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@0celo7, I am indeed still here.
And prepared for the discussion
@heather ok
So open intervals
What exactly is special about them?
It's this: given an open interval $I$, and a point $x\in I$, there is another open interval $J$ containing $x$ such that $J\subset I$.
strict subset in this case
we can make $J$ really smal
In fact we can take it of the form $(x-\delta,x+\delta)$ for $\delta<0$ small.
so, for an example, if you have the open interval (0,1) and a point 0.5 $\in$ the interval, then there is another open interval like (0.25,1) which includes 0.5 and it is a subset of the first interval?
So then, if this is the case
you can do better
let's define the size of an interval
$\ell (a,b)=|b-a|$
what is $\ell$
we are doing Lebesgue measure btw :)
Not really, but this is how you start it
ah, okay.
so what if we said with the interval (0,1) the point is $\infty - 1$ and then the new interval is ($\infty - 2$, 1)
but then, of course, you have the problem that $\infty - 1 = \infty$...
umm, where did infinity come from?
because we are trying to get infinitely close to 1 to define it such that the upper bound of (0,1) is 1, right?
Not infinitely close :/
oh :/
no, not that either
@heather is $2$ an upper bound for that interval?
Okay, what is the difference between infinitesimally and infinitely close?
@heather sorry, ignore me now:)
@0celo7, (0,1)? I don't think so...
don't use either of those words
@AndrasDeak, sorry, yeah =)
@heather Why not? Everything in that interval is smaller
But it is beyond the interval, right? I mean it has to be in the interval, right?
I mean, if you let it be beyond the interval, then the upper bound of everything is $\infty$
No, look back at your definitions
@heather Ok. Don't ever use (i) infinitely (ii) infinitesimally (iii) $\pm\infty$ ever again. Except for in the context $\lim_{n\to\infty}$.
@0celo7, ever!? but, but, limits, and things =P
But even then, that notation is probably terrible.
@heather you can use $\infty$ strictly when it is to the right of a $\to$, but that's it
and it doesn't actually mean anything is infinite
sidebar, you can do \lim_\limits{n\rightarrow\infty} to get the $n\rightarrow\infty$ under the $\lim$
Yeah I know that.
(you can also have a meaningful $\infty$ on the right hand side of a limit, right?)
@AndrasDeak Yes, but let's not confuse her.
(hence parentheses)
right and you can do \limits with any operator and stuff, like $\int$
@heather Don't do it with integrals.
oh, okay.
You want the limits on the side of that.
@heather find the definition of "upper bound" in the chat
I'm looking, I searched the wrong thing at first
I'll help where I can and stop interfering:D Sorry for any confusion, and good night
@0celo7 That depends on your typographic convention ;)
2 days ago, by 0celo7
Ok, last thing for today is the least upper bound. A least upper bound for a set, called $\sup A$ (supremum) is a a number such that (i) $\sup A$ is an upper bound for $A$, (ii) if $b$ is an upper bound for $A$, then $\sup A\le b$.
@AndrasDeak, good night =)
2 days ago, by 0celo7
Let $A\subset \Bbb R$, then $b\in\Bbb R$ is an upper bound for $A$ if $b\ge a$ for any $a\in A$.
oh...so it is allowable. but then why isn't the word that shall not be mentioned the upper bound for every set?
@ACuriousMind There is one correct way for typing mathematics. The Germans were wrong in the case of integrals, I'm sorry.
@heather There are many upper bounds
Note I said "an" upper bound.
there are multiple definitions of an upper bound?
No, there are multiple upper bounds
@ACuriousMind you're welcome to add anything
rephrasing: every number greater than every $a\in A$ is an upper bound? So there are a word that shall not be mentioned number of upper bounds?
^sorry, last time I'll use word that shall not be mentioned, except here
Shit. That's a legitimate use of the word.
Yes, there are infinitely many upper bounds, in general.
Ha! =)
Perhaps I need to backtrack then. Why is the upper bound not more rigorously defined? I don't see the use of having infinitely many upper bounds.
How else should it be defined?
it's perfectly "rigorous"
well I didn't quite mean not rigorous, perhaps more strictly is what I meant. but my definition would be (and I know it is a poor one, but):
Let $A$ be a subset of $\mathbb{R}$, then $b \in A$ is an upper bound for $A$ if $b\geq a$ for any $a \in A$.
If $b\in A$, then $(0,1)$ will not have an upper bound by your definition.
yeah, it will, it would be 1, because 0.9 repeating equals 1.
0.9 repeating is also banned
@ACuriousMind halp
why? I don't understand what is wrong with a perfectly legitimate number.
(0,1) does not contain 1
that's what (0,1) means
no, but it contains 0.9 repeating
No, because that's 1.
@heather $0.\bar{9}$ is a legitimate number, but it's not in $(0,1)$.
oh, okay. Then it'd be 0.9999...98 (the upper bound, I mean).
That's not a legitimate number
By definition, $x\in(0,1)$ means $0 < x < 1$, but since $0.\bar{9} = 1$ it's not smaller than 1
@heather Now that is not a legitimate number
why not?
i mean, i get it, but i don't.
The decimal representation of a real is either finite, infinite and periodic, or infinite and non-repeating. That there is neither of those cases (assuming you meant for the number of 9s in there to be infinite).
well, infinite up until an eight, yes.
@heather What does "infinite up until" mean?
There is no such thing as the "infinite"th digit of a real
@ACuriousMind, I don't know if I could give a formal definition, but take 0.9 repeating and switch out the last digit with an 8. That is what I mean, though I guess I have to concede that it is not a real number.
@0celo7, sorry, sorry.
"Last digit" is not a thing.
darn the banned word
@heather Yeah, there's no such thing as the last digit - "repeating" precisely means that the $n$th digit is 9 for all finite values of $n$
okay, okay @0celo7, the upper bound is not defined here. and it isn't for any open interval. but it is better than infinitely many upper bounds =P
@0celo7 chill
hey, that was a legitimate use, you admitted it
@heather do you mean infinitely many upper bounds?
@ACuriousMind, yes, editing
okay, fixed
Then the notion of supremum is precisely there to get rid of that annoyance - the supremum is the least upper bound.
oh...I think everything just clicked.
@0celo7, alright, alright, you are right. I will never ever stray from the path of the Jedi again =P
@ACuriousMind Just checking: $A^\circ=\emptyset$ is equivalent to $A$ containing no open sets.
@0celo7 yes
@ACuriousMind, I've been pointed at 3 different GR textbooks, and the only other person in hbar at the moment recommended one of said textbooks, would you mind recommending which one is best?
@heather I do mind, because I cannot in good faith recommend books I have never read.
@ACuriousMind, okay =) I didn't know if you'd maybe have read some of them.
I'm the worst person to ask for book recommendations because I have never learned a subject by reading a book.
@ACuriousMind, ah, okay.
@0celo7, so then going back to the original problem, 2 would indeed be an upper bound for (0,1)
Is 1.5 an upper bound?
is 1 an upper bound?
How about anything smaller than 1?
Why not?
because the upper bound must be greater than every member of the set
and 0.9 repeating equals 1 =P
what is with you and 0.9 repeating
at that point it was just me giving you a hard time =)
but I will not use any of the forbidden words again for now.
I will post a proof, and you should read through it
that makes sense
huh. it reminds me of limits.
Slightly gross but I had an analysis eureka on the toilet :)
oh, gosh.
the analysis eureka? great!
the toilet part? just no.
@heather Well I solved two homework problems :)
@0celo7, that's good.
Okay, I know you recommended Hawking and Ellis. But seriously, I got recommended the following three textbooks:
And I'm really not sure which one I should go for. I've gotten strong recommendations for all of them.
1 and 3 were troll recommendations
Seriously? Oh, okay. #1 was suggested by Jim
1 is graduate level and 3 is extremely hard, even for researchers in geometry and analysis
which is why I'm surprised by that. but thank you.
Ok, not a troll
But you're not going to do well with it at all
@0celo7 I don't think 1 wasn't serious, why do you think so?
oh...yeah, maybe not then =P
@ACuriousMind She will not understand Carroll.
I probably will not if it is graduate level.
@heather Definitely do not get #3 yet
@0celo7, okay, I definitely can believe that
@0celo7 Yes, Jim also said that.
My long-term goal for college is to understand chapters >=7
But it's hard :(
But the recommendation as an intro to GR was still serious, I believe, he was just recommending waiting until she can understand Carroll.
Need to learn Sobolev spaces
@ACuriousMind There are easier books
Like Zee, of course
Zee...hmm, googling
oh, that looks good as well. now I'm in another dilemma, but it is a two book dilemma instead of a three book dilemma. progress =)
Zee is actually physics
Very math light
But you will learn life lessons from it
life lessons are good
@0celo7, what sorts of life lessons?
don't calculate before you know the answer
shut up and calculate
Lagrangian mechanics
some history
an amusing story with a fly and a camcorder
@0celo7, sounds cool. So, in the final analysis: Callahan or Zee?
^no pun intended
Zee is what I recommend. it was my first
Okay. I will put that one on my list, because I am trusting that you are not trolling. =P
I'm not
ask @ACuriousMind
I'm 100% serious about Zee
he's right
he's still a troll though
He is serious, his love for Zee is true
@MikeMiller Huh?
@0celo7, oh, come on, you've admitted it infinitely many times <- and yes I said infinity on purpose
Sometimes I kid, but I'm certainly not a "troll"
11 hours ago, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind Sometimes my personality randomly splits (pair production) and trolls. I can't help it
11 hours ago, by 0celo7
@ACuriousMind I'm sorry. I was trolling subconsciously.
I thought you were my friend
@0celo7, you are a special kind of troll, that is not bad, just hilarious
There's a lot more where those came from :P
I just spent 10 minutes proving $|\cdot|$ is continuous. Maybe I need some sleep? But it's onl 10
@obe, hello
another day spent doing nothing productive.
@0celo7, thank you for the analysis lesson, the GR book help, and other stuff
adios all
@ACuriousMind how can I make my memory better?
I have no idea, I never trained remembering things. I do know there are supposedly techniques for that, though
eat blueberries
I ate lots in high school :o
And we all know my memory was better back then
there's your proof
also eat fish and walnuts apparently
and exercise often
I eat lots of fish
@obe welp
I hate walnuts
they're ok
oh and sleep, the most important factor
I get 5 hours
isn't 9 hours recommended lol?
I can survive on 7 but days when I get < 5 hours I'm a zombie and sleep in class.
People cope very differently with lack of sleep, but 5 hours does sound a bit on the low side if it's consistently that little.
I get 7, sometimes 8
in HS I got 6...
I get 10 now.
maybe up to 13...
that's on days when I don't have qft.
since qft is a 9am lecture...
it's actually quite alright because I sleep at like 3am so on days with an early lecture I get like 5 hours of sleep so I make up for it on days with no early lecture.
@obe I think I just physics proofed something
I'm scared
2 hours later…
@0celo7 The moment you do such things, a step you go back from being a mathematician.
Q: I have a list of separation vectors, how can I calculate the location vectors?

KevinI need to calculate some location vectors which from separation vectors which are generated from the formula (Ri+1) - (Ri). Ri being a location vector A little background: I have some monomers where I have their separation vectors, but what I want to get is the monomer locations. How can I do t...

What is that? I'm not accustomed to any of these terms; homework? For me, it's unclear what he is asking.
Rigid bodies are often defined by saying that there is a set of fixed lengths between the particles that make them up or between geometrically distinct features of the form.
Add some information about orientation and now you have vectors between various parts of an object. In principle know the orientation and the location of one part in some coordinate system is enough to know the location of all the parts in that coordinate system.
He wants to know how to perform that calculation. Which is as simple as adding vectors.
Hi everyone :-)
1 hour later…
meta.physics.stackexchange.com/questions/9303/… Please have a look at the meta post about the new Area 51 proposal. Thank you.
@S007 I've followed this, and I'll add my five sample questions. I think it's a good idea, though I have my doubts about whether there will be enough interest.
Q: New site proposal specifically for problem solving in Physics on Area 51

S007"Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics." At present Physics Stack Exchange is more inclined towards answering specific conceptual questions in Physics and not really meant for problem solving at the High School/Undergraduat...

@S007 You have to make it explicitly clear why this proposal is different from several others proposed in Area 51 in the past.
Let me see how the Physics Overflow crew react to this proposal.
@johnR, I would also love to hear your concerns and thinkings on this; since you were inclined earlier also to make such platform.
@MAFIA36790 I think there is a place for questions on doing problems. I've run into this myself when trying to do exercises from GR books. Not all authors provide the solutions. The problem will be distinguishing people who really want to learn from people who are just lazy.
I don't think there are any similar Area 51 proposals that are open at the moment. Previous attempts failed because no-one was interested. I fear the same will happen to this proposal. However I feel it's worth a try.
@JohnRennie Thank you for the support. I do not think it will be very difficult to distinguish homework vampires.
If enough effort is not shown the question will be closed.
We can follow a model similar to Math SE
Whatever be the fate, just make it sure, the site doesn't turn to Homework-solving service. Work further keeping that in mind.
Also I think we have enough users on Physics SE who want want to support. @MAFIA36790 That's why I am inviting you to add comments in the meta post about what you want it to be
I will if I have to any; I'm waiting to see the response of the community.
Let us hold a healthy discussion about what it should be and what it should not be in the comments. Ok. As you wish. @MAFIA36790
@S007 Math SE is more lenient and somewhat indifferent to homework questions.
So, I don't think it is good to frame a site based on Math SE.
Well we can negotiate a bit between Physics SE and Math SE
take an average sort of
I am sure you faced such problems too during problem solving which could'nt be fitted to Physics SE rules :-). All in all, it should'nt be a homework site but also at the same time we can be a little bit lenient with the rules!
anyway lets wait and watch
@MarkMitchison If you have a minute, please let me know if this answer looks right.
@S007: OK I've added my five questions
@JohnRennie Excellent :-)! I upvoted them. They will be good model questions. Now I just hope some more users support the proposal :-P. Thank you for the help !
Is there a description of that site's scope?
@DanielSank See the new meta post please
@DanielSank That is what I was asking.
Anyways, @DanielSank o/
@JohnRennie @MathJack I would like to make a comment about this area 51 proposal.
Math SE has tons of hint: .... answers.
Do we want this?
Most of the questions that get closed as homework on this site are closed because they're bad questions, not because they're asking for help solving a problem.
I don't think so.
@DanielSank I don't think that's true.
@DanielSank Not always.
Hint answers may be useful sometimes
I will have to dig in to give an example.
Btw isnt this the scope Proposed Q&A site for students and physics enthusiasts
Ok, @JohnRennie, I clicked on the first question in your list.
That's a terrible question and I wouldn't want to frequent a site on which that is a representative question.
Not because it's homework.
The intention should be clear: it shouldn't be homework solving service; it will help the askers to explain and give insight on the problem solving tactics and how to approach problems under concern.
I don't like it because 1) The author didn't even proof-read the post, and 2) They make absolutely no indication whatsoever about where they're confused.
So I ask you and @MathJack, do you want a site where questions like the one I just linked are representative?
@DanielSank That's a good example of someone who just wants someone else to do their homework for them. That's exactly the sort of question that wouldn't be suitable for the new site.
@DanielSank the question you linked isnt acceptable
it is pure homework
@JohnRennie thanks for the questions
@S007 @JohnRennie then again I put it to you, what is acceptable on the new site that is not acceptable here?
The site would be aimed at people who are trying to learn physics. Doing exercises is an important part of learning, which is why most textbooks include exercises.
@JohnRennie Indeed, shall I keep going through your list?
@JohnRennie Of course, but you're dodging my question.
We already know that the "homework" policy needs to be renamed. "Homework" is not the issue here.
@DanielSank For example an irodov problem which a person cannot solve but has clearly shown the exact step where he/she is stuck...I hope you are getting the idea
Check my work is not acceptable here on Physics SE
@S007 That would be acceptable here.
@S007 So "check my work" is one thing acceptable on the new site, but not this one.
I will, again, recommend anyone thinking about the "homework" issue to please read this meta post:
Q: Should we rename the homework policy?

DanielSankThe homework policy is a constant source of confusion for new (and sometimes established) users. We see this confusion, for example, when users respond to closures based on the homework policy by defending their post with "This is not a homework problem", or similar. Some users have even been con...

@DanielSank I didn't get that. Are you saying check my work is acceptable here?
@MAFIA36790 No, check-my-work is not acceptable here.
@DanielSank Yes check-my-work isnt acceptable here but it will be acceptable on the new site provided the user shows considerable effort
The homework policy on Physics SE is a constant debate. Maybe the new site will solve it by diverting problem-solving questions.
did you see the example questions btw?
@S007 No, it's not in constant debate.
I would argue that in fact most of the recent meta posts about the homework policy barely talked about the homework policy at all.
@DanielSank Well, ok if you say so. But still, this site is not meant for students who are stuck in problem solving
The problem isn't really endless debate so much as a complete lack of focus on actually improving the obvious problems with the present policy. See the meta post linked a few messages up.
physics GRE is tomorrow! Woohoo
@S007 I strongly disagree. This site is not for terrible questions.
@DanielSank When did I say this site is for terrible questions ?
@S007 You didn't.
@S007: I suspect it will be hard to raise sufficient interest just from members of this site. The new proposal will need publicising on other sites if it is to have a chance of getting to the beta stage.
@JohnRennie It's hard to get my support because I still don't understand what the proposed scope is.
You might want to clarify that before campaigning.
@NeuroFuzzy So, should we expect tons of Homework questions these days?
@MAFIA36790 Heh, maybe right now and the last week, yeah.
@DanielSank It is for problem solving. For example someone asks "A wide cylindrical vessel 50 cm in height is filled with water and rests on a table. Assuming the viscosity to be negligible, find at what height from the bottom of the vessel a small hole should be perforated for the water jet coming out of it to hit the surface of the table at the maximum distance lmax from the vessel. Find lmax. " .
Then he shows all his steps
And tells us where he is stuck
Is such a question acceptable on Physics SE ?
But it will be allowed on the proposed site.
I hope you are getting the idea.
I agree we need to solidify the scope
@JohnRennie Can you suggest which on sites I can publicize
@S007 I think so. It sounds like you want to allow questions that would be on topic here if the OP were to indicate why they are stuck.
But on the new site, the OP doesn't have to indicate why they are stuck.
That, plus you want to allow check-my-work questions.
@DanielSank It should have to be defined in the scope of the site, what we actually want; it should have to be made explicitly clear.
@S007 Quora, and the other physics homework help sites that you can find via Google.
@S007 I'm not sure to be honest. I'm considerably out of touch with where students discuss their problems these days.
@DanielSank You are getting it wrong. Such a question isn't allowed on Physics SE. It is off-topic and homework unless it is about a specific concept.
The answers won't provide complete solutions; they would just show how to approach the problem from the point where OP is stuck.
@MAFIA36790 exactly
@S007 Could you give an explicit example of a question that would be off topic here, but on-topic on the new site?
Yes I can. Give me some time.
I'm off to sleep, but I'm interested to see an example.

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