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I'll help you for real when I'm done transcribing my algebra notes
@ACuriousMind $X=\{x|P(x)\}$ or $X=\{x:P(x)\}$?
I need to pick one for the rest of my life at this very moment
@0celo7 $\mid$ (\mid, not \vert)
is \mid different than \vert?
$\{x\mid P(x)\}$ vs. $\{x\vert P(x)\}$.
that's amazing
@BernardMeurer btw the bank lagrangian is your actual money - potential money
@0celo7 the what?
Do you not know any analytical mechanics?
Ok, algebra notes transcribed
I'll hold off on PDE and Lit to help you
@BernardMeurer Ok, so the monthly balance is fixed?
Do you know the equation for interest?
@0celo7 do you happen to know Python? I did a brute force solution that might help explain what I'm trying to achieve
No, but I plan to learn it over the summer.
But basically having a fixed annual interest $J$ that is applied at the end of every month with a value of $\frac{J}{12}$ and a debt $B$ how can I calculate the minimum value $P$ to be payed monthly so to get the debt over in 12 months
oh great the interest gets compounded differently each time
gl :)
and $P$ is a fixed value
this is a really nasty problem
can we go for like two payments first
My brute force solution is rustling my jimmies, I want an elegant solving strategy.
Sure, let's go a little at a time
Alright, so $P$ is the principal and $j$ is some percent, right?
Like at $t=1/2$ (let $t=1$ be one year), then you all of a sudden have to pay $P+\tfrac{1}{2}jP$, right?
Yes let's use the example values $J = 0.2 (20\%)$ and $B=3329$
dude I am not using numbers
wtf is B now
The debt hahaha
can we use standard symbols?
Sure, define the symbols
$A$ is the thing you actually have to pay. $P$ is the principal, i.e. debt w/o interest. $r$ is the interest rate...
Uh, how often is this being compounded?
Sounds good to me
As in how often the payment is done?
I hated doing this in school
I'm not sure your problem can be solved elegantly.
Yeah that's what I fear
@ACuriousMind any ideas?
Can you convert your Python code into Java/Matlab?
Or draw a little diagram explaining it?
Can you paste multiline code here?
The code is very easy, it'll be just like reading english
Try it out
@BernardMeurer I don't do finance math
@GBeau no emails for me yet
(Also, I'm not even sure I understand all of the English terms right)
@ACuriousMind You sure you can't turn it into a statement about projective varieties on a moduli space?
@ACuriousMind Same here.
balance = 3329
annualInterestRate = 0.2
pay = 0
nbalance = balance
while nbalance > 0:
    nbalance = balance
    pay += 10
    for month in range(12):
        nbalance -= pay
        nbalance *= (1 + (annualInterestRate / 12))
print "Lowest Payment:", pay
@0celo7 No. But it's just a boring problem. If I had to solve it for some practical purpose, I'd do it, but I'm not spending brain cells on that for fun
@0celo7 Heh
5 mins ago, by 0celo7
^Me realizing I have no clue what any of this means :D
@ACuriousMind I don't either, which is why this thing is sucking my soul
@BernardMeurer pay += 10 ?
I know that's pay = pay + 10, but what does that do
It's another part of the problem that I didn't disclose, the payment must be a multiple of 10
god knows why
even if that means you'll pay more than you should at the end of the year
oh ffs
Well that changes everything
@BernardMeurer You only have figured out how to forge ten dollar bills, duh.
You now have a gauge theory on your hands, there's a constraint
The solution is in ^
You can just calculate $P$ normally and do a $\lceil{\frac{P}{10}} 10$
@ACuriousMind tfw his teacher is getting him to run a counterfeiting operation
@BernardMeurer just give up
@0celo7 Counterfeiting is probably a more valuable skill in the real world than anything on the "real" curriculum
@ACuriousMind ::proves statement on Fibonacci numbers::
Can I ask this on math exchange even?
programming golf
But I'm honestly more curious about turning it into a discrete equation
prog people will just tell me to use bisection
@ACuriousMind How do I write "p does not divide q"
$p\not\vert q$?
@FenderLesPaul ditto
@GBeau I just can't wait for these two weeks to be over
@0celo7 it's \nmid (and \mid for divides)
so $p\nmid q$
Hey @BernardMeurer.
@GBeau Ah, thanks.
@FenderLesPaul I feel like I'm going to get a lot of them in February still
I think mine (if I get in) will be late Jan
@DanielSank How come the rest of us don't get greetings?
around the 25th-30th
@0celo7 Hi.
^ Happy?
Greetings @ACuriousMind.
although I applied to umich and haven't gotten any emails from umich
That's like when a child does not say "please"
which doesn't bode well for me
It doesn't matter if they have to be reminded
They already ruined someone's day
@FenderLesPaul hey that's where my research prof did his postdoc
@FenderLesPaul A lot of schools have no obvious historical patterns in the order of acceptances; I have some guesses, though
@0celo7 ain't that a thang
he also did his BS+PhD at @ACuriousMind's school
@FenderLesPaul There could be additional delays (O(days)) debating who gets fellowships, or waiting for responses from specific departments
that would cause some otherwise weird orders in sending out acceptance emails
@GBeau I suppose but apparently some people have gotten emails from umich and I haven't yet so I'm bummed :(
@FenderLesPaul same for two of the schools I applied to
umich is hard to get into but if I can't get in there then there's no chance of me getting into uchicago
unless Wald remembers you
You have to get into Chicago, @FenderLesPaul
he isn't on their admissions committee :(
He might have a friend on there
I checked
@0celo7 why do physicists call $dx/d\mu$ a tensor?
Maybe there are subscripts.
@DanielSank What is that?
Does that question make sense?
What is $dx$?
Do you mean the one-form?
Or is $dx/d\mu$ a derivative?
I think maybe it's a form in some broke-ass notation.
If $dx$ is the one-form, I can give you the answer.
go for it
And it's not physicists, it's math people too.
although uchicago did let me update my application to include my undergrad research award
which may help
@DanielSank So you know that the partial derivatives $\partial_\mu$ form a basis of the tangent space in some chart, right?
no point speculating at this point I suppose :p
@0celo7 Let's make that really clear because I don't quite understand what that means.
@FenderLesPaul Your worrying has managed to make me anxious about grad school apps.
@DanielSank Ok, how do you want to define "vector"
^ That's the key, isn't it?
I have some manifold, yeah?
Well, I can show you the equivalence :)
I can chartify it if I want.
You just have to tell me what you're willing to take as a "vector"
@DanielSank A differentiable (even topological) manifold has a (set of) chart(s) by definition.
@ChrisWhite :(
my entire future is on the line!
you can always become a hooker if all else fails
I suppose I could do that
@0celo7 Right, I know.
I'm trying to remember why vectors even come up.
I'd only be successful in west hollywood though
Because I'm trying to define dx for you!
@0celo7 Well, let's try to keep things motivated here.
I am.
I have a manifold $M$ and presumably a function $f: M \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$.
It's kind of clear in my mind what it means to integrate $f$ over $M$.
The tangent vectors are the set of derivations of germs of functions
@0celo7 germs?
@DanielSank Uh, if two functions agree in some nbhd around some point, we have an equivalence relation, the equivalence class is called a germ
@0celo7 Weird. never heard of that
(you can ignore it)
::ignores it::
Only the most pedantic texts talk about germs.
@FenderLesPaul At some point no news is bad news
@0celo7 Ah yes... we want some notion of a derivative.
Let's see here... I think we want a thing where if I feed it a direction it produces the change of $f$ as I move in that direction. Right?
@DanielSank So if $f,g$ are (smooth) functions, then a derivation at point $p$ is defined by $X_p(fg)=X_p(f)g(p)+f(p)X_p(g)$
$X_p$ is ofc linear
@0celo7 Yes yes, but the real reason we want this thing is that we can use it to produce directional derivatives, right?
Well, and other stuff, I suppose.
@DanielSank Yes, and directional derivatives satisfy the Leibnitz rule
What I just gave is the Leibnitz rule
@GBeau right
@DanielSank Wanna move this to another room?
@0celo7 yeah.
I'll make.
oh ok, you make
too late
I just don't know when that point comes
@FenderLesPaul Emotionally? every other hour. Practically? Late January-Late February depending on the school
@DanielSank Greetings
hello all!
man, look at that sexy ad
cf. this unfortunate creation :-(
Hey @DanielSank!
@EmilioPisanty That looks decidedly nicer!
@BernardMeurer he's busy
@GBeau emotionally sounds about right haha
@0celo7 Can I leave my message after the beep?
@BernardMeurer nope
@0celo7 Darn it.
@BernardMeurer You can always leave your message
Jun 17 '15 at 6:43, by DanielSank
I regard online chat as an asynchronous communication protocol :-)
@ACuriousMind b*tch I'm his secretary not you!
@0celo7 You are?
@ACuriousMind wtf ofc I am
I see.
I wonder if he knows.
he does, no need to bother him with it
@0celo7 Ah, but Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser
@ACuriousMind Is that like "trust but verify"
(in theme)
(I can translate it myself)
@0celo7 Yes (unless trust but verify means something completely different from what it sounds like :P )
I read that.
It was an application of the theorem.
I have no idea what you're talking about
@ACuriousMind You just can't handle my mind...it works on a higher plane
...probably in dimensions to small to see, eh? :P
@ACuriousMind He know everything we do, because we're all his sockpuppets. Don't you remember?
@dmckee I have chosen to suppress any thoughts about my depressing lack of individuality
@ACuriousMind you didn't like that joke when I made it about your man bits and it's not funny about my mind either :(
@0celo7 It's funny cuz it's true
@ACuriousMind it's true both ways
What would a "one-way truth" be?
@FenderLesPaul Tomorrow is a work day D;
@ACuriousMind what?
this is why I don't want the children homeschooled
I don't want that either
now you pay for the private school
No, we move to a country with proper public education, obviously.
And who will pay for the move?
I have my book club, etc. here as well. I don't want to move!
which country
is good for edu

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