I think the amount of effort that goes into the enormous amount of abstraction that e.g. Schreiber does is better spent otherwise unless you're purely looking for a most-abstract way of writing stuff.
I'm also super interested in that crazy-abstract stuff. But that doesn't mean I have the illusion that it is really the best way of progressing in physics.
@Danu I'd not actually say that. Plenty of people with black-and-white morals running around which aren't children, and calling black-and-white morals childish might be an insult to children :P
@0celo7 Yes, some things taken out of context might seem offensive, and the chat flag system is not properly equipped to deal with that. I thought we'd already established that.
In the past days I've encountered a particular user who has made a "serial answering": he has answered several different (even uncorrelated) question with almost the same answer and the same sketches. The problem is that some things in those answer are misleading, and some others plainly wrong.
in my defense, this user just posted a bunch of answers in the last few minutes ranting about how they've been inappropriately silenced by the powers that be
@0celo7 Because you should judge content as you encounter it, not judge users. I guess, I'm not fully convinced this is a sensible rule, but I guess from a pragmatic viewpoint it's pretty impossible to have the automatic serial voting detection distinguish between "good" serial votes and bad serial votes, so if you don't want your votes to be useless, you just shouldn't do that
@TanMath Well, kind of, but it's bad style to use them interchangably. The point of a for-loop should be that the loop variable runs through a certain range, a while-loop should ensure the condition it checks is satisfied. While you can use one to do the other, it's not what they're meant to do.
@0celo7 If you're coding Matlab and you have many loops, you're going to have a bad time. Usually you can get rid of most of them if you think hard enough.
Most treatments of GR begin with the assumption that spacetime is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (or, sometimes, that it is a more general manifold). But this entails quite a few tacit assumptions about the nature of space and time.
I would like to approach things from a much more fundamental poin...
In cosmology one studies perturbations around FRW metric classically (pure GR, we say that we perturbe the FWR "background"). In QFT we have perturbation theory quantistically (we expand around a vacuum, defined as that state such that all field expectation values minimize the Hamiltonian).
1) I...