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You know
While area 51 spends billions on making fancy planes
The actual programs for weird spaceships is way underfunded!
IIRC the NASA program for non traditional propulsion methods was under 2 million bucks
And it was pretty wide spanning
then again most avenues were not productive
@DanielSank : here you go, Is there a deep reason for this correspondence? You betchya.
OK I'm off now. Catch you later.
@ACuriousMind \setminus
Test $\setminus$
Ah, yes.
Of course, it has to be different from a quotient.
Still, too close to a quotient for my taste
I always felt the default binary operator spacing around $-$ was too much for sets
Isn't the set minus supposed to be smaller
$A{-}B$ looks a bit better
Like a - slightly inclined
uhh... never seen that
I have.
Like at a 45 degree angle?
Never seen $\setminus$ @ChrisWhite???
@Danu Wat? Chris suggested that
Chat on mobile sucks
Also hahahaha @DanielSank I'm sure all your questions about decay rates have been cleared up after that response.
Hi guys! So I am really struggling with the concept or wavenumber
Can I walk you through my conceptual though process?
Hi guys! So I am really struggling with the concept of wavenumber
so first I start with frequency
frequency is the amount of cycles per second
now if I flip that
its the amount of seconds per cycle
now i try to apply the same logic to wavelength
and it doesnt work
wavelength is the distance per cycle
but the cycle distance is defined by the wavelength so it will always be 1
Up to a factor it does
the amount of wavelengths per cycle is always one wavelength
@Danu I don't want to delete it because then DanielSank can't see it, but I cannot in good conscience click "Looks OK" or "Skip", really.
and vice versa, the amount of cycles per wavelength is always one cycle
It's only reasonable to delete it @ACuriousMind, IMO
I know that the way I am interpreting this is wrong, so I was wondering what about it is wrong
Nova, wavelength is meters per 2pi radians, then radians per meter is exactly k the wave number
Note the (non essential) factor 2 pi I threw in
@Danu I completely agree. I'll take a screenshot for Daniel, I guess, just in case.
hmm ok ok let me try to figure this out
so lets say the wavelength is 10 meters, from peak to peak is ten meters
Your problem is this
The length unit is not wavelength it's meter
Cycles per meter is k up to the 2pi which just converts to radians
You see?
so 2pi radians is a wave
It's just that you mistakenly took 'wavelength' as the unit of length, but it's 'meter'
2pi radians is one cycle, yes
Deleting his answer...a maelstrom awaits...
Wavelength is meters per cycle, (1/2pi) wave number is cycles per meter
ok ok
wow ok I get it
im so dumb
@Danu Utterly pathetic.
so its a fixed distance, 1 meter, and we are asking how many cycles happen in that 1 meter
@0celo7 It probably won't get deleted because some reviewers think pretty pictures constitute an answer. It even took moderator action to get rid of that cohomology answer.
or how many meters happen in 1 cycle, aka, the wavelength
No wonder I couldn't find it when Sam mentioned it
What was is about
so a wavelength of ten, means 0.1 cycles happen PER meter
Danu you are awesome thank you
This answer explains the deep reason DanielSank was asking about, and it is dripping with references to bona-fide physics. Saying "this is not an answer" is a utterly pathetic comment. Especially since you haven't answered the question. — John Duffield 2 mins ago
Yeah, nice John.
@JohnDuffield Stop abusing moderator flags. Last warning. Next time it's a suspension.
No fluids in the lab!
Lol did someone get flagged?
Probably me 😊
@0celo7 Just let the nice blue-colored people do their work ;)
Hey I keep them employed
@ACuriousMind The nice blue-colored people have done their work ^
Test. Still alive.
Wow, one hour.
Wonder what he flagged this time
Very well. Where were we?
Hm, nowhere really, it seems.
@0celo7 Ah, yes, but that was a bit ago. New conclusions or questions?
So if a map is not homeomorphic on some set it certainly won't be on a set containing the first set?
@0celo7 Yes
hey guys are there any waves with a lower wave length than gamma waves?
We're gonna do a whole bunch pf covering space theory in topology yayyyy
Yes Nova
It goes up to infinitely small.
@Danu You definitely starred that, didn't you?
(Down to?)
@ChrisWhite what? Im on mobile, aint no stars here
Switch to desktop mode, star, switch back.
Ever seen me spell so badly while not joking?
I don't notice your spelling
@Danu I didn't notice anything unusual :P
Is there a thing like desktop mode?! How?!
Oh hey Im seeing some star now, on the right
But no list and idk how to star stuff
@ACuriousMind Well, that fact is obvious but I don't know how to prove it
@Danu Hit menu, then full site.
Oh hahah @ChrisWhite now I see what youre referring to. No it wasnt me.
Oh god the zooming is terrible
@0celo7 Well, it's equivalent to "Every restriction of a homeomorphism is a homeomorphism onto its image" by contraposition, no?
If you're on a phone it's horrible. Tablets are manageable.
...why are you on mobile around midnight, anyway?
Either your night should be going well enough to not look at your phone, or you should be home :P
Im home. Just dont wanna unpack mah bag
@ACuriousMind I don't know how to prove either
Anyways goodnight all
@0celo7 You're probably overthinking it.
@Danu gn8
Playing Fallout
I found a camera in the bathroom
@ACuriousMind I need the proofs
@Slereah The graffiti on the walls, obviously
@0celo7 Okay. Let $f :X\to Y$ be a homeomorphism, and let $\bar{f} : U\to f(U)$ be the restriction to a subset $U$ of $X$. Then $\bar{f}$ is bijection (you agreed this is obvious). Let $V\subset U$ be open. Then $\bar{f}(V) = f(V)$, so $\bar{f}(V)$ is open because $f^{-1}$ is continuous. Let $W\subset f(U)$ be open. Then $\bar{f}^{-1}(W) = f^{-1}(W)$ is open because $f$ is continuous. Therefore, $\bar{f}$ is a bicontinuous bijection and hence a homeomorphism.
Is U open
Hm...let's say yes, because otherwise there are some intersections missing, I think.
I feel U is always open. (Proof by notational consistency)
@ACuriousMind I had that exact same proof
Seemed too obvious
Figured I was missing something.
17 mins ago, by ACuriousMind
@0celo7 You're probably overthinking it.
Called it.
Speaking of calling things
3 or 4 times in the last couple weeks I've heard rumors of LIGO having found something
You didn't call anything. You made a lucky guess!!!!
I just read
They probably found a fly
"Fallout 4 has no level cap"
I hate level caps so much
@ChrisWhite Wow.
::googles what LIGO is::
@HDE226868 Glad someone here cares about physics ;)
Wow @ACuriousMind
Shame on you @ACuriousMind
I'm an engineer and I know what it is
@ChrisWhite LIGO's ground-based, right? Not like, say, LISA.
@Danu lol, did you come back from bed to say that? :D
the trick is how they get their false positive rate
What, significant wave signals, @ChrisWhite
@ACuriousMind from the dead
there's apparently a committee of like 3 people with the power to secretly inject false signals into the pipeline
the entire team of ~3000? people writes up the full paper, and just before submission they open an envelope to see if the signal was just injected
Ahh, Big Science at work.
@ChrisWhite no way thats torture
@ChrisWhite That seems a bit wasteful. Also, doesn't that mean the rumors couldn't be trusted, like, at all?
@Danu well, only on the three postdocs who actually contribute to the paper :p
good science is torture.
@ACuriousMind yes, unless they seem to be emanating from where those top people are
anyway, I just thought I'd help spread the rumor some more :)
@ChrisWhite Are the rumors from those top people?
@HDE226868 The rumor is that the rumors are from those top people rumored to exist.
Man! I hope they do find something. But I also thought they wouldnt be in "detection range" yet.
depends what you're looking for
As in not sensitive enough for actual waves to be measured yet
well again, it depends how strong those waves are
@ChrisWhite Well this is deeply exciting
Yeah sure
But when was something expected? Not yet, right?
@ChrisWhite Is this the kind of thing that will go on the arXiv as soon as confirmed? I don't really know the protocol in astro
if confirmed^
I can see the viXra tittle
@MarkMitchison astro often posts to arxiv immediately (concurrent with journal submission); on the other hand, BICEP-2 may have made people more conservative with these big announcements
God's heartbeat confirmed at LIGO
also, it's not clear how much this is astro
LIGO looks a lot more like the LHC than any telescope
Photon = Dirac wave on gravitino belt confirmed.
eventually us astro people hope to do actual astronomy with gravitational waves, rather than just prove we can detect them
Haha true @ChrisWhite.
Uh SUSY is wrong @Danu
@Danu Seems legit.
My cute particle names say differently
The -inos are cute, but the s- prefix is silly
@ChrisWhite Indeed. I've always wondered how such an instrument would be calibrated though. I mean you have to know what you're "looking at", right?
Who are the top people
Sanity check: the solution book solution here physics.stackexchange.com/questions/218213/… is totally bogus right?
Witten, Some Random Astro Dude and Einstein's corpse?
@MarkMitchison A big part of this is finding electromagnetic counterparts. The problem is LIGO's localization on the sky is terrible -- there are thousands of things going boom every night in its beam.
@0celo7 That... could actually make a good scifi short story\
What could
I'm the most prolific chatter, you have to be more specific. I'm on mobile
oh "gods heartbeat confirmed at LIGO". Something along those lines.
6 mins ago, by 0celo7
God's heartbeat confirmed at LIGO
@ChrisWhite So like binary stars that we can observe optically, at the right distance and with the right orbital frequency?
Something like that?
Although do we even have a model for how gravitational waves would be attenuated over distance? I mean inverse-square law and all that, but gravity is non-linear so I would expect matters to be a bit more complicated...
@MarkMitchison By the time detectable g-waves are being emitted, they've essentially merged into one object. More like the following supernova explosion or something.
@MarkMitchison Gravity's nonlinear, but the waves are only well defined in the linear theory. So far from the source 1/r^2 is still good (thankfully)
OK that makes sense
@ChrisWhite First optical... then x-ray & [...]... then neutrino... then gravity (?)
@NeuroFuzzy If the problem is drawn correctly (and I would agree that that is how to interpret the text), yes.
@NeuroFuzzy Now if only we could design a gluon detector...
Question: We know that a photon makes a distinct "blip" on an electromagnetic detector. Do we have any idea what the analogue of such a blip would be for a graviton?
Do we even have any guess for how low the intensity has to be to see individual gravitons?
Or is trying to draw an analogy with EM here totally misguided?
I also think that the "blip" scenario, favoured by Feynman, is a bogus argument for the existence of photons
@ACuriousMind physics.stackexchange.com/questions/215173/… is probably relevant for that one.
Anna writes
> Gravitons are to gravitational waves the theoretical analogue of photons for electromagnetic waves.
I have no idea if that's right or not, though.
@MarkMitchison But...we can do those slit experiments with low intensity light where individual blips (actual localized areas of the screen lighting up) accumulate to give the usual interference picture after a long time, no?
::wonders what a graviton is::
Back to bed...
::goes back to manipulating classical indices::
@ACuriousMind Yeah, that's true. But it could be just a bunch of localised electromagnetic wave packets hitting the detectors in different places. Of course this is a bit far-fetched...
But anyway I feel that measuring highly attenuated "classical light", i.e. a laser, is not the best demonstration of photons. It says more about our detectors than the state of the field. But perhaps I am wrong about that.
Well, what's your favourite demonstration?
@MarkMitchison The wave packets aren't localized, are they? They should be spread out on a macroscopic scale (before detection)
@ACuriousMind Photon counting from atomic flourescence seems rather nice.
After you absorb some light, you also detect that there is no longer any light there.
Seems a bit more particle-like than just Poissonian photon counting, where you can randomly get "blips" as close together as your detector resolution will allow
@NeuroFuzzy I was talking about a rather contrived classical explanation for the double-slit experiment. I think people did consider such things in the past, e.g. classical stochastic electrodynamics.
@MarkMitchison Ohh talking about the quality/convincing-ness of demonstrations. Yeah I follow.
I feel web designers really hate people like me
@ChrisWhite Yes, yes they do.
@NeuroFuzzy : LIGO is... an interferometer. An earlier interferometer failed to detect something.

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