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Well I guess they stop the end of the world in AC3
@DanielSank Zeratuls voice is totally awesome but simultaneously really cheesy to me
It would be one thing in handwriting, where spaces can be ambigous. But there are apparently millions of people in the world who seem unaware of the discrete, well-defined sequences of keys they are pressing to type stuff.
But AC4! What the hell do they do in that one
@user507974 chess-y :)
@DanielSank Somewhat. Not a big fan of the game.
That's because SW is (generally) drama-first - it is primarily about the people, and the setting is just backdrop. ST is (generally) details-first - it first builds the setting, and then looks for stories that can happen within it.
@ACuriousMind I did read that thing you know
I'm on like page 22
@ACuriousMind Clearly you've never watched Deep Space Nine...
But what I'm saying is that I'm not smart enough to pick up on that unless someone tells me
...or Episodes I, II, III of Star Wars.
@ACuriousMind This. ME even has that voiced codex stuff going on to explain the universe.
...which I admit do not exist.
@DanielSank 2 and 3 are probable some of my favorite movies of all time.
@DanielSank I added the '(generally)' to be able to weasel out of that objection ;)
Also, I read that as cheesy at first. And I do think all Blizzard games are cheesy and self-idolizing. "Look at us, we're Blizzard, so you'll like this game. Look at how Blizzardy it is."
DS9 is just Babylon 5 in the Trekverse, anyway (yeah, those are fighting words)
@DanielSank I actually can't stand DS9 for that reason
@DanielSank oh
@ACuriousMind So, I don't think ME3's ending was bad for ME, I think it was bad in general
@ACuriousMind Fair enough. In that case I agree.
never heard of Deep Space Nine
yes, B5 was good and DS9 was bad imo, even though they're the same in isolation
What are you people talking about
how much you both @0celo7 and @ACuriousMind will talk
i mean chat
@0celo7 i think it was bad, i think it didnt fit the theme of the game, and it was something that makes you look over the game and realize how big of a mess the narrative was without the worlds original writer spearheading them
::unignores @0celo7... chat gets twice as long::
fun fact: a FITS file reader used in astronomy was upgraded to the "next generation" version, so the following version was simply called ds9
@DanielSank What the hell?
Why did you have me ignored?
@0celo7 It makes the chat log like half as long.
@ChrisWhite haha, I used that software for research
SAOImage DS9
when a google person sends you a lmgtfy link...
@ChrisWhite Yes, what then?
@user507974 Yes, the Crucible also renders everything you did in ME1 pointless - you saved the galaxy not by using the information you recovered from Ilos after very hard fights and detective work, and not by the prothean information in your head, but by something for which the info literally sat under your nose on Mars.
Speaking of Star Wars, I got a hold of the digitized verion of the TeamNegative One version. Sweeeeeet! I was seven year old again.
@DanielSank so you ignore me when reading the log because I say nothing relevant to the log?
I didn't realize just how much better than the "improved" version the original was.
@ACuriousMind Heh, I thought you were talking about the Arthur Miller play.
@sharafzaman I'm not sure what you are asking - how could we know how much we will talk? (But we're already the people with the most messages in here)
@ChrisWhite heres some very wild starwars trivia unknown to many. lucas wanted to remake flash gordon initially and sought rights for that, and was turned down by the studio(s). as the saying goes "the rest is history"...
@DanielSank Ugh, had to read that in school.
@ACuriousMind yep
@ACuriousMind Hmm, I never looked at it that way.
@ACuriousMind yeah you both have so much to chat!!! WOAH1
@DanielSank Never heard of it
@dmckee You have a high fraction of messages about games I don't play and random quips that aren't related to what I'm talking about. It's not personal, we just often talk about different stuff, and you post a lot some times.
@DanielSank I think that was meant for me.
@dmckee your generation and your nostalgia :p
@DanielSank I don't think that should be adressed to dmckee :D
@dmckee I don't even know what the "TeamNegative One version" is
@ChrisWhite Are you kidding me? That post used some of the best punctuation I've seen from low rep users.
@dmckee I was 10 when Episode I came out, and that should be my generation's childhood nostalgia, but you guys kept telling us how awful it was
@ChrisWhite fun fact I learned the same day I learned that DS9 trivia. I found a petition where people were trying to rename a nebula after a character in an anime due to the resemblence. change.org/p/…
@ACuriousMind IThese guys got and restored an original theatrical print.
@ChrisWhite I was...2 when Ep. I came out.
@ChrisWhite I don't talk about the prequels in public.
Wtf is wrong with the prequels!?
@user507974 change.org/p/…
People have been telling me all my life how bad they are
who has seen the new movie, force awakens? any good?
@ChrisWhite lol, i heard about that one, but that one is just an artists rendition
@vzn I watched it twice
this one is actually based off pure H alpha data
@0celo7 Oops.
pretty convincing imo...
@0celo7 better or worse than 007 with the SJW? :P
@0celo7 I like these reviews much better than the prequels.
@vzn Much better
@0celo7 I have a feeling "They don't fit with the tone of the originals" is not going to convince you ;)
@dmckee Yeah they're not good.
@ACuriousMind I probably watched the I, II, III before the originals.
I likely watched them in chronological order, in fact.
@ACuriousMind wait, aren't they all equally campy?
@ChrisWhite Hey look! Someone actually talking about physics stuff in the h bar!
@vzn It's nice. Not...very original, but I liked it, and it made me hope for the sequel
@ChrisWhite lol, I didn't say the originals weren't campy :D
@ACuriousMind I thought it kind of sucked, to be honest.
@DanielSank You're a contrarian, nothing unexpected here.
@0celo7 See this is why I ignore you :)
@DanielSank Sigh...
@0celo7 I think you meant to address that to 0celo7 :p
@DanielSank That's fine, I'll not defend it to the death (or even serious injury)
@vzn I need to watch it again to get totally square on it, but it failed to suck balls and so I came away from the theater much relieved.
@ChrisWhite How am I a contrarian?
lol high praise from the geeks... as the comedians say sometimes "tough crowd"
nobody can out-contrarian me! :P
We're geeks? I thought we were nerds.
Can one ping oneself?
@ACuriousMind this is correct
@vzn very derivative, but had moments of originality; fell exactly in line with my expectations for a SW movie (as in, there are better and worse ways to spend a couple hours)
@ACuriousMind What's the difference?
physicists are nerds of highest order, maybe mathehmaticians may be slightly purer nerds but i dont know
@ACuriousMind lol, reminds me of a sophisticated analysis on that, will have to dig that up
@ChrisWhite Can one ping oneself?
Yes, watch me
Try it and find out.
@ACuriousMind I remember that one...
@ACuriousMind Just pinging myself
@user507974 this is hard when you have random strings for a name
(this is perfect for you guys bet youll luv it, long looking for perfect excuse to share it somewhere...)
I don't "luv" anything.
@ACuriousMind I do find it interesting to talk about why, but I'll spare you the details. Basically, it is mostly an action movie, and I was hoping for a bit more than that.
It did avoid being terrible though, which was great.
@DanielSank uhh, you do know who directed it right?
@0celo7 Don't let @FenderLesPaul hear that!
@DanielSank ^ Both of those things.
@0celo7 you seem to express some unrequited luv for the notorious SJW looking at the transcripts... how many movies have you been to movies with her anyway? :P
@DanielSank Sadly no midichlorians, senate, or anything that made the first three so good.
@ChrisWhite Yes, that's why I'm excited for IIX.
Rian Johnson has done some unique, excellent films.
@vzn Wait, what?
My girlfriend is not an SJW, her roommate is.
A little, at least.
@ACuriousMind I love him, no shame in that.
But you would never catch me in "luv" with something.
I ain't about that life.
brilliant/ detailed/ quantitative/ objective scientific analysis on this question of vital significance
@vzn k, seems I'm both
In my mind nerds are antisocial because they're too smart to care, whereas geeks are smart because they're too antisocial to do anything else.
lol, zelda is at the middle of the axis
both axis*
@0celo7 "birds of a feather" eh? dont you even "luv" your gf? maybe she should be informed of that :P
@vzn Uh, I don't think she'd care. At least, there's no indication we're that serious yet.
But I was saying I don't "luv" because it's misspelled :p
@0celo7 lol, wow, you seriously need to get a clue... unless she is at least as jaded as you are (hard to imagine!) :P
@user507974 What about Zelda
@vzn I have no clue what you're talking about then
@ACuriousMind has never played a Zelda game
@0celo7 on that geek nerd diagram it is basically dead center
@0celo7 you have no clue about luv? and you think you have a gf? yeeks
@vzn what the hell are you talking about
also, apparently cellos are the nerdiest thing on the planet
@0celo7 There's a difference between not saying you love someone and saying you don't love someone.
based on peoples tweets
@user507974 Can confirm, SJW person plays cello, is a nerd.
@0celo7 is your gf aware of this chat? maybe we should have some real fun and invite her in here o_O
@vzn oh god no
I know two cellists and they are both nerds. That doesn't tell us much, however, since I know mostly nerds :P
Oh, my neighbor in Virginia played cello
total nerd
@ChrisWhite funny. geeks/ nerds rulez now in the early 21st century for big variety of reasons, now no shame in admitting it, in fact now some serious cachet... hell theres even a glossy magazine entitled "GEEK"...
@ACuriousMind Together we know 4 cellists who are nerds.
So there's a 100% chance that all cellists are nerds, with 5% confidence.
I feel like the miscommunication between @0celo7 and @vzn is that the latter misspells and shortens everything and so doesn't pay attention to the information content in (mis)spelling ;)
I was just saying I don't "luv" anything but there are plenty of things I "love"
@0celo7 wondering, what indicates her nerddom other than the cello and SJW opposition to 007? (thinking that might not all fully qualify)
@0celo7 wouldnt it be 50% confidence if we assumed a binomial distrbution
@user507974 What
@ChrisWhite lol, someone uptight about abbrevs in chat o_O ... obviously our friction goes to much deeper reasons :P
I don't remember p-tests and all that bullshit
just curious how you got 5%
@vzn I'm very uptight about shortening 4 letter words to 3
besides maybe pulling out of thin air
@user507974 I pulled it out of my ass :P
@0celo7 haha
or thin air, that works too
@ACuriousMind Uh
i actually typed ass first, then forgot if they get annoyed about that word and deleted ity
I don't know why they'd get annoyed by donkeys
@ChrisWhite what?
@0celo7 nvm, I think you both were saying other things than I thought you were
@ACuriousMind ok
@vzn gut feeling.
@0celo7 It's animal mistreatment to pull statistics out of donkeys, I think
@ACuriousMind ok, but what did you mean by that
just curious
@vzn she probably thinks comics are due to the patriarchy
@ACuriousMind I have one that's into that kind of stuff.
007 and sjw stuff dont mix
@0celo7 @#%& nitpicker. enough of that on main SE sites... chat at least need to be nitpick free zone :|
have you guys ever read lines from the original casino royale?
@user507974 Goldfinger is amazing
What's up
@user507974 lol as they say in software engr thats not a bug, its a feature :P
"Go away, man talk." ::slaps butt::
@0celo7 How do you know?
@0celo7 never got a sjw vibe from goldfinger...
@ACuriousMind I'm an ass whisperer
havent seen bond since casino royale. the bare-knuckle murder scene in restroom at beginning of movie was over the line for me.... and bond with insomnia? wtf!?!
@vzn There's no such thing as a bug, only features that weren't expected
@user507974 Bond literally rapes a lesbian straight.
@0celo7 Great, now I have to clean my drink from my keyboard.
@0celo7 did he, lol i forgot that scene
@BernardMeurer you are getting cold shoulder from me for dissing dwave without any real backup... ie mere baseless gossip :P
@ACuriousMind :D
I'm giggling like a little girl in the library now
@0celo7 did you hear about recent brouhaha wrt ian fleming and lesbians? wild stuff... talk about UN-PC...
and i mean Pussy Galore, can you talk about giving 0 Fs
@user507974 Yup, he rapes her
that name too
yeah :D
@vzn I couldn't reply to your last comments because they got buried on chat history. I'm happy to explain myself if you ask again :)
It's not gossip, their first model did have trouble with coherence, their second model improved and their are working on it
the real mystery is why a SJW would go to a bond movie... must be closeted into S&M haha
@ACuriousMind your keyboard alright :D
@0celo7 Yes, it's fine
@vzn oh dont worry, they ruined that community too
↑ @0celo7 plz email that to the SJW for some cheap thrillz, want to know her reaction :D
@vzn I'd rather not have gf's roommate mad at me
@0celo7 awww geez thats bor-ING
> Pussy only needed the right man to come along and perform the laying on of hands in order to cure her psycho-pathological malady.
I don't even...
@vzn, @0celo7 is afraid of his woman
@ACuriousMind im dying
@BernardMeurer oh here we go
What did my sister say this time
@BernardMeurer lol yeah cant offend her friend even if you think shes offensive right? ooh boy, deja vu eeeks
@ACuriousMind Did you know that "raping gay men straight" is a thing, too?
thats pure uncut old school 1950s right there
@vzn What?
@vzn lol
I just don't want to piss of her friend, what's wrong with that?
@0celo7 your middle name is literally CELO... any comment?
I don't go randomly attacking people who I disagree with.
@0celo7 She told me way too much, but I did have to ride the mechanical bull to get my info from your sister
@0celo7 Uh...no. But, in hindsight, I guess I should not be surprised. People are terrible.
@vzn No, my middle name is Chris.
@0celo7 so its noproblemo to "p*ss off" ppl in chat, but the friend of your gf is absolutely out of bounds... thx for clarifying that :P
@vzn Whom did I piss off in chat?
@BernardMeurer that's sounds like a euphemism, but I can't exactly decide for what :P
@0celo7 you mean like within the last 5m or ...? :P
@ACuriousMind strangely, it's not
This is the scene you referred to earlier @0celo7 right?
He really did ride a mechanical bull
@user507974 Exactly.
@vzn in general
@0celo7 You pissed @DanielSank, @ACuriousMind, and all the mods for starters
@0celo7 you are asking me with a straight face? ah geez
As well as that duffield guy
@vzn Yes?
@BernardMeurer He doesn't count.
I think dmckee at some point
Sir whatever
And I didn't piss @ACuriousMind off
@BernardMeurer its ok we all luv him still :P
Cumfference I think
Should I continue?
@0celo7 isnt rape a strong term for this
@BernardMeurer Yes.
@user507974 No
@user507974 It was clearly sexual assault.
@0celo7 that 0357 or whatever guy
@user507974 Video description: "Playful fight leads Bond into seducing Pussy Galore"
the kid from canada
I don't even...²
Depends on how exactly you define rape I think.
@BernardMeurer Sexual assault yea but rape has a very different definiton
@user507974 What's the difference? The success of the fornication?
I like how it was not acceptable back then for women to wear short skirts but they could be raped in movies
@BernardMeurer You have to see the danger in expanding the definition of rape to include an unwanted kiss right? That's a major disservice to people who actually do get raped
assault is perfectly sufficient
@BernardMeurer I think so, yes.
@user507974 Oh, we were talking about totally different things
I totally agree with you there :)
@BernardMeurer We don't censor stuff except for the use of Nazi symbols. The music videos are just often blocked because having them available would be against the laws how music may be made public (yeah, that law exists and it is one giant clusterfuck)
I think rape should have a notion of penetration -- ok, chat has been derailed
@ACuriousMind You people don't know freedom
I.e. it's about copyright, not about the content
How did we get from AssCreed to this
We don't even have copyright down here
just like health care
or a government
@vzn What's the complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm ?
@BernardMeurer 19D torus with 2 holes.
@ACuriousMind lol, the adjacent neighborhood to my hometown was made by a Nazi sympathizer so if you walk around there are swastikas discretely placed on lamp poles
just 30s things
@0celo7 Computational complexity you schlanger
@BernardMeurer what?
@ACuriousMind you never explained what you meant by that
or what @vzn meant by any of what he said
@ACuriousMind Is a super-human build by the nazis as an experiment of the super-arian. He then rebelled and helped the allies win the war
reagarding "luv"
@0celo7 what what?
@BernardMeurer He's not old enough for that.
@BernardMeurer what
@0celo7 He doesn't age as well
@0celo7 I don't feel like laying out my interpretation of like a dozen chat messages just to explain what I meant by a now pointless comment
@BernardMeurer then his current level of knowledge is underwhelming.
@0celo7 Until recently he was still hunting nazis, this physics thing began just a few years ago
@BernardMeurer Not blond, no blue eyes, not tall, not a Nazi. That's a big of a fail as the super-arian project could possibly have, right?
@ACuriousMind No wonder they lost the war
@ACuriousMind you'll always be tall in my eyes <3
@0celo7 Great, that made me throw up a little
@BernardMeurer Judging from all those "concerned citizens" popping up here lately, I didn't really do well at my job of hunting Nazis :P
@ACuriousMind Tell me about it, bloody Dresden man
@ACuriousMind Oh boy
@ACuriousMind technically Aryans are basically Armenians
Are you talking about actual Nazis or people protesting immigration
cacusus mountain people, kind of the greek look in some ways
@0celo7 I'm talking about Dresden's borderline Neo-Nazi behavior to immigration
@0celo7 I am talking about people "protesting" immigration by burning down immigrants' shelters, attacking buses, and more.
What did they do?
What @ACuriousMind said @0celo7
Can someone tell me what 64 mod 6 is?
@ACuriousMind What?
@ACuriousMind Hmm, that's greater than 6.
by mod you mean the remainder correct?
@user507974 Yes.
yeah "%" operation
Is 5263980007 a perfect square?
You're so smart
@0celo7 Think about it - how could you get a 7 at the end by squaring an integer?

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