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Hah, praise the modern age
After clicking through approximately two dozen login screens, I got that paper actually directly
@0celo7 By learning German, you're almost 20% through learning Sanskrit. Might be of some use to you some day. :)
@Gaurav Germany, for uni purposes :D
@ACuriousMind sounds so horrible :P
@KyleKanos I'm only starring your comment on chat for the effort to write "My humor of the day"
@gonenc German sounds horrible :P
@ACuriousMind that is sorta correct :D
@ACuriousMind except for goethe, he makes it sound magical :D
@gonenc hmm Most of the guys looking to go abroad for higher studies seems to prefer Germany. Heard it's because of lower expenditure to study there. How true is this ?
@Gaurav I have no clue, you should ask @ACuriousMind :)
@gonenc I have no idea how Germany compares to other countries in that respect.
But, well, you simply don't have to pay money to study here, so that's a plus, I guess
@ACuriousMind That's true but idk much about it either :D
@ACuriousMind Uh, what ? No MONEY ?
@Gaurav Education is free.
You have only to pay a very minimal amount for administrative stuff, but that's it.
Subsidized completely is a more appropriate phrasing, no?
@ACuriousMind Subsidised, you mean.
They tried to introduce study fees a while back, but that drew so much protest they abolished them again
And yes, "subsidized" is the proper word :P
@KyleKanos It's always subsidised with an 's'
This is one of a series of articles about the differences between British English and American English, which, for the purposes of these articles, are defined as follows: British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used in the United Kingdom. American English (AmE) is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used in the United States. Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences...
Brits use s in many places that Americans use z
@KyleKanos Uh, yeah I know that.
So what I wrote is correct for an American
God I wanna buy a theremin now
@KyleKanos It's at the main desk
@Gaurav I do know German, I'm just incredibly rusty
@KyleKanos I have rabid intolerance for the letter 'z', what's your problem ? :D
@Gaurav no one likez you then
@ACuriousMind No results from my search...I'd probably have to talk to one of the research specialists there about a specific issue of a specific periodical
@KyleKanos What's with the Qmechanic-like colon?
@0celo7 : I usually do that?
Actually, I only do that when I manually type the name in
@KyleKanos Never noticed it before
@Gaurav Z is a fantastic letter
@0celo7 Hmm, well scrolling through my recent comments, here are two instances of me doing so
@KyleKanos I don't hunt down your comments
I wonder...will FF7 play offline on battery power?
@0celo7 Well to be fair, the majority of my comments are canned responses
@0celo7 I don't think Steam requires internet connect; I seem to recall XeroKynos (an FF7 speedrunner) saying something like If my internet goes out, all that will happen is you [twitch viewers] won't see me play until it comes back
FF7 requires a Square Enix account to play
now, does that mean it requires an internet connection to play at all?
we shall see
I don't think it does
works just fine
ugh, there's a cutscene
Yes, a ~2 minute long one
And in 1997, this was amazing
let's see if it will run on Ultra in 1800p on battery
34fps :D
lol, it's using 2% of my GPU
it must be locked to the 30 range then
IIRC, most streamers get 30 fps
not gonna play now
I have to fix the controls...WASD does not move my guy
why did we kill those poor red guys?
what do you guys do when you see an answer, which doesn't add anything new and almost the same answer given by someone else?
@KyleKanos really? MGS1 came out then and it was much beter
@gonenc get out the rifle
@KyleKanos Is it tricky for 2D too?
@gonenc If it really doesn't add anything and is given significantly later than the others, I might downvote it, but usually I leave those alone, or, if it was given simultaneously to the similar one, I upvote both if I would upvote one.
@gonenc I would leave a comment saying something like, "While this is correct, it doesn't really add anything extra and is basically the same as the other answer (incl link)"
@0celo7 MGS1 came out in 1998, so FF7 came first
@KyleKanos was just about to say that
@Waffle'sCrazyPeanut That was for 2d...
Oh my...
@0celo7 FF8 came out in 1999 and was better than both in terms of graphics
@KyleKanos Did you see that screenshot I took last night?
Pixelated as a mofo
@0celo7 Which one?
the FF7 one
Ah, just scrolled up to see it
4 hours ago, by 0celo7
user image
Yeah, the backgrounds are beautifully rendered computer animations, the characters are not because of hardware/software limitations
@KyleKanos uh, other way around?
the bg is literally just a picture
You should see the "lost" FF9 backgrounds.
@0celo7 "Pictures" as background were very common back in the days
And they could be beautiful indeed
@0celo7 Yeah, I wrote animations there but you are correct, it should be stills/pictures
You're spoiled by modern graphics technology ;)
@KyleKanos What? How are the background pictures beautiful?
@ACuriousMind Not even, I can't play modern games on high settings!
@0celo7 Possibly nostalgic viewpoint.
I'm convinced my Bootcamp drivers are just not good for gaming. Saints Row The Third does not run well at all. I get better performance in GTA 5.
@0celo7 Lol, even the lowest setting of those are far above what one could have around 2000
@ACuriousMind There's at least one modern game I can't play on potato settings ;'(
@KyleKanos Is that black border normal or should I lower the res to something normal?
I think it's normal
Is the snail's pace walking speed normal too?
Hold run?
These controls are messed up
But I'm not playing now
Sadly, there's no "permanent run" built into the game, but there is this patch that might work.
Jeb already has $114mil...
Another (multi-)billion dollar election
@Waffle'sCrazyPeanut see this link or just search cfd mesh generation and you'll find resources about it
Computational physicists! Is there an easy way to check whether a function produces things distributed according to a certain measure? In particular when I have matrices and not a single number?
Or should I just trust that I have implemented the algorithm correctly? :P
Another man watching the reception unfold marveled at the scene: "Every time I come here I think: There's two people who spend time over there who know the contents of what's in Area 51."
(referring to the Bush estate)
@ACuriousMind This measure? Or something else?
@KyleKanos Yeah, that measure.
ACM knows measure theory?
Specfically a Haar measure on a matrix group in this case
@0celo7 Not really
Hmm, well I first have to figure out what that measure is
Then figure out what you mean
computational astrologers can't into measure theory
@KyleKanos I want to produce "random" numbers - but not uniformly random, they should follow a certain distribution. I take it you never needed non-uniform randoms?
Oo, I can do that
Pick a random number between 0 & 1 (typically what your real RNG's give you)
ACM knows random matrix theory?
I am not producing a single number, I am producing a random vector
@ACuriousMind Randomize each component?
Isn't that a multivariate case then?
(or at least considered)
@KyleKanos Probably. They're not independent here, though, not sure whether that's an issue
I also know how to produce the numbers
I want to know how to check whether they follow the intended distribution
@ACuriousMind Plot them and eyeball?
Or use $\chi^2$?
@0celo7 Yeah, please plot SU2 matrices against the Haar measure distribution for me :D
@KyleKanos That's boring.
@ACuriousMind I'm sure the LoC has something for that...
Hm...I probably should check if the individual entries follow the intended distributions, but the distribution for the entries is very ugly...sigh, still probably the way to go
@ACuriousMind Is this a project?
@0celo7 Yes, I am simulating SU2 gauge theories on a lattice and would like to check whether I generate the correct random matrices before I proceed
Ah, for your culinary QM class?
Indeed :D
I have nothing to do...I should go to the LoC and start my force redshift research.
I will read literally every GR book ever written.
Something is still not right with my fonts
@ACuriousMind On the bright side, I fixed the Morrowind font, did you see that :D
And I installed a buttload of gfx mods, and others
pretty sure that's not the right font
@0celo7 Yeah, read it
Where is that from?
Why is the font so crazy on your screen
No idea
I would show you what it's supposed to look like, but I can't into screenshot on work PC
Vatican officials say the Pope did not chew coca leaves, as had been widely discussed.
Really? Who gives a rat's ass about that?
@0celo7 ?
Hmm. Other sites say that coca is the main ingredient in cocaine...interesting
Well, damn. My random SU2 matrix isn't even in SU2 :(
@ACuriousMind There's your problem
Is it at least U(2)?
Or SL(2,C)?
Or Mat(2,C) ;)
It should be a scalar multiple of a SU2 matrix
Due to the way I'm representing the matrix, it can't be anything else
Is it neither S or U?
I don't understand why the normalization isn't working, though
Ah, just a typo.
Oh, so it was U just not S?
@ACuriousMind How did you do this? Generate a random vector, dot it with the Pauli matrices and exponentiate?
@0celo7 Not exactly...you indeed set $\sigma^0 = \mathrm{id}$ and then represent an SU2 matrix by dotting a 4-vector with the matrices, but a "random vector" would not generate matrices distributed according to the Haar measure
Or, rather, the "randomness" of the vector is a bit complicated
I guess I'll indeed now just check component of component of that vector for being distributed right
@ACuriousMind Is it possible to give a tl;dr on the Haar measure?
@0celo7 It is the up to normalization unique bi-invariant measure that exists on every compact Lie group :D
@ACuriousMind Guess it's not possible
Ah, well, it need not be bi-invaraint, sorry :D
Oh, that clears everything up
@0celo7 Oh, I think one can quite explicitly describe it on Lie groups: Choose an n-form on the group, it defines a volume form, which in turn defines the integral of function on the group.
@ACuriousMind So the Haar measure is the associated measure of the volume form?
@0celo7 Yes
I see
I don't see how that help me with redshifted forces...
Gah, they've rescheduled my interview for Monday
We should have a PSE Skype call...why have chat sessions when we could have Skype sessions?
In addition to, I guess.
If I were accused of what Bill Cosby stands accused of, I would not only tell my attorney to shut up and proceed to answer the question about whether I drugged someone without her knowledge, but I would also ask for a polygraph test and would pass it with flying colors. And I would be filing countersuits against every one of my accusers for defaming me. Cosby’s silence is deafening — and damning.
I thought Cosby admitted to giving the girls drugs?
I think he admitted to buying them for that purpose, but not outright giving them the drugs and raping.
Hmm, I could have sworn the women said that they were drugged.
They did, but he did not admit that.
At least, I don't think he did.
I haven't been paying much attention to it -- Cosby is before my time.
The odd choices of formatting from new users never ceases to amaze me.
@KyleKanos link?
Going to the LoC.
I'll wait for your link
Why is the article title in the middle of the screen, in large computer modern?
Why is the question posed as a quote?
Pretty much
The guy's a math PhD, apparently
Studied the Lienard equation, $x''+f(x)x'+g(x)=0$
100 rep from being a "trusted member" I presume?
479 rep at Math.SE
47 at MO, plus 3 gold badges?
Holy crap..he's got the Socratic badge at MO
That's nothing...
That requires 100 questions posted on 100 separate days with non-zero score
Huh, he has questions with like 23 upvotes
@0celo7 He has offered bounties worth 3.400
@ACuriousMind whoops
I was just going to say that
Q: Is Quantum mechanics a Limit cycle theory?

Ali TaghaviMore than 11 years ago, I was searching in the web for some materials about Limit cycles, then I found the following title in google: $$\text{Is Quantum Mechanics A Limit cycle Theory}? $$ This is the title of this article. Then I serached more and I found another title as follows:$$...

I'm thoroughly impressed with people getting the Socratic badge on non-programming sites
The only question bedge I might get soon is tumbleweed :P
I'd love to find out what my next badge would be
But SE isn't updating the new profiles
If it is not tumbleweed, it'll be curious
Well, they're taking their time with it, at least
@ACuriousMind I could fix that
Might get an answer deletion, but I could prevent that badge
@0celo7 Then you'll grant me curious.
@ACuriousMind You win either way!
time to go
Although I'm not 100% sure 1 upvote would count as a "good question" in the sense of curious
@ACuriousMind Hmm, I think 1 upvote does count
I thought I had the curious badge, but it seems I don't
So now I need a question
@KyleKanos (b) proof ?
Because what it works for so many words: zipper, zebra, zizzle, zombie, dazzle, zigzag, and so on.
Replace all those with the British-ized S and what do you have? sipper, sebra, sissle, sombie, dassle, sigsag, and so on
I'm not sure zazzy sounds so sassy.
hello from that crazy room in the LoC
@ACuriousMind I have the U.S. government's copy of QoGS
Also, they seem to have lost their copy of MTW
@KyleKanos I have Franklin.
You'll probably finish it in a day
It does not contain the answer to my redshift problem.
@KyleKanos True, it hold nothing new to me, I think
It is meant for an introduction to GR
Is there anything really cool in it?
If you're already familiar with it, it's probably not worht much
20 hours ago, by Kyle Kanos
Watching him flip some indices and do some variations and get a very neat result is cool
@ACuriousMind I have a hardback copy of QoGS
@0celo7 That's posh...mine is soft
@ACuriousMind I'm in a building with 22 karat gold on the walls and you think the book is posh?
@0celo7 Yes.
I ordered the second copy of MTW.
This book uses Qmechanics's $\approx$ notation...holy crap is he one of the authors?
5 minutes ago there were just 3 members in the room. After my comment it turned 6. Connection ?
@KyleKanos GR is only pure without indices.
What's cool is to see an author do something without ever introducing coordinates.
RIP Omar Sharif.
RIP me, @ACuriousMind I don't get the first comment immediately after (1.5).
From what does it follow that we can't invert the velocities?
@0celo7 Don't tell me you've watched that LoC scene from National Treasure 2 meticulously and tried to do the same, but found out that it's actually a book on the effect of sexual orientation of population on National economy instead of of the book of secrets.
It would seem to me one would want to look at the invertibility of $$\frac{\partial L}{\partial q\partial \dot q}$$...@ACuriousMind
@0celo7 Insert (1.5) in (1.4) and think about the implicit function theorem.
@ACuriousMind Forgot about that theorem.
@ACuriousMind You didn't answer my Qmechanic question...is it entirely ridiculous?
@0celo7 I know as much about Qmechanic's identity as you do, and it is evident that he wants to remain anonymous.
In particular because of the latter, I want to refrain from speculation.
B-but rampant speculation is fun!
Alicia Keys
@0celo7 I didn't say it wasn't fun, I say I don't want to speculate about the identity of someone who prefers to be anonymous.
@KyleKanos Yeah, I'm already involved in it. Thanks :)
@skillpatrol I've watched just two of Omar Sharif's films, being Mackenna's Gold (a western ) and Lawrence of Arabia, and yet I can confidently say he's made of material that comes once in a millennium.
True that pal :'(
Dammit, writing code that makes sense is hard. Good thing I've got three weeks to get this to work.
@0celo7 Guess what?
@ACuriousMind Since when did you get an interest in programming? Heard that your course requires little or none of it.
@Gaurav One course this semester does require it. I'm actually not averse to programming, I just haven't done it in quite a long time (since school, actually).
And now that I've started on this project, I've an ambition not to produce such unreadable garbage as we usually produce in the exercises there :P
@Gaurav I still dislike you for calling me a mysterious user with insufficient rep, and making me feel awkward by posting my profile in chat.
@obe how are you doing with carroll d20?
@obe You're not Candian?
@ACuriousMind This book is boring
@0celo7 It is?
@gonenc I was away for a week, so I am still on ch2 sadly.
The first chapter, anyhow
I need to finish other books.
@obe vacation?
I'm now reading Wald on my laptop :D
I also need to figure out how to get back to my office without going above ground
@gonenc I took the train to Ottawa (capital) for a week, and I didn't bring any books with me.
@0celo7 Of course the first chapter is boring, it is the setup for the rest
@gonenc Though the race is still on I think.
But you probably wouldn't find the other chapters more "exciting", I'd guess.
@obe I'll start the 4th chapter tomorrow :D
@ACuriousMind that may be so, but Wald is more exciting ATM
@obe did you really change your user name one more time because of the probability that ocelot has blocked you?
He didn't, that would be really dumb
He has my contact info on another site
I love how my phone no longer sticks to my laptop because I have an SSD
well I've heard that that would be a possibility :D
7 hours ago, by ACuriousMind
He apparently took 0celo7's pretending to have blocked him a bit too serious and made a new account
@gonenc Did you do all the exercises?
@obe some of them not all
there are some silly exercises like compute the riemann tensor
How many pages do you read a day?
Those are the best exercises
You're trash if you can't calculate the Riemann tensor
which is plain calculus, which I don't like doing and make my computer do it for me, which can also calculate the riemann tensor by itself without my intervention
@obe dunno I don't count :D
If you can't calculate it by hand, you're trash
@0celo7 that is just plain f*cking calculus
I'm trash too.
@ACuriousMind count me to that team too
If you can't calculate the Riemann tensor in one dimension in your head, you're trash
@0celo7 at least my computer isn't trash
@0celo7 nice try
@gonenc at least I have more than 4 pixels
What nice try? Can you calculate it?
@0celo7 wat?
There is no what
@gonenc What else are you reading?
@obe nothing atm
@ACuriousMind Oh, that's interesting :D
Wow, no one can calculate the Riemann tensor in one dimension...sad
@0celo7 what is with pixels?
@gonenc you have four
@0celo7 dafuq?
@0celo7 Is this a riddle?
@0celo7 I don't get it either.
I can't see the references
@0celo7 there is no goddamn riemann tensor in one dimension is goddamn zero
@gonenc ok, you're not trash
@0celo7 I still don't get it with pixels
@0celo7 All references are to your saying that gonenc has four pixels
@Gaurav What? That I want "readable" code?
1366x768 is like 4 pixels
Donald Trump has that as a toilet control monitor
Now I have to get back to my building
@0celo7 at least I don't own a WC(=Windows Computer)!
I don't either
@0celo7 BS!
You're running Windows on a Mac. That's even worse.
I'm actually running OSX on a Mac right now
So screw all of you
@0celo7 the thing is very simple if(the computer has a windows in one of its partitions == ture) then(you own a WC)
btw I shamelessly stole the WC acronym from Stallman
anyhow gotta go
I found a theory that describes the 4-pixels riddle.

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