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Dang it, I missed him :-( Oh, well, there's always tomorrow...
hello everyone
Hi @heather
@Kenshin, wait, what about S007?
what about him?
I just skimmed through the transcript...
2 hours ago, by Kenshin
did you know Doraemon is S007
yes that's my theory
^they seem to be very different
also I didn't realize S007 was banned
I mean I knew he was on Q&A but not here
@heather is he on Q&A?
@heather let me show you my theory
see this account:
it says "member for 37 days" and has in the name S007
now let's look at Doraemon's profile
also "member for 37 days"
that seems a bit farfetched
also, S007 would've then gone from not speaking to either of us to speaking to both of us.
I don't quite believe that.
besides, a bunch of people sign up on the same day.
yes it could be a coincidence that the two accounts were created on the same day
but note Doraemon is also from India, but has disguised his profile has being from Japan
::shrugs:: maybe he really likes Japan.
Japan is cool.
and also note that Kaumudi has previously stated she knows who Doraemon "really is"
now given this information, let us look at what Kaumudi said to Doraemon earlier in the chat:
Kaumudi states "@Doraemonドラえもん Too many people from WB. There was once a guy called S007 who also claimed to be from there. (:-P) Well, guy/girl. He/she never told."
in response Doraemon states:
Kaumudi.H ahem
and Kaumu responds with x'D
if she knows who S007 truly is, then why would she say it again to Doraemon who "is" S007, because S007 knows
if that convoluted trail of illogical logic made any sense
because she's making an inside joke
@heather I then say that I know that S007 is a girl
I still don't quite believe it, to be honest.
and then Kaumudi tells Doraemon that he's a hermaphrodite
and she tells me that she knows S007 is a boy
@Kenshin, S007 said to me that he's a he
why does she call Doraemon a hermaphrodite?
@heather yes S007 is a he
but the point is, I called him a girl, and straight after KAumu called Doraemon a hermaphrodite
because she knows Doraemon is a boy, and I just called S007 a girl
asnd a hermaphrodite is someone who has 2 genders
so she is again hinting that Doraemon is in fact S007
i dunno, the internet is weird
@Kaumudi.H, could you please explain this, because I'd like to hear the truth as opposed to speculation
if not, you know, that's alright too
I don't mean to press you
I don't think she'd say because S007 is banned
if Doreamon confesses, he will be banned
and Kaumu doesn't want him banned either
@Kenshin, rewind: why did S007 get banned?
@heather vandalism on the
SE site
on what?
that doesn't sound like S007
I think he started trolling here like he did on qanda
but why here
is my question
Q&A, okay, we've got a reason
@heather I don't know why, I just saw it
he started deleting all his posts and replacing them with xxxx or something
Here's my biggest reason for why I don't believe you: Doraemon doesn't act like S007
@heather Hi :-) Please don't, thanks.
she doesn't want to be pressed for the reason I stated
@heather S007 was a reasonble guy until he snapped
@Kaumudi.H, yeah, I respect that. I don't want to make wild speculation, that's all. =)
@heather this is S007 banned account: meta.math.stackexchange.com/users/220382/zyx
he changed the name to ZYX shortly before being banned
@Kenshin, you know, I think I'm just going to accept that I don't know and move on. I really don't think that I need to know. Whether or not S007 = Doraemon, Doraemon is a nice human/AI/alien, and so I'm just going to leave this be. Speculation never helped anyone.
Well, okay, speculation has helped people.
But whatever
YEah that's ok
@Kaumudi.H, conversation change! Been working on anything recently? =)
minor changes to the site
@Kenshin, really? new updates, yeah!
@heather Like I said, not until I'm done with my exam :-) U?
to come
@heather Thanks for that comment :)
@Kaumudi.H, oh yeah, right, sorry, I forgot. I'm working on the standard stuff, pounding my head against a wall over the bit flip code error correction code, but I think I'm getting there.
@Doraemonドラえもん, not a problem. =) none of that was meant as an insult to you, fwiw.
@heather Sounds like fun :-)
Exactly @Kaumudi.H =P
:-P Good luck!
I'm also trying to fix an error with a cipher i created.
as someone over in the python chat kindly put it "Your coding process turns each letter into a location number from 1 to 26. If you multiply location by either of the factors of 26 (2 or 13) and reduce the answer to the 1 to 26 range then you get collisions. Eg, 2*2 = 4 and 2 * 15 - 26 = 4. So when you try to decrypt the message you can't tell if that 4 was originally a 2 or a 15."
I'm not exactly sure how I should fix this. There's no chance of multiplying by 13, that's not allowed.
so it is just multiplying by 2. I guess I could change it from multiplying by 2 to multiplying by 4, so multiply by 1, 3, or 4.
@heather multiplying by 4 wont' work either unfortunately
multiplying by 5?
what's wrong with multiplying by 4 - multiple of 2?
e.g. 14*4 - 26 - 26 = 4
and 1*4 = 4
but as you said 5 will work
I will fix that then
hmm, I changed my code and it is still allowing 2
what...*::smacks interpreter::*
it still sometimes multiplies by 2?
@heather make sure that the number is co-prime with 26
@DHMO, right, that makes sense.
@Kenshin, yup.
that's madness
@heather maybe you can post the code here
gist: cipher, 2016-12-17 14:54:05Z
from random import randint
import random

message = input("Please input what you'd like to encrypt: ")
howmany = int(input("How many times would you like to encrypt this message: "))
start = 1
alphabet = [chr(x) for x in range(97, 123)]
newmessage = ""
add = int(randint(1, 6))
multipchoice = [1,3,5]
multiply = int(random.choice(multipchoice))

while start <= howmany:
    print("add: ", add, " multiply: ",multiply)
    for c in message:
        if c in alphabet:
            location = int((alphabet.index(c)))+1
            location = (location+add)*multiply
            if location > 26:
                while location > 26:
                    location = location-26
    if start < howmany:
        message = newmessage
        newmessage = ""
        add = int(randint(1, 6))
        multiply = int(randint(1,3))

^updated code
have you tried it again after smacking it?
it got another smack
::glares at interpreter::
        if location > 26:
            while location > 26:
                location = location-26
Can be replaced by this:
        location %= 26
[Division by zero] A rather boring example:
@DHMO, yes, I've been told.
The thing is, that would turn 26 itself into 0, which makes later parts confusing.
This line is faulty:
    multiply = int(randint(1,3))
The 16 + tables illustrate the distributive structure.
It should be replaced by:
    multiply = random.choice(multipchoice)
erm...it does say that second bit
@heather I don't know why you wrapped it around with int
This example is associative and distributive, however, it is boring because once you get into 2 or 3 you can never leave it.
@DHMO, I don't know why I used int either, I'll remove that, but this line is written the second way, not the first
I'm talking about this line (Line 29)
oh, duh
i forgot to fix it there
@heather I have a quesitn
it appears that for each letter it is choosing a new random number to multiply
not for each letter
(that is what is done in line 29)
for each set of letters.
@heather could I edit your file?
what do you mean
if i say i want to encrypt it once, then it chooses one set of random numbers that is used on each letter
@DHMO, sure
I updated it as you described
@heather i see ty
@heather why isn't there an edit button?
like it encrypts say 3 times, and each time it picks a new set of numbers to multiply/add
@Kenshin, right
@heather what is the project for?
@Kenshin, in a roundabout way, for social studies
@heather never mind, I can't see it from my account, I'll fork it and give you the link
@DHMO, okay, sorry about that!
@heather interesting, how is it used in social studies?
i never got to do anything this fun in social studies
@Kenshin, in a nutshell, we're talking about the American Revolution, and there were spy rings and such, so since I'd finished what we were doing the teacher told me to come up with a cipher. So I thought i'd come up with a crazy one that was hard to crack. So I did that, and then I realized how it'd be a pain to encrypt any message, so I wrote the program to do it for me. I'll probably also write a program to decrypt messages according to the cipher.
@heather I see that sounds awesome
it is pretty fun
gtg now peeps
have a good day/night/24 hour period @Kenshin
ty u2
gist: cipher, 2016-12-18 14:10:24Z
from random import randint
import random

message = input("Please input what you'd like to encrypt: ")
howmany = int(input("How many times would you like to encrypt this message: "))
alphabet = [chr(x) for x in range(97, 123)]
multipchoice = [1,3,5]

for _ in range(howmany):
    newmessage = ""
    add = randint(1, 6)
    multiply = random.choice(multipchoice)
    print("add:", add, " multiply:",multiply)
    for c in message:
        if c in alphabet:
            location = (alphabet.index(c))+1
            location = (location+add)*multiply
            location = ((location+25)%26)+1
    message = newmessage

@heather try this
wow, that seems a whole lot shorter
I used for to get rid of the variable start
I also put the initialization of the variables add and multiply at the beginning of the for loop
I used modular arithmetic instead of an if and while loop
and I reduced the variable newmessage inside the for loop and used message in the end instead.
huh, wow
does it work?
I'm running it, one moment
it works, I meant to type that and forgot, sorry =)
@heather cool!
@DanielSank, yeah, I thought it was pretty awesome
1 hour later…
I suspect this won't mean much to those fortunate enough to be too young to remember Clippy. Strangely appropriate though.
user image
I wonder if we could introduce an unsubstantiated nonsense badge ...
I remember clippy
i read through the wikipedia article- that's terrible
Hi guys
I am looking to do SR in the tensor formulation in preparation for a course in GR next term. I'm not a physics major (transitioning toward it though) so I haven't take a formal course in SR yet; I have done it sproadically at the level of a first text though -- not with a lot of questions/practice.
I'm looking for a SR text that teaches it through tensors.
In the next few weeks, I'll also be working through the last half of Griffith's Electrodynamics so I'll get a flavor of SR, using some tensors, in the context of ED as well.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
I haven't found a textbook that is devoted to such a topic.
@JohnRennie There is always vigor:
For people who just yearn to be annoyed in that particular way.
@dmckee Jesus lord
^ Origin story
I actually compiled and installed that for a while, back in the day, just to see how awful it could be. The answer is loathsome.
Of course for me, being a emacser, it was compounded by running a vi in the first place
I never managed to learn Emacs
It's some hard stuff
@JunaidAftab try Carroll's book Space-time and Geometry.
Emacs is so weird to me.
Why does my editor need a psychiatrist?
One of the greater horrors of the First Ages of DotCom (tm).
You could replace clippy by other assistants later
I recall having a wizard help me out
So many memories
It's kind of a miracle that I ended up liking computers having dealt with things like that
@DanielSank In all honesty I think that's because emacs has it roots in the culture around the MIT AI lab.
I liked that weird frog-like robot too
@dmckee @DanielSank The Emacs psychotherapist just rekd me
There is an Elisa variant out there that simulates a sociopath instead of a psychologist. And yeah, someone piped them together and recorded the transcript.
Don't know where to find it anymore, but it was pretty funny.
@BernardoMeurer as in, an Office Assistant actually being helpful?
I have no recollection of such.
@EmilioPisanty He helped me out avoiding work, I find that useful
@BernardoMeurer There are a lot of sources for that kind of help.
@BernardoMeurer ahaha
Hello everyone
Could someone tell me where I can find some more information about this formula:
$\vec{H}(\vec{r}) = \frac{1}{\mu}\nabla \times \vec{A}(\vec{r})$
I know someone here showed me the exact wikipedia paragraph, which contains this fomula and some explanation, I am currently looking for.
I think it was @DanielSank .
oh wow
any takers for how many working hours that probably took?
@trilolil what exactly do you want to know?
The term magnetic potential can be used for either of two quantities in classical electromagnetism: the magnetic vector potential, A, (often simply called the vector potential) and the magnetic scalar potential, ψ. Both quantities can be used in certain circumstances to calculate the magnetic field. The more frequently used magnetic vector potential, A, is defined such that the curl of A is the magnetic field B. Together with the electric potential, the magnetic vector potential can be used to specify the electric field, E as well. Therefore, many equations of electromagnetism can be written either...
@DanielSank just trying to have a better understanding of what this formula means.
I think you managed to give me a wiki page which had exactly that formula, that's why.
@EmilioPisanty +/-
@trilolil as in, you saw this formula with no context, and you just decided you needed to learn more?
context matters
@EmilioPisanty Well actually I am analyzing some antennas. I have all the elements to calculate a vector potential using this formula: imgur.com/a/NrUKe
Once I compute the vector potential I can fill in the formula mentionned earlier to get the near field electrical field, which was what I needed.
@trilolil ... which you got from... ?
I managed to do that but am trying to have a better understanding.
you've got a huge case of the XY problem there
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

@EmilioPisanty Bee movie memes are the best man!
first formula
It's all there.
So what else do you need?
@EmilioPisanty I know what a magnetic field is. But what is a "phasor" magnetic field?
for example.
@trilolil This is the second time (at least) you ask about those notes, right?
How about you drop them and actually find a textbook that explains what it is doing?
Lecture notes are OK when you are taking the lecture course and the lecturer is there to explain the bunch of stuff that's not on the notes.
Some even make good resources when that is not the case.
These notes are not that.
Drop them and use an actual textbook.
@EmilioPisanty I don't have a lecturer explaining that stuff to me. So sorry for asking questions!!!
@trilolil Asking questions is OK. What's not OK is repeatedly asking us to fill in the gaps caused by your insistence on using incomplete texts as learning resources.
You're not even reading the lecture notes in full
@EmilioPisanty clarify.
@EmilioPisanty thanks
what I needed.
Did you read the full course, or did you just select a single note and decide that reading the first 6/7ths of the course was not necessary?
@trilolil You had all the tools for finding that yourself. You need to do your due diligence first.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but if you insist on using incomplete notes, the very least you need to do is read them in full.
Alternatively, you can explain what it is you want to do, how much electromagnetism you already know, and we can help you find a better textbook.
speaking of the X-Y problem: I think I'm doing it myself.
here's the question I asked:
Q: Logic error - incorrect answer given

heatherSummary I'm writing a program to simulate an ideal quantum computer in python 3. Right now, I'm working on adding two-qubit functionality, and I finally got it to the point where I could actually run it (and then I got promptly hit by a bug). Now, I've worked out a lot of kinks but the program ...

however, I think there might be a better way to do it.
because what I'm trying to do with the second part is iterate through each list of commands until I reach a command that needs information I don't have, and to then switch to a different line of commands.
in other words, to allow the user to use two-qubit, three-qubit, etc, gates.
@heather I'm not sure I can help with the code
but that does look like a non-minimal MWE
why is all the I/O still there?
surely you can just hardcode a single problematic example?
I did
or does the problem go away if you take it out?
I put the full code in for those still interested.
but otherwise, I put in a kind of minimal section. I guess I can try to cut it down a bit more..
hmm, let me see.
No, I'm talking about the "As minimal as I could make it" section

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