_{1z}^{2}=3I$
Okay. Here's a 4x4 representation of $\vec\sigma_1$, think about it: $$ \vec\sigma_1 = \hat x \sigma_{1,x} + \cdots = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} \hat z & \hat x - i\hat y & 0 & 0 \\ \hat x + i\hat y & -\hat z & 0 & 0 \\ 0&0&0&0 \\ 0&0&0&0 \end{array}\right)$$
Now your spin vector is a four-row column vector
Spin of particle 1 in first two rows
other rows to be used later.
@PrasadMani Is this representation of $\vec\sigma_1$ acceptable?
@rob check out the edit that i made, hope it is clearer
Sorry to ask a new question in the middle of an ongoing discussion...but please can someone help me with this-Does the Rutherford's atomic model violate the Laws of Thermodynamics?I know that entropy can never decrease but I don't see how Rutherford's atomic model violates it....So,please help on this....
@PrasadMani Sorry, got called away. I think it'll be better if I write an answer to your question.
Q: Choosing the name of the chat room

John RennieThe name of the chat room was recently changed to the h bar(becue) as a joke because of the multiple posts about food made by the more rapscallionary members of the room. I've seen a few rather terse posts suggesting that not everyone is happy with this, so maybe we should try and arrive at a co...

@tatan Rutherford's model isn't time dependent so I'm not sure how I see it violates the second law. Note also that Rutherford's model isn't correct so the point is moot anyway.
@JohnRennie great post on meta
let those that frequent the room voice their opinions :-)
@Pissedofflayman How about deciding the room name by votes ?
Sounds good @anonymous
Let us write some Community Wiki answers (name suggestions) and we can tally the votes after a week
No offence was intended @rob on my suggestion of putting a hyphen in the room name
Do we really care what the room is called? Haven't we got anything more important to worry about?
@JohnRennie Personally I don't care but it seems some do :)
@rob Sure, thank you
but "how" it was changed could be construed as objectionable, no? @JohnRennie
perhaps by the more "sensitive" types :-)
@Pissedofflayman Not by me, no. But then I don't really care what the room is called and I have got more important things to worry about.
Those that care can vote then.
at least the option should be given imho
enough said.
@JohnRennie Thanks....So that means that Rutherford's Model is not wrong on the basis of Thermodynamic laws....am I correct?

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