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@DavidZ, okay. Thank you for commenting. =)
Imagine the precident that would be set if a homework physics site is allowed
what's next, chemistry homework, maths homework, biology homeowkr
@S007, I do have the community ad ready, so if it does get reopened, then.
@Mew, this is a special case =P
Good..that will help
I think it is very obvious on what we will be discussing in the next chat session
@S007, it'll just need to get 6 upvotes.
@Secret, this?
Don't forget to remind me of that when chat session time comes up
Wait, when is the next chat session? I might actually be able to attend...
assuming there is no other events planned
@Secret we discussed it at the last chat session. I doubt many people will want to discuss it again.
@heather this week, I believe, same time as always
@heather Tuesday 1st at 16:00 UTC
well last time its more of a begining, the proposal wasn't up yet, now we have a pile of comments in the proposal to think and expand about
I will be there for the session :)
If the site runs, it will defintely cause a big change across the SE network, but in what way I am too inexperienced to say
@JohnRennie, ah, yes, thank you. Yes, I might be able to attend, it depends on various factors. I hope I can, because of the possibility of discussion about this.
I have to say that I don't see what there is to discuss.
So what will happen if we just allow high quality homework questions on the current site
I guess it would be about alerting the general public about this.
@Mew, that will never happen.
@Mew the debate would then be, what counts as high quality?
@Mew Back to square one :-P
@JohnRennie, I don't think you've seen the community ad yet:
@heather We aren't (well I'm not :-) going to pay to host a new site and I very much doubt Robert will change his mind.
@David, surely the new site will also demand high quality though
How bad is it?
so the debate will need to be had regardless
@Mew, high quality, yes, but our thing is basically, show your work.
@JohnRennie we could discuss how the existence of this new site would change the scope here
@heather, let's abolish the show your work requirement
We can hold a discussion about "high quality" in the next chat session.
@heather: the ad looks great :-) But right now the new site isn't going to happen. End of story.
@Mew, then it would turn into madness and math.SE. NO!! JUST NOOOOOO!!! =)
@Mew noooooooooo
@JohnRennie, so pessimistic =P
@heather, but you're happy for the new site to be madness?
@Mew, it won't be madness.
that will attract hw vampires...we need to decide what qualifies as high quality "hw"
@S007, it's show your work, that's all.
whatever measures we use to keep the new site orderly, we could just apply to the current site
@Mew, it is unfortunately not quite that simple.
@heather we both agree to that...we need to tell it to other users
@S007, what do we agree to?
@heather "it's show your work, that's all."
@S007, ah, yes.
I don't agree with the "show your work" principle at all. Some users may have no idea , or may be totally on the wrong track. In such cases it is easier to just show them the correct way then to show them where they are wrong.
Probability of Robert responding - 99%
Probability of Robert responding in the next 5 minutes - 5%
Probability of Robert responding favorably - 15%
Probability of Robert responding unfavorably - 85%
Probability of Robert responding favorably in the next 5 minutes - 0.00001%
^this is what I'm thinking about right now =P
@Mew, then we ask that they show their work, and then we show them where they are wrong. It is not necessarily "easier" your way.
@heather, why does it matter what work they have done? It is irrelevant to the solution
As someone who would be answering the questions, I don't want to read all the mumbo jumbo wrong answers the silly students come up with
I'd rather just see the question and show them how to do it
@Mew, we don't want to just give answers to every homework problem in existence. We want the student to show work, to show where they got stuck. And maybe you wouldn't prefer it after seeing thousands and thousands of "do this for me" questions.
@heather, in my time I've done tens of thousands of questions and I'm still keen to do more
I'd be more put off having to figure out where the student has got it wrong
@Mew, and how many of them were "do it for me" homework problems?
@heather, several I've worked as a part time tutor for many years
@JohnRennie, you are better explaining this than me...
I find the most effective tutoring method is by showing the student step by step how to solve the problem. They learn more efficiently seeing how to do it, then if they go off on the wrong track
Allowing them to go off on the wrong track just wastes their time. You may think that it allows them to develop thinking skills but it's wrong. Direct instruction has been proven to be the most efficient and effective pedagogical method.
If they see enough worked solutions, they see the correct way to think
@Mew you are probably in a small minority with that opinion
@Mew citation needed
@mew A new website on one.com will take 15 US for first year
US dollars
@S007, that's not bad at all
Will the cost increase with traffic?
Well if we can collect that amount we can borrow the software from PO
The software is pretty much open source
there are several similar models everywhere
maybe..i've no idea about that
I need to go now...see if you can tell the others about it
see you in few hrs
i'll be off soon too
laterz bond
@Mew that's not what that source is about at all, as far as I can tell
@Mew same with that one
@David, the talk and chalk approach is superior to allowing the student to self discover
similarly just showing a student how to solve a problem is superior to getting them to tyry and figure it out first and then assisting
Sure, but that's a separate question from what we're talking about here. That's my point: it's not "similarly"
Hav eyou heard of William James Sidis? His father employed the direct instruction approach with the intention of creating a genius
@Mew, first off, I disagree with that. Second of all, we know your opinion here. Did you have to comment on the page where we are trying to persuade Robert?
and he accomplished his mission (despite some psychological issues)
despite some psychological issues!? that seems like a pretty big deal to me
@heather, lol
and, as an aside, I've learned a lot of what I know from figuring it out myself, not having some one teach me. Though my parents and of course the people here have helped me.
his issues were from being too smart maybe
@heather, what about from seeing work examples in textbooks? That's direct instruction
Also just because you were able to learn what you know using that method this doesn't mean there isnt a more efficient way of learning
So, what did I miss during my absence?
@MAFIA36790, we were discussing that direct instruction (or just giving students answers) is a superior method of teaching then getting the student to try and figure things out on their own first
@MAFIA36790, I don't agree with that.
The quicker the student sees the right way of thinking (e.g. worked examples), the quicker the student learns to think in that way
I don't agree either; but I've no time to meddle into the discussion; carry on.
@MAFIA36790, if you did agree with my methods and utilized them, you would have more free time to meddle ;p
@Mew, I just read the Wikipedia article about William James Sidis. He sounds like a pretty unsuccessful guy, and that gives me no faith in your method.
"was an American child prodigy with exceptional mathematical abilities and a claimed mastery of many languages."
If we can get our physics SE users to achieve the above, that's pretty good
He entered Harvard at age eleven
Yeah, but did you read the later parts? He had no self discipline; dropped out of law school, multiple jobs, and graduate school, had many a psychological problem, and his feats were probably exaggerated...who knows how many languages he actually knew.
@Mew based on the resources you linked for me, direct instruction is not at all the same thing as giving students answers
@DavidZ, still no response from Robert...
@heather Don't be too impatient. It's a weekend.
@DavidZ, perhaps I have a broader understanding of the methodology
Nope :-P
Nevertheless my understanding is that showing several worked examples is a superior method of teaching than having the student work through them (provided the student actively attempts to understand what is shown)
Mew, how old are you? Just curious.
My understanding is precisely the opposite.
Danu mid 20s
@DavidZ, yeah, I know, the internet does that to me =P
@DavidZ, perhaps more resaearch is required
Why Danu?
Just curious.
How old are you?
I know that I often learn more from trying to figure it out myself. If I get stuck, I ask for help.
@heather, if you ask earlier you'll learn more rapidly
@Mew, it isn't just about learning rapidly, it's about learning well.
@Mew Early 20s.
early years of teenager-dom =P
In any case, I think that if you have to work on something seriously hard, you'll see that real understanding does not always come from people doing it for you.
@heather adolescence
@DHMO, yes, but saying teenager-dom is more fun =)
In some cases you do appreciate a solution more if you've struggled to solve it first
In all cases...
@heather teenagerhood
But some cases you have no idea how to solve, and when you see the solution you then know how to do it
and if you have no idea how to solve a problem, how frustrating is it to be asked to show your working
@DHMO, teenager-dom is still more fun
@heather I agree :-P
@heather juvenescence
@Mew, show your work: then show what you've done so far. If that is little but set up some equation, then that's fine.
@DHMO, where are you getting these words?
@heather any thesaurus would do
Alright I gtg now guys
good chat
@Mew, good day to you
@DHMO, thesarus.com gave me teenybopper. I'm very disappointed in thesaurus.com right now.
@heather i used google dictionary
IMPORTANT NOTICE: physicsoverflow.org/17130/… @heather @JohnRennie
@DHMO, ah, I see
Dilaton wrote it for us
@Mew This honestly sounds like the only problems you're considering are homework problems.
Please read it and decide
@S007 that's an old post
@S007, I read it.
@DavidZ I know...he directed us to it
Dilaton just told
And I am even more in disagreement with "Physics Underflow" now.
Let me explain why:
That contains exactly the sort of language that I was concerned about.
I'll let the community decide now
I'm out
1. it sounds like this is turning into jabs at physics.SE time
2. I think physics overflow will have too much control
3. We have a shot at getting Robert to agree with us
4. I'd rather create our own site from scratch than join with the people at physics overflow if that is the sort of attitude they'd have
@S007, what do you think of the sbove.
@heather I really can't see any offensive attitude on their part....the Robert part too I'm uncertain
Who is Robert?
@danu stack exchange manager
and mod
@S007, they make more than a couple of digs at physics.SE
@Danu, see here
@DavidZ, like what?
@heather chiefly "a free, frank, and non-censorious environment"
that refers to what we would qualify as "rude"
@DavidZ, or how about the comment in the answer, "Phys.SE, that seem to be a physics community, is constrained in mundane rules, and has a very harsh culture." =(
Oh, I didn't see that, but I guess that could also qualify
Yeah, the answer is like pure "physics.SE is terrible" only in rather stronger language.
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance – instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole. Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization, performed on entangled particles are found to be appropriately correlated. For example, if a pair of particles are generated in such a way that their total spin is...
> Mystery of time[edit]
There have been suggestions to look at the concept of time as an emergent phenomenon that is a side effect of quantum entanglement.[43][44] In other words, time is an entanglement phenomenon, which places all equal clock readings (of correctly prepared clocks – or of any objects usable as clocks) into the same history. This was first fully theorized by Don Page and William Wootters in 1983.[45] The Wheeler–DeWitt equation that combines general relativity and quantum mechanics – by leaving out time altogether – was introduced in the 1960s and it was taken up again in
> In other words, time is an entanglement phenomenon, which places all equal clock readings (of correctly prepared clocks – or of any objects usable as clocks) into the same history.
"In mathematical logic, Diaconescu's theorem, or the Goodman–Myhill theorem, states that the full axiom of choice is sufficient to derive the law of the excluded middle"
if that is true, then it will mean (forgot name) logic is incompatible with the axiom of choice
(too lazy to dig up the name)
@Slereah AoC implies non-constructivism
Is that what you're saying?
It's what the theorem is saying, yes
Alright. Screw AC. What the hell
It seriously is the Devil's axiom
@0celo7, hello
Did you compute that supremum?
@heather We will have our own moderators. The rules will be ours. They won't have control.
@S007, I am still suspicious. Let's just wait and see for a few days, okay?
Their digs don't matter much to me. I don't see how they would affect us. Anyway I will wait.
@0celo7, I remember responding confusedly because we only defined supremums for subsets of $\mathbb{R}$...
@heather Huh? That is a subset of R
Q is a subset of R
@0celo7, it is?
Uh, ignore that then.
Okay, so compute $\sup\{q\in\Bbb Q\mid q^2<2\}$.
@0celo7, would it be 2?
Ok this is annoying, I cannot move step IV before step I
thought I can test this for all possible frames
darn, stupid me
forgot to put an if statement in my code.
I thought I can get my mind blown if there is an experiment that can showed that the measurement can violate bell inequlities before the entanglement pair is created
given how entanglement is insensitive to spacetime separations
looks like I still understood entanglement wrongly...
A minkowski diagram set up to investigate two entangled electrons: shaded region correspond to period as seen in the black frame where the electron is entangled
Note the electrons are placed close enough to interact, thus the starting line is nearly horizontal
@heather no, unless I write the problem wrong
Does it have a q squared in it?
@0celo7, yes, it has a q^2
Then it's not 2
thinking through again
Think about it, what is 2 squared
q^2<2 q < 4 oh, so 4
@heather thanks - all I wanted to say was a) that it might be worthwhile to stick to generally understandable language and b) it might do good to rewrite the proposal in terms of community-focused/group-focused terms if that is what they are looking for; I thought maybe it was some valuable input - that's all I had to say; the remaining parts can be found in my two comments on area51
I still hope this site comes together
@Sanya, yes, we are sticking with the title physics problem solving - I myself dunno where "mathematical physics" came from. And I'm not quite sure what you mean by b), would you mind elaborating? I'll reread your comments. Thanks for the support, if the proposal gets reopened, you should follow the proposal =)
@0celo7, is the answer 4?
@heather I mean if what they are saying "we do only open new SEs for new usergroups and not for certain kind of problems" then let's make it our argument that Physics SE is for academic level physics on a research/graduate level and that the new site could be a SE for physics on layman level/people from adjacent fields/physics pupils and starting students - maybe that will make them see where we are coming from
in the end, that is the way they got the two math sites opened too
@Sanya, ah, I see what you are saying now. It makes sense, but I just have to say that that isn't quite the point of the new site; both sites allow research and basic questions. It is a new user group because often the people who want the answers to conceptual type questions are different from the people who want answers to problem type questions. There would be some overlap in user base, but certainly not much.
@heather, you doing mathematical physics?
@MAFIA36790, no...?
ohh; well, I have Hilbert Courant; if you wanted to read.
@MAFIA36790, wait, I'm confused, what are we talking about here? I know what mathematical physics is, but we weren't discussing it here except how it was not applicable to the new site proposal. Were you talking about it in a different context?
Discussion about the new site proposal?
Afternoon @JohnRennie.
@heather I certainly see your point - I just thought maybe it's a way to get a new SE which at least includes what you are trying to build up :/ but on the other hand, maybe there is a better description of the user groups which still makes them appear distinct
@MAFIA36790 the physics problem solving proposal, yeah. Were you talking about what I'm learning about on my own?
I have missed many things; I see then.
@heather yes for the second question.
So, what happened; could you tell in a nutshell?
@MAFIA36790, oh, okay. =) Then yeah, I'm certainly interested in learning about it. But I'm not completely sure what that field covers.
As for what happened with the physics problem solving proposal:
1. closed as duplicate by Robert the mod
2. we're trying to get it reopened
@heather Ohh? I knew somehow it would happen.
3. the mods here seem to be on our side in this, so we might have a shot at getting it reopened
there were other proposal earlier too.
and that's kind of where we're at. but it was closed as a duplicate of physics saying it would "take away from the user base" even though that's not really true.
And of course, unless you make it explicitly clear; it would very much look like you are trying to split the audience.
we already created a discussion post trying to explain that it wasn't a duplicate
but it might not be very clear
here is the discussion post
and here is the proposal page
ahh. okay saw those just now.
what do you think, is it unclear?
Hmm; what do you meant by graduates?
There is Physics Overflow for that; but of course it is not in the domains of SE.
if you are talking about the last sentence, problems are allowed at any level, basically, so graduate school and such
> those who love teaching others about physics, and physics enthusiasts.
So, do you want some Physics Educators?
@heather no
I fear then you are expecting too much.
@0celo7, it isn't 4, either?
@MAFIA36790, that's just a list of the intended user base of the site, that's all
okay, anyways; I'm not seeing this post as unclear.
It rhymes with boo
@MAFIA36790, okay, that's good
@0celo7, 2? but you said that was wrong...
Not 2
@MAFIA36790 physics overflow? :o
22? which doesn't make sense, obviously, but
I didn't know that site :O
wow ...~
@heather no
@Sanya It has a long history starting at Phys.SE.
@0celo7, I seem to have issues thinking of numbers that rhyme with boo =P
It rhymes with square root of boo
@MAFIA36790 even though it looks pretty inactive
@0celo7 And how does that sound?
square root of 2?
@heather tes
@Sanya I don't go there; so I can't tell.
@MAFIA36790 there was a holy war
okay, okay, how do you solve for stuff like that? I don't understand how you got there
do you have to take the expression and then solve for q?
@0celo7 There is still armistice with PO having virtually no weapons, right?
@heather give me 30 mins. Gotta pack my bag, go to someone's
@0celo7, no problem
let's see, so if you did that, you'd have q^2 < 2
or q < sqrt of 2
which makes sense, then, that the supremum must be sqrt of 2
HEY HEY @JohnRennie!!
In an unexpected turn we've been made an offer to host the site from Physics Overflow. Though whether this comes to anything we'll have to wait and see. — John Rennie 6 hours ago
What is that O.o
@MAFIA36790, it is something that very probably will not happen
It turns out that all they've said is they'll give us a copy of their software but we have to set up and pay for the site.
which, um, we have no money =)
yesterday, by MAFIA36790
Let me see how the Physics Overflow crew react to this proposal.
Specifically they offered as a basic version of their software
I guessed somewhat right ;))
@JohnRennie ohh.
@heather You should start a business now; maybe start running a casino in Vegas.
@MAFIA36790, yes, lots of things happened to the proposal
@MAFIA36790, run a casino, yeah, because that'd be totally appropriate for a middle schooler =P
So, @JohnRennie, have you people decided yet who will pay? Or is it too far to think now?
@MAFIA36790 I'm not interested in pursuing that route. At the moment unless the SE change their mind and reopen the proposal it's game over.
okay. Very well, then.
But it's been a fun ride, if a short one :-)
I'm seeing Robert is concerned over the follow-up ddiscussion that I'm sure there would be in homework questions. But this is not what SE is for; it would fail the main principle of Q&A quality site.
@MAFIA36790 but look at mathematics SE, it works there too
Have you pondered over this?
I think just posting the full solution works - even if it's not pedagogical, but well ... that's not what SE is for and not either what most people want
@Sanya this was the main criteria: there would be no full solution answer; after-all, yeh, it shouldn't be homework-solving service.
@MAFIA36790 but this is what I have seen happening on mathematics SE :|
post a problem -> get the proof handed on a plate
@Sanya Frankly speaking, I've not noticed till any lengthy discussion following some posts. But this can't be ruled out.
@Sanya There are tons of Hint:... answers.
hmm ok ... well, it was my limited experience there
I'm not there often
so what I'm saying is not very authorative
And of course, as we all are aware by now, Math SE is somewhat indifferent to homework posts.
see, I thought it would be, the person asking the question shows their work and the answer can a. give a hint or b. give a walk through, step by step solution. I think answers that just gave the answer and not explaining why it is the answer would be deleted or something like that
I don't know what their policy is over the matter.
the question is required to show work, so there is some barrier between the user and calculate this for me questions
I very much don't want to model any site based on Math SE.
well, but isn't that the direction a problem solving physics website would have? :o
@heather Hints make for terrible answers. There's no guarantee that a hint that helps one user will help another, so you'll get almost-duplicates where the same question is asked again but with "and the hint there didn't help me" tagged on.
right, it isn't modeled on math se at all
@ACuriousMind, hmm, yeah. Maybe hints shouldn't be allowed, then. So it is just a step by step walk through solution explaining what went wrong and such.
thank you for bringing that up
I know that because I've been in the situation where I've searched for the proof of a statement only to find a math.SE post where the accepted answer is a useless hint I had already figured out :P
@MAFIA36790 meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/25154/… apparently they decided against a homework tag, I'm not quite sure based on what they close (or not)
@Sanya They close if the questions are very low quality and/or show no effort at all. They don't have any hw policy.
@MAFIA36790 math.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic We welcome questions about [...] Mathematical problems such as one might come across in a course or textbook. (First read our how to ask a good question page.)
our policy wouldn't be a homework policy per se, but just, show your work, etc
@S007 yup, I've read it up - thank you :)
And honestly, I think they are doing it well :-)
without hw policy at all
for me, their site is much too full of not very good questions - it is helpful if I have a problem, but I wouldn't want to stay there as an active member
I much prefer it here
@Sanya Being a maths lover, I like that site more (truly speaking)
@ACuriousMind I don't agree with you on hints-for-answers.
@ACuriousMind What? You've searched for a proof :o
The fact of the matter is that math.SE has decided to accept homework questions---and this is a practical way of dealing with that.
I thought you knew everything...
@Danu Giving a hint as an answer defies the idea of an SE site being a repository of knowledge instead of a forum where every question is re-asked every few months because it's fallen off the frontpage.
@ACuriousMind I don't believe so
You can still perfectly well duplicate a question that has been answered by a hint.
I think if you're going to allow homework questions, the only way is to actually give fully explained solutions to them and relentlessly close questions of that type as duplicates.
"the only way" seems rather off, since math.SE is doing it in a different way.
Yes, and trying to find something specific on it is a terrible experience.
Not really, for me. I've found that google does a good job at sorting it out.
@ACuriousMind I don't think so. I spent 3 years there and I find things pretty quickly.
Questions too are answered very fast due to large no of users
On PSE users are scared away (my experience)
Anyways, I agree with you that their model is vastly inferior to what we have here @ACuriousMind.

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