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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@FenderLesPaul I'll never really leave you, baby.
@DanielSank Back off of my backup plan
I still have these shorts...
I don't know what to do with them
What shorts?
whose shorts?
Oh, right. The girl shorts.
@0celo7 give them back.
If someone had my shorts I'd want them back.
I don't know whose shorts they are!!
That's the point
Must have been a helluva night.
If you really don't know who's shorts they are...
...or did you steal them from the laundry room?
Not intentionally
then go back and leave it where you found them?
I can't.
Yeah, why?
Did you do something to them so you can't return them? :P
@ACuriousMind No
@0celo7 Then why can't you return them?
@DanielSank d'aww <3
@FenderLesPaul eh?
@ACuriousMind I just can't
also what would I have done with them?
@0celo7 Why?
@0celo7 I'll leave that to your imagination
@DanielSank It's a response to your "I'll never really leave you"
@FenderLesPaul has not yet worked out how to use replies :P
@ACuriousMind Ah.
@ACuriousMind I just can't
@ACuriousMind Either there's something obvious I'm missing or...dunno
what could you be talking about
@0celo7 You are physically unable to go to the laundry room andleave the shorts there?
@ACuriousMind It's a deep mystery.
If @0celo7 had chutzpah he'd tack them to a public bulletin board with a note saying "I can't remember your name, but I thought you'd want these back".
@DanielSank Are "bulletin boards" still a thing?
There're public bulletin boards??
I don't want to have chutzpah, it sounds painful.
@0celo7 It's Yiddish for cojones :P
But it's fine if you don't want to have those
I know what it means Bajoran
I never should have told you guys.
Now you think I'm some terrible pants thief and ACM thinks I did...something...with them
I don't want to know where his lewd mind wanders
@ACuriousMind yes, I literally cannot
@ACuriousMind are you disappointed
@0celo7 Disappointed? With what?
I put them back. Not sure about the bulletin thing.
I think I'm becoming allergic to coffee because the last 3 coffees I had made me feel nauseous.
Although I approve of the extinction, if the meat tastes good.
@3507 stop drinking coffee at 9PM
good idea.
@ACuriousMind Does gauge theory actually have a use in the RDH framework?
@0celo7 Obviously, studying gauge theories is an honorable task ;)
@3507 Drink caffeine rarely - then it actually has an effect on you that is not "make you not being a zombie"
Physics is hard.
Computers are hard.
People are even harder.
Is there anything easy worth doing :/
Some people really hard randomly.
In class, etc. it's really inconvenient.
@DanielSank Dunno...being a garbage man?
@ACuriousMind I doubt that's easy.
Goodness, those guys must be incredibly strong.
@ACuriousMind As skinny as you are, you think being a garbage man is easy??
Do the Germans all have automated trucks? I can't remember.
@DanielSank Okay, I dunno how it works in 'Murica, but here all garbage cans have wheels, and the people filling them are responsible for pushing them to the street
@ACuriousMind I only drink 3 coffees a week on average, though recently I felt sick after each one.
So the garbage men basically just hav eto push them the two meters or so from the sidewalk to the truck
@ACuriousMind Right, that's what I mean by automated truck
It's not a particularly nice job, but it's not difficult.
In murrica they have to lift them up and dump them in the back.
In some neighborhoods the trucks are nice and automated.
I think all trucks here are automated
Never seen one that wasn't, but then again, I never lived somewhere really rural
@ACuriousMind I did but I can't remember 😕
Yeah that does not convey the same emotion as :/
Seems to be not available in my font, I see the box that appears when the font doesn't have that unicode symbol
Damn emojis
Apparently, its name is "CONFUSED FACE"
@ACuriousMind I shall take a snapshot and show you in a but.
Or bit.
Whichever you prefer.
@ACuriousMind imgur.com/a/GchAd
@ACuriousMind Yes I have!
@ACuriousMind Yes I have!
@0celo7 It looks...sadder than :/
@FenderLesPaul You use it quite rarely, then :P
@ACuriousMind Yeah.
@ACuriousMind I am an enigma :O
@FenderLesPaul You're just lazy
It's true
As an expert in being lazy, I recognize that instantly
none of you can beat me
I very much doubt that
I'm too lazy to convince you otherwise.
@ACuriousMind impressive
They asked me to be president of the Procrastinators Club. I said maybe next year.
What happens when I tried to compute the following formal expression:
$$\lim_{most extreme}Data with no correlation$$
I got the following:
in Mathematics, 2 mins ago, by Secret
Is there are term for the most random thing possible?

Suppose we have a bunch of lights A,B,C,D,E,F

A blinks every 2 seconds
B blinks when A blinks 2 times
C dims and brightens according to the function sin^2(wt)
D blinks randomly in a way such that on average the probability of it is light follows a gaussian distribution
E blinks in a pattern that resembles a random walk
F blinks in a way that depends chaotically to A and B

Can there exists a lamp G such that it blinks so randomly that even when one tries to
My mind have the tendency to wonder about the most extreme example of any knowledge I came across
@Secret I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me at all.
And, quite characteristically, the lamps A-F seem to have nothing to do with your question abot lamp "G".
Well, the gist of the question is trying to ask about the mathematical term for some event (which can be either 0 or 1) that is so random that even when trying to do a time average of the number of 1 you see, you always get a different probability distribution each time (so that it cannot be say to follow something nice like a normal distribution, or even a probability distribution that change with time

That is, I am trying to find the name for a concept that represent the most extreme version of no correlation, that has no conceivable pattern, because even a random walk has dependence on
The lamps A-F are just emphasising that G has to be so random that it does not behave like what A-F does (not even a random walk or chaos)
Correlation is between two random variables, it's not a property of a single random variable.
Put it in another way, I often heard that when people mentioned about something is random and statistical, they often form normal distributions

I am trying to look for something that is the extreme version of random such that it cannot be described by any probability distribution, and I am wondering what's the math concept that describes that
A random variable is nothing more than a plain old variable with an attached probability distribution. There is no mathematical theory of any other type of random variable; in particular there is no theory of random variables with undefined distributions, just as there is no theory of Euclidean triangles with undefined interior angles.
The definition of being "random" is being distributed according to a probability distribution.
hmm, I see, looks like I don't understand the concept "random" well enough. I always thought true random = unpredictable even in the context of probabilities
In that case, what does it mean in mathematical terms when we say the random variables X and Y have no correlation?. How to write such result in the form of expressions?
@Secret What does that even mean?
@Secret Have you read the wiki article?
A good preliminary measure is the covariance $\langle XY\rangle - \langle X\rangle \langle Y \rangle$.
Which is zero if the variables are staticistically independent
::Emerges from pile of work::
Hey guys
Hey Bernie
I hope that came from an honest nickname attempt and not stalking to find out my nickname hahahaha
(previous previous message)I am not sure, I think I am thinking along the lines of "that it is so unpredictable that even if you measure it multiple times, the probability that it happens cannot be determined even in principle, other than it is nonzero"

(Acuriousmind's message just above) Ok, I guess the reason I am not aware of it is I am new to that term ( I have learnt variance, but covariance is kinda new to me), thus I don't know the term to look it up myself, but thanks, should give that a read
lol, it's the natural nickname to give you
And hey ACM
his nickname is Bajoran
Literally no one has ever called me that except you
Why Bajoran?
(Kyle just said he thought my name was pronounced like that)
What kind of geman name sounds like Bajoran?
The hell
@BernardMeurer 'cause he can't pronounce Björn
Holy cow you're a Björn!
That was supposed to be my name until my parents agreed on the fact that no one here could say it and went with the latin version of it
That's...an odd coincidence
@ACuriousMind no one can pronounce it
I don't know what other names my parents considered. I only know I'd been a Deborah if I'd been a girl
@0celo7 It's not even difficult to say
@ACuriousMind Good thing you were born a boy
That's universally agreed upon, yes
No one likes "Deborah"
Indeed, I always found names ending with 'h' a weird thing
Two things that all observers agree on: The speed of light in a vacuum, and that it's good that ACuriousMind is male.
@ACuriousMind Btw for that double slit question that we discussed earlier, is my thinking on why the speed is ~c correct? (that because $H_{int}$ (and hence all terms > 0th order) will vanish in the expansion once $t\geq t_{switch}$ therefore the time evolution will not be changed until $t=t_{switch}$)
@Secret I'm thinking you won't be able to show a propagation speed because usual QM is non-relativistic.
@BernardMeurer Well you could write it without the h
@ACuriousMind True, and it's still not that good
Yeah, so it's not the h
@BernardMeurer wtf
b and j do not go after each other in normal words
I can't help that @ACuriousMind's name is some made-up klingon name
Debora's hebrew for "bee", btw
Yeah they do! Bjnardo, bjest, bjigger, bjrew
While now I'm a bear
bullshit that's not a word
Ehm, ::sweats::, yes it is
@Acuriousmind What machinery I need in order to compute the propagation speed. Is relativistic QM sufficient or I have to go full blown QFT? (I am interested in that because the feymann lecture notes inspired me a guess on something, that I believe I can check whether my understanding make sense by calculating the propagation speed)
@Secret In QFT the upper limit is clearly c because observables at spacelike separation commute
But I'm not sure whether you can "compute" the propagation speed in rel. QM
ok then @ACuriousMind @BernardMeurer teach me how to say it
Sigh, If only you had the courage to handle me your phone number @0celo7
@0celo7 how well functioning are your kidneys?
@0celo7 Okay, it's one syllable, and the vowel is the ö. The j sounds like the y in "younger"
wtf is "ö"
how do you expect Americans to say this
@BernardMeurer skype?
@0celo7 You should know how to say it
that's real helpful
@ACuriousMind wtf??
Sure, bernardo_meurer[at]hotmail.com
@0celo7 You grew up here, don't tell me you can't speak umlauts
$ö \equiv o+e$
sorta kinda
Well...not really
If you speak Portuguese that is :v
@ACuriousMind ich sprechen the broken Deutsch
What the hell does this $\eqcirc$ mean?
equals with a circle
Yeah, but why?
@ACuriousMind why do you think I grew up in Germany
Everything else I say is a troll
@0celo7 I've heard your Pfälzisch
no you didn't
that was perfect Hochdeutsch
I can't help if one or two words sound Pfalzisch to you
Next time I go to Germany I'll pass by Heidelberg and write broken physics on @ACuriousMind's door

@0celo7 Missed the umlaut
Can't be bothered to put it.
@BernardMeurer You're cordially invited
wtf I was never invited
@0celo7 It wasn't
But that's fine
@ACuriousMind I hope you drink tho, because I am bloody tired of germans that don't drink
Ezio is a magician
"Germans that don't drink" sounds like an oxymoron to me
@ACuriousMind BS
I've met plenty, and then I have to drink by myself, because hell I'm in Germany so I won't stop till I'm on a plane back home
@ACuriousMind I still can't say your name
add me then
we can have a chat
I've sent you my skype name thing or email or what is it nowadays
shat, lord
where did you send it
Right here after I asked about your kidney health
just post it again
I added you
Come @ACuriousMind !
@ACuriousMind get on Skype, I'll make the call
@ACuriousMind I promise I'll be nice
Oh lord here it comes
if I have an outgoing null congruence $l^a$ and an ingoing null congruence $k^a$ normalized so that $l^ak_a = -1$ and both $l^a, k^a$ are normal to a one-parameter family of 2-spheres
then is there a physical or geometric quantity associated with $k^a \nabla_a l_b$?
@0celo7 not Skype-able right now
There is an interpretation of $k^a \nabla_b l_a$, it's the angular momentum 1-form of isolated black holes (definition due to Ashtekar)
but if $\nabla_a l_b$ is not symmetric then I was wondering if $k^a \nabla_a l_b$ also had some meaning
@ACuriousMind You just destroyed my heart
@BernardMeurer ok wanna do it without him
Sure, ready when you are
first off, do you know what a Pfalzisch accent even is
Hell no, and I ain't talking German to you, I'm teaching how to Björn
A specific and valuable skill
don't you speak German?
I read just fine, I speak like a mongol
lol let's hear it
Skype broke, moment
Skype has turned into a pile of crap in the past years
oh fuck what did I do
Skype is now updating
@GBeau you ready for tomorrow?
@FenderLesPaul get in the skype call
Come @FenderLesPaul
can't sorry guys, about to go to sleep (early class tomorrow)
next time!
People are avoiding us @0celo7
pretty much
@ACuriousMind so @BernardMeurer likes your nickname
I do, I'm all for it now
it's p. great
@0celo7 has converted me to the cult of Bajoran
::turns around::
Fuck I didn't fold my laundry
RIP sleep
Why folding when you can pile it gently?
doing that
I'm off now, auf wiedersehen
@BernardMeurer your english is excellent btw
3 hours later…
Do you think Hawking would answer an email if I shot him one
About the homotopy CTC thing
trying does not cost anything
What about the cyber stamp
I'm not sure his health is at his best nowadays
sadly T__T
He's pretty good considering he was supposed to die in 1975
@Slereah well, you can make your company pay for it ;-P
Let's see if his email is publically available
Can't seem to find it
But it might be buried under the other sites about him
Is ads/cft just a fancy stokes theorem?
Maybe I can ask Ellis instead
Oh wait
Apparently it's... Prof.Hawking@damtp?
Odd format for an email
Seems to be an old one, though
"Unfortunately Professor Hawking is unable to respond to specific scientific enquiries, or theories. Please do not email these as although they may be valid, we simply do not have the resources to comment on them."
I guess Ellis it is
yeah, probably better
or some other younger GR guy
A younger GR guy will probably tell me to look at HE
Those pricks
then ellis it should be
He probably did the proof, from what I hear
Should be the ideal fellow to ask
3 hours later…
Thanks @0celo7!
and good morning people
I would say good evening, comrades....
@BernardMeurer yeah, so I was supposed to ask her something
I can't remember what that was supposed to be
@Slereah Don't be silly, Hawking is a robot
@FenderLesPaul Ann Arbor sent out another round yesterday, the 27th
@GBeau have you gotten in anywhere?
@0celo7 I think it was if there are any concertos for the Piccolo
@BernardMeurer Oh, well she plays flute and piccolo
much, much, much better
transverse flute right?
why do you call the ottavino with another italian name that is not the original one? T__T
Shit how would I know
Is it a recorder or a real flute?
(played horizontally)
Real I guess. She was carrying the case this morning
Walking to the office now
Flute's a badass instrument, my complimets
asks if she likes Jazz and if so present her this song
Flute players tend to really like it, or anyone that's into Jazz
Image not found
A concert hall; okay?
Ottavino, hadn't heard of that one, smaller piccolo?
no no... piccolo is not the correct name
piccolo may refer to the ones above
but the last picture is of an ottavino
now I get what you're up to
you damn saxons
Aka pocket flute
I'm not a saxon!
you are of saxon origin
How come ?
Meurer does not sound portuguese
Nope, we come from Bremen
so saxon it is
Sigh, okay okay
I still like to think I'm a barbarian tho
Specially when I'm eating
@yuggib wtf are you on about
that you saxons use words that do not belong to you wrong
@BernardMeurer ok will do at dinner
Best image ever
lol wtf is that
It's your heart on a rollercoaster
because she flutters you
I don't like this jazz song
dude I like whale orgasms (musical ones)
Jaco Pastorius
@BernardMeurer much better
No, I was asking if you liked that other one
That one is badass
Jazz w/ brass is good
Mingus Big Band '93 - Live at Times Square
very rare CD
Not sure if I "like" it
but it's certainly not terrible
Here, take a picture of a cat with a synthesizer
@BernardMeurer left you a present on skype
Sigh, I'm never getting you pictures of animals with synths again
JK, not really
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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