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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@JamalS Having an advanced degree does not immunize you from acting like an idiot.
2 hours later…
Q: Need immediate help with attached questions (due 12/10 midnight)

KaseyJenkinsI need immediate help (until 12/10 midnight) with my final questions. I am really struggling and any help will be really appreciated. Questions are in this link: http://imgur.com/a/A5sgN#0 Please let me know, if you request to be paid in return. Looking forward to hearing from you guys. Kasey

Nice that he/she is offering to pay us...
3 hours later…
Q: Of which thing in physics is the logo (graph) of physics.stacexchange.com

yawarSince I visited physics.stackexchange, I am really curious what function has such a graph or is it just random. I am referring to the graph logo of this stackexchange community

@KyleKanos In answer to your question, I'm guessing U. of Arizona -- its A ME 250 course description matches the questions pretty well
then again, it's "usually offered" only in spring, so maybe not?
Q: Low quality of election nominees

user45195I recently noticed that elections for 3 moderator positions were going to be held. I looked through the list of candidates so far, and actually found people with, like 500 reputation, among the candidates. Also, I found that all votes were given equal value. So, I am posing 2 direct suggestions r...

This is happening on Mathematics
In light of this I wonder if we have any latitude to tweak the requirements for people to nominate themselves for a moderator election on this site. (Not that we have any specific plans for one, but presumably it'll happen sooner or later, and any requirements should be set well in advance)
Well, perhaps a first step is running those queries on our user base to see where things stand
Good idea
Though it seems weird to worry about electing a poor moderator -- that requires poor nominees and misguided voting, so you really have to not trust the community
I don't think we'd have the same problem with frivolous nominations that they do on Math anyway, so it probably doesn't matter
@ChrisWhite be a moderator for long enough and you won't trust the community either :-P (just kidding)
Just to be clear, are there any barriers to nomination, here or on math?
I think you need 300 rep and a certain amount of time having been a member on the site - two weeks or something?
There are some barriers but they're currently quite low for us. I don't remember the details.
Q: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsThe community bulletin says that there is a moderator election occurring. How does the election work and how can I get involved? Return to FAQ index

I guess that is a bit low, considering I seem to be able to nominate myself on math for 1 question and 3 answers
Yeah, which is why you get all the random nominations on Math from people who don't seem like they'd be particularly good moderators
Given that math moderators seem to always be under attack, and they all burn out or rage quite eventually, I don't know why anyone wants that job
I think a lot of people who aren't moderators don't really know exactly what it takes to be a good moderator. Even if we don't/can't change the requirements, a meta post along the lines of "anyone who does not meet X/Y/Z criteria, I would not consider a serious candidate" might be useful, to help inform the voting.
And it should be done well in advance so it doesn't look like we're trying to skew the vote toward one particular person.
@ChrisWhite hehe, true. Good thing our site isn't like that.
Sometimes I browse Math meta to make myself feel better :-P
News flash from the hot questions list: @ is the matrix multiplication operator in python 3.5!? What... just... why?
I was reading that PEP just an hour ago. I actually like the idea. It's not necessary but it's going to make numerical coding in Python way more convenient.
@ is a questionable choice of symbol but it really was the most practical option available.
Back to mod elections: while I'm not necessarily against having reasonable (soft or hard) limits on who can run, the egalitarian anti-oligarchic American in me worries very much about giving more votes to those with more rep.
@DavidZ Meh. New people no get votes.
What about a fee of around 100 rep? This would put off low rep users and filter in the more serious ones. — Alizter 14 hours ago
^^ Poll taxes
@ChrisWhite Oh, yeah, I'm with you there. Beyond a cutoff to ensure that anyone who votes has some experience with the site, that seems like a pretty counterproductive idea.
It's like a microcosm of everything wrong with democracy over there -- incompetent candidates, mob rule vs. enfranchised elites
someone should do a political study on Math SE elections
@DavidZ: What would be your criteria for a good moderator?
For a good moderator, hm... someone who is diplomatic, who has been at least somewhat active on the site long enough to be familiar with it (I want to say 6-8 months or so), who has demonstrated a good understanding of our scope, ideally who basically knows how close votes, edits, and review queues work
and someone who actively participates in meta and chat
Who wants to join the Manishearth SuperPAC?
me me me!
you do have cookies, right?
Depends, am I paying or getting paid? :-P
Cookies are indeed acceptable currency
Do you offer chocolate instead?
Actually cookies would be fantastic currency. It's hard to find a decent chocolate chip cookie in China.
Had the most amazing sugar cookies at Portland last week
And it was part of a conference.
You could scarf down as many as you wanted :D
@DavidZ You could always make them yourself :)
@JamalS other things that are hard to find in China: chocolate chips, milk, and flour
@DavidZ well duh. Ever tried eating a chocolate chip cookie with chopsticks? :P
@ChrisWhite I tried eating other kinds of cookies with chopsticks. It's not that hard actually.
Come to think of it, I should just eat plain chocolate chips with chopsticks.
@DavidZ that idea is so amazing, I'm going to do that right now
It's early morning, but now I want to eat my chocolate truffles, with chopsticks!
@DavidZ so why are you in China anyway?
@ChrisWhite I have a postdoc here
Oh cool! I missed the memo about you becoming a postdoc it seems.
Well there wasn't really one, unless you follow me on Twitter (or unless you read my blog)
@DavidZ What's your twitter?
That would require visiting other places on the internet, which I've never been brave enough to do.
@JamalS @ellipsix (it's on my SE profile)
@DavidZ: I like what it says on the back of your shirt :)
Oh, yeah, I think that was the one from my undergrad classical mechanics class
5 hours later…
Does anyone have any idea how the Poincare patches (in dS and AdS spacetimes) got their name?
@Danu I'm not sure at all, but could it be because the AdS (which is a hyperbolic space) in quite the same way as the Poincare disk models 2D hyperbolic space?
because *they model
I really need to proofread the stuff I write...
@Danu wouldn't that be a good HSM question?
@ChrisWhite you know Twitter is big among early-career researchers, especially in astronomy
@DavidZ I know, I was thinking about this
@ACuriousMind ...but what about dS (I encountered it there for my bachelor's thesis)
I can't even find out how the Poincare patch in dS looks (I hadn't heard the term before), so I got nothing for that.
Go ask that SE of yours! ;)
1 hour later…
@ChrisWhite That's what I thought too, given my Google Fu (both the UA & Spring only offering). ND has an AME 250 course as well. I'm not too worried about it, I guess
3 hours later…
Hey, if anyone wants a fairly easy 50 bounty plus upvote plus accept on MathSE, I have a question about co/contravariance of equations at math.stackexchange.com/questions/1053789/…. I'm bad at understanding how curvilinear coordinates work, so it should probably be fairly easy for anyone who is good at general relativity.
@DanielSank it's the first time that I am in this "chat-room" as you call it. Daniel, don't you have an e-mail? My question about spontaneous emission is a hard question. The topic is not trivial. I tried to explain in brief, and got a message of "too long".
@Sofia You can split up what you wanted to write into multiple messages, there's nothing speaking against that. (If you want to discuss a particular question in detail, it might be better to start a new room for that, though)
@ACuriousMind I don't have the right to open a room. Does Daniel have a room?
@Sofia Probably not, but I think he should be able to start one (he's not currently in this room, though)
@ACuriousMind: Aaa! Then, I am practically sending a letter to the wind. But, tell me, how do you use this "room"? Everyone that gets into the room reads the questions posted to him?
yep, it's just like good old AOL chatrooms
@Sofia It's...just a chat room, really. You can come here to ask the people present (physics) questions, but you can also talk about whatever else is on your mind. Basically, as the name h bar suggests, it's just a place for physics.SE people to hang around ;)
@ACuriousMind: I see.
And I thought Americans were supposed to be the impolite tourists. I now have the sudden urge to punch someone to demonstrate the true meaning of "openly hostile."
@ChrisWhite Haha, OP rolled back the edit because it "lost the meaning" of his words
As long as we have the NSA, it may as well do something useful and track that person to make sure he never enters the country.
In other frustrated news, I'm editing tex documents written by a bunch of people in my department, and the things they do would make Knuth cry
Like what?
like they for some reason turned off all paragraphs and they manually insert blank lines and indentations each time they're needed
Don't they know how to program in Latex?
I... don't think so
they also only use tex primitives
That's like when people hit enter multiple times in Word instead of using page break. Or when they manually make a table of contents. It's infuriating
this source code should be turned into a PSA: "Kids, this is your brain on IDL/IRAF"
Q: How are dimensions indicated in physics equations?

x457812The universe is often described as being 4-dimensional (having 3 spatial dimensions + the dimension of time). Some theories (such as some string theories) consider the universe as having even more dimensions. In some cases, some of the dimensions are viewed as "curled up". For example: accordin...

Should this question be on-hold? E.g. the accepted answer does not seem to answer the question in the question formulation. Or alternatively: it is unclear what OP is really asking.
@Qmechanic I think you're taking the OP's words too literally. When they say "dimension" they often mean "coordinate" -- they aren't looking for dimension counting, but rather notation for specifying which coordinate is being used.
They've probably only seen basic vectors, and they're wondering if v^1, v^2, v^3, ... extends to v^{10} or if something else happens (I dunno, maybe v^1_a, v^3_b?)
Oh dear that latter notation would be so terribly confusing
@Sofia: In case you come back here, I am more than happy to discuss your question at length either here or via email. My email is available on my user profile.
@ACuriousMind there we go with wavefunctions and collapsing again... :))
Q: How to reinstall leather laces on Sperry's boat shoes?

jiniytEvery question that involves friction and force is a physics question. Bear with me. Sperry's are boat shoes with leather laces running through several eyes along the sides of the shoes. I removed these and replaced them with cotton laces, but installing them took quite a bit of effort. The insta...

haha -- recently it was pointed out to me that everyone in Princeton wears those shoes (while dressed like they're about to go yachting)
Yeah, it's a style down here in Clemson as well
Does anyone have a really solid explanation of why we should exclude disconnected diagrams in QFT?
I mean something better than 'vacuum to vacuum stuff shouldn't contribute' which is what I've been hearing till now
@Danu We don't exclude them, but, when calculating n-point functions, they are automatically divided out since the partition function is precisely the contribution of disconnected diagrams!
(And the need to divide by the partition function is there both in the path integral and in the LSZ operator formalism)
This post that popped up on facebook made me laugh pretty hard: "After truly believing that I want to become a gynaecologist for almost two years, I give up this inspiring idea after following this course for 3 weeks... Too much, just too much..."
@ACuriousMind So why exactly are we dividing them out
(I know we do, that's what I meant by 'exclude')
Also, does anyone have something for drawing Feynman diagrams that's better than Jaxodraw? In particular, I'd like to label my lines
@Danu In the path integral formalism, because that's what you do when you take the expectation values w.r.t. non-normalised partition functions. In the LSZ operator formalism, I don't see any particular "reason" except for "It's what comes out if you go through the LSZ derivation of Feynman rules/n-point functions"
Well, outside of the fact that $dt$ is running down to $10^{-9}$, my cute 2D MHD code is working smoothly
@KyleKanos Sounds legit
@ACuriousMind "because that's what you do"?
@Danu It is pretty legit
Let's say I start naively with $Z[j]$ for a scalar field
why should I think that my vacuum bubble diagrams are unphysical?
@Danu Purely statistical: Given a "probability" distribution $f$ with partition function $\int f$, the expectation value of any $g$ is $\frac{\int fg}{\int f}$
and then decide to take $iW[j]=\log Z[j]$ as the 'real deal'
@ACuriousMind I get that, but I don't think that's what this is
In particular, you can already normalize $Z[j]$ with no problems
Can I interject a dumb question:
What're you talking about?
@KyleKanos Path integral
At least there's a reference that I can get to
Also, there's always FeynMP
yeah, but I hate that type of input, it's real cumbersome for someone like me who has like 0 computer skillz
You are a student, no?
I really wish Twitch emotes worked here
Because I totally would have entered Kappa right after LEARN above
@KyleKanos Keepo
@KyleKanos It's not that I can't learn it, it's that I know that Jaxodraw is better anyways lol
That's a better reason
...but I want to have something even better
Anyone around here know much about stochastic processes?
I picked that up
@DanielSank I know some
@Danu Yes. And in normalizing $Z[j]$, you also divide by $Z[0]$, which is again the partition function, i.e. the contribution of disconnected diagrams
@ACuriousMind No
Ah, I see what you're saying though
@ACuriousMind I think we're slightly talking past each other
but I think I now understand what you're saying
@KyleKanos I can't program :\
..."familiarity with C is assumed" :(
Alright, I have a question I've posted on a few SE sites but never got any info. Here we go:
Suppose I tell you that I have a process with a particular spectral density and unconditional distribution. Now suppose I tell you that at time $t=0$ the process has value $V_0$. What is the conditional distribution of the process at $t=T$?
@Danu Again: LEARN (Kappa)
@DanielSank Sounds like a martingale
@KyleKanos: waiting...
You want $\mathbb{P}\left(X(T)=x|X(0)=V_0\right)$
For process $X(t)$
(sorry for delay, I was distracted by a pair of comments on the main)
@KyleKanos: I'm just teasing.
I know that (there's some winks)
Is $X(t)$ discrete or continuous?
I believe there is a theorem called "Doob's theorem" which gives the answer to this question, but I haven't found an actual explanation of what the theorem says!
@KyleKanos: There's this mathworld.wolfram.com/DoobsTheorem.html, but some of the variables aren't defined
Well for continuous cases, we normally use$\mathbb{P}(X=x|Y=y)=\mathbb{P}(X=x,Y=y)/\int\mathbb{P}(X=x,Y=y)dx$.
Thanks Kyle!
Also, my damn latex is not working
It's giving me mad trouble with pictures all of a sudden
I had always simply been using things like
but all of a sudden that doesn't work anymore (?!)
@Danu: That should work.
What's the error.
Cannot determine size of graphic in Danu.pdf (no BoundingBox). ...udegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{Danu.pdf}
looking it up online gives really strange stuff
that shouldn't be happening here
I havent messed with my compiler or anything
Are you using pdflatex?
...I think so?
(Also, btw, there is a TeX SE site!)
I know
am I doing something wrong?
Yes: you're a scientist using Windows
@KyleKanos: That is not so helpful :\
I know
But he knows I'm pulling his leg
@Danu: Have you opened the .pdf in another viewer while trying to compile?
Actually I've found that the windows packages work better than the Linux ones.
Screw elitist nerds :D
@ACuriousMind no
I really don't like Linux - just because of all those angry nerd types that advocate it :)
Go all the way: go Unix
Unfortunately, I use MikTeX, not TeXStudio, so I cannot say if any of your settings are off.
Since I haven't actually used a Windows machine for not-Word purposes in about 6 years, I'm useless on this one
@Danu: I've used both OS's extensively and I prefer Linux for desktop work. For experiments in the lab Windows is often necessary. They serve their purposes. This is not the place for that argument :)
Anyway, this probably has nothing to do with the OS.
@Danu: How did you generate the pdfs?
@DanielSank What do you mean
@ACuriousMind Are you using the standard editor that comes with it? If that's the case, you should really try a different one, the standard one is pretty bad in comparison; it's a nice upgrade
@Danu: Where did the pdf you're trying to use come from? How did you make it? Inkscape?
No, it's just a picture
the same problem happens with any picture now
there's somethins seriously wrong with TeXStudio, not the picture
@Danu: Make a new tex document which does nothing besides render the image. Does that work?
@Danu Hm. I think so. TeXworks is the standard front end, isn't it?
@ACuriousMind: There is no standard.
@Danu: Did you make a new file which only makes the picture?
@Danu probably easiest just to re-install your distribution to have the default setting again
@ACuriousMind It is the standard front end (comes with MikTeX when you install it). Really, give Studio a try
@DanielSank yes, and it doesn't work
@Phonon: Ack! No! Don't do that.
@Phonon I dont think it's the distribution, but the editor
My distribution has always been working fine (I use it daily)
haven't done pictures for quite some time though
Yes. Yes, I think instead of further smashing my head against the wall that is this week's excercise sheet, I will test different TeX frontends :D
@Danu: You made a new file which only includes the picture, right? There are no packages imported besides graphicx or whatever it's called?
@Danu ah ok, then nvm. I ve always used texmaker as editor, never had any issues.
and may have changed some settings when I started using biblatex
(+1 for TeXMaker)
so... any suggestions?
@Danu: I'm waiting for confirmation that you tried building a file with no biboiography and absolutely no package imports except for the graphics one.
I already told you, I did
Just checking. People lie about that all the time.
@Danu no clue :( have you tried the tex.SE chatroom?
@Danu: Ok, now try doing it via command line. No IDE.
@DanielSank I don't know how to do that (computer n00b here)
@Danu: Probably type pdflatex.exe my_tex_file.tex
@omg you're on Windows 8?
I'm on windows 8 yes
Do you know how to get a command line shell?
I know what cmd.exe is, that's about as far as it goes
run that
then type pdflatex.exe or pdflatex
Does that do anything/
seems fine
"this is pdflatex blahblah"
I really think it's my editor
That's what we're checking.
@Danu: Go to the directory with your super duper simple .tex file which only imports the image and pdflatex it.
@DanielSank you mean in cmd.exe?
how do I copy paste in cmd again? I forgot
oh yeah with my mouse
what would the command be?
path/etc/file.tex and then what?
@Danu: First,
cd path\to\my\files
pdflatex my_tex_file.tex
@DanielSank: I was looking for you. Can we continue our dialog on spontaneous emission?
@Sofia: Of course. I guess your rage toward me has subsided :)
@Sofia: It seems the thing that puzzles you is that the vaccum can cause anything to happen at all, yes?
@DanielSank: I forgot. Who has time for such things! My rage is an the weather after rain. There follows a brilliant sun, ans splendid weather.
@DanielSank gives me not much interesting
@Danu: Great! Did it produce a pdf?
@Danu: :(
@Danu What exactly does it say?
@Danu: Um... what was printed to the console?
A screenshot is fine since cmd.exe can't do the copypasta very easily
@DanielSank: please see, it is a very serious issue. I would be glad, if we can have a profound talk on it.
@Sofia: I'm trying.
I want to understand exactly what's confusing you!
it just returns this
@Sofia: I think the best way to start this is to begin with something simpler than the continuous vacuum. May we instead start with a two level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator.
@Danu: That... doesn't make sense. That's all it printed?
@DanielSank yup
@Sofia: Are you comfortable with the idea that the vacuum is actually a continuous set of harmonic oscillators?
@Danu that's it?
Not even a version banner?
(a banner being the first line printed)
@DanielSank: no, Daniel, no! I'll tell you the issue. By the way, whatever you explained me in your comments, is known to me. In fact, I have some after-thoughts whether it is not a too heavy problem for this frame. But, I will tell you and you'll see.
@Sofia: "No" to which part?
second try gives this
(Y'all physics people be cray.)
@Danu: There's an error in the source file! It tells you so right there.
Ooook :)
@DanielSank: no, to the need of beginning from a two-level system.
@Danu Type this: vvv
@Danu: Are there spaces in your file name?
pdflatex.exe "C:\Users\Danu\Dropbox\Academics\Curriculum Vitae.tex"
@SeanAllred: yep.
Spaces in a file name makes everything more complicated. Use hyphens or underscores
@Danu: Don't EVER put spaces in a file name for the rest of your life for any reason. Don't do it for money. Don't do it for glory. Don't do it for God and/or country.
That's the path, not the file
@Danu: Do what SeanAllred says, please.
@Danu It's part of the file name, for this purpose
@DanielSank: let me spare you guesses. Can we have some talk on Saturday? Now, it's past midnight in my country. What is the time now, there where you are? What is the difference between our clocks?
It's 14:45 here.
@SeanAllred undefined control sequence
Use forward slashes then. TeX will know what you mean.
@Danu: pdflatex.exe "C:/Users/Danu/Dropbox/Academics/Curriculum Vitae.tex"
(Although it shouldn't be a problem... unless....... are you running pdflatex and then, when it's running, typing in the file name? Because that won't work. (You can \input the filename, which would be appropriate, but that's a complication.))
no new results :P
@Danu: But actually, what you should do is rename the file curriculum_vitae.tex
not undefined, but ? again
the file is NOT CV.tex
Or CV.tex
the file is test.tex guys
@Danu: Let's stop this foolishness. Rename the file to something without spaces.
I already said that
Sorry -- I'm relatively new to the convo :)
@Danu: That's not what your screenshot says.
@Aha! Very well! Then, I intend to look for you on Saturday. Tomorrow and after tomorrow re too busy days for me. O.K. ?
@DanielSank I believe it is, though
@DanielSank look again
@Sofia: I can't guarantee I'll be hanging around waiting for you all day on Saturday.
pdflatex "C:/Users/Danu/Academics/Curriculus Vitae/test.tex"
the file is test.tex, the folder it's in is curriculum vitae
@Danu ^^^ but please rename your folder
@DanielSank chill breh XD
this is what I was talking about when I talked about "angry" earlier
@Danu as with all things internet, take it with a grain of salt :)
It still doesn't do anything
folder is now called CV
@Danu: What does "doesn't do anything" mean? Error message?
it does not help
it gives the rerun blahblah again
with a ? at the end
@Danu Alright. Crash course in the command line coming up.
I am beginning to understand why @Danu is not a computationalist :D :) ;)
@KyleKanos :D
too young
Never had to do this stuff
The files go in the computer!?
The stuff before the first > is your current folder. You want to cd (short for Change Directory) into the folder with your TeX file
So, cd Dropbox (enter), etc.
@Danu: Please post a screenshot of test.tex.
Very well! Then, I intend to look for you on Saturday. Tomorrow and after tomorrow re too busy days for me. O.K. ?

@DanielSank Very well! Then, I intend to look for you on Saturday. Tomorrow and after tomorrow re too busy days for me. O.K. ?
From TeX.SX chat:
@Sofia: Sure, I hope we will meet.
@danu rest assured your TeX file is correct (as long as Danu.pdf exists)
@DanielSank: excellent!
Btw guys, I really think we're overdoing this. I'm pretty sure there's simple thing I messed up in the settings of TeXStudio
(no offense and all)
@Danu you're correct, but it would be good to understand what TeXstudio is doing
@KyleKanos: Ok, we get it :)
Took me forever to get it
@Danu But if you prefer -- somewhere in TeXstudio there is a menu option called run or build or sompile or something like that
I'm now using a Mac because I'm proctoring an exam
Stupid Meta key instead of CTRL key
@SeanAllred ...I know this! I gave you screenshot of it lol
Force run pdflatex instead of latex
@SeanAllred: He pasted a link to a screenshot above.
I tried this, it didn't help
@DanielSank As he did on TeX.SX
^ again lol
@Danu Then no offense, but you're doing it wrong :(
That's part of the reason we were going through the command line to confirm the issue
+1 for starting from the basics.
@SeanAllred Ok, how do I do it. Just change the compiler to pdflatex, no?
@Danu Yes, that should do it.
Default compiler is now latex -> pdflatex
Anywhere you see latex, just use pdflatex
yes, this didn't work
then we have to go through the command line
if the command line works, you should use a different editor
because this one is borked beyond repair
@SeanAllred I can reinstall
(plus, I believe TeXstudio isn't very well maintained... it may legitimately be buggy)
@I think we should go back to the command line and verify that at least that works.
@SeanAllred Do you have any recommendations for a better editor? I'm open for changing
@DanielSank He's getting the banner so the distribution is functional
@Danu If you are reinstalling I would personally recommend TexMaker. It is fantastic.
You would probably feel at home with TeXmaker
@SeanAllred Yeah but it would be nice to see that he can get a pdf out.
@DanielSank True
As a bonus, Texmaker works in Linux too in case you ever switch.
@Danu If you want an editor with a lot of other goodies (integrated R, etc.) check out emacs :) It's what I use, but it's definitely not for those who just want to get the pdf and go home.
I personally like Kile
@KyleKanos I think you're biased :)
But honestly, I never really liked kile. Too much like N++/gedit/etc.
I'll give it a shot with texmaker
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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