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Thanks very much
In physics, light is $A_\mu$. Okay, it's a bit more than that, but once you have $A_\mu$, you inevitably have light — Jim 13 mins ago
@Jim: Only if the U(1) it belongs to is the electromagnetic U(1) :P
@ACuriousMind Where $U$ is the enveloping algebra?
Oh no the unitary group :(
@GaloisintheField No, U(1) is the circle group.
@GaloisintheField There is a mathematical formalization of the measurement schemes for QM, introduced by von Neumann, and given in a clear (for me) form by Ozawa in a paper of 1984
@yuggib I'll check it out tomorrow, thanks
@yuggib You managed to obtain it?
I recall you were upset because it wasn't easy.
Does $\epsilon_{jkl}\epsilon_{jnm} = \delta_{kn}\delta_{lm} - \delta_{km}\delta_{ln}$ use einstein notation on the right(or left or both)
@GaloisintheField Yes, sum over $j$ is implied.
@ACuriousMind yes
On the right both for k and m aswell?
in the end I bought it
just to discover that the university of Stuttgart where I am now has the subscription to the journal
@GaloisintheField No.
@GaloisintheField No, only repeated indices (in the sense that they are repeated in terms multiplied by each other) are summed.
(contrarily ot any other university I have been to)
You only sum if it's repeated in the same term.
but since it is a nice paper, that's ok
OH, well that helps a heap
Thanks @ACuriousMind
@GaloisintheField Of course you need to know some things about von Neumann algebras to understand it...
but probably maths is not your problem ;-)
I would like to see ACM in the hexagon with Weinberg.
@yuggib Haha sure, I'll try to understand it out of general curiosity, I'll get it in finite time
Oh hey, we have a chat session coming up
2.5 hours I believe?
@DavidZ Correct.
That's physics lab time.
someone has access to the historic of this (obscure) journal:
Mat.-Fys. Medd. Danske Vid. Selsk.
@DavidZ What does this chat session involve?
@yuggib wtf
@GaloisintheField chatting
about physics
chatting about GDP
not very different from now...
@yuggib and sessioning
Like everyone can chat freely?
or rather, the lack thereof
more people attending
@ACuriousMind yes...
@GaloisintheField no if you break rules we break you
@GaloisintheField It's really just a time where more/different people than usual are here to chat.
@0celo7 Okay I'll make sure not to break the rules, I like being non-broken
where a very cited, and supposedly interesting, paper of Irving Segal has been published
and it is impossible to find
>implying you need anyone more than me
@yuggib How did it become so very cited then? :P
What percentage of the people citing it has read it?
@ACuriousMind that is a mystery
and it was cited in the 70s and 80s...
it is a 59 paper
You sure it even exists? :D
well....never saw it
i read its second part
and refers to the first one
@GaloisintheField it's just a time when a bunch of people try to get together here to discuss whatever happens to be relevant... if anything
surely it is not an existence theorem
This time we have a couple meta discussions we could talk about
Sometimes there is no particular topic
wait...interpreting I may have found the historic
maybe they have scanned pdfs...
I assume the author is dead
and he was a great mathematician/((physicist))
did he increase GDP
Segal was both a great mathematician and an action movie hero!
what does this paper show?
@0celo7 Y'know, that's what the abstract is for :P
Don't you know the order of reading a paper @0celo7
First the abstract
@ACuriousMind doing stuff
abstract is tl;dr
Then section two, to read the lagrangian/metric
Then the conclusion
Then back to section two to read the paper
papers in math rarely have a conclusion
often the last page before bibliography ends with the symbol meaning the end of a proof
I doubt most of them have a lagrangian, either
then they're useless
as it should be :D
what is the Lagrangian of the universe
But as a rule, you can pretty much always skip the first section
Unless you are looking for bibliography
$+ \frac{\kappa}{2} R$
$+ \Lambda$ also, I guess
explain those terms
@ACuriousMind is string theory linear
First term is the kinetic term of the gluon field
@Slereah in less than 50 words
Second term is the self interaction of the gluon field due to the non-Abelian gauge
There are more than 50 terms
Gonna be hard
you have only ~25 words of explanation left
well which idiot decided to expand everything
It was on some professor's website
For a laugh
actually not everything is even expanded
the Einstein summation is still there
yeah you could expand it further
he didn't even split left and right fermions
or flavors
@yuggib I find that very irritating. I mean, physicists do a bunch of things wrong, but I think the conclusion with a short reminder of what was shown and what would be interesting things to further look into is a better ending for a paper than just proving the last theorem.
@0celo7 Define "linear".
To the (mostly) matehmaticians: which QED symbol do you prefer?
@ACuriousMind ask @yuggib
@ACuriousMind Yes, maybe. But the main theorem is often stated in the introduction, and the end is just to provide the tedious details
@yuggib huh?
@0celo7 @ACuriousMind I said that as a quantum theory, ST should have a linear evolution operator
@yuggib $\square$
My favorite is $\dashv$
I thought you meant quantum electrodynamics :P
was about to put $A_\mu$
that has recently surpassed $\blacksquare$
FWIW, I agree with Bajoran
@yuggib Uses too much ink ;)
@ACuriousMind Yes, but $\square$ goes so easily unseen
@yuggib I prefer for proving lemmas $\square$ and for finishing the entire proof $\blacksquare$
and $\dashv$ is so logic-style
@GaloisintheField wow...never made a distinction
and had some nested instances too within proofs
What's the one with three dots
that is to sum up what there was above
not to end a proof I think
Well whenever I need to preface my argument with, we want to prove 4), to do so we will need to use arguments 1) 2) 3) and then I get to $\square$ each argument and have a quick reminder of what we want, then move onto 2) and 3) and then $\blacksquare$ bam
@yuggib I am not sure the string theory has a "time evolution" in the usual sense.
@ACuriousMind explain
@Slereah therefore = $\therefore$ = $\therefore$ :P
@GaloisintheField exactly
@0celo7 The Hamiltonian constraint means that at least the Hamiltonian cannot generate a time evolution. Furthermore, do we want an evolution in the worldsheet time or in the target space time?
What could cause my internet speed to be good but for my browser to time out
@0celo7 Changes in internet state(i.e. if you are using internet from a phone plugged into the pc)
@ACuriousMind in the worldsheet
@GaloisintheField on wifi, 130Mbps but things are taking minutes to load
Windows works fine
something is wrong with OSX
@0celo7 No idea sorry, I just had the problem heaps with my phone internet
It was phone internet, from phone to the wifi though, so if you have a dongle for wifi or something could be that
@ACuriousMind well you're the one who read a whole book on constrained hamiltonian systems
so you tell me how we get time evolution
@yuggib That'd then be generated by the conformal Hamiltonian $L_0 + \overline{L}_0$. But string theory restricts the physical states to those of conformal weight 1, so they all are eigenstates of the time evolution.
@ACuriousMind Nevertheless, it is a linear evolution
the basic principle of quantum theories are mantained
fml I've forgotten everything about string theory
@ACuriousMind I'm not trying to learn everything
and it was just a silly joke with @0celo7... ;-)
I need to remember something
Yep. The actual "string time evolution" lies in the perturbative definition of the string partition function, I think.
Saying that you don't just take the overlap of the states in one possible conformal theory, but that you have to sum over all the worldsheets is what is the evolution here is, I think. It's very suspect that I cannot find any string text really talking about the time evolution of string states, not even stating there is none.
@ACuriousMind :-D
well...string theory is so keen to metaphysics that time evolution becomes subjective
I think Gödel's ontological proof is less metaphysical than string theory
You're lucky no string theorists frequent this chat
I know
but I never said I do not like metaphysics
I like meatphysics.
Not so sure about metaphysics, though.
@ACuriousMind so you've decided not to do string theory?
@0celo7 I am not currently a string theorist. That's all I'm saying.
I do not know how many string theorists are hired nowadays...
not many I presume
@yuggib Godel's ontological proof is basic logic
The axioms are the questionable part
ok, wth is this ontological proof
why is everyone going crazy about it
MATLAB is going to take an hour to download...
Gödel was trying to formulate a logical proof of god's existence
for me, more than the axioms is what is called "God"
and, ok the fifth axiom is not so convincing
what are the axioms
> Axiom 5: Necessary existence is a positive property
wtf does that even mean
that is the point XD
God is the collection of all positive properties
god killed millions of people
not positive in my book
you are just giving you own definition of god
that is not the one of Gödel / Leibniz
feel free to do that
what is a positive property
and also, the proof of Gödel has an error (that can be corrected)
and in that form yields that there are no contingent truths
but also that could be avoided
and is founded on the axiom s5 of modal logic
stop saying words that have no meaning to me
and also this axiom is disputable
@yuggib I was just kidding about that of course :)
@Danu :)
I sometimes feel the same however...
but then I remember my origins
and my degree
IIRC Tipler was way into Jesus as well
> Axiom 4: If a property is positive, then it is necessarily positive
::scratches head::
@0celo7 : This one isn't very hard
You have a set of axioms that differ from the original...
@yuggib Wiki
it's similar to $\vdash \phi \rightarrow \forall x. \phi$
@0celo7 original manuscript (in its translated form)
@yuggib I'm looking at Wiki
can someone explain
> Axiom 5: Necessary existence is a positive property
It means that if something is true, then it is necessary that it is true
@Slereah well no shit
It's part of the whole modal logic set of axioms
It's not very useful for meanings
it actually means that positivity, implies necessary positivity
But it is useful for proofs
i.e. that there are no contingent positive objects
if god has all positive qualities and existence is a positive quality
my brain
Eh don't bother
It's not all that interesting
the one that @Slereah is saying follows from the context of the proof indirectly
It's a very old proof
Like at least goes back to medieval times
When people mostly used logic for that
and means that no truth is contingent
but that could be modified
just add that to the list of stuff I'm ignorant about
not that it was ever in the list of stuff I'm not ignorant about
necessary existence is positive
not existence
there is difference between existence (the common one)
and the necessary existence of the proof that involves essences
@0celo7 : Look up modal logic first, maybe
Basically modal logic is about like
Probabilities, sort of
It has a symbol for necessity, similar to $\forall$
the idea is that apart from the usual logic quantifiers
why is the installer using 1% of CPU
use ALL and get this over with
you have also a symbol $N$ for necessity
$\square \phi$ means that $\phi$ is necessarily true
and one $M$ for possibility
they obey some rules
of which the most bizarre (for me) is S5
this makes zero sense
$\square \neg \phi$ means it is necessary that $\phi$ is false
wtf is "necessary"
What is the meaning of the rhombus? commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rhombus_1.svg
$\neg \square \neg \phi$ means that it is not necessary that phi is false, ie, it is possible
@0celo7 The CPU is not the bottleneck for installers. It's just copying (and possibly decompressing) files.
@0celo7 : It varies, it is used in several contexts
For instance it can be statistics
Something with a probability of 1 is necessary
the rhombus is a muon going in a dirac belt loop
@ACuriousMind the disk is only being used 2%
whatever that means
@Slereah what about $\square\neg\square\neg\phi$
It is necessary that $\phi$ is possible :p
it means that it is necessary that $\phi$ is possible
stereophonic answer :D
what about $\lim_{n\to\infty}(\square\neg)^n\phi$
No limits :p
I have a nice book on modal logic if you want, though
@Slereah why
set $n=100$ then
what does that mean?
that you want to complicate your life
"Modal Logic" by Brian Chellas
@0celo7 Logic deals with a limited alphabet. $\lim$ is just not an allowed symbol.
make a 6th axiom then
and under axiom s5 of modal logic, it actually means only $\lnot\square\lnot\phi$
There are totally theorems with double necessities, though
$\lim_{n\to\infty}(\square\neg)^n\phi$ means $\phi$ is stupid
Like $\diamond A \rightarrow \square \diamond A$
@yuggib what is S5
that is not a theorem, it is axiom s5
never said it's a theorem
Well axioms are theorems :p
the one @Slereah just wrote
not in the system without the axiom :P
well, just another thing I'm bad at
not necessarily
I'm quickly running out of maths that I'm not bad at
S5 implies that if you have a chain of those symbols, you only take the one closest to the statement
makes everything easy, but the semantical meaning is disputable
what is $\rightarrow$
Well as said, you can assign several semantic meanings to modal logic
logic inference (in this case)
@0celo7 : basic logical implication
not usual symbol used however
what is $\implies$ then
$A \rightarrow B$, if A is true then B is true
and $\diamond$
$\diamond$ is possibility, $\neg \square \neg$
what is $\square$ again?
Similar to how $\exists$ is $\neg \forall \neg$
$\square$ is necessity
@Slereah explain
lol, @Danu abusing mod powers to fix @Slereah's TeX
and $\cdot\lor\cdot$ is $\lnot (\lnot \cdot \land \lnot\cdot)$
@0celo7 : Well, $\forall x. \phi$ means that for all elements x, then $\phi$ is true
seriously, this stuff is messed up
$\forall x. \neg \phi$ means that for all elements x, then $\phi$ is false
$\neg \forall x. \neg \phi$ means that it is not true that for all elements x, then $\phi$ is false
this means that for one x, it could be true
Or several x
or all x
Basically it means that there exists at least one x such that $\phi$ is true
how do you know

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