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Hey physics people, I was thinking why do we usually use single character variable names in physics, unlike in programming where we use descriptive names? (I know writing m is shorter than mass but at-least it is more descriptive?)
@AwalGarg I think it is mostly for brevity - formulae quickly get cluttered even with one-lettered variables, and longer names would be horrible for writing on boards or by hand in general
@AwalGarg In physics you rarely have more than a handful of variables, so there's rarely an issue with confusion. Of course in numerical codes, where there are many variables, you'd typically use more descriptive names. I think it is mostly due to mathematical notation and convention. For example this article uses descriptive names in the pseudocode, but single letters in the mathematical analysis.
We also use reliable convention for the single variables. In mechanics $m$ will almost always mean mass, and $v$ velocity. The reliability of these conventions gives an opportunity to become used to the brief names.
By contrast, non-trivial programs roam over the concept landscape rather than staying in a single well defined realm. (Of course when you first started programming your programs were trivial by this definition, and you could get away with short variable names).
@ACuriousMind Well, that's true. But I just found out that if I write my derivations and formulae as functions (like we do in code), it is a lot more readable and easier to understand.
Now that I mentioned sort algorithms, here's my favorite video on the matter.
@alarge Ha! I am talking about things like q representing charge (I can't honestly imagine how that letter relates to charge unless some other language thing)...
don't we... like... run out of alphabets?
@dmckee I do agree, but for more complex cases, things kinda get out of hand. For instance, if I have to represent two masses, my teacher recommends us to use m1 and m2... I don't really find it intuitive.
@AwalGarg Thus the greek, and the variaent ways to write the greek, and the caligraphic roman characters and the blackboard bold characters and even a few bit borrowed from Hebrew and Cyrillic.
@AwalGarg Think of it as an array. Indeed when we start working more general case we talk about a set of masses $m_i$ with $I = 1 \dots n$. and then start summing over things.
Of course, thinking is parallel arrays is discouraged by modern programing languages, but hey, I know Fortran 77.
@dmckee Hmm, I agree. Thanks!
Yeah, basically I had this thought if we could study physics' mathematical side as code. Writing functions, reusing them, and descriptive variable names and stuff. I found the idea intriguing and wanted to know what people here would think about it. So, thoughts?
@AwalGarg You can cast any mathematical reasoning into (pseudo-)code. It tends to not be very enlightening.
@AwalGarg ::shrug:: Even serious computationalists write traditional formulas when they want to explain ideas instead of implementations. Could just be habit, or there might be something to it. I know that I read math faster in the traditional form than in code.
@dmckee Fair enough. I guess I just find code easier because of my code-fu.
@ACuriousMind not even readability?
I find it easier to see "symmetries" in written out mathematical form. For example, I might have a nested double loop in code and not immediately notice that it could be written as a single sum with some clever manipulation, whereas in mathematical form this might be more apparent. I think it's mostly due to my past experience doing lots and lots of algebra, though, and some might find these things easier to see in for loops.
@AwalGarg I don't find code more readable than a mathematical formula, and I suspect most physicists and mathematicians would agree
@ACuriousMind I suspect the same :P Possibly because of conventions.
@alarge Depends on the programming language. Writing it in ruby would be fairly easy. Probably even better in Haskell.
@AwalGarg I think there's something to be said for brevity when it comes to digesting the equation as a whole, and I say this as someone who does at least as much coding as formula writing.
For instance, grabbing a random equation from my thesis, I have $$\Delta r \geq \sqrt{\Delta_+} - \sqrt{\Delta_-} + M \log\left(\frac{r_++\sqrt{\Delta_+}-M}{r_-+\sqrt{\Delta_-}-M}\right)$$
This would be a horrendously long line in code with descriptive variable names, or probably it would be broken into multiple lines
(I should know -- I have to code it)
And then the symmetry and intuition would not be visible at a glance
Also, it helps that writing has more characters, more ways to decorate characters (overlines, subscripts, etc.), and more ways to position them (fractions, etc.) -- so information can be encoded in more than just raw letters
Any of you guys familiar with deriving the $\dfrac{C}{2}(1 - \cos(\eta))$ solution from the GR Friedmann equations?
@Waffle'sCrazyPeanut posted a new one. it's awesome. on my profile.
@DanielSank It's your vote. As unlikely as it may be, it's possible that you may find an answer to an off-topic question helpful (to you). If I found such an answer useful (to me), I would up-vote it. If not, I would leave it alone. If it's just plain wrong, I would down-vote it. In other words, the fact that the associated question is off-topic would not be a factor (to me).
@JohnRennie Yep
4 hours later…
Q: How can I log out?

gwenMy brother has opened an account at this wonderful site, I heard it is allowed to have different accounts, as long as you do not interact and do not upvote each other. Can you confirm this is perfectly OK? If, so can you tell me how to log out? I can't find a button

Q: serial voting reversed

anna vI got a -70, yesterday. I had looked at all the answers previously because the count was way over the average. In all those answers I had been getting negative votes. So it was somebody agreeing with my point of view to mitigate the negatives. Does this happen with negative votes too? It is che...

1 hour later…
Noether's got a google doodle. Wahooooo!
@StanShunpike: She doesn't look like a particularly nice person, though.
but that pic is cool (maybe minus the formulas)
@NikolajK was she a bad person lol?
I don't know. She looks like a strict teacher. I believe many of the famous people where personally a little bitter. For example, I love Wittgenstein, but I also read he hit his pupils.
@dmckee: There are heavily studied frameworks which are code and capable of capturing basically all the math we know, in particular
Intuitionistic type theory (also known as constructive type theory, or Martin-Löf type theory) is a type theory and an alternative foundation of mathematics based on the principles of mathematical constructivism. Intuitionistic type theory was introduced by Per Martin-Löf, a Swedish mathematician and philosopher, in 1972. Martin-Löf has modified his proposal a few times; his 1971 impredicative formulation was inconsistent as demonstrated by Girard's paradox. Later formulations were predicative. He proposed both intensional and extensional variants of the theory. Intuitionistic type theory is based...
@AwalGarg: Related to the above, are you aware of
In programming language theory and proof theory, the Curry–Howard correspondence (also known as the Curry–Howard isomorphism or equivalence, or the proofs-as-programs and propositions- or formulae-as-types interpretation) is the direct relationship between computer programs and mathematical proofs. It is a generalization of a syntactic analogy between systems of formal logic and computational calculi that was first discovered by the American mathematician Haskell Curry and logician William Alvin Howard. It is the link between logic and computation that is usually attributed to Curry and Howard...
1 hour later…
@NikolajK well, we can celebrate her theorems instead of her
@StanShunpike: Don't get me wrong here, I didn't want to spread the rumor she wasn't the nicest cupcake. Just that seeing her pictures makes my imagine she's a strict adviser. Besides, people like Feynman are also hailed for their personality and rumor has it he bangs his PhD students wifes.
@NikolajK wow. That's definitely worse than being crabby lolol. He had synesthesia. I wonder what having that would be like when you go to a topless bar. hahaha he used to say the equations jumped and dance around as he read or lectured so go only knows what it would do around dames.
2 hours later…
Noether is on Google's front page for her bday!
@JamalS Hmm?
@Danu ?
Urgh, the google thing does misquote Einstein on Noether though
The real quote is: "Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began."
While Google has: "Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced"
Dat unjustified omission
Indeed, it's a completely different meaning.
Einstein would've never said the latter
The general public doesn't care about stuff like that
They just want sound bites.
"Hey, did you hear Einstein thought a woman was the greatest mathematian"
I know
Which is why Google has a responsibility not to mess that up
Google is coming out with a competitor for the iWatch.
The gold plated iWatch is going for $22,000 US
@NikolajK Is this related to the "Curley Howard correspondence" ? (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...)
@Danu Where is the quote? I don't see any quote at all
@KyleKanos Hi
@Jiminion Ah...how do I get to that page from google's frontpage, though? Clicking on Noether just googles her normally
It was the 4th item for me when I clicked on the doodle.
Nope, not seeing it
@Jiminion: Is what related? Also, what does nyuk mean, or how does it sound?
@NikolajK It was a joke relating to the 3 stooges. Curley was one of the stooges and he would say that.
The sound of a corny laugh.
@ACuriousMind Well, it's the posting for the google doodle. Are you using chrome?
lol...I didn't even know mods could place chatrooms in timeout. Following flags is fun
@Jiminion Nah, firefox
@Jiminion: Okay. Did you answer my first question?
@ACuriousMind was this room in time out?
@ACuriousMind Who got a time out?
@Jimnosperm The game developers
Go figure
Has this room ever been placed in time out?
They weren't being...particularly nice to each other, I gather
@infinitesimalsimplicio Not that I'd know, so not in the last eight months :P
The math room has :(
About 2/3 of all flags I get come from math, I'm not surprised.
About a year ago it got really ugly.
Ugh, what's a time out? Like we are little kids and need to calm down?
@Jiminion Exactly.
I had to call in skullpatrol but it was too late.
@NikolajK I think so. Some vintage curley: dailymotion.com/video/…
@ACuriousMind Ugh, if I ever get close to that, let me know and I will bow out....
It is tough in the heat of battle.
@Jiminion I don't think anyone in this room is in danger of needing a timeout ;)
@Jiminion: You asked "Is this related to the "Curley Howard correspondence?" I ask: Is what related to it?
It's just best to leave the keyboard when you feel threatened.
@NikolajK Curry-Howard , like I said, just a joke.
Seems to be an American thing..
Yes, the three stooges are an American thing :-)
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk ~ He, He, He
@JamalS Hi
Hi, I just have a quick C++ thing that was bugging me. Consider a contrived example: string join(string&& rv, const char * ptr){ return move(rv.append(", ").append(ptr)); }
Why does one need to explicitly state move()?
The variable rv is local, and will expire once exiting the function, so it's perfectly fine to move from it, and move() is not necessary, even though it isn't an rvalue (though it is initialized by an rvalue).
@ACuriousMind the English Language & Usage chat room is much worse than the math room.
@JamalS You mean define it? Because the default is int and it seems to be a void in your case. Also C++ wants you to be explicit with everything anyway.
@infinitesimalsimplicio Good thing I don't visit it, then ;)
@infinitesimalsimplicio Probably all critiquing each other's grammar and word use
I don't know C++ enough to answer this rightfully, but it seems to me that it is moving the string from ptr and putting it into the rv.
But I don't really know what it does
@KyleKanos Do you know what l/r values are?
Uh, no
As an example @Jimnosperm the correct word is "usage" not "use" };-)
Oh, okay... move() turns things into rvalues...
@KyleKanos Essentially, an lvalue is something you can take the address of, e.g. int x = 5, x would be the lvalue. In this case, 5 itself would be the rvalue because it's a temporary, and you cannot take the address of it.
Well that's a rather silly terminology.
The point of move(...) is to make things rvalues when it's safe to move them into something else, rather than copy, which can give a performance boost.
@KyleKanos It's because one is on the left, hence the l, and the other on the right. I didn't make it up...
(Though, the left/right is not always the case.)
@JamalS I know, it's on the internet too.
(I googled it after you mentioned it)
Anyway, the reason I was perplexed by my example is because the C++14 standard specifies that compilers can implement unnamed/named return value optimizations that move instead of copy, without the use of move(...) in certain cases, and so it seemed like the move(...) in this case was superfluous. I'll ask on SO chat.
You could get a billion rep on SO if you just asked if it was superfluous
When the compiler can do NRVO (local variables), you actually shouldn't use move.
But when you do use move in your case you'll know for certain that it'll be moved (if the type is moveable). Not all compilers may be able to elide the copy. I'm not sure if in practice that's going to have much of an effect (i.e. it could be that most compilers indeed don't do the copy there, but you could write tests just in case).
@alarge I know the effect is bound to be minuscule - I did describe the example as contrived. Regardless of performance effects, I would still do it for 'correctness' though, if it is.
And you'd be right to do it for correctness.
@alarge Am I correct in assuming the compiler can't move automatically through optimizations if the return value type can be cast to the function type, but is not precisely the type?
That I don't know, you'd need to consult the standard.
I wrote a quick test with a custom type and it seems that the copy constructor is called (g++ -O3) unless I explicitly call std::move. This even for the trivial case with no casts.
Good to know - thanks.
Oh, you already saw it
@infinitesimalsimplicio They're really a bunch of a-holes over there :P
there is no "official standard format" for fbds?
fbds = free body diagrams?
There is not
@DavidZ, ok ty, cause the text has like dashed lines and solid lines and colored lines pretty much at random
and since I type my homework I wanted to make sure I did it right
There's probably some latex package for them
Yep, they are good at trolling too :-) @danu
I got a gold medal on stackexchange! Woo!
And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
@infinitesimalsimplicio lol how did you come across that?
Google image search "and all I got was this ..."
Lolol random Google image searches can be unpredictable if you have safe search off.
Use quotation marks.
True, that helps
You're very unlikely to get something weird if you type something quite specific and use quotes.
Mar 18 at 19:16, by NeuroFuzzy
I was trying to look up the rho symbol my book uses (turns out it was $\varrho$ or some font variant of that) and so I googled "curvy rho" without thinking and got a porn star...
I always start with quotation marks
There's still too much porn on the web.
There always will be.
It was the first Internet business that made a profit
@infinitesimalsimplicio that's exactly the problem. You can google anything and it can come up.
Its actually a very weird phenomena now that I think about it, but I suppose algorithms can always be imprecise at times.
Pet peeve of mine, phenomena is plural, phenomenon is the singular.
@ACuriousMind That's good to know! Then I'm making that mistake everywhere
You're not alone, I see many people using phenomena for the singular
@infinitesimalsimplicio You think it's getting less? LOL
Also, why "too" much? WHat's so bad about it?
Children have access
And some of it's messed up. Child pornography. The weird kinky stuff. Like some of it isn't acceptable. So clearly there is too much if you interpret it that way.
I can't but imagine that Simpsons scene every time someone makes an argument involving children, no matter its validity
The Simpsons is a cartoon
There is Simpsons porn, too
Porn is everywhere
I can't say I really mind it. Of course, I don't endorse child pornography or anything like that... but good ol' legal porn? Why not!
There are limits
@Danu "good ol' legal porn"...you mean, with lawyers and stuff?
@ACuriousMind Ehh... Don't put words in my mouth!
(best intro line ever, to a lawyer porn scene)
The jury goes out does what?
All 12 of them
It gives new meaning to the classic movie 12 angry men
One of my favourite movies of all time.
Also, this classic video
It's really cheap, but while we're at porn jokes n stuff...
Alrighty, I'm off to do something productive. Guess I will plan out which lectures I'm going to watch. :) bbl
@bolbteppa you gave me a list of lectures to watch. The order made sense except you listed Quantum Entanglement before Quantum Mechanics. Was that intentional?
@StanShunpike I suggest trial and error
@Danu with what? You mean the order?
@Danu I thought the whole point was to do it in a particular order...
I started the classical mechanics ones this morning.
You will very quickly be able to ascertain whether the entanglement ones need QM
@StanShunpike I think I explained in a comment beside the list that the entanglement videos do more explicit examples, I remember like really explicit stuff in those but not in the direct QM lectures, and he referred to the entanglement videos as saying he already did some easier stuff in those that he wont do again
@StanShunpike awesome, how do you find the mechanics videos? Don't forget these notes lecture-notes.co.uk/susskind/classical-mechanics (though they might be from the old version of the course)
2 hours later…
Hello everyone !
I'm back!
who remembers me? @vzn @alarge @MarkMitchison @Danu @KyleKanos @ACuriousMind
It's great to be back!
One thing I know has changed, @vzn and my rooms have been frozen
Is there anyway to unfreeze a room? @dmckee
Yeah, moderators can unfreeze rooms
Also, you're the "plant guy", right? ;)
@ACuriousMind yes.. made significant progress on that project...
@bolbteppa Very interesting. I like the distinction between a discrete det of configuration states (eg head tails) and a continuous one (like position and velocity). It makes me wonder about applications to music theory. But he also makes a good point about what determinism means and how this connects to conservation laws.
@bolbteppa I'm not sure I appreciated those were related. Perhaps that's hwy I am having difficulty grasping Noether's theorem.
@ACuriousMind you'be seen @MarkMitchison ?
@TAbraham He is around, but I haven't seen him in chat lately, no
@ACuriousMind sad..
He helped me out a lot 3 days ago or something like that
He seems to have been in here less than two days ago, given that his name shows up as an autocompletion
What is the tag for?
It seems very superfluous given the two more specific tags and .
@ACuriousMind : Mostly a hassle. Should we make it a synonym of QM?
@Qmechanic Yes, looking at the few questions tagged with it I think it is a synonym of QM already in practice.
@ACuriousMind : Done.
@StanShunpike Yes.
@Qmechanic Very good, thanks!
@ACuriousMind Two stars for "exactly"...interesting.
@0celo7 Sometimes, less words are more ;)
...or is it fewer?
@ACuriousMind Conciser is nicer
Fewer, but that's English teacher tier.
Is a differential form merely a $k$-tensor that is antisymmetric under an exchange on any pair of indices? Is that the only additional property besides being a $k$-tensor?
@0celo7 Is it perceived as pedantic to make that distinction?
@StanShunpike Yes, also note that if $\operatorname{dim}M=n$, then $\Omega^p(M)=\{0\}$ for $p>n$.
@ACuriousMind Oh yeah.
At least in my circles.
Whatever that means.
Heh, thought so
What is $\Omega$?
@StanShunpike Vector space of $p$-forms.
Ah, okay. I get it. Cool, that's interesting. I think I read that too.
@StanShunpike The computations are more tedious, that's for sure.
Computations of what?
I referenced a post.
Ah, hang on
I figured out how to do the arrow thing on mobile
Ooh, do tell!
Also I think that QFT actively draws on more prerequisite material than GR, at least if you're reading undergrad GR.
If you get a GR book that also covers SR well, it's pretty self-contained.
I get the feeling that QFT is less self-contained.
Well, its a bit inconvenient, but you can click the menu button on the left. When you do, it has a button that says full site. So that takes you to the normal chat you see on your PC. And the arrow thing works. Then when u are done, go to the bottom right and click mobile and it goes back.
@0celo7 I think you summarized it exactly
I think that's why I underestimated how much background QFT may need of different areas.
@StanShunpike I don't think that the mathematics is harder in GR or QFT...you can get a lot of abstraction in both.
I didn't say one was harder.
I just meant that QFT seems more spread out over a variety of tools.
@StanShunpike I didn't say you said that, I'm just commenting.
Oh, touche
Without the accent it looks like t-ouch
@JamalS What did you use to learn representation theory on the level required for Becker, Becker and Schwarz?
@0celo7 can you always establish a coordinate frame / system on an affine space?
@StanShunpike That's a question for @ACuriousMind, not me.
::looks around nervously:: Who, me? Coordinate systems?
@StanShunpike: What do you mean by "establish a coordinate system on an affine space"?
Pick an origin?
@StanShunpike Yeah, any point is an allowed origin, that's kinda the... point of affine spaces ;)
Yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around that. Does that mean there are no basis vectors used to define points in an affine space? I mean, its not a vector space so I suppose not.
I actually only ever think of "affine space" as "vector space where I've forgotten the origin". I think that's pretty much what they are.
Does that mean it has basis vectors? How can you have canonical basis vectors without an origin? They are usually centered at the origin. Although, I have never seen anyone need the origin to define a canonical basis, so I don't know why it would matter. I just have trouble visualizing basis vectors without it.
@StanShunpike It doesn't have basis vectors in a direct sense, no, because it is not a vector space. Yet, it has a notion of translating its elements by vectors of the vector space it is modelled on, and one could say that the basis vectors of that space give "basis directions" in the affine space.
The distinction between affine and vector space is kinda ridiculous, because the only difference is really that one has an origin and the other hasn't
@0celo7 Finished a new song yesterday. It's sick. Check it out if you get a chance. Link is on my SE profile.
I based it on this song from a movie Frozen.
@StanShunpike I'm typing up a script for a sketch about an ethical dilemma.
I actually haven't seen the movie. I saw the song while at Costco
No music today.
What kind of ethical dilemma?
Kid with PTSD killed his step father because he had a flashback to when we was being abused.
Wow! Intense!
However, the evidence for him having PTSD is inconclusive.
What is this for?
It's an intro to the much bigger issue of how mentally ill individuals are treated in the justice system.
Is this ur psych class?
A leadership seminar that I'm taking.
Oh, lol
We're discussing ethics.
Huh, they should have 50 Shades of Morally Gray seminar. I heard that movie is dicey in terms of ethics.
Would ACLU take on that case?
@StanShunpike Oooh, I can make the prosecution claim an Oedipus complex.
He killed his stepfather because he is love with his mother.
Although, I'm not sure that qualifies as mentally ill.
Perhaps having that complex can interfere with the testing for PTSD though
Not that I know anything, but I would guess it depends on the behavioral symptoms, wouldnt you think? Like, if he displays symptoms like..
disrupted sleep or there's evidence in writing...stuff that's provable, then you could make a case for having an unusally strong version that would interfere.
@bolbteppa another thing his coin configuration space reminded me of was permutation groups and FSMs.
Are there judges in all criminal cases?
Who actually decides if an insanity plea is allowable?
law.cornell.edu/wex/insanity_defense related (yeah I just pulled a QMechanic :p)

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