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If you add the numerical values of the letters in @gonenc 's name you get 58, and if you do the same for @0celo7, you get 42. A pixel has 256 values, 256 / 58 = 4, and 256 / 42 = 6. Therefore @gonenc has only 4 pixels while @0celo7 has 6.
@obe I like this theory
@gonenc took me a while to figure out what "ture" meant
@gonenc what are you running then?
@0celo7 Linux, he said so already
Didn't tell us which distro, though
@ACuriousMind Thought so
@ACuriousMind This
Will a Greek default mean cheap goat cheese?
(eating a goat cheese salad)
44 items in close queue!!!
@TheDarkSide Ah, there's the reason for that annoyingly high number of pending reviews, @KyleKanos!
that means the counter isn't stuck :/
I'm crying on the inside
ill cast my votes
Only three people - KyleKanos, me and JohnRennie have reviewed today
No wonder it's so full
@ACuriousMind Give me a +939 bounty, and I'll clean up 20 of them.
Looking at the history, the only other frequent reviewers are ChrisWhite, Danu, yuggib and Martin.
@TheDarkSide (a) You can get the 24 by opening 4 in new windows & "skipping" them in the queue
@KyleKanos I don't have 3k :(
(b) bounties require ~1 day before awarding though
Is that derivative questions saying infinity has physical meaning because of calculus?
@KyleKanos Ahh ...
@0celo7 If I knew what precisely it was saying, I'd not have voted to close it as unclear :P
@0celo7 I thought it was the other way, that since infinity doesn't exist, 1/infinity shouldn't exist which means calculus can't be right. Or something like that
@KyleKanos yes, that's what I meant
the converse is that since calculus has limits, infinity has meaning
Ikjyot's answer is great.
Or did he not answer that one
Now I'm confused
He did answer it, he just deleted it
votes exhausted
Dropped to 37
mmm that Greek salad was very good
lemon vinaigrette
@KyleKanos 34 in my view.
And viewing is all I can do.
@TheDarkSide You're seeing close votes, we're seeing total actionable items in all review queues, there's almost always a difference
Well I did my civic duty for the day
I deserve these Aussie bites
Well, I'm not even out of votes or reviews, but I can't do a single close review - I have already reviewed all of these, which means some of them must be pending for more than two days
@ACuriousMind But in my view, all other review queues are sitting at 0!
@TheDarkSide Hmmm...then it's probably caching :D
23 on my screen
Or something uncompleted in a queue you have already looked at
Yes that's plausible.
I have 23...
@0celo7 ACM's logic probably applies to you too.
@TheDarkSide ACM's logic applies to YOUR FACE
@0celo7 What?
My logic applies to everything. It's logic, after all.
time to czech the GR tag
> Axiom 1.0 I think therefore I am
To begin it is important to define what a person is, which according to my definition IS as singularity.
Thought is equivalent(?) to economic current?
I've always wondered...is it possible to write a path integral that gives the probability amplitude for economic change?
Define economic change?
Because financial markets are modeled using stochastic calculus
@KyleKanos $\Delta {\rm economic}$ ?
@KyleKanos no clue, random thought I had while sleeping
@TheDarkSide lol
@TheDarkSide That's a change of economic (co'e?)
stop with that
@KyleKanos Then, $\Delta {\rm economic} = 0$.
$\Delta_{\mathrrm{China's economy}}<0$
OK. I get it. We are all jobless!
no, they're trying to model the Great Depression
well, some of us, incl. @KyleKanos, are jobless
I am trying to remedy that though
@0celo7 Feyman-Kac on KyleKanos' equations, so yes. Depends on what you mean by economy though, as SDEs are rather limited to finance, and specific applications therein.
@alarge I see...
How do such models account for i.e. random deaths of CEOs a la GTA 5?
If you're into stock market crashes, you would probably do better looking at phase transitions.
@alarge phase transitions?
@0celo7 Do you not know what a phase transition is, or do you not see the relevance?
@ACuriousMind the second!
Say a transition in market sentiment from bullish to bearish because of whatever parameter change. Or a hit in the value of MBS and how it propagates in a system and which institutions would then fail etc.
@alarge and that all can be modeled?
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is also "extremely weak" on immigration, Trump said, adding: "If he ever got elected, you would have people flown across the border."
@KyleKanos I need to learn from him, the master.
He is our generation's greatest troll.
He mused that South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham seems to want to "bomb everybody." "All I know is that every time I watch Lindsey Graham he wants to bomb everybody. Let's bomb everybody," he said.
Trump is rather humorous. I am wonder what he'll be like in the debates
Yes, there are many models and books on the subject, and some of the crashes have even been predicted. And the central banks are looking at stuff dealing with connectivity etc to better guide the system and suggest new institutions and whatnot
Does Graham actually want to bomb (lots of) people?
@alarge This is of interest to me. I need to find a math/econ major at my school and look into courses offered.
@KyleKanos He's already lost hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, I imagine. He probably has enough stashed away somewhere that he'll come out of this just fine. Unless someone shoots him, of course.
@0celo7 Graham is pretty out there: nationaljournal.com/2016-elections/…
(at least with regards to blowing people up)
Holy crap. "If you don't want more war, don't vote for me."
Why is he even running with a stance like that?
@0celo7 For the anti-ISIS votes?
He said whatever it takes, as long as it takes
@KyleKanos I can read :P
@0celo7 I sure as hell can't.
@KyleKanos Get one of your kids to teach you!
So far only one of the kids can read
How old are they?
5, but will be 6 in October
All are 5?
Also: not thinking is a hindrance to doing work
4 and 2x2
"Here's the good news. I'm very rich," Trump said. "The money you're talking about is a lot but it's peanuts for me."
Well at least he's admitting how much he's got
Other politicians bury that
Is your 4 year old at least trying?
My siblings and I could read at 4.
@0celo7 She is trying, but she gets her letters all wrong.
@KyleKanos lol
@KyleKanos Forbes has said their analysts come up with a lot less than he claims to have.
Maybe he has some secret stuff somewhere.
Unless...he overestimated his money to make a splash, then when the real figures come out from the official audit, he can blame it on the companies that dropped him?
He's probably overcounting somehow
Trump's past beneficiaries include the Democratic National Committee, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and even Hillary Clinton, whom Trump referred to as the "worst secretary of state in the history of the United States" on Wednesday.
Bad? Sure/maybe. Worst? Nah.
Name two other Secretaries of State (not including the current)
@KyleKanos Kissinger, Jefferson.
Hmm. Should have thrown modern in there
Is she the worst? Who is the second worst?
She did a pretty crappy job with Benghazi
@KyleKanos Was McNamara bad?
Whoops wrong office.
"I have in my mind a recollection as to knowing as to some of these United States attorneys. There are two that I do not recall knowing in my mind what I understood to be the reasons for the removal."
-Alberto Gonzales
Why do non-constituents write senators...
Just makes interns do more stuff
Trump, who has long been openly critical of the the Obama administration's foreign policy strategy, said Wednesday that "nobody would be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump."
He must have said that before 'ol Graham joined the race.
@0celo7 Possibly because they think that Senators read their mail?
@KyleKanos Erm, of course they do!
They read all the letters!
Sorry, found a better one
@KyleKanos Why, you think the Senators of this fine nation don't take the time to do such important thing?
You could not be more wrong.
@0celo7 Didn't you just tell us that the interns get the mail? :P
9 mins ago, by 0celo7
Just makes interns do more stuff
Your paper may be a bit advanced for us. I could not understand a word of it. — John Rennie 4 hours ago
I also have a personal source in DC who says she was excited that she actually got to talk to 2 senators, instead of their advisors as she normally does.
@ACuriousMind lold
@KyleKanos Uh, I misspoke. See, there are actually no interns.
The Senators take the time to do everything themselves!
"Interns" were invented by the "super-Senator" deniers.
53 mins ago, by Kyle Kanos
> Axiom 1.0 I think therefore I am
To begin it is important to define what a person is, which according to my definition IS as singularity.
^ The first line of that guys "paper"
@KyleKanos I know.
@KyleKanos Yeah, I didn't see where you got that from
I can read :P
@ACuriousMind this
My shoes squeak when my feet sweat.
@0celo7 Thank you for sharing that.
@ACuriousMind You're very welcome!
It's nice for someone to be appreciative!
Please explain your notation and provide proofs for your theorems. Also, the "h Bar" chat would gladly discuss your theory! — 0celo7 1 min ago
@0celo7 Stop trolling
@ACuriousMind Revised for truth.
@ACuriousMind If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a noise?
Flag declined?
Why can't I delete my own post, which is now incorrect?
@0celo7 I said stop trolling :D
@0celo7 Why can't you just click delete?
@ACuriousMind 2 minutes are up?
@ACuriousMind Not trolling?
I want to see how you answer it.
@0celo7 Oh, you mean chat...then, chat flags are only for deleting offensive stuff
@0celo7 It makes a noise as certainly as the sun will rise tomorrow.
@ACuriousMind 3cryptic5me
I have no clue that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Are you saying you have no guarantee it will make a noise?
@0celo7 By inference from past events and trust in the lawfulness of nature I am almost certain that the sun will rise tomorrow, but I have no "guarantee" or "proof" of it. In the same way I am certain that a tree falling in a forest will make a noise.
@ACuriousMind How do you know there isn't some mechanism which links trees falling and sound to the presence of humans?
@0celo7 I don't, just as I don't know that there isn't some mechanism linking Kepler's laws holding ot the presence of humans able to observe the bodies follow them.
@0celo7 you caught my tpyo :D :P
@ACuriousMind I'm running ubuntu+gnome
@ACuriousMind So trees falling and making noise has nothing to do with observing the trees falling/having fallen?
@gonenc You read the chat log?
@0celo7 What? I just said that I cannot exclude such a correlation
@0celo7 not all of it
@ACuriousMind This is just a very confused question leading into a larger one. What the heck constitues a "measurement" in QM?
@0celo7 A measurement apparatus interacting with the system :D
@ACuriousMind Is a device listening for a tree falling a measurement?
@0celo7 Yes.
@ACuriousMind So everything can be an "observer"
@0celo7 Yes. (Careful, this is interpretation terrain - some would say no)
Oh god, I don't want to be caught interpreting things! I might get shot by the Interpretationspolizei!!
I just wanted to say that nothing I can say to that is completely uncontroversial
@gonenc Could've guessed that from the restricted extras thingy ;)
@ACuriousMind do you run ubuntu now?
@gonenc Currently I'm back on Windows as I'm done with coding for today, and otherwise I run Knoppix, a Debian variant that's meant to be installed on flash drives.
@ACuriousMind some german distro I guess, though ubuntu and any other distro can run on usb knoppix seems to designed for it
@gonenc Yeah, they even advise against installing it on a hard drive at all.
@ACuriousMind wat
Don't ask me what could go wrong, I'm no expert
German tech support is not an expert? Americans shocked. More at 7. (Not entirely sarcastic.)
@ACuriousMind but I'd suggest using a proper distro, with which you can install it on your computer ;) but I am sensing that you are using linux for compiling purposes, which is why you don't want to install it
@0celo7 should be a good paper. I've read about it in his blog
@gonenc 1. I like to be able to plug the stick it's on into either my laptop or my tower and have it just work fine without having to transfer files or reinstall software. 2. I don't want to use linux as my main OS because I play too many games
Hyperbolic topology?
@ACuriousMind wha?
what is interesting is that the charles guy is a philosopher
I see we still don't have arXiv oneboxing.
@ACuriousMind we have a true gamer here! :D
@0celo7 What about hyperbolic space?
@ChrisWhite Universal hydrodynamic flow in holographic planar shock collisions takes the cake for technobabble. arxiv.org/abs/1507.02548
@ACuriousMind What about it? What the heck is hyperbolic horizon topology?
@0celo7 "It is shown that the horizons of these black holes are deformed hyperbolic spaces"
Read the abstract to the end :P
@ACuriousMind dual boot could be a solution btw
@ACuriousMind What the heck does that mean?
Deformed hyperbolic spaces embedded in AdS?
@gonenc What advantage would that have compared to carrying it on a stick?
@ACuriousMind first off it would run waaay faster,
I mean the max speed you can get from a usb boot is the read/write speed
which is not so much
secondly you would have much more space
@gonenc I think a good USB 3.0 stick is comparable to a 7200RPM drive.
@0celo7 Well, a deformed space is usually one obtained from another by some small parameter. You'll have to read the paper to see what they actually mean :P
@0celo7 aint nobody got no money for a usb 3 stick
@gonenc I am using a USB 3.0 128 GB stick.
@gonenc looks at stick in laptop case
@ACuriousMind same
@ACuriousMind no further comments your honour
@ACuriousMind Brand?
@gonenc Alrighty then :D
@0celo7 Uhhhh..."Intenso", I think
@ACuriousMind next session will be in couple of minutes, gotta take expert advice on the matter
@gonenc The court is adjourned until then.
The defense rests?
@ACuriousMind according to my friend, (yes giving anecdotal evidence but he can be considered a professional since he works in goddamn software company at the age of 18)
the usb sticks are designed to be written less and read more
ie writing as you do whilst you run your os and compile your code may lead to make your usb stick kaput in the long run.
but other than that you are using one of you usb ports, so you have one less :D
but in general it seems to be fine
@gonenc I believe this is true.
But that might be a thing for older devices.
@gonenc Considering I have not much use for it otherwise, that is fine, I think
@ACuriousMind You could download the internet onto it.
@ACuriousMind once you start using linux you literally cannot go back, I mean I can use Octave, equivalent of matlab almost immediately
I only need to download 15MB of data
whereas matlab is in the order of i guess 5gb
@gonenc Why would a high school student need Matlab?
@0celo7 it was an illustrative example
everything I download as a software is definitely less than 100MB
which saves hell of a lot space
@gonenc So GTA 5 for Linux is not 65GB?
@0celo7 first off there aint no gta for linux
@gonenc I meant that I don't have much use for the USB stick
and secondly that is a whole another issue, you download all those 1080p short cuts etc
Were it not for my precious games I would never use Windows.
and the famous windows update
hey this is my pc but the software gets to decide whenever it wants to update and reboot my pc
@gonenc I don't see how that's an argument for Linux, as Octave is available for Windows as is Matlab for Linux and Octave can't really even be compared to Matlab in functionality.
@alarge I didn't want to get much in detail but f*ck it I'll
linux has a dependency system, which roughly means that you don't actually download the software but download the dependencies, which can be used by any other software
so if another software wants to use that same dependency, you don't download it again but use the one that you've already downloaded
@gonenc That's a setting, and mine doesn't restart my PC for me.
@gonenc Exactly.
@gonenc Huh?
whereas in windows you download it over and over again since no software talks with each other
@0celo7 you know all those graphics stuff
@gonenc That was for a 13 year old game.
By the way, the game itself is only 700MB.
With the mods it's a whopping 3GB.
@0celo7 to which game are you referring to?
@gonenc Morrowind. The one I downloaded the HD mods for.
@0celo7 that is not linux's fault, it is the fault of the software company, which refuses to compile it for linux
@gonenc It's a reason against running Linux.
@0celo7 no but gta5 has very nice graphics I would guess 1080p graphics
@0celo7 you can always dual boot
@gonenc 4k. I run it in 1200p though.
@gonenc The dependencies can be problematic if you want to use software that is no longer maintained, and in general updates in the chain can break stuff for several applications. You'll basically need someone to maintain the whole system, which is to say that in many distros you move up once or twice a year in terms of updates. Rolling release is not generally considered stable.
ie install two os in your computer as you did
I'm not going to triple boot.
Leaving the office -- going mobile.
@alarge it is really not that complicated as you put it. I don't have a person who maintains my pc and for distros like ubuntu mint etc. you really don't have that kind of a problem
of course if you are really crazy and patient and stomach arch or something similar than you are correct
but people using arch are like hardcore programmers and it is not really meant for general use
@alarge what do you use btw?
@gonenc Of course it is that complicated, that's why you get updates only every so often on Ubuntu.
@gonenc I've been running Arch on all my systems for the past 9-10 years.
Q: OK so everyone without looking or asking guess or tell me how long the first beam of light hits earth ,takes<>?


@alarge I see :D
that is why you are mentioning all those dependency problems.
I've never had any problems with it thanks to ubuntu
Not really, Arch is well maintained and I've not had any problems with dependencies at home if I am using software that is still in active development. But it does need active maintaining by someone like all linux distros.
@alarge once you get it up and running it gets easier, at least so I've heard
but I'm not that patient nor a computer geek/nerd so for me arch is utter craziness
The only problems in the Linux world I've had have been with Ubuntu: a system update has broken the OS twice for me.
I was using Slackware at one point and even with that I had zero problems
@alarge really? I didn't have any problem with Ubuntu so far
@alarge which release was it?
@gonenc It's super simple, that's the entire idea of Arch: You don't modify some GUI levers and have no idea what kind of an effect they have in the background, but rather you modify the system config files directly. The wiki has basically all the info so it's all copy-paste anyway.
@alarge I really don't trust myself that much :D
I mean I'm not against using a terminal but setting up all these stuff scares me :D
@gonenc Whatever they had somewhere around 2004/2005 (I was using Slack before I went Arch).
@gonenc I always have a bunch of terminals in the background: it's much faster to do everything through them
@alarge to be fair I wasn't using ubuntu then
@alarge that is what everyone, who uses arch says because you are so get used to it you don't remember the time you have to learn all those commands
I really don't wanna go through that stage :D
but I also know that once you start using arch you don't go back :D
Why not just use a commercial OS like 99% of the world?
@gonenc Well the thing is that many of the things are difficult to do with some software. For example, say you want to batch rename a bunch of files. Or you want to crop all your images in a folder in a certain way and make a video out of them. Sure, you can download an external utility to do those, but it's just a line or two on the commandline.
@0celo7 the very word commercial makes me not use it
@0celo7 Go tell that to TOP500.
@gonenc Very poor reasoning.
@0celo7 btw I bet the majority of the world uses linux
think of all those servers running
do you really think they use windows for their servers?
@alarge I would if I knew what that was
@gonenc Well, there is Windows Server something
The TOP500 project ranks and details the 500 most powerful (non-distributed) computer systems in the world. The project was started in 1993 and publishes an updated list of the supercomputers twice a year. The first of these updates always coincides with the International Supercomputing Conference in June, and the second one is presented in November at the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference. The project aims to provide a reliable basis for tracking and detecting trends in high-performance computing and bases rankings on HPL, a portable implementation of the high-performance LINPACK benchmark written...
Most of the human world
No idea how many use it, though
there are also OSX servers
@ACuriousMind no one uses it! arch is definitely the way to go
@alarge I don't have a supercomputer lying around
@gonenc doesn't either
@0celo7 Well suppose you do Science on a computer some day. Guess which OS that computer's gonna be running.
for the reference
The usage share of operating systems is the percentage market share of the operating systems used in computers. Different categories of computers use a wide variety of operating systems, so the total usage share varies significantly from one category to another. Android has the largest installed base of all general-purpose operating systems (while not reflected in overall web browsing use); as of 2013, devices running it also sell more than Windows, iOS and Mac OS X devices combined. That makes Android the most popular smartphone operating system, while on tablets, the iPad tablet still makes iOS...
@alarge I'll likely run code on the #2 on your fancy list in a few years
@0celo7 better start getting used to linux then ;)
@0celo7 The big computers are usually meant only for certain kinds of applications, ones that can be parallelized in a massive way. Which most problems can't.
@alarge are you a developer/programmer person?
@gonenc Well OSX is a UNIX derivative, so a move to Linux should be easy. Of course to access the super computers, you'd only be using the terminal to SSH in and queue up the jobs, but in principle you could do much of the work in the OS of your choosing and only move the final product in.
The recursive acronym of today(11.07.15) is Linux = Linux Is Not Unix :D
@alarge not intended for your previous post but I wanted to post it since you mentioned unix
@gonenc Computational physicsy stuff is what I used to do and I used to run code on a top 10 computer (most, like 95%, of my runs were on smaller clusters though).
@alarge top 10 as in the wiki page?
@gonenc No longer in the top 10. I've physically visited (conferences) the sites of two of the computers currently in the top 10, though (the sites house several computers, and the ones in the list currently were probably not operational, but rather had a previous geenration supercomputer).
@alarge those computer are some expensive toys :D
@gonenc Nowadays you can just buy a rack of GPUs to get ridiculous compute capabilities and it's not even that expensive. Well obviously not all problems parallelize well enough for GPUs to make sense, but many do.
I have given it a nickname: the God Particle. Why God Particle? Two reasons. One, the publisher wouldn't let us call it the Goddamn Particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing.
and people tie the higs boson with religion without knowing this fact
I've just read something that says that higs can destroy the world ↑ this is why I wrote the above thing
What do we call the first superparticle? The mofo bling bling particle?
The Greek debt particle?
2 hours later…
Damn it, I missed @ACuriousMind.
@gonenc This image is amazing:
Less then 15 years ago, most supercomputers were Unix, now it's Linux

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