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hmm, maybe I should ask one of my teachers about that. currently, I'm taking a bunch of AP classes and I have room for college classes senior year, but i didn't realize that sometimes you can take college classes instead of highschool classes.
@heather I'd say it's better to leave it up to people to find their own resources if they need to learn English
It's not really our job to offer that sort of thing
Hi, everybody.
@heather How do you know you need a lot of money? Do you know where you want to go?
@DanielSank, state college
Iowa State, I think
and I know I need a lot of money because a. college -> very expensive and b. my dad tells me I need to start getting scholarships and c. I looked up how much ISU costs and nearly had a heart attack (last one, I'm joking, but seriously, it's expensive)
and I'm in state. geesh.
Keep in mind, you can also apply places that do merit based financial aide.
@heather My experience with state schools is that sometimes they can be generous with financial aid - more so for in-state students, I think - and sometimes they aren't.
But whatever. If you want to start getting scholarships, I'd recommend googling all over the place, and then also ask the university career office for a list of good scholarships.
Being a woman in science should help here.
I mention that because I would like to encourage you not feel bad about applying for those types of things.
They're there for a reason.
@heather Did you have a look at their website? It provides an extensive list of possible scholarships. financialaid.iastate.edu/scholarships And I think they are pretty generous with scholarships (provided you have good grades). My best friend's sister got almost 90 percent scholarship though she was an Overseas student.
@Doraemonドラえもん, I went through every single one and found only two that I might be eligible for (might, as in, they didn't give the requirements, and I wasn't eligible for a lot because I'm not old enough yet). I'll definitely keep an eye on it though!
Oh, well yeah getting scholarships when you're not in high school yet...
I don't even know if that's a thing.
Uh, why would you expect to get a scholarship years before you'll actually attend the university?
@heather If you aren't old enough yet then I wonder why you are worrying about getting scholarships now. Just keep a solid academic track record. You will get scholarships automatically with good grades.
@ACuriousMind, (::shrugs::) sorry, I don't know much about this. My dad was literally like "you need to get scholarships!" and I'm like, "okay". So i've been googling, and I'm thinking about talking to the school counselor person because I remember my mom saying stuff about that a few years ago.
@heather I thought you were in middle school...?
@DavidZ, 8th grade, yes.
That's way early to be worrying about college and scholarships.
Not too early to be thinking about it, but too early to be worrying about it
Truly speaking, I think your parents are over-worried :P 8 th grade is fun time :)
Most scholarships are targeted at HS seniors, and a few at current college students. You shouldn't expect to find much that you are eligible for as an 8th-grader.
@heather if there are programmes which you are almost eligible for (e.g. you are only too young) then I think writing to them and explaining the situation might even be worth a shot - I am not sure about the US, but I have made good experiences with not being too wary of asking politely even when I didn't feel a perfect fit
@Sanya, good advice, I'll keep that in mind =)
the worst thing they can tell you is "come back in a few years"
I don't see why you can't simply wait until you're old enough, it's not as if you'd need or get the scholarship money right now, is it?
no, i guess not
my dad just said that, multiple times
@heather Also, when you look up the cost of a college, don't just look at the "official" cost (the $50k/year or whatever). The more important number is what you actually have to wind up paying, which is the "official" cost minus whatever grants and scholarships you get. And the grants and scholarships vary a lot. Sometimes they can be substantial, i.e. they can reduce the effective cost by more than 50%.
Yeah, don't worry about something ahead of time for no reason.
I think you can safely wait until high school!
sounds good
(::takes deep breath::)
@heather Also I would like to tell you that do not be hell bent on a particular college. It might lead to disappointment sometimes. Always keep several options at hand :)
Make a nice list of at-least 10 colleges which might be suitable for you.
my dad really wants me to go to ISU, I think.
@heather What is so special about ISU ? What about the other IVY leagues ?
I don't think my dad wants me to go to an ivy league/top school
@heather Haw ?
Why ?
well...you ever read that book by Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers?
Never heard of it
Why? What is it about?
basically, there's a chapter in it that describes someone who was smart going to a top school and then getting lost under the great people and switching out of science
it's a good book
but anyway, that and my dad's experience and some other element I don't know about I think made him put me in the position of the girl who switched out of science.
@Doraemonドラえもん Yeah, that's important.
@heather I must say that is a very weird logic to believe in and I can give you hundreds of counter examples
i don't really know exactly why to be honest
@heather I suppose that's a possibility, but those people probably wouldn't succeed in science (assuming we're talking about research careers) anyway. Plenty of people who don't switch out during college wind up leaving the field later.
@heather I'm reading it now and yeah, it's a compelling book
i'm probably wrong, but part of me thinks that he thinks I'm not intelligent enough to go to one of those top schools
though again, that's probably just me being nuts.
on the other hand, I don't know the US system enough to judge
@Doraemonドラえもん he does actually have statistics to back it up ;)
of course, statistics can show a lot ... but not everything can be denied
@Doraemonドラえもん, let me repeat that that's just me making a bit of a wild guess, he hasn't said anything specifically to that effect.
@Doraemonドラえもん, and also, with due respect, how do you know how intelligent I am? I don't even really know where I fall on the scale. I'm certainly not a genius or anything like that.
Intelligence is not something that you are born with. You gain it. And that was something really depressing to hear from an eight grader.
I know people who have been failing in maths till 10 th grade and then topping the 12 th board exams
@Doraemonドラえもん overreacting much? :-P
still ... I think you should mainly decide based on what you feel like doing, @heather :) the most important thing is that you are already very aware of the different pro's and con's that might come with it and consider them - so I'm positive that in a few years, you'll come up with a good decision :)
may I repeat that this is me guessing.
@Sanya, thanks =)
@DavidZ I suppose so. :) But that was depressing to hear.
also, i think part of the against-top-school thing is that they're SO EXPENSIVE. I mean, geesh. it's like they're a top school or something =P
@Doraemonドラえもん I agree that it is disappointing when people skip out on giving themselves chances to succeed because they or others don't believe in them, rather than because they actually couldn't make it.
@heather Don't forget they also have some of the best financial aid.
@heather Top schools give the highest scholarships. That is another misconception many people hold. I got 70 percent scholarship from Cornell and Princeton just by giving the SAT tests. And trust me, getting into an IVY league isn't that difficult.
@heather actually, you might be surprised...
wait, wait, SERIOUSLY!?
why have I never known this?
They are expensive, but not always so much more as you'd expect.
@Doraemonドラえもん wtf seriously?
@Doraemonドラえもん, I'm hovering between "You're magical" and "yay!"
MIT gives 100 percent scholarship and one guy from my school got it. - Sagnik Saha...batch of 2018.
He was just very good at maths and that's all
Not any child prodigy or something. He worked hard and got the scholarship.
@DanielSank Yeah. But I am still in India and I prefer IITs over overseas colleges. I am in my final year of high school though.
Princeton's financial aid is all need-based, not merit-based
and all grants, no loans. That's important.
Harvard does something similar, I believe, and they cover full tuition for any family with income under $65,000
(or maybe that number is higher)
@DavidZ Actually there are some organizations associated with Princeton which do give scholarships.
Atleast I got a few. I had to register though.
@Doraemonドラえもん But not the university itself.
@DavidZ Yeah, that's true
For scholarship purposes it matters little whether the organization is associated with the university or not.
@Doraemonドラえもん, but if you're out of country, it might be different
@heather American citizens get much more advantage in terms of scholarships.
I couldn't apply for many scholarships just because I am not American
oh, really?
thanks, everyone
this was really clarifying
@heather my recommendation is that you don't rule out any college based on financial concerns. When the time comes, file your applications, see if you get accepted and what kind of financial aid offer you get, and then you can pick a place you can afford.
okay @DavidZ
yo @Kaumudi.H
how's the cyclone ?
@Kaumudi.H, o/
like your avatar =)
@Doraemonドラえもん: Wtf are u doing online now? U didn't sleep?
I'm studying :)
Don't feel like sleeping
All night?! Why, do you have an exam coming up in a few days?
Next week exam is there...
But I'm not really studying for the exam
I was doing some maths
Also, I just woke up. Gimme some time. (Saw ur ping. U have questions?)
@heather Hey :-) Thanks!
@Kaumudi.H, reading about anything cool lately?
@Kaumudi.H Sure. Come in the JEE chat room
Take your time
in Mathematics, 19 mins ago, by Secret
Last night dream strongly reminds of a mix of the hydra game, cayley tables and social networks. Basically there's a process of unwrapping a statement of uncertain truth value.

Suppose there's a statement saying "Y is supported by the research of X". Then for every such statement, a table can be generated as follows:

1. Everytime the statement references itself or its previous selves, duplicate the statement once but no further for each self reference.
2. If the statement contains modal verbs, negation and any adjectives of some sort, make a new copy of the statement treating those aforme
in Mathematics, 19 mins ago, by Secret
Example: Using what the dream said, "This statement is false" will become:

This statement is false
This statement is true
in Mathematics, 13 mins ago, by Secret
(Typo: Forgot to type one more thing: For each rule: Whenever a statement is duplicated, the duplicated version no longer has the modifiers that cause it to duplicate in the first place, or it becomes a modifer that does not do not do anything (e.g. true)
in Mathematics, 15 mins ago, by Secret
One of the most hilarious thing is that if you take any pseudoscientific claim as the statement (which probably include a lot of antedotes, figures and stuff and misuse of quotes), at least as seen in the dream it always end up generating an irregular table of size > 10 x 20 something
@Kaumudi.H, @Doraemonドラえもん, just googled JEE: it sounds insane and yet incredibly cool...would it be okay if I popped in that chat room and just listened (read, whatever)?
@heather It is the coolest exam ever ;)
come and join us

 The JEE LaunchPad

We love Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. And we are prepari...
oh, actually, I've got to go for now
I'll read through the transcript later =)
thanks again
Bye...nice to meet you :)
@Doraemonドラえもん Till what time are u gonna be awake today? Will u be awake around 1 in the afternoon? If the questions aren't pressing, we could discuss them then. I too have questions and I need to get other stuff done before noon.
Whole day I will be awake :-D
Maybe I will take 2 hrs rest in the afternoon
:-P Okay. I'll see u then.
Sure :-D! See you :P

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