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It's not like the algorithms change from language to language, just how to implement them. And that's all basically knowing the syntax and how to find functions and libraries you need
@JimsBond I forgot your undergrad.
The internet has online training sites for language syntax, and a good IDE always has built in help stuff for finding and using functions, etc
@JimsBond This is why I keep telling people to learn programming and not a language.
@KyleKanos But all you ever need is Java, right?
Why would you ever need anything else?
@0celo7 Does Java even have MPI?
@0celo7 Please go to SO and say that.
If no, then it's useless for many scientific applications
Don't go to SO and say that!
@0celo7 The door is that way...
You will be lynched
@KyleKanos I'm sure that can be circumvented.
No, Java doesn't cut it sometimes. For instance, java can't do what SQL does
Is there an SO chat?
I just made an account.
and it's not as fast as FORTRAN
@ACuriousMind Working on it
@0celo7 IDK. Pretty impossible to do N-body simulations w/o MPI
can't do symbolic math like Maple or Mathematica
@JimsBond Nothing is as fast as Fortran....
@KyleKanos Sure it is
@KyleKanos Assembly language is faster
@JimsBond I'm sure it can
or machine code
@0celo7 If N < 100, yes. If you want to actually do real research, you want $N\sim10^7$ or larger
@KyleKanos I'm sure you're wrong.
If everything is better than Java, why do we use it?
@0celo7 Stop being a 17 year old
Czech. Mate.
@KyleKanos 17 3/4
@0celo7 Because there are some things Java is useful for, like web applications
@0celo7 because it's user friendly sometimes
but we are working away from it
Each language has it's own niche that it's very useful for
I can't find an SO chat
Is there even one?
@KyleKanos Java just happens to be the best in all niches.
I wish I could dive into the computer and throttle you...
@KyleKanos Practicing for 1261232
He replied.
I saw you mention that earlier
...and I have no clue what he's talking about, so I can't judge it either way
@KyleKanos again
I sent something this morning before I left home
@0celo7 I think there's only one person in the world who does understand what he's talking about
Which is probably a bad thing
@KyleKanos Witten? Susskind? Weinberg?
@0celo7 ...think again.
Which post are you guys talking about ?
A: Why is the momentum of a particle $\gamma mv$?

user12262 Am I missing something here? Well, you (among others) seem to be missing that to measure "momentum" is defined through the application of the gradient of the translation operator $\nabla \hat T_{\mathbf r}[~] := \frac{d}{d \mathbf r_{\mathcal S} }[~]$ to what's given through observational da...

Specifically his recent comment,
@0celo7: "This is a deterministic classical system, not a probabilistic quantum one." -- As far as I understand the OP question it is concerned with attributing and measuring momentum values, e.g. of objects (such as $A$) wrt. to suitable systems (such as $\mathcal S$). There doesn't seem to be any requirement or exclusion being made concerning some categorizazion as "classical or quantum"; whatever you might mean by that. "doesn't $\hbar =0$ [...]?" -- Perhaps you mean cases or limits in which $$\frac{m_A~c^2~\Delta \tau_A}{\hbar} \gg 1 $$ ? ... — user12262 3 hours ago
This is most telling:
> There doesn't seem to be any requirement or exclusion being made concerning some categorizazion as "classical or quantum"; whatever you might mean by that
@ACuriousMind He says it is quantum, but uses a velocity. Please destroy him.
The fact that he doesn't see a difference between classical & quantum means he doesn't understand physics
Am I crazy to think QM and CM must be treated completely differently?
If Wald taught me anything, the structure is quite different.
@0celo7 I have given up trying to talk sense into 12262.
@ACuriousMind We can never give up hope!
What if Reagan had said that to Gorbachev?
Isn't it the same guy who always over-states any given simple point ?
@0celo7 Well, I think 12262's point is that there is nothing, when looking at a physical system, telling you whether to use a classical or a quantum description of it.
Fundamentally, all systems are quantum. It's just that you get away with treating some classically ;)
@ACuriousMind Except for gravity, of course.
@0celo7 Yes, notoriously.
@ACuriousMind It would be ultimately ironic if gravity turns out to be completely classical.
@ACuriousMind But why is $\hbar$ showing up in a classical question?
Why are there wave functions in classical mechanics?
@0celo7 There aren't, 12262 is doing their own homebrew semiclassics.
Funny, I just thought about writing up an answer to that question that 12262's answer is on
Then I realized I did write an answer
And it's accepted
Good for you
Some of us are busy, working for a living
Funny how nobody believed me when I called him out on being a troll years ago and now it's common knowledge
@JimsBond I believed you
@0celo7 You weren't a user here back then
@JimsBond I don't recall, but I probably would have agreed.
Then again, I think most everyone is a troll until proven otherwise
@JimsBond Don't hate the playa
@KyleKanos I don't want to know where I am on your list
You're obviously a troll
18 mins ago, by Kyle Kanos
user image
@KyleKanos Maybe, but I ended up having to try to prove it to dilaton, dimension10, davidz, ben crowell, and a couple other and they ended with "plausible deniability"
@KyleKanos Not really
Anyone watching tennis here ? Specifically, Wimbledon.
I imagine my entry is more like: 0celo7 -- Underage knucklehead. Still hope? Maybe.
@0celo7 You sure there's a "Maybe."?
Nadal's getting the shock of his life.
No hope until he's 24 (at least)
@0celo7 More like: 0celo7 -- urge to kill: rising
^ Simpson's reference
@ACuriousMind D:
@KyleKanos 24 is a long fucking time
@JimsBond Or Freudian slip you conveniently explained away
According to you, it's 6.25 years
@0celo7 6.25 years is a long time? Why you have to make me feel so old?
@KyleKanos I'll be getting my Ph.D. by then.
@0celo7 Presumably
or a bum sticker
@0celo7 pics or it didn't happen
You could be be sullied by politicking
I'm still not on my PhD
I just got my PhD and I'm 31
@JimsBond I'm doing a 5 year MS/BS program
5 years for each :D
Fuck me, that tution
politics and stuff happens. I was supposed to be on year 3 by now
Why would an MS program take 3 years?
year 3 of PhD
Do you even have an MS?
So are you in a Ph.D. program?
nope, thanks to politics
Wtf are you doing then?
Eating cheese under a bridge?
....... no comment
@JimsBond What does that even mean?
How are you sustaining life?
How are you not under a bridge eating cheese?
@KyleKanos You got slowed down by kids, presumably.
1) that means I'm waiting to start a PhD later than anticipated. 2) I sustain myself on tutoring and savings and (hopefully) a new job
Whom do you tutor
A PhD at 31 is not much of a slow down. 4-5 years of undergrad, 2 years of MS, and 4-5 years of PhD gives room for 10-12 years of university
Slowed down by a bunch of things: personal issues, changing major, doing 2 year MS program in Theor. Cond. Mat. Physics, then doing the PhD with an advisor who did a 10 year PhD and felt that was "normal"
What job can you get as a cosmologist without a PhD?
if he started at 19, there's your 31
@0celo7 Job at a bank
@JimsBond Job or career?
I think most of my classmates were in the 28-32 range when graduating
@0celo7 yes
@KyleKanos see, my math holds
I kinda think that getting the PhD at 24 means you're damn special
@KyleKanos By "getting" I meant "working on".
Assuming graduating at 18, that's 4 years for a BS and another 2 for PhD
That's effing insane
one of my professors got his job as a professor in his late 20s. That was unheard of
@JimsBond Newton was like 19.
that was hundreds of years ago
And he lived 400 years ago! You're a loser if you can't beat him.
^ Troll
Only proving my point
Plus, that'd give you <1.25 years to "beat" him
Else you are a loser
@KyleKanos I already know calculus.
@0celo7 Thanks to Leibniz
My MS and BS thesis advisor got PhD at 24.
@0celo7 Newton didn't even know calculus when he got his PhD
I never said I'd have the PhD at 24.
@JimsBond I already beat him.
@JiK Did he do it in 2 years from the BS? Or did he get to Uni early (e.g., 16 y/o) and do it in ~4 years?
I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's something special for that to happen
(and probably something special for a 10 year PhD program too)
well, if you get in at 18 and do a 3 year BS and go straight to PhD and take 3 years, you could get it by 24
@KyleKanos Started Uni at 18, 3-4 years for MS, 2-3 for PhD
Average completion time in the US is somewhere around 5 to 5.5 years
@KyleKanos and the money only lasts for the first 4
@JimsBond Ours is guaranteed 5 years (really 10 semesters)
And by ours, I meant at my (former) program
@JiK In Physics? What's his/her name?
Really? ours is guaranteed for the amount of time the school thinks it should take to complete the degree. 4 years is standard
It actually used to be guaranteed 5 years after passing the oral & written qualifier
@KyleKanos Mikko Möttönen
Which you shouldn't take the qualifiers until after your 2nd year (at the time, they later changed it to 1st year)
So it was really ~7 years of guaranteed money from the department
@KyleKanos wait is this 5 years guaranteed with your american "masters and PhD programs aren't usually separate things" system?
After that, you were on your advisors money
Or unpaid
because we have 2 for masters + 4 for PhD
but you need to separately apply and be accepted for each of them
@JimsBond Probably. We don't have separate programs (officially, anyways), though they do allow for terminal masters
People have horrible handwriting.
This person appears to be named Cuntiso.
@KyleKanos not the same then. 5 years for a PhD straight from a BS is reasonable. Our 4 is for a PhD after having a MS
which I guess means we have 1 extra paid year
@Danu \o/
@ChrisWhite Was waiting for that
Lol...almost could have been terminal hamsters
@all Has anyone played Sleeping Dogs?
It's on sale now.
@KyleKanos at first I thought it was. My recent post on the main site has a few comments all talking about hamsters, so I carried that over to what you said
@KyleKanos :D :D
It's good of universities to allow terminal hamsters
For those who care: I finally managed to get out that relationship limbo situation I had going ;D
Are there then also initial hamsters?
(the current situation is possibly even more confusing, though)
@ACuriousMind Not sure. I thought terminal hamsters were hamsters with terminal diseases
@JimsBond How terrible :( Couldn't they have been the workers at an airport for rodents?
@Danu Confusing for whom?
Us, clearly. Also the hamsters.
@ACuriousMind All good suggestions that are much nicer than my original assumption
@ACuriousMind Everyone involved. Although it's getting cleared up over the past days.
But it's confusing in an exciting way ;)
@KyleKanos Do I get another evaluation in 6.25 years? Is that decision final?
You get continual evaluations
Can I get a rubric for this?
@KyleKanos So in many ways, it's like being in a 'romantic' relationship.
...why is romantic quoted?
rather than discrete evaluations, think of it like a continuous spectrum of evaluations. Your status can be found by integrating the evaluations over time
@0celo7 That would indicate that there is a rubric.
@KyleKanos Romance has been found to fail under intense scrutiny.
@KyleKanos What must I do?
@tok3rat0r I'm not sure what you mean by that
@0celo7 Besides stop being a troll?
I'd like to make it known that I'm nobody's mother :S I presume that "mom" is an abbreviation of one moment, though I've never heard it before.
@0celo7 You must learn to use the force, if you are to come with me to Alderaan
@KyleKanos I'm not trolling!
@JimsBond Ok old man
yesterday, by Kyle Kanos
mom, I'm going to make a picture of it. — Zaibis 5 mins ago
@KyleKanos I mean that the very fact one is under continual evaluation and assessment tends to suck the romance out of such situations.
@innisfree Random
@KyleKanos Name one instance where I have trolled.
@innisfree I saw that
@0celo7 Just call me Jimbiwan Kenobi
@tok3rat0r I see. Good thing I'm married
@Danu isn't that what they call the "spark" in a relationship ;)
@JimsBond No
New physics at LHC 13 TeV: $E_T$ phone home
I've got an amusing title, now I need some content :D
@skillpatrol It's more complicated than that :P
@innisfree Tabloid journalists don't seem to think so
@tok3rat0r haha, very true.
The best ones always are...@Danu
Hi @DavidZ :-)
@skillpatrol Perhaps.
Can't live with them, can't live without them ;)
Old U2 song^
^ ~10 years older than you
@skillpatrol Hmm, how did you reference a post on mobile?
@KyleKanos I'm sure I can find something 10 years older than you.
Dinosaurs, for one.
@0celo7 the same as on a PC
@skillpatrol oO
Please share your knowledge.
Click on the left hand side of the message you want to reference
@0celo7 Undefeated Dolphins team wins the Superbowl
I can't click the left side of the message on mobile.
Can someone else on mobile confirm please?
On the mini?
iOS should be iOS
I'm on the iPad
there's nothing to link or click there
I'll get mine out.
@KyleKanos This.
@skillpatrol Does your mobile chat look exactly the same as PC?
Yes, I use the full site option.
I'm on Linux
@skillpatrol Oh, that's cheating.
That doesn't work well on phone-sized screens.
@KyleKanos Why are you such a hipster?
Because he's hip?
@0celo7 Hipsters don't use Linux, they use Mac
It's hip to be square :D
@KyleKanos I've never understood why Mac is considered hipster.
Because Linux is probably viewed as too tough and Windows is for 90% of the population
I grew up in an extremely conservative family, and I'm being shunned for my recent PC excursion.
@skillpatrol It's pelvis to be cubic
@JimsBond It's coccyx to be linear.
.....I have no words
What did I do now??
Not even for the quintic?
@KyleKanos I only know this because of American Psycho, lol
@Danu Huey Lewis or the song itself?
@JimsBond Are you referring to what I said? I need feedback for the knucklehead-o-meter!
@0celo7 I'm no doctor, but I think you missed the kicker of what I said, and then kinda sorta killed it by carrying it further. But again, I'm no doctor
@JimsBond He has a knack for not dropping things ;)
Youth must be served
What does that even mean!?
Google is your friend
I see we have reached point "This chat makes no sense!" again.
sorry, my fault :(
Hi @alarge :-)
@skillpatrol Have never heard that phrase before. I thought it was something from one of the dustier recesses of your mind-palace.
@Danu ?
(My mind palace would be more like a garden shed. With a broken lawnmower and an odd number of gardening gloves)
@JimsBond I think I hit the kicker perfectly.
@JimsBond Is there some connection between pelvis and cubic?
Yeah, I thought @0celo7 's comment was the punchline
I get the obvious hip -> pelvis and square -> cubic.
I went pelvis -> coccyx.
Should I have gone with quartic?
That would have been out of order
I was out of order by going with linear.
Is that the complaint?
I'm not sure what I missed...
Yeah, I used cubic as it relates to square shape-wise. Linear doesn't match because a line segment is any shape in 1D. But my line was essentially taking the "hip to be square" and translating it into more "nerdy" or technical sounding lingo. Hip->Pelvis. Square->Cubic.
You should have done "quadratic" then.
quadratic isn't about the box-like shape
A square is quadratic.

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