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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

are we doing cat pictures now
you will not win this war
@BernardMeurer damn, this is pretty good too
@0celo7 Blue train is a bloody great song
dude don't say bloody
it doesn't make sense with your accent
your accent is more American than British
I can't help it, my teachers used to so I absorbed it
help it
you did a skype call?
without me...
You weren't here d00d
it was for me and @BernardMeurer
we talked about Bajoran
in German
Indeed, we discussed Bajoran
@BernardMeurer so do I sound like a troll
or just a poor, misunderstood soul
Poor misunderstood soul, definitely
thank you
ha, @ACuriousMind
@FenderLesPaul I just got accepted to Stony Brook, my heart rate is like 200
@FenderLesPaul good luck dude....
my heart rate hasn't gone down
@GBeau congrats man!
Hey @ACuriousMind!
aka Bajoran
@ACuriousMind I'm being peer pressured by @BernardMeurer
@0celo7 I only pressure you towards great ideas
yeah right
this might be al-qaeda tier
I'm only destructive on sundays
@ACuriousMind how do I know if someone is trolling me
@ACuriousMind oh my god I just got trolled so hard it's not even funny
@0celo7 lol
@GBeau who will you plan to have as advsor?
@ACuriousMind :(
@ACuriousMind when he comes to Hberg, please take him out if this goes badly
In the spy sense, not the date sense.
@yuggib I did not specify a preference for a specific person in my application (although I did for most universities)
Instead, I was specific about the subfield
I varied slightly the statement of purpose strategy by university
@GBeau Thanks but I've given up
I'm looking for alternative options once I graduate
@FenderLesPaul whaaaat
It doesn't look like I'm getting in anywhere
please the application season just started
I've made my peace with it :)
so it's all good
my physics GRE was 690 and I got in, you can do it
I realized if I didn't get an email from Ann Arbor then I'm definitely not going to get an email from any of the schools I really want to go to
Oh and congratulations!
On Stonybrook
I messed up the PGRE haaaaard - you gotta study for it
You're going to be only 20 minutes away from my home haha
by car anyways
maybe 30 mins
I've never even been to New York
It's a chill place
I live in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma right now
but I lived in mostly suburbs of big metropolitans before university
My career counselor person is setting me up with some entry-level software jobs
one is at Epic Systems in Wisconsin
which is cold as fuck :p
@ACuriousMind He's lying to you
I didn't do nothing
@BernardMeurer Underwhealming reaction, damn.
Was hoping for a bit more than that.
I did cause you to send MattyB to your girlfriend tho
@BernardMeurer At least it wasn't Justin Bieber.
@ACuriousMind I can't get either the "bj" or the "ö" correct. @BernardMeurer gave up.
True, @0celo7 is a lost case
His tongue is kaput
@GBeau I was offered a PhD scholarship at SUNYSB when I was graduating
in theoretical physics
but then I declined, and decided to do maths
that's why I was asking
I probably would have ended up with van Nieuwenhuizen if I had accepted
but I guess he's quite old now
it was ten years ago or so
If you don't mind me asking. @yuggib what made you decide on maths over theoretical physics?
I didn't like waving hands
at least not so much
and doing my thesis I understood that it was more interesting for me to try and justify the handwavy parts of theoretical physics than continue to not care about them
But doesn't the experimental evidence do most of that?
The "justification" I mean.
No experimental evidence can justify e.g. $1+2+3+\dots = -\frac{1}{12}$ ;)
Good point.
@ACuriousMind We justify that experimentally here in Brazil
It's just such a violent experiment no one lives to share it
What was the justification for that blow-out in the last World Cup :P
::Goes away::
@ACuriousMind when can you teach me and @BernardMeurer how to say your name
Perhaps similar to "mirror," but with more of a "mew" sound; would be my guess?
The hell @guest
I'm reviving the H-Maschine
@BernardMeurer are you doing qm?
@3507 I'm teaching him.
what book? :o
The book of Unger.
@3507 I need to develop my math further I have found
@BernardMeurer I can teach you that too.
I really need to make up for the time lost in brazilian schools
@BernardMeurer dw the first chapter of qm books cover the math.
@0celo7 I'm always up for it whenever you are
With everyday I feel more like Linux will end up killing me
@3507 He doesn't know calculus.
I only know SAT Math II calculus
And I learned it the Guetto way
Can you do basic one-dim calculus?
Integration, differentiation?
Actually you need the concept of partial differentiation.
I can't integrate for shit, I can differentiate just fine and I knew the limit magic 6 months ago
I know the concepf of partial differentiation
Its differentiation where you analyze only one variable while fixing the others, right?
You need some complex analysis too. But maybe you're willing to skip those integrals.
I'd rather not, but if it's too much I'm okay with it
@BernardMeurer It's a lot to absorb if you're not already familiar with multivariable calculus.
I'm most definitely not hahaha
Ok, you'd have to learn integration in two dimensions first.
Any recommended material?
I'll unhack my calculator that currently only plays pokemon
@BernardMeurer Kahn Academy. MIT. Wikipedia.
@0celo7 The hell's income tax return?
registering for scholarship and there's a question on that
@BernardMeurer Something only an American would have. Means the scholarship is need based.
Or they're trying to make sure you're a citizen.
Uhum, UPenn and Cornell, both need based
I hate all these forms I have to fill
so much stuff
it's still a little surreal
I don't know how to do need based scholarships as a citizen, much less as a foreigner.
I didn't qualify for any need based scholarships
which made it a little hard, but the trick is to apply for all the scholarship competitions and keep a good GPA
Holy crap I almost died from boredom in PDE class...
2 hours later…
@FenderLesPaul My advisor might teach a class on the positive mass theorem / various ADM things
Random question: If I'm working with the Laplace transform of a function $f(t)$, is there an easy formula for the Laplace transform of $[f(t)]^2$? Looks like it might just be the convolution formula.
Or am I kinda screwed there?
I need some help reasoning something out
Is ads/cft just a consequence of stokes theorem?
@kevinTahN. Certainly not.
How does the statement that to every AdS theory there is a corresponding CFT on the boundary that enocdes equivalent information look like Stokes' theorem to you, exactly?
A string speaker at a conference I accidentally sat in on said that some integral in a derivation can be done with stokes theorem, and then a realization is made. Now I must confess I was lost throughout most of the talk
also, when I came back I did some digging, and found this physics.stackexchange.com/questions/63469/…
any thoughts?
I thought the link was interesting, and then I began making all sorts of connections in my head
@HDE226868 I...don't think that works.
@Slereah My advisor sent me a book list. Fucking Steenrod is on there.
@kevinTahN. Well, that Stokes' theorem appears somewhere in a proof of a relation between a theory in the bulk and a theory on the boundary is not really suprising. I was asking how you came to the thought that AdS/CFT is "just" a consequence of Stokes' theorem
well the "just" might have been a bit of a strong claim
@0celo7 I didn't think so; it was my best guess based on what I could find.
@kevinTahN. Then what is your question?
@ACuriousMind He's recommended I read Milnor's book on Morse theory. What exactly are the prerequisites? He said it's trivial.
@HDE226868 In any case, I didn't see any formula for that in my ODE class.
There is a way to to the inverse transform of a square, which is just the convolution.
Is the search and discovery of dictionaries random, or is there some definite recipe for it. I am assuming this is the main goal of the duality right?
@0celo7 Yes, I had known that.
@0celo7 Milnor is a wonderful read, and the prereqs are just basic diff-geo, I'd say. That is, you should know what a smooth manifold is, and it helps a lot for the second part if you know Riemannian geometry.
@ACuriousMind Ok, that's what he said.
When I mentioned Morse theory, he said: "Ah, it just so happens the best book in mathematics in on Morse theory."
He's also recommended Milnor's Diff Topology book and Guillemin and Pollack. I dunno when I'll have time for any of this.
That's not to mention the PDE and analysis books on this list .-.
@ACuriousMind Seriously, what am I supposed to think when he calls my current classes "trivial" and tells me to read measure theory...
I can't even do real analysis...
@0celo7 Two possibilities: 1. He thinks you're smarter than your classes. 2. He's a dick.
Neither is very good...
@ACuriousMind OTOH, I have weekly meeting times with him...
@yuggib I almost died in PDE class...
Can I ask a question?
It's been bugging me
yes go ahead lol
@SirCumference Just ask your question - if someone wants to answer it, they will
Well, what would happen, hypothetically, if we could get a photon's wavelength to absolute zero? Since wavelength increases as energy decreases, would it just become a straight line or...?
@SirCumference You cannot get a photon's wavelength to absolute zero.
Like, a "photon" with zero wavelength is not a photon, it's the vacuum.
@SirCumference You canoot hypothetically get a photon's wavelength to zero
All right, let me change my question
It's not a technical limitation, it is physically impossible. You cannot do physically impossible things and expect physics to give you an answer as to what happens afterward.
Take a photon at 0.0000000001° Kelvin. Would it's wavelength be almost a straight line?
Meaningless question, a single photon does not have a temperature.
Explain? (sorry for my ignorance)
Your ignorance is excused. But just this once.
@SirCumference It...just doesn't have a temperature. Temperature is a property of thermodynamical systems - a single photon is not a thermodynamical system.
Can a photon not carry heat?
That is a completely different question. heat is just "energy flow", and a photon trivially represents energy flow since it has an energy of $E=\hbar\omega$ and is moving.
Crap, forgot the two were separate...
At least your Chemistry teacher didn't try to tell you the mass of a photon is hf/c^2!
Sigh, my physics teacher taught me that f=ma...smh
My teacher's aren't very good
uhhh...$F=ma$ seems quite correct to me :P
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