The first National Treasure wasn't bad because it kept to the Colonial-era locales (DC, Wall Street, etc). The second one made no sense because Indians from Florida traveled half-way across the US to drop off gold (i.e., through multiple "enemy" controlled territory)
@gonenc Thermo is confusing at first which makes it offputting. It gets easier and more interesting. You'll need to understand it anyway to fully utilize and understand what statistical mechanics is about, although in principle you could just study the latter and do the calculations and be fine. That said, it's in the details that things start to get confusing, e.g. if you have some application in mind you'd like to model: if you don't get thermo, stat mech is not going to help you much either
@Gaurav It is not that I'm offended or whatnot, it is just that I keep hearing such stuff, and it just annoys me. As I've said above I'm not so religious. There is one thing that I gotta mention though, the ISIS terror group has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. I mean they cannot be practising Islam whilst performing all those torture and hanging and killing scenes. It is strictly forbidden that you do such things.
It's just that media likes to take advantage of these situations to make people dislike/hate muslims. I'm not saying that they are the smartest and best people, or anything and they do lots of unimaginable bad stuff but as I said, those people cannot be used to characterize the whole islamic world#
@ChrisWhite Well, except for perhaps 3, the answerers all stay just vague enough to not be "explicit solutions" which we delete. Just goes to show that the review queue could use more reviewers - these questions take a day to get closed, enough to signal to people who can't see close votes that this might be an "on-topic homework question".
Perhaps they just don't care that they're answering off-topic questions though, I dunno