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@user36790 I see that you are a sitar player, my master is a sitar player too, I play flute and violin
@TheGhostOfPerdition Are you from india?
@TheGhostOfPerdition Have you completed Visharad?
@0celo7 I never said that story is all that matters. I said that 1 has a better main plot than 2 and 3 by far. (If you want a plot analysis that contrasts 1 to 2 and 3, people are still writing about that. Here's the start of an (as of now 35 posts long) analysis)
@TheGhostOfPerdition Your...master?
umm... I'm not sure what that is.. I am a radio artist
@ACuriousMind my music sir
@ACuriousMind: You never sleep?
@user36790 Huh? I slept for the last 7 hours!
And I would have slept longer had I not things to do
@ACuriousMind 0celo went to bed at 3!
@user36790 Which raag are u doing right now?
@TheGhostOfPerdition I'm at hiatus now. My boards are coming.
@user36790 Oh okay.. I've been doing Khamaz now
@TheGhostOfPerdition Oh! I did learn it at Prathama.
@user36790 Oh great
@TheGhostOfPerdition My last venture was on Puriya Dhanesri.
@user36790 Oh nice.. I've done that quite sometime back, evening raag right
I'm almost at 50:50 (upvote:downvote)! 1383 vs. 1374
@user36790 nice meeting you.. never thought I'd get to meet a hindustani musician here
@Danu 1375: 375 :/
@TheGhostOfPerdition :D
@Danu Going for balance in all things, eh?
(I'm at 1677 : 7054...)
@ACuriousMind WoW!!!
High fluctuation :D
@ACuriousMind We all know you're the Bad Guy™
@Danu He can be the next mod.
Also, the amount of time you manage to spend on this site is amazing, haha
@user36790 I don't know if we can afford to lose ACM in the review queues
Me, on the other hand... ;)
(corruption by power: 78%)
@Danu highest is always kyle kanos
@Danu Setting up a second monitor was the worst thing I ever did for my productivity, but it leads to me having half an eye here whenever I'm at my computer.
@ACuriousMind Oh... I see
@Danu 78?
Turns out I rarely need the screen real estate of more than one monitor
Not 100%, because History of Science and Mathematics lends very little power ;)
@ACuriousMind You gaze on PSE using two monitors?
@user36790 No, I gaze on it using one of them while I'm actually doing something different on the other
@ACuriousMind O.O
(Contrary to what it might seem like, being here is not my main activity :P)
Is anyone here experienced with gnuplot?
@Danu what?
@user36790 That's a no, then?
@Danu sorry ;(
gnuplot is a command-line program that can generate two- and three-dimensional plots of functions, data, and data fits. It is frequently used for publication-quality graphics as well as education. The program runs on all major computers and operating systems (GNU/Linux, Unix, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and others). It is a program with a fairly long history, dating back to 1986. Despite its name, this software is not distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), but its own free software license. == Features == gnuplot can produce output directly on screen, or in many formats ...
@Danu: ^^
@Danu The only experience I have with it is that it is not fun to have to figure out how to use it when it is late in the day and you just want to go home but the supervisor in the lab course insists on you using this program you have never used before to plot data that's complete crap anyway
@ACuriousMind It's very powerful (much more so than e.g. Mathematica) for plotting.
Why are you not using TeX? :D
It's the only program that managed to plot the "topologist's sine curve" and similar things without trouble
@ACuriousMind TeX's plotting software is really weak in comparison.
These infinitely wild oscillations are really tricky... Even Mathematica doesn't have high enough resolution
But gnuplot manages
@ACuriousMind: Can I ask you about degrees of freedom?
I think you can
AFAIK, DOF are the independent parameters that determine the physical state of the system.
@Danu What "trouble" do the other programs have? If the sampling rate is too low to let the oscillation look like the oscillation it is (i.e. it just looks like a jagged line), I think you can usually increase the sampling rate somewhere
A single particle has 6 DOF 3 position coordinates and 3 velocity coordinates, right?
@user36790 Jep
@user36790 its better to think of it as 3 position and 3 momentum but yea
@user507974 That's just the difference between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian viewpoint, I'm not sure one is "better"
Ohhhh one can use gnuplot work as the backend for TikZ :D
@ACuriousMind Hah
Have you tried plotting a sin(1/x)?
But why are the DOF of gas molecules described differently?
@Danu No, since I don't have it installed here
@user36790 What do you mean?
@ACuriousMind personally i prefer lagrangain perspective but if you talk say its position and velocity then people naturally want to ask why isnt acceleration another dof
Well, TikZ doesn't manage :P
@ACuriousMind DOF of gas molecules are described by translational, rotational, vibrational coordinates.
@user507974 Well, because the equation of motion is second order - so you need only position and its first derivative.
@user36790 Yes, so?
@user36790 is this a diatomic gas?
and ideal or non-ideal
A molecule is not a point particle, so it has DOF that the point particle hasn't
@ACuriousMind Firstly I read DOF is position and velocity coordinates and then there I read translational, rotational, vibrational. Aren't they different?
@user36790 You said it yourself: "DOF are the independent parameters that determine the physical state of the system."
@user36790 are you familiar with eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
@user507974 yup.
For a molecule, just giving the position and velocity of its center of mass is not enough to determine the state, since it can also rotate, and vibrate
For a point particle, giving position and velocity is enough since it can't do anything but move
@ACuriousMind so, in classical mechanics, we read about particles only?
@user36790 the collection of eigenvectors for a system at its fundamental level is the most natural way to describe a system, in the case you described there would be positional and velocity dependent terms, but then that still doesnt span the full vector space
@user36790 No, why would you think so? Rotational dynamics are certainly a part of classical mechanics.
@ACuriousMind when it comes to molecules, we require transla.., right?
so if we have a diatomic molecule whizzing around and we can describe its translational information what are we missing to give a full description of it
i guess that ended up being rhetorical...
to simplify lets say one atom is heavy and thus is the COM
we need to figure out how to describe the relative position of the other atom

and to do that you need a few pieces of information right, namely these are?
@ACuriousMind: So far I read Statistical meechanics, the macrostate is defined by the distribution $\rho(q_1,q_2,q_3\ldots p_1,p_2,p_3\ldots)$. So, they were talking of particles only?
@Secret had a friend send me this one a bit ago
that being said the friend of mine in question is basically a stick in the mud about all energy sources that arent NIF or thorium so i wasnt surprised
@user36790 Which book are u referring for statistical mechanics,? I'm self studying too
@TheGhostOfPerdition Reif's Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics.
@user36790 Yes and no. Mostly you should indeed imagine an ideal, monoatomic gas for that. But you can also describe a molecule by just giving the $q_i,p_i$ for each of its atoms. The reason one usually doesn't do this is that those $q_i,p_i$ are not unrelated, since the molecule can't just fly apart - there are constraints and forces between them than make the whole description ugly, so it is better to rephrase them in terms of the "true" d.o.f.
Also, there is Baby Reif: Berkeley Vol 5; it is different from the former.
@user36790 is it good to study thermodynamics before studying SM?
So, whether or not "they were talking of particles only" depends on whether or not a specific form of the Hamiltonian is assumed, and whether or not the system is assumed to be unconstrained
@TheGhostOfPerdition everything is good, I suppose ;)
Traditionally thermo comes first.
I'm not really sure how it is usually taught in colleges
@TheGhostOfPerdition I'm a self-studying student; I at-least got acclimatised to thermo first as it is in our course; std xi. Also in JEE.
Learning thermodynamics first will help you a lot in physical chemistry :)
>It is generally argued that Aharonov–Bohm effect illustrates the physicality of electromagnetic potentials, Φ and A, in quantum mechanics. Classically it was possible to argue that only the electromagnetic fields are physical, while the electromagnetic potentials are purely mathematical constructs, that due to gauge freedom aren't even unique for a given electromagnetic field.

However, Vaidman has challenged this interpretation by showing that the AB effect can be explained without the use of potentials so long as one gives a full quantum mechanical treatment to the source charges that pr
@ACuriousMind Oh! So, if I want to take them in consideration, would the Hamiltonian change?
We know that electromagnetic fields are bookeeping devices, but at the same time in first year physics, we ca actually measure the electromagnetic field with a meter (but we cannot for the potentials).

So does that mean bookeeping devices can sometimes be physically detectable. How to reconcile these two pieces of information?
@Secret How do you "measure" an electric field? All you can do is observe some "charged" particles doing some dance. I believe Daniel's point is that it's already a step toward "metaphor" or "bookkeeping devices" to say that observing charged particles do something is equivalent to "measuring an electric field".
@user36790 Yes, the Hamiltonian in terms of the $q,p$ of the individual atoms looks different than that of the "true" d.o.f. of the molecule (in principle, the latter can be obtained from the former, of course)
@ Acuriousmind I see, thinking about it, if I recalled correctly the meter reading is just current, so basically the only thing we can conclude is "there is something that causes the current" and does not really conclude to us that it is an electromagnetic field

So ultimately is all forms of detection of a physical quantity indirect, in that we can only infer its presence but not actually detect it directly?
@Secret For that to be answerable you have to say what "directly" means. At the end of the day, all you're doing is inferring things about the outside world based on your sensory input anyway. You could be a brain in a jar for all you know. (You might notice I don't think it's meaningful to talk about "real" and "unreal" or "direct" and "indirect" in this manner)
@ACuriousMind "true" dof means?
Translational, rotational......
@user36790 The translational/rotational/vibrational ones you usually use for molecules
@ACuriousMind Got it!
@ACuriousMind Makes sense, will keep that in mind
@ACuriousMind: Do all- means all polyatomic molecules have 3N dof?
3N-6 for lineanr molecules and 3N-5 for nonlinear ones
(assuming nuclear degrees of freedom and spin are unimportant)
@Secret 3N-6 vibrational non-linear
not all dofs
ooops sorry
"The film, directed and choreographed by Busby Berkeley, is considered a camp classic, and is noted for its use of musical numbers with fruit hats."
Specific achievement :)
Checkmate, atheists
Oops, I don't know my memes :-/
This is a "regarding this topic, you know more than I do so, if you wish, you can help me, if you don't, ignore and don't be a smartass" — LaTravavax 12 mins ago
@Danu wtf!
could someone explain me coupled oscillation?
@ACuriousMind Hey, I think the VTC queue is emptied-out!
@ItachíUchiha oscillations which are coupled, that simple.
I guess that it is not that simple
@ItachíUchiha not a joke, that is the definition. oscillation of one part depends on oscillation on other.
@Danu: Can I ask a question?
No, you cannot ask a question
It is forbidden
@Slereah you made me cry.
calls the question police
what's going on here?
@skillpatrol chat.
This man asked a question
Take him to question jail
the jails are full
@skillpatrol HuH!!
@Slereah,Am I the 'him'?
Did you ask a question
@skillpatrol Can I get bail?
cash only :P
I hate cops.
@skillpatrol bitcoins?
@Slereah.Oh..I am sorry for that
On Freenode, we have a rule
@user36790 nope
"Don't ask to ask"
Nobody respects it :p
@Slereah Nay! Just joking and it went well :D
I knew it.
Although not everyone does the classic "Can I ask a question"
@TheGhostOfPerdition: Good eveing!
Sometimes it is "Does anyone know about this topic?"
@Slereah: It's urgent! May I Ask a question?
Good evening
Yes you may
@Slereah You again fell :D
@Slereah I'm in bail.
@user36790,why does oscillation of one depend on another?
@ItachíUchiha because they are coupled!
@ItachíUchiha In case it wasn't clear, everybody is making a joke
@user36790 What?
@Danu well, scalar is invariant under transformation, right?
What is the context?
under what transformation
@Slereah rotation.
Well yes
All tensors are
I have a system where three pendulums are hung from a common support..they say that setting one in motion leads to oscillation of others.Is energy transferred through common support?@user36790
@Slereah the vector is invariant?
It is covariant, anyway
Don't listen to Slereah :P
Of course the vector itself doesn't change under a change of basis
Its components do though
@user36790 are you aware of the difference between tensors and their components?
The things with indices physicists usually write down (like $\vec v=v^i$) are the components
@Danu no, I'm learning,
The object itself is understood as somethinga geometric, basis-independent
For example, if you draw a vector in two dimensional space (i.e. on your sheet of paper) and then do some changes of basis and write down its representation in each basis, you see that the components change, but obviously the object you drew is still the same object
In this sense, the object itself does not depend on coordinates
@ItachíUchiha forced oscillation.
So is it a forced coupled oscillation?@user36790
Hey, what is the best way to pursue physics after you settle with a job? I dont really wanna quit my job to pursue higher studies (economic constraints), I'm not really sure if I should continue doing self study or do a correspondence/ distance education course, what should I do?
@TheGhostOfPerdition IIT-JAM
Yeah... but I would have to quit my job for it
@TheGhostOfPerdition hmmm... You can ask it at Quora, instead.
Probably self-reading is the best you can do.
It'll be very hard to get very far though. What are you looking to do?
You cannot expect to be able to do e.g. do original research
@user36790 Yeah... I could ask in quora :)
@Danu basically I wanna be a physicist, I have no clue what to do, May be I should continue studying and may be after a certain stage a PHD?
@ItachíUchiha Are the pendulums connected?
With each other or some sort of that?
@TheGhostOfPerdition You want to make physics your job?
@TheGhostOfPerdition: What is your age?
Pendulums are hanged on a same rope @user36790
May be if its good and descent enough i'd settle with a physics job
@user36790 I'm 23
@TheGhostOfPerdition You've proper age!
I don't think this is reasonably possible if you don't have the opportunity to take time to focus on studying physics as your primary occupation at least for 3-5 years.
Of course jobs on the side are possible, but you'll need ~40 hours/week at least, probably, to study.
Its not easy in India to get a descent physics job? agree @user36790 ?
@ItachíUchiha then it's coupled but yet uncoupled.
@TheGhostOfPerdition depends if you are experimentalist or not.
What will happen to the other pendulums if I set one into motion?
@Danu 40 HOURS A WEEK? I'm currently working 13.5 hours a day in my job :P
@user36790 I'm more towards on the theoretical side :)
@ItachíUchiha if the situation is one pendulum is one after other, then the modes will be degenerate.
@TheGhostOfPerdition Academia is the best then.
@user36790 yeah :)
@TheGhostOfPerdition One of my ex-tutors is the head of the dept. . He earns rs. 2.5 lakhs per month.
umm...could you explain at the level of 11th standard?@user36790
@ItachíUchiha hmmm... the differential equations are independent and hence the mode frequency is same.
@Danu: Vector remains same; only the components change, right?
@TheGhostOfPerdition Then I think you simply do not have enough time to seriously consider becoming a physicist (excluding the possibility of it all being super easy to you! :D)
@user36790 Yes
@user36790 Its not like I want a high paying job in physics, knowledge is ofcourse the primary urge
@TheGhostOfPerdition I'm just saying by the by.
@user36790 I understand
Well all skills you gotta work at
@TheGhostOfPerdition By the way, you really have to spend more time if you want to pursue physics.
@Danu I didnt understand your remark in written between brackets :P
You can just skim physics of course but then you will basically know the same things as any asshole reading pop science magazines
@user36790 yep I'm trying my best :)
Your age is perfect for graduate studies; you can go to your nearby college and after that take summer projects. Then give IIT-JAM. That's it.
@TheGhostOfPerdition What I mean is that any "normal" human cannot manage to study this stuff "on the side" and be able to compete with professionals. I, for instance, spend about 60 hours per week on physics/math during the semester. And this is my 5th year of studies (I haven't always studied that hard, but I always got at least 40 hours in, on average).
And I'm still not on the level of professionals.
@user36790 yep... I've just started preparing for GATE, JAM in physics... even though I probably wont go even if I get a rank 1.. :D
@TheGhostOfPerdition No, you don't have to have rank 1.
There are many institutes: IISc, BITS, IISER, NISER.
@Danu I understand, but dont say its impossible :(.. It might just me more time to get to a level of a professional.. isnt it?
I'm saying it's probably not a realistic goal if you're doing it "on the side" while maintaining a full-time job.
@user36790 yeah... but only if they offered a correspondence course you know...
@TheGhostOfPerdition You have to sacrifice something to get something, really hard though it may be.
Your age is perfect for starting a career on physics, albeit.
@user36790 yep... I agree.. I do study whenever I find time.. I hardly sleep for 5.5 hours a day :(
@user36790 are u headed for engineering or physics in your degree?
@TheGhostOfPerdition 6 hrs is must. Less than this would increase the risk of heart attack. Never sacrifice your sleep no matter what happens:D
@TheGhostOfPerdition Physics.
@user36790 good.. All the best !!
@user36790 Meh, I believe variance between different people is so large here that you cannot really say anything based on statistical averages.
@Danu 0celo is still sleeping :D
Women sleep more
@TheGhostOfPerdition girl, BTW
oh you are a girl ? @user36790
@TheGhostOfPerdition Thanks; I'm thinking of taking a hiatus after my board for better preparation for JEE and also self-study.
@TheGhostOfPerdition No.
@TheGhostOfPerdition You couldn't get the easter egg :P
@user36790 yeahh call me dumb
@user36790 we might as well have a common friend, may be some of our musical colleagues?
@TheGhostOfPerdition like?
I dont know.. :P I just guessed :D
@user36790 Which state are u from? (You dont have to say if u dont want to)
@TheGhostOfPerdition: somewhere near Bengal.
@TheGhostOfPerdition same question.
ooh I guessed... That is where hindustani music has a strong footing.. I'm in the south, my teacher is from kolkata
@0celo7: Good morning!!
@TheGhostOfPerdition I guessed it right.
@TheGhostOfPerdition mind.
@user36790 umm.... I gotta be careful from now on I think
Bye.. gotta go.. catch u guys later
@TheGhostOfPerdition Bye. good night.
@ACuriousMind I still don't see the difference between 1 and 2, 3 besides gameplay.
@ACuriousMind "No matter where you draw the line, it’s very clear that Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3 are radically different games" From a gameplay perspective, yes. But I don't think that's what he's talking about...
@ACuriousMind This guy is bringing up world building, as you did. I still have no clue what it is.
@0celo7 Didn't we establish that that was because you skipped all the reading material?
@Danu I didn't skip it, I didn't know it was available.
If I blow hard into a organ pipe,does the length available for the formation of waves decrease?
@ACuriousMind I particularly agree with his analysis of the Rachni queen decision.
There was no way to make an informed decision.
@ACuriousMind "There’s no way around this, really. If the game doesn’t push hard enough some people feel indifferent and directionless. If it pushes too hard they resent it, or end up skipping side content out of fear that something “bad” will happen in the story. That actually happens in Mass Effect 2, where doing too many sidequests after the big turning point will result in a bunch of people getting killed. " Do you know what he's talking about here?
@Secret No, you measure a force.
Anyone wanna hear a joke?
You're fun...
> Mass Effect 2 is merciless in its efforts to break free of the ideas and direction set by the first game. It feels like a sequel made by someone who actively loathed the original.
Hmm...if, somehow, a balloon had a near-perfect vacuum in it, would it float?
Assuming it doesn't collapse
@SirCumference How would it not collapse?
Hmm...make it out of steel
The thing keeping it round is the pressure from inside.
@SirCumference What
Think hypothetically
You'd have to make the steel lighter than the air it displaces.
Oh crap...
@SirCumference You can do the calculation yourself.
What if we had a material light enough and strong enough to contain the vacuum?
It would be a balloon with a "lighter gas" than helium.
Now is there any such material that exists?
Probably graphene.
That shit is magic.
Okay, now would there be any way of getting rid of almost all the air molecules in the balloon?
@SirCumference Yes.
> The other important thing he does for the story is to give us the face of the only sane man working for Cerberus. TIM is batshit crazy, Miranda is an arrogant elitist, Yeoman Kelly is a manic freak, and basically everyone else was killed by lab experiments run amok.
> But the whole thing is ridiculously undercut by the fact that the director stuffs the camera halfway up her ass when we try to talk to her.
@ACuriousMind This is an interesting read...
i am having 1 doubt!
not 1 but chain of doubts
Why can't electron capture happen in protium?
@SirCumference The Lord does not will it.
1.) does the limit (x tends to 0) for $\frac{1}{x^2} exist
@sharafzaman If the limit must be real number, no.
@0celo7 i am sorry i didn't understood

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