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Too easy
@Secret Why are you showing this?
because I am bored
This is private.
@Secret Is this a reason?
oops sorry
Not sure why you even bother to cut off the person's user ID. It was obvious which candidate that was
My bias: Scope of knowledge matter. However I have skimmed a couple of answers of tpg, if he do made it, I think he will do well. Hopefully some time later I have fluid mechanics for him
PS I don't care much about reputation, only actual context matters
@Jim Point is I hid the 1st choice
@Secret Okay, I can't argue with that
This one is more headache though, as I don't know nearly 100% of the people
Know all of them; but not acquainted with two of them.
Loong, Ortho, Rubisco, Phil, Penta are common in chat.
I knew Loong, he often stopped by in the inactive periods of h bar and ocassioanlly in maths
I don't recall asking him questions though or vise versa, only typical chatting
Hi everyone
@SwapnilDas Hi Dr. Nick!
@Jim what happened
@0celo7 not important
@Jim May I know, on what problems of Cosmology are you working on?
My only conversation with Loong is that merck bought sigma
@SwapnilDas Currently, I am not doing any active research (much to my chagrin).
@Jim oh, are you teaching then?
@SwapnilDas Yes, I'm performing more of a teaching role with the University of Toronto right now. I expect to get back into research at some time in the undetermined future
Damn, Dr. Nick is a physician in Simpsons 😛
@Jim Cool! I'm very uncertain with my future. Sometime I wanna be a Quantum Physicist, sometimes a Cosmologist and the next time a Statistical Mechanic lol.
well you're pretty consistent in wanting degrees that won't give you a job
There is no Quantum Physicist.
What exactly drove you towards Cosmology? @Jim
Quantum field statistical cosmology is a real thing
@Secret Seriously?
@Slereah Well why not?
Quck googlign foudn couple of arxivs athored by some guy called BL Hu who is doing research on such fields. I will see if I can find somethign mroe recent

Otherwise, cosmology and quantum field theory intersect in the field of particle cosmology, where particle physics are tied to astrophysical phenomenon and things like nucleospynthesis and the phase transition of the universe
Also black hole physics is where all 3 of them intersect too, if you are onto these kind of stuff
@Secret Yeah, I knew! But unfortunately, I know really less about black holes to my annoyance
Having said that, it is a common misconception that lumping things together is the same as making n choices at once, but in practice, because resources and time are finite, lumping many fields together actually divert the time on each of them. Thus it is still one choice

So let your passion and your life tell you which is best for you
@Secret Yeah, life is beautiful and predictive from this perspective. Though, keeping an interest from young age can surely help brightening my future 😛
@Secret Are you a physics grad?
yes I am a chemistry honours and physics undergraduate who recently graduated
and I am applying for chemistry PhD
@Secret best of luck!
I am interested in nearly all natural sciences but since very young I already knew my passion is in chemistry. Year 1 then narrow this down to metal complexes
Having said that, quantum mechanics remain fiercely competitive in passion with chemsitry
@Secret you must be focussing on its applications in chem?
The ONLY reason why quantum unable to win over chemistry is "database dryness", the need to crunch through a bunch of numbers bores me, bu in chemistry, being able to touch the chemical I made counteract that by gettign oneself dirty with hands on experience

No not really, I am actually more interested in the fundemental aspects of quantum, such as its relationship with time, and entanglement. In quanutm computing aspects, I am also more focused on entanglement
@SwapnilDas I am extremely interested in how the universe works but not very interested in the specific things that populate it
@user104372 I have no idea what this is supposed to be
I do have interest in quantum chemistry, developed since my honours such as the topology and geometry of potential energy surfaces and how they control reaction dynamics
@Jim Very same.
Are you interested in the large scale or the small scale laws of the cosmos?
Mostly large.
@Jim, your new Jimius Caesar avatar, of course
But Statistical Mechanics is really beautiful as a subject.
In 5 hours, of course
Oh god, Tab's charge is 1%, bye!
In that case I think you might be interested in researches related to how the universe evolve as a whole, e.g. things from the inflation period to the present day, the many phase transitions it been thorugh and why
There are both theoretical and experimental aspects to this:
The theoretical including the modelling of dark energy and dark matter distributions and how that affect the universe. The more particle side of things include topics related to nucleosynthesis, the antimatter problem and the symmetry breaking that lead to the 4 fundemental forces to separate
@user104372 you seem to have lots of faith I will be elected. I was thinking the probability of that is on the low side. Perhaps I'll have to write an acceptance speech then
The experimental include various types of spectroscopy and astronomy of the objects in the universe such as type 1a supernova that give an idea on how fast the universe is expanding, measures on the CMB which tell the large scale structures. Personally I am most excited about what neutrino and gravitational astronomy can offer as they can penetrate a lot of matter back to regions moments after the big bang never seen before
@Jim, you already started to think/talk/act like a Mod: "... If a proposed correction is wrong, there's no benefit in having it remain. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to utilise the SE network. "
and of course, particle physics searches, which give us ideas on the building blocks that are involve in those phase transitions
In an ionic arrangement of unitary charges, 2+ and 2-, does the pauli repulsion distinguish between the sign of the charges?
@user104372 talking like a mod is just being diplomatic, nice, and rational. I prefer to do that independent of moderating
i.e If each charge is on the corner of a square, with opposite charges on opposing corners, does the pauli repulsion act between all charges or just those of opposite sign?
Or rather, if the pauli repulsion is rooted in the exclusion principle, it would act on those with the same sign I think.

The charges of opposite sign aren't identical
Just thinking out loud, I think i've answered my question
@Jim I am the real Jim. Jim is the imposter.
who the hell is ^
@Jim, there will be 650 votes cast, tgp gets roughly 230, the you and ACM will scramble for 185 each
@Jim I think there's something wrong with the coffee machine at work
how do I fix it?
@0celo7 have you tried turning it off and back on
@Jiminion Jim isn't the impostor, Jim is
Any Mathematica'ers around?
@EmilioPisanty if you're asking can I run your script the answer is yes. If you're asking can I help write a Mathematica script the answer is almost certainly no.
Not sure if I count, but maybe...
@JohnRennie does this look buggy to you?
Q: Pattern matching to a function evaluation inside an Association

Emilio PisantyI find the following behaviour deeply counter-intuitive: <|1 -> 123.456 |> /. {x_?NumericQ -> Round[x]} (* <|1 -> Round[123.456]|> *) That is, if I make a rule-based replacement of things that sit as values inside an Association object, and I require even a minimal amount of processing on the...

<|1 -> Round[123.456]|>
as an output
with an unevaluated Round
Since users here are really strong at math, lemme beg for help.
@EmilioPisanty no idea, sorry. That's way outside my knowledge of Mathematica.
@EmilioPisanty it does look weird, but I don't know if it quite qualifies as a bug
I'm not sure what official specification would be applicable here
@DavidZ "don't return stuff unevaluated"
it's bizarre
If you put <|1 -> Round[123.456]|> in a cell and run it, it takes out the 456
but if you do
<|1 -> 123.456 |> /. {x_?NumericQ -> Round[x]}
the Evaluate doesn't do anything
@EmilioPisanty Pretty sure that's not the official specification for how Mathematica should behave ;-)
Why isn't a blog for PSE? :(
@SwapnilDas People generally don't seem interested in writing for it, and the few that are have their own blogs
@Jim let me try
@DavidZ Sir do you mind if I ask you a question on your blog?
You mean ask me a question about my blog? Sure, that's fine
Why do you think research is exhausting?
Because I'm always tired ;-)
That's not about my blog though
@SwapnilDas Details. There are some many of them and you have to be very sure you've covered them all.
@Jim genius <3
Of course, it's worth it for the the feeling when you finally get it right.
@dmckee still waiting for that feeling, lol
@dmckee referring research right?
What does the command /. alone do in Mathematica?
@dmckee Do you think my QM prof wants my 11 pages of messy algebra I did for the homework? I typed up the results but I left out most of the linear algebra/simplification
@dmckee @DavidZ As you both have done research, lemme ask, was Einstein a hard worker or a gifted one? Just an opinion poll.
I don't know Einstein. I have no idea.
That is why I ask. Any guesses?
Why was that removed?
@SwapnilDas I find it hard to imagine that he would have done the work he did without being both.
@0celo7 as my way of telling you not to post stuff like that.
@SwapnilDas Einstein had like 300 papers
@0celo7 He wants to see enough steps to feel confident that you did the work. That doesn't mean he wants to see every single line. But I don't know exactly how much he wants to see.
He was clearly both
@SwapnilDas probably not gifted one. As talent is so overrated.
books like "talent is overrated", "grit, the power of passion and persistence", "peak" , have nice discussion about this topic (with solid evidence)
@SwapnilDas He certainly knew how to work hard: he wrote the papers for his miracle year after work in the evenings.
Most of the people I know who do that kind of thing never give it up entirely.
@0celo7 mention not he who shall not be named lest he return
I want him to return...
Unlike you, I have nothing against him
Did you email him @0celo7? He will happy to check that.
Gosh, we have three moderators in the room.
On your best behaviour chaps :-)
@JohnRennie banned
No way
::takes off shirt and gets a beer::
oh noes
Apparently if all four moderators are in the room at the same time it causes a rift in the spacetime continuum.
Or was that Doctor Who?
Qmech hardly remains here.
Well, in a couple hours a couple new names will be added.
sadly Dan did not run
Sir @JohnRennie, what happens if five are in the chat.
I would have gladly voted for him
@0celo7 I don't feel sad about it.
@0celo7 You mean that you want to bait him and thus generate trouble. I'd just a soon you didn't.
Neither did Lumo @0celo :(
@DanielSank Remember Ghostbusters? (the original, of course.)
@dmckee I don't like the implication there. Are you saying I generate trouble?
Remember the risks of crossing the beams?
one for sorrow, two for joy ..
Oh hang on, that's magpies :-)
@0celo7 Perhaps next time, but I doubt it. If anything, the moderator election got me to read about what mods do more carefully and I realized that the "mod-y" stuff I like to do has nothing to do with being an official moderator.
I like that SE is set up so well that normal users with rep can do stuff.
@dmckee o_O
@dmckee Vaguely, but then again when I was a kid "crossing streams" had to do with taking a whizz when camping...
@DavidZ or @dmckee, Would the result of the election be announced immediately after the election ends? Or would it take some time?
Oh, by the way, since folks are around, this is a good time to say
@MAFIA36790 It'll probably be available immediately (or within minutes), but it might take a bit longer for there to be an announcement, if I remember correctly
Lotsa people in the chat.
We having a party?
@DavidZ okay, thanks.
@Dr.EmilioPisanty You got Dr.!!
yay, congratulations :-)
@MAFIA36790 Yeah, defended last week.
@Dr.EmilioPisanty \o/
Thanks for opinions people.
@Dr.EmilioPisanty So your thesis offense was a success? Minimal casualties? All enemies destroyed? All gold collected and all secrets found?
That you defended means you already got that.
@DanielSank hehehehe. Pretty minimal casualties, yeah.
@MAFIA36790 the data can be downloaded immediately (and you can calculate the results yourself via openSTV), but the results take a few minutes to show on the page. announcement is later as david said.
Q: When can you call yourself doctor?

Winston EwertI just passed my dissertation defense. This means there is nothing left but paperwork to get my doctorate. Among the various congratulations I've received a couple have termed me: Dr. My assumption was that I'm not really a doctor until I go through the graduation ceremony, but now I'm wondering....

ooh, congrats, @Dr.EmilioPisanty
@Dr.EmilioPisanty : Congratulations, Dr!
@DavidZ -_-
whoa, we are all here
all 4 mods
Anyways, I'll change back before I'm stuck with that username. Seems to propagate fast.
@JohnRennie Prediction becomes true; all mods come together; sign of something ;P
haha :-P
Dr. we reported a massive breach in the spacetime continuum. Awaiting further instructions
@MAFIA36790 now it's a party
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Congratulation, indeed.
@DavidZ PhD Graduand?
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Congratulations from my side too :)
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Yeah, it kind of tells you how pedantic people are on SE sites
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Why did you change your name?
@0celo7 What? Read above.
@0celo7 This is why we all think you're a troll.
@0celo7 Didn't ;-)
just swapped it out for a bit
Wait, why is that flagged?
Calling someone a troll is a violation of policy.
@DanielSank looks like the flag was dismissed, but it is kind of in poor taste
FFS don't go flagging things that aren't seriously inappropriate!
Also incorrect.
It is seriously inappropriate @JohnRennie
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Congratulations, Doctor!
The fact that people can go around insulting me is highly inappropriate
@DavidZ ~Sigh~, the boundary between funny and poor taste is more or less impossible to define, I think.
@DanielSank I'd call it not so much a boundary as a gradual transition with a large region of overlap
got dismissed pretty quickly
@Dr.EmilioPisanty lolwut?
@DanielSank I didn't see the message.
Sorry I don't read every message in the chat room
you cant breach spacetime lmao
at least not minowski st
however u spell it
@DanielSank I was apparently a little slow in dismissing that flag
@Dr.EmilioPisanty What's a counterflag?
Never heard of that.
@DanielSank Never heard of one either
Lagrangian: Actually, GR said you are not allowed to breach spacetime, you cannot make holes in spacetime when there was none. The hole has to have been always there already
Q: What does "You can only counterflag messages that have been flagged" mean?

Jon EricsonI responded to a chat flag by marking it "invalid" and got the following banner message: You can only counterflag messages that have been flagged What does that mean? What is a "counterflag"? Since I only saw the message because it was flagged, how could it have not been flagged? What d...

@Lagrangian GR doesn't have any topology changing mechanism, but string theory does. So if ST is a good description of gravity then you can breach spacetime!
@Secret That sounds wrong, but I don't know anything about GR.
Slereah taught me that. GR said nothing about how one can change the spacetime topology
It sounds nonsensical to me
On another topic, @0celo7 said something that lead to an epiphany for me.
@Secret Yeah about that
He's never explained what that actually means
Topology of what
I've mentioned a "few" times here that I dislike the notion of working "in units where hbar=1" because physics equations are not written "in units".
Spacetime? The topology is not dynamical
GR cannot change that, obviously
So it's either (a) tautological
(b) he's not defining stuff properly
The topology of the foliation
I'll go with (b) because he has a habit of making claims/statements without context or not defining things properly
Having a boundaryless spacelike hypersurface change topology
@Slereah In a globally hyperbolic spacetime, sure
I understand now that we can interpret equations as relations between dimensionless numbers, i.e. each symbol is the numerical value of a physical quantity in a chosen (class of) unit system.
@DanielSank Tell that to someone trying to combine expressions between a book in CGS and a book in SI
But what is the precise statement?
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Aha!
Nothing "the foliation"
What the hell do you mean by "the foliation" in the first place
The precise statement is that any topology change is accompanied by either a loss of temporal orientation or closed timelike curves
CGS and SI is an even weirder case because what CGS calls "charge" has different dimensions than what SI calls charge.
One consequence is that transversible wormholes has to be already present somewhere and somewhen, you cannot just poke holes in spacetime where there was none (if I understood correctly)
@Slereah Can you give a reference?
I think it's in one of the Hawking paper
I think it's in the appendix of the chronology protection paper
So yes, we can look at equations as relations between numbers. This is fine, but it makes it difficult to think about how the bit of Nature represented by that equation depends on e.g. the speed of light.
I don't see why we couldn't have some pants-like spacetime
Oh we can
But they all have CTCs
you can, you just cannot make pants when initially there is none
@DanielSank No, but seriously, though - that just means "hereafter all actions are actually the action divided by ħ".
@0celo7 made me realize that this whole situation is very much like the distinction between working with components of vectors in a particular basis, as opposed to working with vectors themselves, as objects existing apart from a representation in a particular basis.
IIRC they are literally called pants spacetimes
@Dr.EmilioPisanty YES, and authors should *%*#(@ write that.
The pants has to be always been there in the spacetime manifold, you cannot e.g. make pants from a region where there is going to be no pants some time later
@DanielSank it's messier, at least IMO
a bit
you're right
@DanielSank huh?
I just don't see that it's such a big deal
@Dr.EmilioPisanty What's messier: slightly less typing but hundreds of confused students, or slightly more typing and everyone knows exactly what's going on?
No @Secret, that is not actually true
@DanielSank actually teaching students how dimensionless unit systems work
@Dr.EmilioPisanty It's not a big deal because you know how to deal with it. I'm losing count of the number of card-carrying physicists I've met who find the statement about working "in units where hbar=1" confusing.
that's the nonmessier option
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Why work "in units" in the first place?
I look at $$t' = \gamma ( t - (vx/c^2))$$ and I don't see any units anywhere.
@DanielSank TBH I'm not sure the alternative actually helps
@Slereah I am not sure what else I have overlooked, given that I only barely skim the surface of topology books this week
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Sure helps me! Helped my dad too.
"From now on I'll be working with this secret convention where symbols don't actually mean what they look like they mean"
Well then don't say things that you didn't read :p
@Dr.EmilioPisanty That's a bit dishonest isn't it?
e.g. when I say $v$ I actually mean $vc$
Topology change is unlikely in GR due to the conditions under which it occurs
But there are simple examples of it happening that one may do
Of course I'm not sure about uniqueness of evolution for pants
@Dr.EmilioPisanty How about "from now on, $v$ means 'velocity divided by $c$' and $x$ means 'position divided by $c$'"?
But that's another matter
Also IIRC the pants spacetime has a singularity at the crotch
@DanielSank precisely
@Dr.EmilioPisanty That's not messy IMHO.
It's explicit, which is better than implicit.
Hmm I see, I will try to dug more on this when I get more topology background solid
@Slereah oh probably not
it's not globally hyperbolic
@DanielSank I'm not saying it's messy (well, it is a bit). I'm just saying I'm not sure you won't end up with about an equal number of confused card-carrying physicists.
Hence it's possible that a spacetime that would evolve pants might also have a pantless solution
@Slereah I think we should read the Choquet-Bruhat book on the EFE
I can convince my advisor to read along
we can have Skype discussions
I'm pretty sure Choquer Bruhat will assume a static topology
You know women and pants
@Dr.EmilioPisanty Ah.
Few people care about non-deterministic spacetimes
Only weirdoes like Krasnikov
Kolmogorov also wrote a treatise on Real Analysis.
I thought he was a man of probability theory and logic.
Kolmogorov did a fine paper on graph based Turing machines
@DanielSank I think the math people make that clear.
(I think my trouble is the scifi time travel system I tried to model is a deterministic one that retain freewill, yet does not suffer from the issue of unpredictability like the branching timeline models where you cannot calculate where the time traveler will be going after the jump. I must be thinking way too classically on this...)
But anyway, better get back to topology stuff and get the basics solid first
Election closes in 3 hours.
yayy I finally tracked down another numerical error problem (that is all)
Ok I am stupid, I have not read the time correctly, I should go take a bath now...
@MAFIA36790 my Indian probability prof is obsessed with that dude
@0celo7 Books of Kolmogorov are famous in India.
[Philosophy musing] Do the past still exists beyond your memory and the imprints it left due to it interacting with things in the present? That sounds more like the Ship of Theseus problem
They are used as reference in my stat classes.
[Philosophy musing] Put it in more relativisitic context, how can we be sure that the source that emitted photons towards as at the present was still there at that point in the past (not saying it is absent moments ago where we still saw the source there sitting right next to us)
(Will draw on a minkowski diagram later as I have formulate it to be able to do so)
Back to Philosophy Stack Exchange with you
I am a superposition of all SE sites, but my amplitude in h bar is much higher than other places
@Secret that would only be true if you were coherent :-)
Well, it also have to do with the fact that most users have h bar as their eigenfunction, thus whenever they are present, a measurement project me into here, lol
@dmckee Welp, he said he doesn't want to see "easy linear algebra" on the submitted solutions
That problem took me 6 hours...
@0celo7 I wouldn't be surprised by that. I also find math people are a lot more clear about the distinction between functions and variables.
Physicists are loosey goosey about that and it leads to confusion.
Why doesn't frequency of light change during refraction? Just curious
@SwapnilDas there's a question about that on the site ...
Q: Why doesn't the frequency of light change during refraction?

Self-Made ManWhen light passes from one medium to another its velocity and wavelength change. Why doesn't frequency change in this phenomenon?

What would happen if fields don't match?
That would make the electric and/or magnetic fields discontinuous, which would require an infinite charge density ... or something ...
@SwapnilDas What about continuity of functions?
@DanielSank still not sure what you mean by that...
@JohnRennie You are fast nerd...
@MAFIA36790 that wasn't the hardest search I've ever done :-)
@MAFIA36790 flagging
Why would you flag that? I am a nerd and proud of it.
It triggers me
because he used to be a nerd.

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