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they're to busy in their asian child labour sweat shops to answer your call
@skillpatrol lol
@ACuriousMind really? It seems to be about building a device, which I would think puts it in the realm of (what we call) engineering. Of course it's also off topic for a few other reasons too.
@Danu money first
@DavidZ if someone asked how to build the LHC, would that be engineering?
Engineering = Applied Science.
@0celo7 Are you DanielSank? :P
I think the PSE description says engineering != science
@0celo7 we make an exception for established physics experiments
@DavidZ I'd just chosen one of the other reasons. You're right, technically it asks "What are the problems in building this?" so it's engineering, but, well, the problems are not with the specific proposed device here.
@Danu I am curious if whatever I end up working on will be considered science
@0celo7 You particularly? I think we all know the answer to that one!
@Danu He can't be DanielSank, he's too easily trolled by you ;)
@ACuriousMind I let myself be trolled
@ACuriousMind :)
@ACuriousMind well, but if the problems are not with the specific proposed device, but rather the fact that it's asking about how to build a device at all, I would think that supports the engineering idea
@Danu see, I'm probably being trolled right now
Being a victim is a choice! (pliz no take serious pliz)
@Danu in some cases
@DavidZ I'd have said the main problem is that "supposing we can inverrt gravity" doesn't make sense in the first place.
like people complaining about "aggressive towing practices"
makes me laugh every time
@ACuriousMind @DavidZ I think this conversation is pointless, lol
suppose $0=1$ ...
@Danu I agree that the point, if existent, is rather elusive, yes
@ACuriousMind hah
@Danu Nevertheless, physicists are known to search for elusive things ;)
@ACuriousMind You ain't no physicist yet!
@ACuriousMind I really like your choice of words :-)
Q: would it be possible to build a team to work on a quantum gravity theory?

user87299I'm looking to collaborate with a group of people on a quantum gravity theory I have. I have been reading the questions and answers on this site and there are a couple of user that I'm interested in making contact with "John Rennie" and "qmechanic" I was wondering if it would be possible to have ...

@Danu I do have a BSc in Physics, unlike you liberal arts peasant :P
@QMechanic @JohnRennie quick, solve the biggest open problem in physics with this guy! This is your chance!
@Danu lel
@ACuriousMind I do have the same degree as you.
Joke's on you!
Qmechanic already knows it
@ACuriousMind well, yeah, that too. So if it wasn't closed as engineering, non-mainstream would have been next up.
he is just a secretive bastard
@Danu haha :-P I think I can safely go ahead and delete that one...?
@0celo7 banned4life
@DavidZ Yush!
@ACuriousMind I'll be switching IPs in a week
they can't hold me down for long
You'll be easily identified
@ACuriousMind FWIW I agree. I think "device" is used as a placeholder -- a shorthand way of concretizing an abstract thought experiment.
@Danu: "Define valuable"...really? :D
@Danu no
@0celo7 We'll recognize your vidya-playing, cat-loving, inept-trolling persona anywhere ;)
@ACuriousMind I won't have time to play vidya in college, I won't have a cat anymore (oh god it hurts), not sure about the third one
@0celo7 No, pure math is not science :P
@ChrisWhite not sure what this means
@ACuriousMind this has value that can't be defined
@0celo7 He means no way you're gonna be an engineer when you're grown up :P
@ACuriousMind define engineer
are the people working on nuclear fusion at the national labs engineers?
11 mins ago, by skill patrol
Engineering = Applied Science.
@ACuriousMind I'm gonna be a bum, I know
@0celo7 Person using scientific knowledge to build devices, I guess
@0celo7 Are they building the tokamak to spec, or are they figuring out how the plasma behaves?
Americans: is Chick-Fil-A really that good? I've always thought it was a bit expensive...
I want to build a team to solve quantum gravity!
Physics warrior
Physics mae
Physics cleric
Physics rogue
Physics ranger
@ChrisWhite I dunno the specifics.
@Slereah mage?
@DavidZ no mae
@0celo7 I've always thought all fast food was more expensive than everyone thinks it is. But where else do you get decent chicken sandwiches?
mage yes
@Slereah Which god do these serve?
The physics warrior is the computational physicist
Also, lol @ stars
He uses brute force to solve problems
The physics mage is a theoretical physicist
The physics cleric is an epistemologist
Grad student protip: bulk rice and peanut butter are some of the cheapest ways to survive.
Not sure
@Slereah you can edit, y'know
I guess the rogue will just plagiarize papers
@ChrisWhite one of the perks of being an "engineer" is that you don't pay for grad school
@Slereah I'm always playing mages, and like theoretical physics. Coincidence?
@ACuriousMind you play mage in Skyrim?
teach me your ways
I just can't do it!
@0celo7 I'm also "paid" to go to grad school. But it's less than minimum wage, and I couldn't afford to eat fast food every day on it.
@DavidZ We told him. He's rebellious against modern chat technology
In Elder Scrolls game I try to play everything
Since you can level up everything
But magic is pretty hard
@ChrisWhite I'd get paid more than that.
@0celo7 Oh, the listing of classes there made me think of PnP, not computer games :D
Oblivion is so hard...I can't figure out how to level my shit
And archery is so shit
Oblivion isn't overly hard, but the enemy leveling is annoying
the first oblivion gate was an hour of rage
@0celo7 Can't you use something other than shit as variable? I always get weird images/idea from that.
You know what's fun tho
Shivering Isle
@ACuriousMind stuff
A metasyntaxic variable
@ACuriousMind That must be an American teenager thing then. shit = stuff in my mind
@0celo7 I really imagined you training a piece of shit to level it up.
@Slereah I have the quest marker for that in the lake
@ACuriousMind you Germans
I might have problems.
der scheisse
@vzn With DLCs and mods available for many PC games, the base game is the version without all those.
@KyleKanos also no patches
I'm not convinced on that aspect
@Slereah what does the physics ranger do
@Slereah die, not der
Not sure
v1.1 of Oblivion is what is on Steam, so it's the base version for a good number of people
He lets his animal friends do the physics???
He build physics traps
^was just about to say that
@ACuriousMind You don't have to wish death on people for getting the wrong article.
...okay, I laughed
@Slereah he's an engineer then, not a physicist
(I understand the German)
@0celo7 It's a classic Simpsons scene!
@ACuriousMind never watched it (the show)
>never watched the simpsons
So how is life on Mars
and he claimed to be American...
I've never watched Family Guy either
name some other popular shows
Did you watch Back to the Future or Ghostbusters
No, No
Apparently @0celo7 is an entirely hypothetical man
Wat you've never watched Simpsons???
@0celo7 was raised on a cult compound
He spent his youth doing farm work and reading the bible
@Slereah No, no.
@0celo7 You have no idea how many references have simply passed by you, then.
He's also failing this Turing test.
@ChrisWhite lol
@ACuriousMind Probably.
I'm pretty sure more people have seen the Simpsons than have read the bible, really
I've never seen any Arnold movies. I've never seen Lost.
while(1){if(rand())print("no"); else print("yes");}
Have you ever seen a television
I prefer the prequels.
The devil's box
@Slereah Yes. I watch TV.
what do you watch
I suppose that if you are 17
I won't say. The bullying will only intensify.
2 days ago, by 0celo7
@Danu I don't have HBO Go either.
Maybe the Simspons were already shit when you were of age
when were the Simpsons last good?
@0celo7 We do know you watch Grey's anatomy, I think.
Season 13 was still okay
So 13 years ago
He was 4
I wasn't allowed to watch them when I was a kid, and I'm not going to get into them now.
@ACuriousMind I do.
Is it because Bart disrespected his father
People were shocked by the Simpsons in the 80's
No it's because the show is "disgusting and socially unacceptable".
It was kind of weird
Have you seen Buffy or Firefly?
@0celo7 k
No, no.
That's what your parents said of it?
@KyleKanos One of them. The other refused to even consider a show with stupid yellow people.
Did you watch Lamb Chop's Sing Along
It is a Wholesome Show
@Slereah wtf no
I have no idea what that is.
I know Lamb Chop b/c of my younger brother & sister
How the heck do people have the time to watch all these shows and movies, play video games, go to school, and do whatever else?
@Slereah what the hell
Hi guys
quick question
Well what do you do when you are home from school
@Slereah Skyrim
I made a tag [solar-cells] for this one
Q: What is the electron barrier tunneling mass, and why it is necessary? What is the ebarrier tunneling mass of AlGaAs?

girija sahooI am doing solar cell simulations in synopsys software. I am getting a persistent error saying ebarrier tunneling mass has not been defined. Is anyone familiar with this error? What is this tunneling mass and why is it necessary? What is its value for AlGaAs, and how do I input it into the ...

Skyrim isn't v. long
and then I discovered [photovoltaics]
should they be synonyms?
Even if you do it fully that's a few weeks at best
I have 500 hours
@EmilioPisanty imo, yes
@EmilioPisanty probably
Still feels useful to have [solar-cells] - much more discoverable by new users
You can play Skyrim as long as you want, but at some point you only do radiant quests
@EmilioPisanty There was an interesting discussion on Engineering about something similar:
Which are awful
Q: Clean up solar tags

AirI noticed a recent question (How can I connect mismatched solar panels in parallel?) with three tags relating to solar power/photovoltaics. Each of these is an existing tag: solar-panel has 6 questions solar has 4 questions photovoltaic-cells has 5 questions (4 of which are shared with solar-pa...

@EmilioPisanty synonymized tags still show up in the tag suggestions while typing I think?
@Slereah make a new character
@ChrisWhite Correct
All characters are basically the same
@ChrisWhite yeah.
So you can get skills to lvl 100 even faster.
Race, gender and initial build barely matters
@Slereah I ran out of scripted quests at ~450 hours
I love Skyrim because of grinding.
It's not like you're playing Vampire Masquerade
@ChrisWhite Ok that's just ridiculous
Name some other shows!
OK, I can't propose the synonym officially but I put it here
A: Tag synonyms for voting

Emilio Pisantysolar-cells → photovoltaics

what is community wiki for
@0celo7 Do you watch Sci-Fi or Fantasy at all? If not, that severely limits the shows I can name
@ACuriousMind Probably not.
@ACuriousMind What's really scary is that you have like twice as many games in your Steam thing than I own in total.
So how on Earth did you manage to do all of this?
I'm not considering someone having a social life here. I'm wondering purely logistically, how on Earth is there enough time?
@0celo7: Maybe he doesn't spend 500h in Skyrim. :P
@0celo7 I've been playing all these for...three years now, I think. In the holidays, I sometimes spend entire days playing, but even when I've other stuff to do, I usually play between 2 and 4 hours a days, I think. (Yes, I don't sleep very much during the week :D )
Most games are not very long
Especially modern day games
Modern day games are usually 1 to 3 days to complete
@Huy I think the averages across the games is something like 15-30 hours, yes
@Huy He has that much in Skyrim + PoE
I have almost 600 hours playing XCOM :D
The game I spent the most time on was probably Minecraft
Not sure how long I clocked in
I think Skyrim has finally surpassed Pokemon Ruby.
I played it for hours for several months when I was unemployed
I have no clue how I managed 500h in that game tbh.
Currently I mostly play Neo Scavenger
Hobo simulator
If you take all of Pokemon together...that's a crazy amount of time.
lots of hours in a day
Especially when you're still in school
hobo sim is a real thing
Well technically it's a post-apocalyptic simulator
But it is very close to a hobo simulation
technically you're a hobo in Skyrim until you buy a house
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

Yeah, but in Skyrim, you don't have to eat or sleep or keep warm
@0celo7: The obvious answer why we have this time is that we physicists have secretly invented a real-world variant of the time-turner.
(If you don't know what a time-turner is, I give up)
@Danu Aw, it got deleted. There goes my chance of fame :-)
@ACuriousMind give up
huh, I did read all of those books
@0celo7 No Harry Potter, really?
that was too long ago to rememeber one little thing
I remember it now
That item was the whole plot of Book 3
@0celo7 Get 'im, boys!
I just had to get the series right
Well it's curious that you could forget in the first place
There is now a series of mass edits correcting the spelling of "Van de Graaff".
@ACuriousMind You don't even wanna know how much time I have on CoD: MW2 hahaha
@HDE226868 lol, oh Dutchies
@Danu this
oh lord
@Danu But...there's so much other things to play!
@ACuriousMind I have around 1,000 in MW2 :'(
@ACuriousMind I like competitive games :P
holy fuck
873 hours in BF3
@0celo7 And you're asking how I find the time? I think 1000 hours is about 30 or 40 of my lesser-played games
that was a good game
let's check my steam games to see my most played one!
@ACuriousMind I completely forgot about MW2
dear god that was a good game
How can you forget about a game you spent 1000 hours of your life on?
quite easily apparently
Hm, can't access steam
MW2 was back in the Germany days
@Slereah works fine for me
yeah dunno why
Maybe work blocks it?
ah, seems to work now
@ACuriousMind How can you be so bold about it when Ghosts exists ?
@ACuriousMind why bold
apparently my record (on steam) is indeed Skyrim
348 hours
@Gaurav I don't follow
@0celo7 Because this is a really important question to me :D
@ACuriousMind I also forgot about GTA4, but there's no way to estimate that
Xbox does not record play time AFAIK
@HDE226868: You really want to tell me that Worldbuilding should not be supervillain.SE?
Second most played game is technically Baldur's Gate
That's because I left the window open for 3 days
I think my Skyrim play time has that issue as well
@ACuriousMind Oh, I forgot that most people don't know about the topic challenge:
Q: Fortnightly Topic Challenge #13: Weapon-Design

JamesNow begins our thirteenth topic challenge! Topic: weapon-design Dates: 3 Aug - 17 Aug Proposed by: Because I, for one, just loooove ka-boom-boom. After all, who doesn't? Remember to use this tag if you're asking a question as part of the challenge. In two weeks, we'll announce the sta...

because the Xbox boot times are multiple minutes, I saw no reason to close it when I went to do homework or eat
@ACuriousMind well it's really belligerent and scary
My weapon design is the nuclear dagger
@ACuriousMind Well, I think if you've played Ghosts, MW2 is almost forgettable.
It is for discreet assassinations of powerful foes
@Gaurav Ah, played neither.
@0celo7 It'd scare me far more if I forgot 1000 hours of my life like that.
I'm beginning to like boldface :D
@ACuriousMind If you think that's scary
@ACuriousMind ::hides::
Try to remember what useful things you learned in school
Dude that game was so much fun
I would not be surprised to find out that I've put 1k hours into Final Fantasy 7 or Counter Strike: Source
What do you remember from high school lit classes
Get a bunch of guys together and play some CoD
@Slereah I remember Gail had a really strange looking gut
@Slereah I remember many things from school. Few of them are "useful".
that was a bit much
lol, I saw that
I missed it
By like 0.5 seconds
@ACuriousMind I apologize
@0celo7 I'm not offended, lowly pre-engineer.
@ACuriousMind no emoticon = serious
or is this a tolling
this chat is horrible
@0celo7 :|
we should change topics
the sad thing about being a pre-engineer is that all you can hope for the future is to be an engineer
@0celo7 Yes, the bells are tolling :D
ugh I have to write a paper on that shit ass book
ass books are the best books
@Slereah ...
what book it is
@0celo7 A...paper? Summarizing it, interpreting it, or somethign else?
I get the impression from this chat that I'm doomed to banging gears together and drooling
@ACuriousMind "emotional response"
mfw I thought my cat was a pair of pants
@Slereah You are impossible.
@0celo7 Pairs of pants are awesome. You can stitch them together to get any surface
@ACuriousMind you know that chair he always sleeps on? he's sleeping under it now
Of course, if you're boring , you just call the pants "three-holed spheres"
@ACuriousMind I learned all about this in string theory
Doubly connected 2-manifolds
I know what that is
@0celo7 ...because you are a pair of pants? I don't follow
@0celo7 Very good :D
@ACuriousMind what
I'm just saying he's sleeping on the floor for some reason
cf. image aboe
@0celo7 You said "mfw my cat thought I was a pair of pants" and then told me he sleeps under the chair. I thought there was some connection
I'm just procrastinating
@ACuriousMind I said I thought the cat was a pair of pants
there was a connection
the cat is on the floor and I thought he was a pair of pants
mfw I can't read
see mfw makes sense because we have faces as avatars
for instance, @KyleKanos would have to say msupernovaw
mrw and mfw are interchangeable
no one says mrw
So the redditors are no one?
reddit is meme-tier
Memes r good
user image
@KyleKanos You watching the debate tonight?
Maybe, might just study some more
I got the feeling that every pde in physics is solved via using some exponential function
although a lot of them will be exponentials in some limit
Exponentials make for good trial functions
yeah trial functions but pdes doesn't behave very well in uniqueness of solutions after all

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