@GaloisintheField There is a mathematical formalization of the measurement schemes for QM, introduced by von Neumann, and given in a clear (for me) form by Ozawa in a paper of 1984
@yuggib I find that very irritating. I mean, physicists do a bunch of things wrong, but I think the conclusion with a short reminder of what was shown and what would be interesting things to further look into is a better ending for a paper than just proving the last theorem.
Well whenever I need to preface my argument with, we want to prove 4), to do so we will need to use arguments 1) 2) 3) and then I get to $\square$ each argument and have a quick reminder of what we want, then move onto 2) and 3) and then $\blacksquare$ bam
@0celo7 The Hamiltonian constraint means that at least the Hamiltonian cannot generate a time evolution. Furthermore, do we want an evolution in the worldsheet time or in the target space time?
@yuggib That'd then be generated by the conformal Hamiltonian $L_0 + \overline{L}_0$. But string theory restricts the physical states to those of conformal weight 1, so they all are eigenstates of the time evolution.
Yep. The actual "string time evolution" lies in the perturbative definition of the string partition function, I think.
Saying that you don't just take the overlap of the states in one possible conformal theory, but that you have to sum over all the worldsheets is what is the evolution here is, I think. It's very suspect that I cannot find any string text really talking about the time evolution of string states, not even stating there is none.