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Hmm, this is strange. JD's answer is -7 but why isn't mine +7?
yeah, seriously, let it go
with a night stick :P
Extended comment discussions are to be moved to chat.
I'm moving it to chat.
Have fun
@0celo7 Then, uh, move it out of the main chatroom?
German Gangsta
The entertainment value of watching these "discussions" has long become smaller than any positive real number :P
@0celo7 doesn't mean anything goes in chat. But yeah, if you keep stuff out of the main chatroom you get more leeway. (where "leeway" should be interpreted as "people not caring what you're discussing")
good point
less chance of getting flagged
but JD flags stuff too
@ACuriousMind hmm
I'm not entertained either
I think the discussions are funny.
6 mins ago, by skill patrol
@0celo7 let it go
Don't make me post that video again...
@0celo7 I am, though it's kind of like arguing with a rock.
@skillpatrol well, if things go south in a separate chat room, it at least doesn't bother anyone who isn't interested. When it comes to chat, a lot of moderation decisions come down to deciding what counts as disruptive behavior. Something that isn't disrupting other people's conversations is not such a big deal.
It's also a lot easier to tell anyone who doesn't like what's going on in a separate chat room to just leave.
what's the topology of FLRW? Is it globally hyperbolic?
hmm is it bad to go and answer old unanswered questions?
no, if you have a good answer you should share it :-)
@obe No, that is good!
@obe it's encouraged, and there's even a badge for it (if you get some upvotes)
> Energetic students may compute the Riemann tensor
Actually I never quite understood the prohibition on "necroposting" that exists at many forums. I mean, given how a traditional forum works, I guess it makes some sense, but it seems like a silly thing to have to forbid.
Anyone volunteering to be energetic?
@skillpatrol I don't want to.
@0celo7 that, my friend, is your choice :-)
@skillpatrol Of course it's my choice.
I'm a voluntarist, you're going to have to try hard for me to not admit that...
just show some respect
@skillpatrol Oh I'm a dumb kid, I don't show respect
I'm smarter than Einstein after all
Bet Einstein couldn't do quadratic equations either
wooo wooo
you see that head band?
@skillpatrol yes :D
respect THE nation
Hi @ChrisWhite
@ChrisWhite you're from CA, right?
Raiders, 49ers or Chargers?
whoops :P
@0celo7 I'm from Caltech. Those words have no meaning to me.
he was probably at cal tech when the raiders were in LA
where we won a sb
@ChrisWhite What?
Did you know Caltech is undefeated in football since 1993? ...when it disbanded the team
UTK is undefeated since...fuck
@0celo7 No pix yet
But basically
Ricci scalar?
The torus metric is already pretty trig heavy
I need to add a bump function to make the inside shorter than the outside (may involve trig)
jesus wtf are you doing
I need to make the other mouth asymmetric (involves $\cos(\theta)$)
And I need to make that assymetry time periodic $\cos(\omega t)$
Making the metric isn't too difficult but I fear trying to solve any equations in it
what are you doing??
Moving wormhole mouth
This is not the assymetry I had in mind
@Slereah wtf
Making assymetrical shapes isn't easy
Basically I need to vary the position with respect to z, so it depends on $\cos \theta$
And it needs to change with respect to the radius
aren't wormholes woo?
Well yes, but "woo" sounds fun
maybe you should raise GDP or something
@Slereah Mathematica.SE is full of experts in assymetrical shapes.
@ACuriousMind : Yes I know that thread :p
@ACuriousMind lol
I'll go ask them if I can't jury rig something
Also of interest
Not quite what I want but close
In mathematics, a Dupin cyclide or cyclide of Dupin is any geometric inversion of a standard torus, cylinder or double cone. In particular, these latter are themselves examples of Dupin cyclides. They were discovered by (and named after) Charles Dupin in his 1803 dissertation under Gaspard Monge. The key property of a Dupin cyclide is that it is a channel surface (envelope of a one-parameter family of spheres) in two different ways. This property means that Dupin cyclides are natural objects in Lie sphere geometry. Dupin cyclides are often simply known as cyclides, but the latter term is also used...
The ring cyclide is pretty interesting, actually
Basically I have two things to put in
those looks like the spinor dirac belt things
but they aren't blue
Assymmetric mouth and shorter path distance on one side
So that's what an electron really looks like :\
This shape looks a bit naughty
Well, now things are getting removed. Should I expect an email?
How many days?
A tad better!
Is that a donut?
I barely see fenders here, what happened to him?
No one knows
Might need to go in cylindrical coordinates to make it work
Man that shape has like no symmetry
How to do it
Not to bad
Could be better tho
have you tried the mathematica room?
I probably should yeah
@Slereah what is that??
don't hold your breath...
@NeuroFuzzy the worst donut
looks quiet in there
21 hours with no chat
Thing is that I don't even know where to look
"Asymmetric torus" did not bring up a lot of results
you could ask on their main site
or search their questions
Already did
closest I could find
Maybe I should throw in a bump function
So that the influence of the slant decreases with distance
But then it's gonna be pretty abstruse
I meant the mathematica site
ask there
I suppose
@0celo7 : it's because my Einstein and the evidence trumps your Wald. As for Strauman, it's likely to be derivative. AFAIK the problem goes back to Wheeler.
@0celo7 : er, no, you aren't smarter than Einstein.
@JohnDuffield As we also told 0celo7, please do not continue this discussion in the main chatroom. Open your own if you want to discuss this further.
@ACuriousMind Do daughter chats inherit the "be nice" policy?
Or can it be suspended by the owner of the room?
@ACuriousMind I know where he lives. I could find out.
@Slereah Do you know what the null geodesics of FLRW are?
@0celo7 The "Be nice." policy holds network-wide, AFAIK.
@ACuriousMind Fine.
I do not
@JohnDuffield Give me your Skype so we can discuss this properly.
@ACuriousMind : it's a physics chatroom. If somebody wants to talk to me about some physics matter, I feel duty bound to respond. Or have I got that wrong? Is this a place where physics discussion is forbidden? Such that when David Z tries to start a discussion, it goes nowhere and gets knocked on the head after 18 minutes?
3 hours ago, by David Z
@0celo7 doesn't mean anything goes in chat. But yeah, if you keep stuff out of the main chatroom you get more leeway. (where "leeway" should be interpreted as "people not caring what you're discussing")
I'm pretty sure that was saying you two should take this discussion elsewhere, but you can ask him directly if you like.
@ACuriousMind That's what I got out of it, too. @JohnDuffield we should take this to Skype and have a man-to-man talk.
@ACuriousMind no, that's not what I was saying. If I were saying to take this discussion elsewhere, I would have said "Take this discussion elsewhere." (more or less)
@DavidZ So, you're fine with these endlessly repeating discussions which regularly lead to flagging and need for mod intervention happening in this room?
I didn't say that either
Mathematica gave me a pretty good way to do it
Nice plot
But formula is a bit terrible :p
Well, what did you expect? :P
Let me say this: from my point of view this amounts to little more than a minor annoyance. But, @0celo7 and @JohnDuffield, it does seem that taking your discussion elsewhere would be a good idea. (Again, note that I'm not "ordering", just suggesting)
Not gonna be too nice for calculations
Oh well
I'll stick with the one that looks okay
@DavidZ Ok.
Hoping that it will contains the correct physics
Let it be known that I have invited @JohnDuffield to a Skype discussion. Username: revolver_0celo7
@0celo7 I don't think anyone else cares
@DavidZ That's fine.
Also maybe I should do a less awful one
Current equation has $e^{\cos(\theta)}$
Not too nice
@Slereah $\mathrm{e}$
Really I don't even need it to be particularly fancy
I just need to have one pole moving and the other stay relatively still
Ugh, and I need to stick a $\cos(\omega t)$ too in there
Dunno if I should use the Dupin cyclides
They look very nice for what I want
But they are kind of awful
I don't think you can expect something nice when you are searching for such strange things
@ACuriousMind GR is strange?
Yeah that is a problem
Quantum supremacist!
The less symmetrical it is, the more functions are in there
And I fear for the geodesic equation being solvable
@0celo7 No, I didn't say that at all
But, like Slereah says, setting asymmetry as a goal and expecting nice stuff to turn up is...optimistic.
Just finding the metric from the parametric equation isn't fun :p
And that's just derivatives
I need to e-mail a prof though I'm scared he will deny me.
don't be scared
lol though
only 1 chance
then it's over forever
I have a similar situation, terrified
Hey look
I made a triangle
@obe Well, not emailing him won't get him to agree ;)
do you think
I should wait until a few days before his lab work begins?
like in january?
Any actual reason to wait?
@obe if you're doing well in school and in your university classes he won't deny you
@0celo7 idk really.
@ACuriousMind to build more background.
@obe what don't you know
@0celo7 i'm bad at doing well and being successful.
@obe Well, if you think he could require specific things (not just in the vague "What if I don't know enough?" way) you don't have yet but will have then, it's reasonable to wait.
Actually found a reasonably short expression for my thing
It's still awful
@tpg2114 let me know if the answer to your question can be awarded the bounty I set - physics.stackexchange.com/q/83671/94040
Had to put a few sigmoid functions to reign it in :p
Oh well
I'll try the physics without the sigmoids first
See what happens
@Slereah gg
A: Homotopy proof of the lack of foliation of the Gödel metric

Timaeus What motivates the assumption that a closed timelike curve must cross a spacelike slice an odd number of times? Well, it isn't true as stated. Consider $\mathbb S^2\times\mathbb R^2$ as a subset of $\mathbb R^6,$ or just $$\{(a,b,A,B,y,z)\in\mathbb R^6:a^2+b^2=A^2+B^2=1\}$$ with the metric $...

Was so excited for a split second
Yeah the metric has a tad fucked up signature
see my second comment
Let's write zee metric with a generic function $f(t,\theta,\phi)$ for the asymmetry
Zee? Like A. Zee?
thank you @HDE226868 :)
@HDE226868 Did you delete that >:(
hope so
@0celo7 I have no comment at this time.
@HDE226868 As a Canadian citizen you must answer!
@0celo7 Ah, but I'm not Canadian.
@HDE226868 You can't fool me.
You're as Canadian as frostbite!
or maple syrup
or meese!
@ACuriousMind Does the variability of the fine structure constant imply the constants it is defined in terms of are variable?
Metric is calculated
"The worst donut"
That explains everything I need to know
thank you
@NeuroFuzzy mmmmm donuts....
$ds^2 = -(\dot{f} + 1) dt^2 + ((c + f + a\sin(\theta))^2 + f_{\phi}^2 d\phi^2 + (a^2 + f_\theta^2 + 2a\cos(\theta) f_\theta) d\theta^2 + f_\phi (a\cos(\theta) + f_\theta) d\phi d\theta + (a\cos(\theta) + f_\theta) \dot f dt d\theta + \dot f f_\phi dt d\phi$
Pretty awful
Though it just reduces to the torus metric if $f = 0$
hello @TanMath!
$ds^2 = - dt^2 + (c + a\sin(\theta))^2 d\phi^2 + a^2 d\theta^2 $
f is the ugly asymmetry function
Let's check the Frobinius condition for a laugh!
@0celo7 What do you mean by "variability of the fine structure constant"?
@Ghost hello!
@TanMath how are you?
The inverse matrix is a bit too hideous
grumble grumble
Gonna have to simplify it
@ACuriousMind It runs with the energy level, no?
@0celo7 No, the fine structure constant is the value of that running coupling at zero energy scale.
Calling it "the fine structure constant" at other energy scales is misleading.
But, if you want to know which of its constituents is the one that also runs with the energy scale, it's the "elementary" charge.
Since that charge is basically just the coupling of the electron field to the gauge field, and couplings are the things that run
Did the Einstein tensor of the raw wormhole spacetime
It has $\rho = \frac{\sin(\theta)}{a (c + a \sin(\theta))}$
The energy is positive for $\theta > 0$
Which is indeed the outside of the wormhole, technically
Hm, I wonder if I can change the metric by hand by fiat
Maybe a good first thing to do would be to find out a simple CTC spacetime with this
Add some cross terms, and find out if a line of constant $\theta$ is timelike
Err constant $\phi$
Let's see
Curve with vector field $(0,1,0)$ and some $f dt d\theta$ crossterm
Hm no, that doesn't work
the $d\theta^2$ terms needs to be changed
Either that or the curve needs to be slightly askew
@ACuriousMind Good. Looks like another thing I'm right about that you know who isn't.
"you know who"?
Hm, even with the asymmetry thing no integral line of $\theta$ seems to be a CTC
Maybe I fucked up somewhere
or you need not integral lines
@Slereah there's new comments on Timaeus' answer
@0celo7 I only isometrically embedded the 4d manifold $\mathbb S^2\times\mathbb R^2$ into 6d in order to have a global coordinate system and avoid having to do a quotient, have multiple coordinate charts, and have the 3d surface naïvely/wrongly appear to have a boundary. $\mathbb S^2\times\mathbb R^2$ is a 4d manifold. And it is an answer because the first bullet point isn't a general phenomena, and so there isn't a general explanation. And I didn't even go for the trivial mistake in the post where obviously a CTC can cross zero times (because that error clearly isn't in Hawking and Ellis) — Timaeus 1 hour ago
the thing that that comment is attached to
I still don't get it.
@Slereah does it make sense to you?
Why does everyone think "phenomena" is singular :(
Well it certainly doesn't help with my question :p
@ACuriousMind Humans are a strange phenomenae.
he changed it
@ACuriousMind Do you understand the new answer?
@0celo7 No
@ACuriousMind but you edited it :(
Did you try to understand it?
Or just brushed over it?
@0celo7 Look what I did - TeX and typo fixes
@ACuriousMind That implies you read it.
And smart people read things and understand them.
@0celo7 Yes. That does not imply I understand it
@DilithiumMatrix Wiener in the house!
I'm particularly missing the actual argument why the curve should cross an odd number of times.
@0celo7 wat?
@ACuriousMind Exactly.
We have a surface embedded in the sphere and a closed curve...somehow this means an odd number of crossings?
Is that the gist of what he wrote?
@ACuriousMind Look at his profile picture.
Pornography, just like @Sofia said.
Jul 30 at 21:27, by 0celo7
I'm not even an adult.
confirmed again.
Yup, noticed that too
Literally an adult.
You ppl don't know what you're talking about
yeah right
...you doubt that I'm 18?
don't care
@ACuriousMind you're a meanie
What's the signature convention in 2+1 D
And the determinant
If I pick $(+--)$, it will be $g=1$, but if I pick $(-++)$ then $g = -1$
Both are fine as long as it is consistent I suppose?
Q: List of answers to "why can't ____ be explained by ____ instead?"

DilithiumMatrixThere are many questions which come up again and again, virtually every day, trying to propose an alternative explanation for a well-established principle. I think it would be very useful to keep a list of best-explanations for why the established principle is the established principle, for quic...

@Ghost fine..
@TanMath very well - having a good day
Trying to think of a spacetime that's topologically trivial and has a Cauchy horizon before CTC formation
And no event horizons
I think that's only Ori
Because I am wondering how that works
I'm working with only 4 components so I guess subtleties might be involved
Oh wait, the TARDIS spacetime, maybe
wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
tardis spacetime?
what's tardis?
$ds^2 = [1 - h(x,y,z,t) (\frac{2t^2}{x^2 + t^2})] (dx^2 + dt^2) + h(x,y,z,t)(\frac{4xt}{x^2 + t^2}) dx dt + dy^2 + dz^2$
@0celo7 I cannot fathom how many pop culture references you must miss in daily life :P
@ACuriousMind maybe?
is that the Dr who thing
never seen it.
Determinant is $[1 - h(x,y,z,t) (\frac{2t^2}{x^2 + t^2})]^2 - h^2(x,y,z,t)(\frac{16x^2t^2}{(x^2 + t^2})^2$
f that!
Second part is pretty negative I suppose
@ACuriousMind Ok apparently my extremal problem --> geodesic problem via Maupertuis was the right answer
And h is $\in [0,1]$
@ACuriousMind Freire told me I need to convince myself of the details.
He also said I should read
Which is... Not negative??? >:\
My reading list is stupidly long.
Now I have to check by hand
Oh wait
Minus sign from the $dt^2$
It's all good
$x$ is never timelike, though
You need a fancy curve

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