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"Since in quantum mechanics there is one quantum state per unit volume in classical phase space" - Ed Witten, Quantum Field Theory and the Jones Polynomial, pdf here
@ArnavTripathy I think the above quote is sufficient to ask on the main site something like "what is the proof of this off-hand statment?"
Also your other question was good - you really should ask it - don't worry about making it perfect
@ChrisWhite Yeah, it seems like a question many people will have.
The two books I was reading just mentioned that you can allocate a chunk of k space to each state. They didn't mention why in the world they liked doing that
(and then later strange conclusions were drawn)
@ManishEarth Perhaps you can read more Witten: "The topology of M is rather intricate (and this was in fact the main subject of interest in [33]). On general grounds M inherits a symplectic structure (that is, a structure of Poisson brackets) from the symplectic structure present on M_0 before imposing the constraints, M is a compact space (with some singularities), and in particular its volume with the natural symptectic volume element is finite."
... or maybe not....
symplawha? :P
I had understood the need of it finally
But I never needed that later so I sort of forgot
If I have a glimpse at the relevant pages of the book I'll get it again
1 hour later…
I'm varying the unit cell size of diamond, and I get two points of convergence
Go home physics, you're drunk
@ManishEarth Should I (you) be worried that the points show a lot of scatter? Is that roundoff/instability/something bad?
@ChrisWhite I'm generating a better resolution plot, we'll see
that may or may not be scatter
Out of curiosity, how are you calculating this? Summing pairwise interaction energies?
I'm using abinit. First-principles calculation
Take the Schrodinger equation, apply the Bloch condition, and do some numerical method magic
And, now I see my problem
I need to take more k points
(I forgot to change the default value)
Set it to a 6x6x6 grid, hopefully it won't take an hour to calculate :P
goes back to watching Pink Panther/Tom&Jerry cartoons
(doing anything else would mean that I won't be able to immediately act on it if I get output)
ooh, done
Still lots of scatter
(Also, I realized that I spelled "convergence" as "conversions". Go home Manish, you're drunk too)
Strangely enough, I got pretty good convergence for crystalline silicon
That's diamond with a 10x10x10 k point grid. Still iffy.
@ManishEarth if you had to explain what this k grid is in one sentence...?
@ChrisWhite You probably know what the trapezoidal method is, right?
That integration thingy
ummm yes :)
Well, k points are "special points" which work very well for integration by that and similar methods. Instead of summing over an incremental set of points, you sum over these special points I can either specify how many k points total I want (it will automatically choose the best n points), or I can choose a grid of points where it chooses the best point per region
(and does a bunch of symmetry magic)
@ManishEarth Pink Panther >> Tom & Jerry
@tpg2114 you want to bit shift pink panther into T&J? :P
^ someone's been coding too much C lately...
I've always loved Tom&Jerry, but atm the former is funnier for me :P
@ChrisWhite Actually, I haven't touched C :P
Or C++
I like(d) Tom & Jerry too, but Pink Panther was one of my hands down favorites
And Rocky and Bullwinkle
except for the compilation, which was done by the configure&&make
@tpg2114 Never heard of that
No Rocky and Bullwinkle? Man! You're missing out...
It's a classic
@tpg2114 agreed about Rocky and Bullwinkle :)
And it was on Netflix streaming for awhile, it may still be
@tpg2114 Never was aired when I was a child, so never really got to know of it :)
I'll try it out
@ManishEarth it's the best collection of cold war stereotypes of the USSR ever assembled :P
It's from the 60's, but Nickelodeon had it on at like 6am when I was growing up
@ChrisWhite That's the best part! It's almost 100% propaganda
Tom&Jerry used to be on right after school. I used to watch it every day
I wonder if Soviets had a similar version about Americans...
Then all the shorts... I loved Mr Peabody and Sherman, and Asop's Fables
@tpg2114 Which makes it probably 5 times funnier in retrospect, no?
Definitely. It's awesome
It used to be an hour of Mr. Wizard and an hour of Rocky and Bullwinkle from 5am to 7am. I would get up early when I was young, like age 5-8, to watch it
Mr. Wizard was great cause it was this creepy old guy trying to teach science to kids in his basement but just making fun of how stupid they were
Ah. My sciency show was Bill Nye
Bill Nye was entertaining
Beakman's World was funnier
Same era, different style though
never heard of it :P
Shoulda watched more TV as a kid :P
That's on Netflix too I think... at least it used to be
Had a guy in a big rat costume...
Similar production quality as Mystery Science Theater 3000
Which is also an amazing program
I don't think they have Netflix here.
@tpg2114 I think I remember that, but I don't recall watching too much of it
If you ever get a VPN into the US, I'll give you my login so you can watch some classic shows
thanks :)
MST3K is the guy with 2 robots watching really bad horror/sci-fy movies and making fun of them
I do have an ssh tunnel to the US, but that's a web host and I can't use bandwidth watching TV
(and to France)
I think we lost @ChrisWhite to some classic TV on Netflix...
MST3K is actually on Amazon Prime now. They pulled off of Netflix
Some of these are on youtube too :P
I'm sure they are, but they are mirrored and weird sometimes
But the more recent ones, less so
To avoid copyright
IIRC copyright expires in ~50 years or something
Though there may be caveats to that
I think holders can request an extension when it's about to expire
This is one of my favorite skits in the show
From the early 90's
That still happens
I know, that's what makes it so funny
You probably have seen those "I'm a PC, and I'm a Mac" videos, right?
Yeah, for sure. I remember those when they were commercials on TV
yay, long calculation done
What do you define to be a long calculation?
This one took 20 minutes
OK, not that long
But still, long
:) I've been running things that take a week to run on 5000 processors... And I have to wait a week to get the computer time to do it
@tpg2114 That's different, you probably batch all the calculations together or something. And you can go on with life while you wait :P
It's only a single run... each run takes that long
And that many processors
But yeah, I bet the same goes for @ChrisWhite and telescope time
Detonation in a high explosive in 3D... 50 million cells
End up with 10 TB of data
that makes sense
New graph (zoomed in x axis) is much better.
Can I nitpick your graph?
I need to check the capacity of my institute's supercomputers.
@tpg2114 sure
I know, it's still pretty scattered
You need axis labels and to drop the text from the picture itself... That would be a caption under the figure
@tpg2114 ?
So your "Carbon Energy vs..." would become axis labels instead
And your 14^3 thing would be the caption
Unless you were plotting multiple resolutions, then it would be a legend
I can't comment on scatter since I don't know what it's supposed to look like... :)
@tpg2114 Yeah, this isn't for presentation though so I was more concerned with getting convergence than with prettifying graphs (for that matter, the previous graph, labelled 10x10x10 is actually 14x14x14)
What should it converge to?
@tpg2114 It should be a simple minima if I was using an infinite # of k points (read:100% accuracy)
Minima when? As x increases?
@tpg2114 Yeah
It's the total energy of diamond plotted against the size of the unit cell.
I should be able to find out the correct unit cell size by finding the minima
I'm just experimenting
I should be working right now... but instead I'm drinking
I should be sleeping right now. Instead, I'm working :P
That will be later tonight for me. It's only 11pm now
The night is still young
Well not working, more like playing :P
@tpg2114 It's 8AM here
I'm about to go through and mass-kill "thanks" from posts... I wish I could say I was playing
Although I was playing some NetHack earlier. I can't think of a more frustrating yet addictive game
@tpg2114 alright. Tr not to kill the main page :S
I know, I only do 5 at a time
@tpg2114 Same here. Used to play it, have started playing it again :)
I wouldn't want to upset some people by bringing non-research level questions to the front page
(on a screen session on one of my sshs)
I used to play all the time, just started again like 2 weeks ago
It's so darn annoying but I can't stop playing it
Between NetHack and the Tour de France, my productivity is at all time lows
I keep running rm *_*. My terminal is staring at me.
@tpg2114 You're participating in Tour De France?
I wish! Just watching
I do manage a professional women's cycling team... but I'm not good enough to race in the Tour de France
The only racing I do these days is track racing... Getting ready for elite national championships in August and collegiate nationals in Sept
nice though
Yeah, I look at that once in awhile
I don't get the logo though :S
I've earned some rep there, but the questions aren't usually all that interesting
"We love you SE so don't close us down for poor statistics"?
never really seen anything there
@tpg2114 LOL
It's all super super basic stuff for the most part
Which is great. Beginners eventually become professionals. But I have enough on my plate to answer things there too
yeah, there are tons of sites I could participate on but don't because of time issues
(I also have a tendency to cycle through sites -- visit all to check on but only answer on one)
I lurk on almost all of them...
Just to see whatever the hot questions are at the moment
@tpg2114 use the supercollider
What's that?
(the thing that contains the inbox)
Oh, yeah, that gives site-wide hot questions
But I'm still interested in hot questions in most topics that don't make the big list
It's real name is the StackExchangeâ„¢ MultiCollider SuperDropdownâ„¢, but we call it the supercollider in short
@tpg2114 hmm, yeah. Certain sites (I'm looking at you, math/TeX/Unix/SO) seem to make it a lot
Interesting... Yeah, I check that. Then I go through sites that don't show up there to se what's hot there
Many times with not-so-interesting questions
Yup... exactly
I wasn't even checking physics that often
Saw the "I shouldn't be able to see the sun" one? :)
You know, physics seems to average 1 or so hot question at all times (we have 2 currently I think)
@ManishEarth no, don't bring it up
But then I saw that in 3 months of me not being around, the same people had the same issues with silly things and decided that you guys (the mods) needed some other people to chime in
@ChrisWhite ha!
@ChrisWhite We have 3
If only I could edit out "thanks" enough to get to 3k so I can VtC...
(I have this type-to-filter userscript that filters multicollider items in any one of the 4 tabs)
@tpg2114 not possible
you can get max 1k rep from suggested edits
I know
and you get nothing after you reach 2k, obviously
Plus it cuts out at 2k anyway
I know... That last 1k is going to be hard to get
Or you could answer multicollider questions and get easy rep :P
(The folks on IT Security call these posts "rep trains")
By the time they show up on there, it's usually too late to contribute anything useful
Not really. My answer on the aforementioned sun question was pretty late.
@tpg2114 It's never too late to be useful :) (and often it's not too late to get some rep)
Q: Example of bioactive molecules not containing ring

DurgaDattaMost of the compound used in drug discovery process have rings. I have not observed any compound that do not contain rings. Some example of compounds which are are in various phases of drug discovery process (hits, lead, approved drugs) which do not contain rings would be helpful. Reference to pa...

Oy! Physics.SE! Chemistry can get 5 votes to close
I take the more (lazy) and altruistic route and try to help those people out
You should be ashamed of yourself. -_- (not you, tpg)
@tpg2114 I did that initially, but then realized that a lot of it is pointless
Well, not pointless, just not overall useful
Well, it's pointless in terms of rep and even the OP often times. But a lot of those questions are still something I've asked or looked for myself
Ah yep. Those usually aren't HW, not really :P
So the poor guy studying for qualifying exams last minute and searching will find it, probably never vote for it, but at least it was useful
True... We need another term for HW
Or are good-questions-hiding-behind-hw
@tpg2114 Bob?
I was thinking educational until I found out that existed
I don't know
Hmm, yeah
Something that says "Teach me how this works" instead of "I would like an answer"
Thing is, a lot of people on this site ignore the tag (there's a feature that lets you hide tags).
Which is why any changes to the meaning of the tag will be resisted
i think
Yeah, I had typed up a meta post
But then decided I knew what the discussion would look like
And it wasn't going to be productive
It would be interesting, don't let my words scare you off.
But yeah
pedagogical? instructional? didactic? edifying?
If questions are broken windows, there are users who are broken records
pedagogical is good. Broad, but good
@tpg2114 well put
Isn't all of that really just meta tagging though?
Including homework?
@tpg2114 Yes. Just meta tagging that will lead to withdrawal symptoms if removed
I personally would like to see it gone
That was really why I was opposed to adding another term that covered it like those Chris mentioned
On Chem I've already stopped using it and have a meta post coming up
relevant question I asked once upon a time: meta.physics.stackexchange.com/q/4022/10851
I didn't want to add a new meta tag
I still maintain that much of our problems with homework only exist because of math.stackexchange
it's bigger and much wider known than us, and it sets a policy of "well do your homeowork for you"
However, SO' the reason the site exists in the first place so we can't gripe much :
@ChrisWhite yeah
One in every 5 hw question has a comment mentioning math
for that matter, that would be interesting to data.se
@ManishEarth I guess I only go to SO when I see an interesting hot question or when I search for my own (bash/python) answers - do they get homework too still?
99% of the questions there are effectively homework problems asked by adults
Anyone up for writing an SQL query that counts the number of closed HW questions with the word math in the comments?
I could maybe
i'm trying too, if I don't fall asleep before I get it :P
@ManishEarth you better not sleep through the chat event in 12.5 hours :P
oh, I won't
I might
@dmckee I caught your update
A: Are right handed neutrinos actually antineutrinos and vice versa?

dmckeeShort answer: Unknown Slightly longer answer: the situation you describer would obtain if neutrinos were Majorana particles (and thus not Dirac particles). It is favored by theorists because it feeds into a nice explanation of why the neutrinos are so light by comparison to the other massive par...

only question: which happens first, a clear breakthrough or you CW-ify your own post? :P
Yeah. There are several edits there. I misread the paper at first and got all excited. It's not a big thing, but I like to keep abreast.
@ChrisWhite Now that's funny. But I have moderator superpower. Hahahahahaha!
Ah broken-windows
And records
I can't escape either :)
I know better than to get sucked into that debate though
@ManishEarth Doesn't look very correlated to me
remember, the final dropping off is due to insufficient data
yeah, though
Yeah, but it doesn't look similar anywhere else either. There is probably an increase in questions asked along with the spike in closed
@tpg2114 Yep. The spike in closed is afaict due to de autodeletion roomba
Although I think it still corresponds to the close out of the semester for various academic institutions
in other words, there's a bunch of deleted questions fudging up the data
@tpg2114 Yeah, that fluctuation is always there
Sites like Phys and Chem have stats following the school year, as well as the periodic (week) fluctuation that all sites have
Yup, it's not that surprising really
I'm sure SO does too but it's buried under all the other questions
@tpg2114 yeah, it does
Anyway, I'm off. Enjoyed the discussion though :)
@tpg2114 Hope to see you in the chat session today! :)
Good night
We'll see, I'll try :)
Good morning you mean. It's 9:20 AM :P (my sleep schedule got inverted)
Your engineering-question proposal definitely needs looking into
Yeah, and I still like the "Other..." option too
"Just cause it's bad" if we can call it that :)
Solution: get more rep
@tpg2114 lol
in Positronium, Jun 26 at 14:29, by ManishEarth
A: What should our predefined off-topic reasons be?

Jimmy HoffaThe answers to this question are unlikely to be useful to anyone else, or to be written here anyway. I appreciate you have a question, please appreciate that we don't care.

Damn, it was deleted
Haha, nice
a HULK SMASH!! reason would work too
Anyway, logging out
@ManishEarth "autodeletion roomba" I like that. Nice.
@ArnavTripathy from your chat comments it seems you have a bunch of very nice and interesting questions that I and certainly others too would like to see on our main page. And there are good people that could give you a nice response. Formulatiing a good question is not difficult, you just state the problem and what you'd like to know or dont understand, as you did here in chat and that's it ;-)
1 hour later…
Looking for physics textbook, following criteria:

* English language
* No more than about 500 pages
* Not very densely formatted, the way most recent scientific textbooks are i.e. not with lots of side boxes and such
* Calculus-based but not exceedingly formal
* Covers fairly wide array of topics
* In particular, covers physical principles behind electronics and chemistry

Any texts that meet these criteria are acceptable and I will sort them on my own.
@Sadiq sounds like a description of Halliday, Resnick, Krane
broad survey of introductory physics at an easy level; some calculus; volume 2 has a lot on electricity and a short chapter on chemistry
that said, don't expect anything deep out of that book - it mentions many topics, but it avoids all the (imo) best part, which is the underlying connections and structure found in physics
And now, I can finally apply for my driver's license ;-)
@ChrisWhite That title is over 1000 pages long.
3 hours later…
@ChrisWhite /me prefers Walker (though Walker has side boxes; it's one of the best ways to get an intuitive understanding of a topic)
(Hmm, I wonder if I can provoke a third religious war in the span of 24 hours)
Already got programming languages and cartoons. I wonder how picky people are about textbooks :P
3 hours later…
Bagging on awful textbooks? Oh yes. We can do that.
I'll start: Peskin & Schroder. Great book about particle physics. Unfortunately, it's titled "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory".
@user1504 are you a physics graduate? If not, you're going to have problems with that book
I've taught QFT.
I dislike the book because it takes so long to explain just what a QFT is.

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