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@0celo7 Ah, not if you use the Wiki idea of it only being in Euclidean space, okay
Still, it's not a metric, it's a map on tangent spaces that induces a metric
@ACuriousMind I can read!
You don't get to do that
Only my profs do :P
@ACuriousMind What's the difference?
so the minkowski metric is not actually a metric but a FFF because it is indefinite (has signature -+++) ?
@0celo7 Well, how is a map on tangent spaces supposed to be a metric for the manifold?! (This is well-known, but was the math student's point)
It's a metric in the physics sense.
And a metric in the sense of e.g. Dr. Freire, who did a postdoc at a gravitational math place.
@ACuriousMind Integrate!
@Secret The term "metric" is simply overloaded to mean two different things. No point in saying "That's not a metric".
@ACuriousMind Do you not just integrate the inner product of tangent vectors?
Or am I being silly
@0celo7 Not finished yet. This particular guy wanted to have a metric on the manifold, which is by definition a map $M\times M \to \mathbb{R}$.
beat me then
Well, what would your "integrating" have given you?
@ACuriousMind : Well how do you call the symmetric bilinear form $TM \times TM \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
Mister smarty pant
@Slereah 1. I'm playing advocatus diaboli here, I was not the one saying it's not a metric. 2. Yes, that is a metric, but not on the manifold
But isn't the tensor bundle ALSO A MANIFOLD
@ACuriousMind The length of a curve going between two points
You'd probably take the inf of that integral.
@0celo7 : but it is not positive definite!!!
It is a pseudo-metric at best
@Slereah Ah - but on the bundle - instead of the individual spaces - it's not a metric since it is degenerate - it sends the zero vector at $x$ and the zero vector at $y$ both to zero. also, it's not defined everywhere, you can't get the "distance" between two vectors at different points.
@0celo7 : Also wait
What if there is no path between two points
What if the manifold isn't connected :O
They're connected by definition.
I should make a SE thread for the Helmoltz equation of the torus
@ACuriousMind What?
I'm still not sure what you want from me.
@0celo7 Huh? I agreed.
You take the infimum over all paths connecting two points to get the distance between them.
Yes, so?
I knew that
So why were you making a fuss
I did never say you didn't know that. You were the one who wanted to know why someone I talked to thought one shouldn't call the fundamental form a metric.
So I explained
I've been very suspicious of you lately
Must be my spidey sense
@0celo7 No, you've always been paranoid that I'm insulting you/thought you were dumb/whatever. Not a new phenomenon :P
@ACuriousMind hmm
what is your ulterior motive here

I have a Newton age question

While I understand how the maths told us the correlis force and the centripetal force are the consequence of the rotating frame thus not a real force, I still don't quite understand why relative linear motion does not result in fictious force while rotation does , given that rotation is basically an infintesimal number of linear motion arranged into a circle?

Or perhaps another way to ask is that, given that we can create rotation by doing linear motions in a certain way, why it makes such a big difference that rota
sorry, I posted the wrong link, it shoudl be corrected now
A force is defined as $\frac{dp}{dt}$
A boost will be $p \rightarrow p + a$
And $\frac{da}{dt} = 0$
Newton was woo
Obviously the speed is proportional to the force
cf Aristotle and the evidence
yes, thank you
I remember a nice science history SE post about the approximation in which that is true
freshman lab :p
I have no reason to think F=ma is true
maybe within 35%
A: Why did Aristotle make mistakes in his laws of motion?

ConifoldAir or more generally medium resistance was not yet treated as a separate effect in Aristotle's time. Nor was there a clear idea of motion in a vacuum, in fact most ancient Greek philosophers, including Aristotle, did not believe that vacuum exists. So he had to explain phenomena as they are obse...

@ACuriousMind You said "never ask that"
@0celo7 ?
Never ask what?
the thing you deleted
What thing I deleted?
and you wonder why I'm suspicious
Ah, you mean the comic
Yes, it was "Never ask that" with a link to the PhD comic Chris posted
Related to you, well, asking Chris about his thesis
I am sad that abstruse goose stopped updating
@Slereah So you mean the linear analogue of fictious force is the "suddenly felt being pushed backwards due to inertia" when you are in a frame that is linearly accelerating?
@ACuriousMind I also asked you about yours :P
you have cleverly refrained from answering
In classical mechanics, there are basically 4 fictitious forces
@Slereah Me too :(
Linear acceleration, the centrifugal force, the coriolis force and the Euler force
@Slereah love, hope, greed, centrifugal
@Slereah linear acceleration?
John, Paul, Ringo, Centrifugal
what's the Euler force
@0celo7 : $x \rightarrow x + at^2$
Or whatever
how is that not Galileo
because of the square
then where is the 1/2
It's an integration constant
You can sweep it inside $a$
that's evil :o
Well renormalization does it with infinities
So I can do it with a half
that's evil too!
@Slereah that's like saying he can murder ppl so I should be able to steal >:|
Who murders people
@ACuriousMind I'm sure you'll be pleased that I'm directing boring questions at profs and TAs instead of you
y'know, using the things I'm paying for
@ACuriousMind you can thank me whenever :)
so they are basically the consequence of inertia?
the 4 fictious forces
wtf is happening there
That square sure can boogy
Fictitious forces are the result of the derivative of the momentum not being invariant under such coordinate changes
fictitious forces are due to dancing squares
so if we use the above results and the results of relativity, is the relativistic analogue of these manifest itself by having energy also becoming a component of momentum hence will slightly differ for each accelerating and rotating reference frame?
I only recall the equivalence principle which equates gravity with a (linear?) accelerated frame

and that rotating massive objects caused frame dragging (a term which I don't quite understand in detail)

But is there more?
what are the relativitic analogue of the coelis force and euler force?
if there are any
In relativity fictitious forces are due to the change of the connection when changing coordinates
In flat space the geodesic equation is $\ddot x = 0$
See Weinberg's book.
If you change coordinates, it will be $\ddot x + \Gamma \dot x ^2 = 0$
If you force a coordinate change in $\ddot x$ you get the geodesic eq.
That is the fictitious force
The $\Gamma \dot{x}$ term?
@Slereah pls it's $\ddot x+\dot x^T\Gamma\dot x=0$
I'll write as lazy as I want
use proper notation >:|
$a + \Gamma v^2 = 0$
you monster
@0celo7 the way the fiticious force is written reminds of quadratic forms. Is it really a quadratic form (or some sort of similarity relation (c.f. $x^T A x$ in matrices) or is it just happens to look like that?
> similarity relation
no, $x$ is a vector, not a matrix
I see
similarity is three matrices
you're three matrices
@Secret I wish I had a legal copy of Weinberg in this state
I'd find the derivation
basically, just change coordinates in $\ddot x$
so $x\mapsto y(x)$
then you find $\ddot y+\dot y^T\Gamma \dot y=0$
there's some boring details
and $\Gamma\sim \partial^2 y/\partial x\partial x$
something like that
I see
actually I do have a (really) legal copy of Weinberg on my iPad
which is in my dorm
hmm, I think zee does it, but omitting the technical details...one moment
ok so it's the geodesic equation in $x$
you can show that $\Gamma$ here is the LC connection of flat space in an accelerated frame
Slereah, I think i will prefer 0celo7's i.e. the more mathematically rigorous way, because my exploratory nature to maths means I might want to explore something more general, i.e. some kind of non commutative spacetimes (if such term makes sense, or at least I think you guys will know what I am trying to say) where you cannot simply exchange mixed derivatives, hence the $\dot{x}$

@0celo7 Reading the excerpt now
> non commutative spacetimes
ohhh in Zee's thing $y$ are unaccelerated?
yes, $y$ are unaccelerated, $x$ are the general ones
obtaining a legal copy of Weinberg.
I don't know, I am wondering if there's something more general such that the terms in the geodesic equation are not commutative (hence once must use $\dot{x}^T \Gamma \dot{x}$ instead of $\Gamma \dot{x}^2$

But perhaps it might not be physically relevant
$\Gamma$ is a matrix
$\Gamma \dot x ^2$ isn't the equation
I just wrote it because I am lazy
o i see...
this is standard linear algebra notation
the proper way to write $\Gamma_{ij}\dot x^i \dot x^j$ as a matrix is $\dot x^T\Gamma \dot x$
they didn't cover this in your GR course?
now that I think about it, it's not in Wald, Straumann or HE
I wonder if you can write QFT in matrix notation
So terrible
You can!
Weinberg does it, partially.
Well, our GR course taught to use the gammas in index notation, and then compute each component of the gammas to form a matrix, which is then used to compute the riemann tensor

But we never illustrate it in the linear algebra notation
@Secret not the matrix notation
It is a vector of matrices in the matrix notation
the fact that accelerated frames in flat space look curved
@Slereah indeed
and the Riemann tensor is a matrix of matrices :D
Umm, we cover the bending of light in a free falling rocket and gravitational redshift, does that count?
It should be $\ddot {\vec x} + \vec x^T \vec \Gamma \vec x$
I say again: Einstein in Matrix Form is the greatest mathematical achievement of the age
Ah, good. I now have a legal copy of Weinberg on hand.
Of course you like that book
You're an engineer
excerpt of the lecture ntoes used in our course
do you knew that
I think
you're just forgetful
probably, given that at that time, most of the GR stuff is very confusing to me
as that was the first time I took GR
so they introduce it by first defining the covarient derivative, which is different from the approach used by weinberg that you show
I think the weinberg is clearer
I showed you Zee
which is the same, really
Weinberg has more boring details
Generally speaking it's kind of a GR gauge thing
is it because it is a coordiante transformation thus this matrix must be invertible?
You can define the metric and connection in GR as a way to make things invariant under diffeomorphism and $SO(3,1)$ gauge
@Secret yes
i see
diffs are invertible
I wish ppl stopped calling me an engineer. I'm a student. I'm not an engineer until I pass the PE exam.
It's okay
People call me a murderer and I've never been caught
I call you a junkie avid drug user
People said I am a theoretician with the tools of an experimentalist, that's why I get stumped by problems easily
Well you're certainly not an artist!
No wonder serious physicists don't visit this chat. We're a bunch of hooligans. ASTRONOMERRRRRRRRR
More like wooligans
(I mean we believe in woo, not that we are Liverpudlian sheep hooligans)
You can earn a general relativity badge? :O
Hot diggity damn!
I am a cat
@0celo7 You've a habit of using "we" where you mean "I" :P
@Slereah Isotropy $\implies$ homogeneity
Confirmed by like 5 people
How can someone be a bunch of hooligans
@0celo7 : Yes
(Well isotropy at every point)
@Slereah Ofc
@Slereah Multiple personalities
@ACuriousMind Not really.
I think vice versa also works?
@Slereah NO
Oh wait
Godel is homogeneous and not isotropic, right?
Damn Godel
We star too much, this is the mark of a squash of hooligans
I think the monochromatic wave spacetime may also be like that
monochromatic wave spacetime?
Ah, not quite, no
@0celo7 : Metric generated by a monochromatic EM wave
never seen that ne
In general relativity, the monochromatic electromagnetic plane wave spacetime is the analog of the monochromatic plane waves known from Maxwell's theory. The precise definition of the solution is quite complicated, but very instructive. Any exact solution of the Einstein field equation which models an electromagnetic field must take into account all gravitational effects of the energy of the electromagnetic field itself. If there is no matter and no non-gravitational fields present other than the electromagnetic field, this means that we must simultaneously solve the Einstein field equation and...
It's in MWT
Monday Wednesday Thursday?
Malicious Woo Theory
MTW is really expensive
I might get it when thesis time comes rolling around
It's a big book
I think a math thesis on Lorentzian geometry and PDEs would be cool
Show that electrons are photons on a moebius strip

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