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sup guys
The prof should just post all homework for the chapter so I know what problems to do on loose leaf and what to do in my notes...
@dmckee Would it be reasonable for me to email the prof this request?
@0celo7 To ask? Sure. To actually get your wish? Well, that depends.
This is the first semester that I'm trying the "post all homework at the beginning" strategy (and only in one class). Up until now I haven't known what I was going to assign until I got almost to that point.
Oh, the prof did mention this is his first time teaching this class :(
Also, I know some folks don't like the student to start on something until it comes up in class. Not sure why.
@0celo7 He might still have the first N weeks ready.
I'm busy with that for my other classes right now.
@dmckee have fun
meanwhile I keep getting 0=0 or similar :(
@0celo7 Well, that's not wrong :)
I'm terrible at math D:
the absolute value function is evil
@0celo7 0=0 is my last answer to most difficult questions
great I have a chain $a\le b\ge c$
and I need $a\ge c$
Anyone here up for a fun inequality to solve?
it was trivial
"fun inequality" is an oxymoron :P
@ACuriousMind I promise you it's a fun one
Only took me a weekend to solve
there's a second asbolute value in the problem
I'm so sad I have to re-learn quantum mechanics.
@0537 I have to learn it for the first time
looking through the book and realizing I forgot like 70% of it...
@BernardMeurer really? want to learn it together?
I want a strong German man to sweep me off my feet and do these absolute value problems (no homo)
@BernardMeurer Okay. Show me your notion of "fun"
I wonder where we could find such a person
@0537 Sounds awesome to me, I usually do these things dully by myself
@ACuriousMind let me get my notes
@BernardMeurer what book?
do you know linear algebra?
@ACuriousMind is it sometimes necessary when proving inequalities involving two numbers to have to go through the 4 scenarios
like if $a,b>0$, $a>0, b<0$, etc.
Yeah, we call that Fallunterscheidung
is it sometimes necessary to do that AFTER one has used the triangle identity
"Sometimes"...sure. But in my experience most things don't actually need the proof-by-cases construction if one is clever
@ACuriousMind Game:
for $abc = 1; a, b, c > 0$ prove that $\sqrt{2}(a+b+c) \geq \sqrt{1+a^2}+\sqrt{1+b^2}+\sqrt{1+c^2}$
Rules: No googling
Often there's the "brute force" proof where you just go through all the cases, and the "clever" proof taht somehow sidestep the necessity for that
@ACuriousMind Basically, I have shown $|a|-|b|\le|a-b|$. which is trivial, but the problem wants $||a|-|b||\le|a-b|$. I don't want you to do it for me, just let me know if one has to unterscheid the Falls.
@0537 I had to learn some linear algebra for school but I have not used it in forever
@0celo7 No, you don't have to do that
@BernardMeurer so what book are we using?
keep in mind I plan to finish in 15 days from now.
@0537 Your pick, I wouldn't know better than you I'm afraid
use Hall
@BernardMeurer I don't see any fun
Maybe we should ask @ACuriousMind and @0celo7 for some tips?
I already did.
long time ago.
@ACuriousMind no finite group of order one there indeed
@ACuriousMind Already solved?
@BernardMeurer ACuriousMind doesn't read books (before), and 0celo7 recommended shankar.
I read shankar in like <15 days.
I changed my mind to Hall
I forgot all of it though.
why would you remember it this time?
@BernardMeurer No, I just don't derive pleasure from inequalities ;P
@0celo7 because it's a refresher.
@ACuriousMind Hahahaha, it's a fun one to solve that one, had me thinking for a while
@0537 Would you rather go with @0celo7's new recommendation or stick to your previous read?
@BernardMeurer shankar is boring as f.
I found some better books.
It's OK for German middle school level
@0537 Being my first take at it I'm up for anything, I'm not sure I'd be able to discern between options too well
your first tip would be
to not try to learn QM in 15 days
he won't listen to that, don't bother
staring at a concrete wall for 5 days will get you better results
@FenderLesPaul I've tried this concrete wall technique, didn't yield much
@FenderLesPaul I learned it once already though.
and it worked.
I mean I was able to follow qft stuff.
@BernardMeurer I think you should read griffiths qm.
I read it once for my first book.
@0537 sorry but I refuse to believe any deep learning was done in a couple of weeks
Holy crap these things are expensive
basic understanding is not the same as learning
Sigh, I don't have money for these books
@privetDruzia Actually, I'd say at least 95% of astrophysics will not be directly applicable to aerospace engineering. After all, we study the entire universe, and most of it looks nothing like near-earth orbit. That said, astronomers put up a lot of telescopes into orbit, so the instrumentalists who design them would know a thing or two about your interests. But most people studying astro are not instrumentalists; they are observers and theorists and simulators and data reducers.
@BernardMeurer look for a pdf online.
I mean you are free to do what you want but I think @BernardMeurer should take his/her time
in learning QM
QM takes a long time to learn properly
@ACuriousMind is there a trick or is it really obvious
@0celo7 There's a really obvious trick
is it $a=a-b+b$
@privetDruzia As for getting into a PhD program, I'd say studying astro-related stuff isn't the most direct way. At your age you should study what's interesting to you. Also, publications are looked upon very favorably by admissions committees, but in most fields they are not expected: most PhD students enter without any publications. That is to say, don't worry so much if you don't have any.
@0celo7 so 1=1 ?
@BernardMeurer what
@0celo7 $a= a-b+b$ implies $a=a$ correct?
it also implies $0=0$
@0celo7 Yep, but I like 1's better than 0's
this is the hardest problem I've ever done
@privetDruzia Also, I think every grad student goes through a period of doubt as to whether they're doing the right thing. I'm personally pretty happy with how it turned out, but that's something you'll have to figure out on your own. I will say that there are certainly unhappy people in grad school (in certain fields more than others - be sure to ask how happy students are in any school you're considering).
what certain fields are those
biology for one
there's a preponderance of slave-master lab PIs in that field
how about within physics?
i've heard things about astro
Astrophysics seems relatively happy, probably because it's easier than the rest of physics.
holy crap what is the trick???
Where do you guys buy used books? PDFs hurt my eyes
@MikeMiller oh?
@0celo7 The hell's going on
@BernardMeurer me having 80 IQ
@0celo7 What problem is melting you?
it's above
my impression is that the opinions in that letter are not uncommon for supervisors. in fact, change tht to 'are common'
$a\leq b \geq c$ proof of $a \geq c$?
All I'm able to show is $||a|-|b||\ge |a|-|b|\le|a-b|$
I need $||a|-|b||\le|a-b|$
@MikeMiller Ah yes, that. That school got a lot of flak in the community for sending that email.
@ChrisWhite I'm aware of the response.
Certainly I end up working 80+ hour weeks. Though my adviser has never told me I work too little. He's even suggested I take a vacation now and then.
@0celo7 Papa bless. Have you tried those who know?
@BernardMeurer I'm not making a question about this
@0celo7 </3
oh my god now there's like 5 inequalities
I keep proving unrelated crap
I swear my upstairs neighbor walks around in steel clad shoes
I feel your pain @0celo7. I usually start with an inequality and end up proving Schopenhauer was right
Do you see the trick?
did Lev Landau knew about QFT?
@GBeau dude
are you ready for next week?
@no_choice99 yes
he was instrumental in its development
Now I have $$||a|-|b||\le |a|+|b|\ge |a-b|\ge|a|-|b|\le||a|-|b||$$
you mean it was very new when Landau was still alive?
no QFT was not new in Landau's time
@0celo7 You're creating a monster
ah ok
it wasn't as well understood as it is today
but it wasn't new
Dirac formulated QED back in the 30s
i see QFT questions all over hte place, I'd like to learn about it
                                   @ACuriousMind am I at least on the right track?
whoa what happened there
The hell?
what's QED has to do with QFT
@ACuriousMind did that still ping you?
QED is QFT of photons
@0celo7 leave the poor man alone
he needs his alone time
oh kind of a sub field or sub topic of QFT?
@no_choice99 a specific model of QFT
it is a QFT
is it common to first learn QED before aft
you learn the basic structure of QFT and then apply it to photons + electrons
ok, that sounds interesting
@FenderLesPaul ok then help me out
@0celo7 Yes
@0celo7 yes you are on the right track
ffs now I have a contradiction
you are a contradiction
an engineer who does pure math for fun
this is not fucking fun
do you even do engineering stuff
does making a noose count
doing that right now
maths is hard
I guess it's mechanical engineering
abstract maths is torture
oh no not a contradiction...but nothing helpful either
Proof: Impossible
you know what's torture?
life is torture
this homeowork
you have HW?
when do your classes start?
doing it right now
last week
oh shieeet
I had no idea your classes started
why else would I be doing this
I am pretty bored right now doing it...
@ACuriousMind holy crap what do I do??
I can't do PhD analysis
dude it's easy
if Ph > 7 it's a base
or something
or is it 6
Ph neutrality is at 7
you respond to that
@0celo7 You said you didn't want me to give you the solution
also @ACuriousMind is also a PhD chemist
is there anything he can't do??
@ACuriousMind What's the idea of how to continue?
Is there any clever substitution I need?
@ACuriousMind word
@0celo7 Observe a certain...symmetry in $\lvert a\rvert - \lvert b\rvert \leq \lvert a-b\rvert$.
@ACuriousMind huh? $|b|-|a|\le|a-b|$ or something?
there's a question for you guys: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/230160/… that just poped up although the title is strange
@0celo7 Yes.
@ACuriousMind Well that's trivial.
@0celo7 I said the trick was obvious :P
aye, but it does not help me
I have to underscheid the falls now
depending on whether $|a|-|b|$ is positive or negative
and then applying the definition of abs...yeah, that's stupid
for me to have not seen that...I probably should not be allowed to walk around unsupervised
i have a question that arose from the link i posted above. in EM given an observer and the EM fields he sees , he can deduce the charges and currents (generally althought not 100% of the time).
@ACuriousMind uh, thanks
i'm wondering whether the same holds for shape of objects. can the observer deduce what's making the star not spherical, given the shape he sees on a picture of a star?
like "oh it's not spherical , so this means I'm moving with respect to it" or is there any other explanation to the shape of the star
still no response from John Lee
@FenderLesPaul you're a hipster, you probably have friends in Seattle
I need them to find John Lee...
nvm my question doesn't make much sense
Fender are you a hipster?
@BernardMeurer Proved it.
@no_choice99 I think I am
ok i didnt know this :D
@ACuriousMind Cool, would you mind letting me see how you proved it? I made use of $\sqrt{2}x - \sqrt{x^2+1} \geq \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} lnx$
Which you can prove by derivatives
Q: What is an unupvote and why does it cost more rep points than a downvote?

Lewis MillerMy first downvote was reported as an unupvote in my rep score. It cost 10 points. I thought that was normal until I received another downvote and discovered that it cost only 2 rep points. What is the difference between a downvote and an unupvote? I Googled it and got nothing.

First, one shows that the function f(a,b,c) = a+b+c has a minimum with respect to the constraint $abc=1$ at $f(1,1,1) = 3$.
This means that $3\leq a+b+c$ for our problem. Now, we observe $$ (\sqrt{1+a^2}+\sqrt{1+b^2}+\sqrt{1+c^2})^2 \leq 1+a^2+1+b^2+1+c^2 = 3+a^2+b^2+c^2$$ using $(x+y)^2\leq x^2+y^2$ twice. Since $abc=1$ implies $a^2b^2c^2=1$, we have $3+a^2+b^2+c^2\leq 2(a^2+b^2+c^2)$. Now take the square root on both sides and obtian the desired inequality after using $\sqrt{x+y}\leq \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}$ twice.
The thing with the minimum you do by Lagrange multipliers
@ACuriousMind Very badass method
It doesn't work, $(x+y)^2 \leq x^2+y^2$ isn't true
It's $\geq$. That always happens to me with inequalities, which is why they're no fun :P
That solution did look too elegant to be true
I'm pretty sure though that the $3\leq a+b+c$ should make for a nice solution
How do you prove the square root thing
@0celo7 $\sqrt{x+y}\leq\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}$?
Is there a way to search the chat history?
i think so
there's a button at the top "Full transcript"
I guess it gives the full text of the chat
@DanielSank it being open can't you just use google magic?
I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed that there's a paper which already does a calculation I need to do
a step less toward the ultimate goal
@ACuriousMind yah
@DanielSank does the search bar not work for you?
make meta post
@no_choice99 but this means I have less crap to cram into my paper
doesn't matter much IMO if your conclusion is the same and new
@no_choice99 I suppose
I spose'
I had too much coffee
@0celo7 Nah, it's just so small that I didn't even realize it was there.
@DanielSank make a meta post to make it bigger :P
@DanielSank Can a quantum computer solve NP problems in P time or just in almost-P time?
1 hour later…
hi everybody, I'm back
@0celo7 I see...however I think you could manage it ;-) and the version with zero is the sensible one
1 hour later…
Can someone check this answer and tell me if I did something wrong physics.stackexchange.com/a/226641/66165
I answered another question and something I said seemed to suggest this one isn't right
@BernardMeurer I'm not much of an expert on complexity classes.
I can never ever keep the terms straight in my brain.
@StanShunpike it seems more or less right; the point with quantum mechanics is that it is not an instance of classical probability theory, but of non-commutative probability theory
1 hour later…
@StanShunpike I don't really see anything wrong that you've written there
1 hour later…
>Don't get too down. People at this Stack Exchange site can be jerks to new comers (and old timers) a lot more than normal sites (Math Stack Exchange, Puzzling, Scifi, etc). Unfortunately, physics web sites tend to attract people that like putting others down, instead of helping them get better.
@David Z: What do you want to say about this comment? To me, it's pure nonsense and totally rude. This was posted to a question physics.stackexchange.com/questions/230111/… where some jerk posted that nonsense comment; I flagged this as rude or offensive; why was it declined? Whatever be it, the comment is totally idiotic.
The thing is that, compared to math, coding and scifi, physics attracts a lot of cranks
And generally people who wish to discuss advanced physics without knowing physics
It tends to wear a bit thin on some people's nerves and they can lash out a bit at times
@user36790 In my opinion everyone's entitled with their opinion...if they think the site is populated by bad users, they can go somewhere else and there's no need of complaining
my complaint is, on the contrary, that we have too many newcomers and unsatisfactory questions as of late :-P
@yuggib: Totally agree.. I can't tolerate those spontaneous writings switching on the caps lock. So many questions that show no research efforts at all....
yeah, that's an issue that's ongoing for some time now
@Slereah: Have you checked that question? Did it show any effort on behalf of OP? Should we encourage this? NEVER. But that jerk thinks otherwise...
@yuggib: I think we need to add this problem in the guidelines so that OP may be warned before doing so...
@user36790 well, I think there will always be bad questions (and, sadly, bad answers); however it is the ratio of good/bad questions that is becoming a very small number
we should encourage people to ask good questions (in some way)
@yuggib: What are good questions? To me, they are those which solely deals with concept and not some bookish... Questions or queries that can be easily answered just by reading some books or googling need not come here...
Personally, I would like to see more questions commenting or asking clarification on current hot topics in physics
Question that I cited asks for the relation between electric field and electric flux; almost every book deals with that; we don't want such questions . and yes, I agree with you this time also ...
@user36790 it wasn't declined, it was dismissed. I left it in place to provide context for my comments, before I delete the whole batch in a few days (or when the OP has seen them).
This answer was posted 30 minutes after this one. It adds nothing new (it's basically rephrasing of the second link). Besides downvoting, what else should I do? Should I flag it for something?
I don't think that answer requires any special handling. You can downvote it if you want, but I wouldn't advise flagging for anything.
@DavidZ Is not-flagging specific to this particular question? Or does it apply to any late-answers that are subsets of existing answers?
I think you can take that generally, more or less. Not as an official policy, but my own informed opinion: posting an answer that is a subset of an existing answer is not, itself, a problem. Sometimes a person might think that an existing answer has too much information, and that a shorter, more concise answer with the same key idea would be better. That's a valid reason to post a new answer.
Q: Please don't stretch the old community ads!

Emilio PisantySo the sidebar got stretched by about 30%. No problem. This entails a change to the network-provided ads (not visible above certain rep thresholds) and to the community ads. No problem. Some old ads ran with some extra whitespace while they were updated. No problem. We need to update all our comm...

@DavidZ Ok, i ll keep that in mind. Although i do believe most late-subset-answers aren't adding any needed conciseness (especially when the early answers aren't large at all), and therefor they are unnecessary noise.
Yeah, I'm not saying that all answers which are subsets of existing answers are good or useful. Just, that fact by itself is not enough to warrant deletion.
Indeed, sometimes the "noise" has to be at just the right frequency for the OP to understand :)
@Fermiparadox you can certainly downvote them if you think that's appropriate. The criterion for downvoting, after all, is that an answer is not useful, which is more general than just being wrong.
@user303542 He could ask for clarification in comments under the early answer. Then the answer can be updated or explained through comments. There is no need for noise. Low noise is what made SE what it currently is.
Good point.
Let's face it, learning can be a messy business :-)
@DavidZ: It did provide context to your comments;
Yep :) This is exactly why reducing noise is so beneficial to future visitors; it makes learning easier and faster.
@DavidZ: ... my flag history shows it was declined:/ Nevertheless, what's the difference between being dismissed and declined?
In everyday talk: Declined = refused, dismissed = put off.
Not sure if that^ helps :-/
@user36790 huh. Well, maybe I'm wrong then.
When we're handling comment flags, we only have two options: delete the comment, or dismiss the flag. (There's no marking helpful/declined as there is with question or answer flags.)
Most of the time, that's okay because deleting the comment is the typical response to a valid comment flag. But there are occasional situations where the flag represents a legitimate issue, but deleting the comment immediately isn't the best course of action. I guess you wound up in one of those.
I didn't know it would show the flag as declined if I click "dismiss". Sorry about that.
@ACuriousMind re my question (physics.stackexchange.com/questions/230267/…), so you're saying, all QED first-order terms vanish, but for third-order terms, the individual amplitudes can be non-zero, but they cancel each other out such that we have $S^{(3)}=0$?
Does that make sense?
@Bass I am not certain. There might be some reason that diagram there vanishes on its own. But only knowing that the total third order-contribution is zero allows for the possibility that it cancels with others instead, yes.
So unless you know for sure that all individual diagrams have to vanish for some reason, the answer to "Why does this vanish" might be "it doesn't".
Imagine 2 bluewhales of opposite sexes mating in the ocean and we just want to detect the ocean, somehow if the mechanism(evolution) is intense enough we can notice the splashing!😀 — user6760 4 hours ago
@ACuriousMind: WTF ???? Is his head in the sand???
@David Z: Thanks for clarification. That being said, I want to tell that jerks like that one never could understand what this site meant for and moderation; to him we are some demonic satans who just use our privilege to abuse new comers...... some sort of ragging....
Yeah, there are always people to complain about the moderation.
@David Z: You can't do much about those jerks.... they would never be satisfied; they would blame us, rebuke the mods. I can't tolerate that any more...
Usually we just wait until they leave
@yuggib After completing my usual crawl through the newest questions for today, I agree with this :P
@David Z: Oh! Ahimsa!! You are speaking like Mahatma Gandhi:P
Is it possible to type Wick contractions in MathJax? I mean the "underlines". When I Google for it, all I find are LaTeX packages like simplewick.
Probably not. MathJax doesn't have anything that fancy, as far as I know.
Ok too bad.
Just write $\langle \phi(x)\phi(y)\rangle_0$ or $D^0(x-y)$ or something like that. I never understood why one draws those silly contraction lines, anyway.
They make the whole Wick business seem more mysterious as it is
@ACuriousMind Well I thought their advantage is that they don't mess with the operator ordering, meaning you can leave them grouped by vertex, for example. But I agree, they were quite mysterious to me until I learned that they are simply commutators=propagators coming from normal-ordering time-ordered operators.
@ACuriousMind Do all odd-order terms in QED vanish or cancel each other? So all non-trivial contributions to the scattering operator come from even-order terms?
@Bass I don't think so.
@ACuriousMind OK
@ACuriousMind I knew you would have agreed ;-)
@Bass c.f. Furry's theorem
it's the closest thing to what you're talking about
@FenderLesPaul Why is everyone saying that? Furry's theorem says that a diagram with an odd number of photon external lines connected to a fermion loop vanish. Some also use that for "the VEV of an odd number of EM currents vanishes". But that doesn't mean "all third-order diagrams vanish".
Well I didn't say all third order diagrams vanish I just said it's the closest thing to what he/she wants
i.e. I don't know of a stronger result
@Bass You might be looking for Furry's theorem

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