A completely random and unrelated question (since the majority of the live ones are mathematicians): do you think that the continuum hypothesis is true?
It seems entirely absurd to me that there could be something between the integers and the reals. But then again, it also seems entirely absurd to me that we can't prove or disprove that.
@ACuriousMind You can take one sphere, rearrange the points, and obtain two spheres identical to the original one...absurdity is common where there is the axiom of choice
@Danu Our statements can't be independent, because we are forming them with math, which depends on it. I don't think reality is "independent" in the sense that you should be able to describe it with any axiom system, but I certainly think that "reality" does not do math.
In mathematics, there are several ways of defining the real number system as an ordered field. The synthetic approach gives a list of axioms for the real numbers as a complete ordered field. Under the usual axioms of set theory, one can show that these axioms are categorical, in the sense that there is a model for the axioms, and any two such models are isomorphic. Any one of these models must be explicitly constructed, and most of these models are built using the basic properties of the rational number system as an ordered field.
== Synthetic approach ==
The synthetic approach axiomatica...
@ACuriousMind Given a language, a model is roughly speaking a universe of objects such that it is possible to give meaning to each symbol in the universe, in a way that respects the rules of the language
and that seems a quite reasonable way of defining the link between a logic theory and what we observe
"∃ Weird examples: (1) (Friedman, Donaldson): {($\mathbb{R}^4$, identity)} is a differentiable manifold. But there is another differentiable structure on $\mathbb{R}^4$ which is NOT diffeomorphic to the usual one."
@StanShunpike Oh, well including programming or other work.
i just usually get really annoyed/stressed if i spend all day playing video games or something, so I think it's better for my health if I cut that out.