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@dmckee Luckily!
I hope he wasn't a platonist
@Rigor so...what do you do, anyway
@Rigor University students, if that's what you mean
what is your expertise in
next question
@Rigor Got something to hide? :P
Same answer pal
A football?
Where do you hide it?
@FenderLesPaul yep, UCSD. And while I'm pessimistic about schooling/class schedules (I could do much more on my own time with some supervision, and we could definitely do more advanced work) it's great to be at a place with awesome professors. (John McGreevy, Daniel Kane [google 'im!], and a few others that I really like)
@NeuroFuzzy oh I was just asking because a really close friend of mine was a grad student there
and yeah I know McGreevy
@FenderLesPaul oh cool how long ago? What's your impression of mcgreevy?
he comes up in my research area a lot
oh as in I know who he is
don't know him personally
Oh. Yeah I had my first (real) quantum class from him.
he popped your quantum cherry, how sweet
@0celo7 now THATS uncomfortable.
in Mathematics, 31 mins ago, by Vogel612
Q: Chat flagging is out of control

ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſIn room 10 of Stack Overflow we have had a troll (or multiple trolls) for the past few weeks casting random flags and generally being disruptive. Today for example I woke up to this. For us or room owners there's no way to handle this kind of disruptive behaviour, and moderators cannot help e...

@NeuroFuzzy he's one of the people I want to work with in grad school
because his work on entanglement dynamics in AdS/CFT is what I do now and it's something I love a lot
apropos the previous conversation, I just got an email saying that all grad students are now required to take training in how to not sexually assault undergrads
holy shit not even Princeton is safe
where can one escape from SJWs
what does this have to do with SJWs?
@ChrisWhite I always wonder if not getting those emails suggests I'm too ugly to be interesting to the undergrads.
sexual harassment and assault are real problems in college
training is absolutely ridiculous
no it isn't
@FenderLesPaul huh! whenever I talk to this one grad student of his, she almost always mentions "ads/cft" somewhere in there
@ChrisWhite Wow, that's really bad
of course it is, you're not going to not rape because you had to sit in a seminar for an hour
that's not the point
it's to raise awareness of the issue
then it would be an awareness seminar
it's apparently teaching @ChrisWhite how not to rape
Why would grad students be more liable to sexually assault undergrads? I'd suspect that the undergrads are wilder...
@FenderLesPaul The training delivered often is ridiculous. Having it is a good idea, but it could (should!) be a lot better.
@Danu positions of power I would say
@FenderLesPaul Power to be... more busy and depressed?
@dmckee that's quite possibly true
@Danu Grad students here have a reputation for creeping on undergrads. I actually don't know any grad students who even talk to undergrads, but that's what they believe.
idk this is just a really sensitive issue for me because I have a handful of female friends who have been sexually harassed/assaulted by TAs or coworkers
so I tend to get pretty defensive of these seminars
because some guys are legitimately that fucked up
@ChrisWhite Yikes... :P
@Danu It that when there is a TA/student relationship any dating or intimate conduct poses a moral quandry and represents a legal risk.
@ChrisWhite They have a reputation for that? oO
One friend of mine TA'd a class last semester and was harrassed by one of his students...
@dmckee I hate how this legal risk thing even plays a role here
@ACuriousMind for creeping, not for rape!
@ChrisWhite Even then :P
@Danu You and me both.
^^ I can't believe I just said that. This chat room...
you started it
@ChrisWhite Still, what kind of terrible human beings does this school select to get a reputation for that?
@ChrisWhite ghehehe
@ACuriousMind :P
@ACuriousMind The smart ones
@ACuriousMind smart ones
(jk jk jk jk don't kill me)
@0celo7 hahaha
@ACuriousMind physicists
@ACuriousMind Ones who are so focused on school and work that they don't get real social opportunities and start to mistake class for one?
I mean if Schrodinger is any indication...
Witten looks like a creep tbh
@0celo7 omg I so agree
glad I'm not the only one who thinks that
it's really just his eyes
@0celo7 Whaaat
they're like fucking dots they creep me out
Naw main.... Listen to some of his interviews
He sounds so nice
If they'd get out of the lab once in a while they'd behave more normally. But then they wouldn't be grad students.
Cute as a button :3
His voice is adorable
that has to be a shoop
@dmckee Glad I'm not an experimentalist :D
@0celo7 lmao
who'd do that
Edward Witten (/ˈwɪtən/; born August 26, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist and professor of mathematical physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Witten is a researcher in string theory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field theories, and other areas of mathematical physics. In addition to his contributions to physics, Witten's work has significantly impacted pure mathematics. In 1990 he became the first and so far the only physicist to be awarded a Fields Medal by the International Mathematical Union. In 2004, Time magazine stated that Witten is widely...
@dmckee it also has the total opposite effect sometimes :p
link to the section with the pic
that does not look like a real picture
you get so distant from social interactions that you have no idea if a girl likes you or not and just shy away from everything
@DavidZ needs to weigh in: who creeps on Princeton undergrads more, grad students or faculty?
better than sexual assault though
It seems I've chosen the worst possible time to join this chat room.
@ACuriousMind what would you like to talk about
@ACuriousMind I take it back
witten has pretty eyes in that wiki page
they scream "I'm a genius and you know it"
@ACuriousMind ...or the best.
creep mode engaged
@Danu I like the way you think
I bet Dirac was a creep
No one is that obsessed with beauty in physics
if they aren't a creep
Walter Lewin started this.
Walter Lewin looks like a skinny Ed Witten
I rest my case.
witten is skinny, no?
not in that wiki picture though
Not fat, but broad
you people need to see some real fat people
Witten's like "do you even lift bro?"
I feel like he's more frail than that picture.
Maybe because he's vegetarian.
Anyone checked his wiki page?
@ChrisWhite go fite him
I like his shirt
quick someone photoshop a beanie on his head
::finishes homework::
This chat needs more beanie love
beanies are for homeless people
Walter Hendrik Gustav Lewin (born January 29, 1936) is a Dutch astrophysicist and former professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lewin earned his doctorate in nuclear physics in 1965 at the Delft University of Technology and was a member of MIT's physics faculty for 43 years beginning in 1966 until his retirement in 2009. Lewin's contributions in astrophysics include the discovery of the first slowly rotating neutron star through all-sky balloon surveys and research in X-ray detection in investigations through satellites and observatories. Lewin has received awards for...
god damn I forgot to eat dinner
it's gonna be a 12AM subway day again
subway is love
@0celo7 12 AM?
subway is life
Why would homeless people wear that?
@Danu yes, thank you
@ACuriousMind your ignorance of American...everything is priceless :D
Is 12 AM midnight or midday?
I have everything in 24 hours
I'm not good with AM/PM
that's the most german thing I do anymore
I just had something from Subway because nothing else was open on my route home
oh I have a dash on my 7
I had to get rid of the thing on my 1 because it looks like an American 7
@Rigor His lectures are awesome. We watched the static electricity one in my Physics 1 class two years ago.
@Danu One can't see the propellor :(
@ChrisWhite tape that to his office door
and I'm playing a 5 minute chess game at the same damn time! DONT YOU COMPLAIN @ACM
@ACM doesn't actually ping anyone :D
it should
can we script something for that
@0celo7 homework for you :P
uh give me a few years to learn some coding
He is a sicko
@Danu LOL
...I lost that game :(
dude if that doesn't make Ed Witten creepy idk what will
imagine him showing up to accept the Fields Medal
with a fucking propeller hat
@ACuriousMind shaddap
@0celo7 I expect a solution in two weeks max.
Hah, I just mated someone with a mate-in-1 that was there for 6 moves but we both missed it all that time :D
...you mated with someone?
@ACuriousMind She's coming tomorrow morning :D
and yes, double entendre implied.
@obe my hair grew back!
The Reproductive Processes of Physicists certainly makes for an interesting book title.
@Danu That's a bit of a delay :P
@ACuriousMind It'll be worth it
What do you call the doohickey that looks like a tablet that you can use for drawing and connects with a thingamajig to a computer? A drawing tablet or a drawing pad?
@HDE226868 Just a tablet I think, is what the animators call it
@HDE226868 I call it superfluous :P
(Source: Previous girlfriend was an animator)
@ACuriousMind lol
@ACuriousMind Looks about right, given some of the prices I'm seeing.
An actual wax tablet might be more within my price range.
With a wooden stylus.
@FenderLesPaul Cool change your profile.
It's weird how you said this suddenly.
oh I was just reminded of it because of the beanie comment from above
I miss KyleKanos
Yeah... he's probably busy moving
Time to call it a night. Bye guys!
@ACuriousMind I thought you take notes on a tablet
@HDE226868 All the cool kids use clay. With proper treatment you have long term storage potential not present in wax.
@ACuriousMind whaaa
why so harsh
@ACuriousMind is Planetscape good?
@Danu night broski
@HDE226868 I got one, BTW. To prepare sketches for my slides. Wacom's $190 one.
Still learning to use it, but I like it.
@dmckee Can we see a sample?
Don't know. How do I post images to chat?
@dmckee Yeah, I've heard that Wacom's tablets are good.

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