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@DownChristopher Hey there
@DownChristopher Don't trust him, he's going to try to sell you proprietary malware
@ACuriousMind Did you see JR's remark in his answer to me on SO just to poke me? :P
Unless I get free Mathmatica... :P
I just came here as you guys are active and Physics is cool
In math we are working on Hyperboles so no physics
@BernardoMeurer I don't know what you mean
@DownChristopher That's proprietary malware too
@BernardoMeurer But I needz (or wantz)
@EmilioPisanty link?
John's answer seems perfectly fine to me
A: Implementing Miller-Rabin in C

John RennieWith Visual Studio 2015 Community edition I found two problems. First the line: while (!d&1){ needs to be: while (!(d&1)){ Secondly, as mentioned in the comments your modpow function is overflowing. Try: int modpow(int a, int d, int m) { int c = a; for (int i = 1; i < d; i++) ...

"With Visual Studio 2015 Community edition "
@BernardoMeurer please text rebecca right now about malware
@BernardoMeurer I'm sure he merely included that to provide complete information and no mischieveous intention whatsoever :)
@ACuriousMind Yeah right, he had to tell me he used malware to help me :P
@0celo7 Just did
Hi, everybody.
@DanielSank There is no system but GNU and Linux is one of it's kernels
Hello, Dr Sank
With that said, good evening
@DanielSank I want you to take a look at my implementation of something plox
It's a cute please
I had to write a function to return the nth digit of an integer
int digit(int x, int n) {
    x = x % ipow(10, n);
    x /= ipow(10, n-1);
    return x;
I did that
Is it good?
@DanielSank A...Brasilian news site as far as I can tell: plox.com.br
@ACuriousMind Woah, I did not know that
Neither did I before I typed it into Google
@BernardoMeurer wat?
@DanielSank Just see if the function is good dawg
@BernardoMeurer Write and run tests. Why u ask me?
Dude I know it works
I'm asking about the logic
I'm asking if it's a good way to do it
If it passes tests y u ask me?
@BernardoMeurer excellent
@DanielSank Because you might know of a way with lower complexity
Or be able to think of something wrong with it
I'm just askign for feedback on a simple function
What's ipow?
An apple punching device
@BernardoMeurer your function is two lines. I'm not going to do better ;-)
y we no work on digitalphase!?
@DanielSank A power function I made that uses integers, all built in methods in C are for float
U busy, bro?
int ipow(int a, int b) {
    int c = 1;
    while (b) {
        if (b & 1) {
            c *= a;
        b >>= 1;
        a *= a;
    return c;
@DanielSank I had 4 labs these past two weeks
This is the last one, of Prog
@BernardoMeurer text her right now that iPhones are proprietary malware pls
@DanielSank 2 lines is 1 line too much
@0celo7 "There is no spoon" is from the film The Matrix, which I suppose is an "old movie" now, in a scene when the protagonist realizes that his perceived reality is entirely an illusion.
@rob I've watched the Matrix a few times
And I understand the significance of the quote in the movie
What I don't understand is what it has to do with Ricci flow estimates
@0celo7 Link to context?
@0celo7 Search finds the phrase on page 428 and offers to let me read that page for only $86. Is it a start-of-chapter epigraph? There's a lot of idiosyncrasy to those.
@0celo7 Looks like I'd have to read and substantially understand the book to explain that one. If you decide you've figured it out, let me know.
Quote of the day. We should be respectful of all who post questions but I can't resist this one, from a question very recently posted: "but do not want to mess with anything big enough to kill me should I get zapped." It's really time I get some rest!
@rob The Matrix is one of the most perfectly written films ever.
@ZeroTheHero Given that a painful shock was crucial to the discovery that Leyden jars store charge, I think that question is a totally reasonable one for a physics novice. A good answer might discuss how to estimate the energy stored in the jar an inexpensive tool like a voltmeter and some homework problems.
@DanielSank I haven't watched it in ages. I was disappointed that the trilogy went downhill.
It is my go-to example of a lean, self-consistent script.
Yeah the sequels are terrible.
@rob What trilogy?
Watch the original again. It really stands up.
They never made any sequels.
@dmckee Matrix.
@dmckee I haven't watched the sequels
@dmckee These aren't the droids you're looking for.
My brother told me to never do that
They suck
So I've heard
They would suck very, very badly. If they existed. Which they don't.
@rob I don't disagree, but I doubt we will see another another question asking the community how to avoid death.
Ok that's a bit dramatic, no?
@0celo7 Aimed at me? Well, no, it's not. I live is a better world than ones that has such craptacular, purely commercial pap in it.
oh please
There are a number of other alleged pieces of work that get the same treatment, too.
I bet you didn' like the michael bay tformers movies
@0celo7 No clue. I haven't see anything from the Transformers franchise.
@ZeroTheHero We've had some lab-safety-related questions before. I seem to recall them mostly getting closed, though.
@dmckee do you deny the existence of episodes I-III?
@0celo7 My kids finally made me start them on the prequels. Episode I was as terrible as I remembered, but they loved it. Episode II was actually kind of okay. We haven't done III yet.
@rob I really like the prequels
@0celo7 Don't worry, I forgive you.
What is there to forgive?
@0celo7 Nothing at all, sweetie. Nothing at all. ::wipes tear:: ::hugs::
you're not my father!
@0celo7 Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
no! NO!
It's not possible
@dmckee they're all terrible.
@0celo7 Well, the machete-order notion has let me wondering if it might be acceptable to allow that there are some rather poor efforts at filling in the story behind the big reveal in Empire.
But I certain wish they had been done properly.
I want remastered but not rewritten Star Wars.
@DanielSank Have you seen the Team Negative One restore?
I think that everyone should watch the uncut edition.
Machete order motion?
@BernardoMeurer Quavo x Travis Scott album soon come
@dmckee nope.
@0celo7 yeah. Machete. You know... Danny Trejo.
@DanielSank Evil Mexican guy?
@0celo7 evil is subjective.
@DanielSank When did he play a role that was not the Evil Mexican Guy?
Maybe he's been an antihero
@DanielSank Suppose i want to modify $\lim $ by prefixes $s$- and $w$-
How would I go about making a macro for that?
and the spacing of the $n\to\infty$ underneath should be centered
@DanielSank It's from an original theatrical print—as in the title crawl just says "Star Wars" (good news). Being an original, however, it is a 35 mm print (possibly bad news).
None the less, it is absolutely fantastic and quite worth the 23ish Gigs of torrenting.
@0celo7 \newcommand
in Mathematics, 4 mins ago, by Maple SE - Area 51 Proposal
Hello everyone!
I want to make a request. I have proposed a Maple SE and its now in the Commitment phase. There is quite a handsome number of commitments made by new users but it worth less compare to the SE users with rep more than 200.
If you guyz could commit, please please help out?

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers and researchers who are using Maple for symbolic and numerical computation.

Currently in commitment.

@DanielSank but what then
2 hours later…
btw, testing
for some reason almost no webpages are responding for me
@BernardoMeurer To be fair that wasn't intended as a dig. I mentioned it only because I wasn't sure if !(d&1) and !d&1 might evaluate differently on MSVC and GNU C++. I honestly can't remember which operator has precedence in that expression or even if it's well defined.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by Fawad
Hey, http://v.ht is shortest URL ?
Randomly if someone know^
@JohnR: Morning :-)
@JohnRennie Heh. Precedence. Flashbacks to high school... brr
Morning :-)
@Kaumudi.H that's one up on me. We didn't study programming at school (personal computers didn't exist) so I hadn't heard of operator precedence.
Yes, OK :-) We did and it was one of the most irritating things to have to memorise because they would pull this crap in almost every question in the final paper.
I don't think I've told u that I know C++
Most of it is straightforward, but remembering what the precedence is in expressions like !d&1 defeats me. @BernardoMeurer that is such a computer nerd way to test if a number is even. Most of us would use d % 2 == 0.
@Kaumudi.H ah, no, I didn't know that.
Though how useful a skill it is can be debatable. I suspect it's only the hard core nerds who use C++ these days.
I do. I studied only 5 subjects in my junior and senior years of high school; PCM, English and C++
And our C.S teacher was excellent. I had a lot of fun in that class :-)
...although I didn't have much time to experiment with coding because of the pressure to perform in other exams, we did need to submit a project each year.
Were there any really interesting projects?
Hmm. No, nothing too interesting.
In 11th, we were asked to design a game and in 12th, a directory of some sort.
In 11th, I learned some graphics and with some input from one of my computer-nerd friends, I designed a dumber version of the game "Battleship".
And in 12th, I made a...customer-interface for a hotel. It would log you into the system using ur number, display a menu, allow you to "order" and then, it would generate a bill. Your specific bills would be stored in a public file for you to access at any time.
I had only 10 days to make the game and only two people in class even submitted their projects so there are quite a few bugs in it that I will...probably never get around to fixing. The directory works perfectly :-) I'm quite proud of that.
Hi guys !!
Morning @JohnRennie
@Kaumudi.H I suspect I was always destined to end up as a computer nerd. I just had to wait for computers to be invented :-)
Any reference for classical mechanics like notes / video lectures which covers Lagrangian ,Hamiltonian , Lie brackets ... it would be very much helpful!
@JohnRennie :-) Coding was such an excellent way to spend my time but I don't think I'd like to do it for the rest of my life...
@BAYMAX Have you looked at the book recommendations FAQ?
@Kaumudi.H I must admit that I wouldn't want to do it 9 to 5.
IIRC, I actually spent quite a lot of time in 12th coding; we had a whole bunch (about 20) long programs to write and then there was the project.
It's so satisfying when it works ; we had these star patterns to generate and that one was so irritating to code >.< But when it worked, I was basically like this:
Thanks@JohnRennie , any video lectures you know ?
No tensor products of infinite hilbert spaces? Then how on earth do we describe the n electron systems in terms of position...?
Q: Is it possible to disprove water memory with an entropy argument?

WhelpWater memory was a controversial experiment claiming to provide an explanation supporting homeopathy. The results were largely dismissed as being tainted by experimental error. One possible mechanism invoked was that water molecules, on account of being polar, would form a structured network, th...

It might be possible to simulate such effect if anyone is smart enough to design a driving system so that a cluster of water molecules respond to the external drive and become a time crystal in the process. Then you can have at least short term memory effects as long you don't switch off the drive or do something crazy since time crystals are quite resilent to the change in the external drive once formed
The oscillating state in question could be the clusters taking different conformation as the hydrogen bond arragnement varies in a periodic manner in response to the external drive and its neighbouring water molecules
But either way, I have no interest in homeopathy, I prefer other topics within the esoterics sector
@BAYMAX I'm afraid I'm a bit out of touch with current teaching material. Sorry :-(
If entropy within our brain maximises and we assumed for that moment we are interested in the brain is a closed system, is it possible to form new memories?
omg have not been here in a while. Hey guys!
@kevinTahN. hi Jan, what's up?
@Fawad Hey . . . . . . . not much just hanging out. I figured I'd chat it up here for a bit before I head to bed
So what is the latest in the world of HEP and Strings?
Been hearing a bit about unitarity methods and intergrability
@JohnRennie hey dude
@Secret waaasssss- - - - -uppp
Good Morning John. I see you still have the black and white pic hehe
Pondering weird questions as usual, nothing special
So what is the hotest thing in HEP right now?
Define HEP
High Energy Physics(Theory I suppose)
I heard unitarity methods and integrability hot right now
Off topic, I can finally calculate things in QFT now fast without thinking using the standard tricks like everyone else. Took me some time hehe
off to bed lol
night night people
@kevinTahN. good night
2 hours later…
@JohnR: BTW, my laptop has fallen down exactly once till now (:-P)
...and absolutely nothing happened to it.
@JohnRennie a&1 is faster than a%2; most compilers optimize the latter to the former
@BernardoMeurer right but (a) it's not a rate limiting step so it doesn't matter and (b) you screwed up the precendence when trying to use the faster approach :-)
@Kaumudi.H You dropped the laptop !!!!!!
@JohnRennie Don't blame my lack of parenthesis on the bitwise logic operator :P
@JohnRennie .__. Ye...ye...yes.
@JohnRennie If I drop this laptop i'm fairly sure I will break the earth's core
The laptop will be fine
@BernardoMeurer the point is that writing obvious code is good for the poor bastard who has to try and work out what you meant several years later. d%2 == 0 is obvious and hard to screw up.
@JohnRennie Wait a second... since ! and & are bitwise,does !a&b and !(a&b) make a difference?
If, for example, you end up working ona big project liek Kodi you'll be expected to write code that is obvious and easily read by the other developers - provided there's no significant performance hit of course.
I like using magic numbers and inline assembly
Take d = 10 = 1010 binary. So !d = 101.
(a&1) = 0 and !0 = 11..32 times...11 = true
@Kaumudi.H oh well :-)
My latest new laptop has just arrived!! I may be some time ...
@JohnRennie Get Linux on it!
Try it!
@BernardoMeurer I have used Linux. I use it for testing builds of Kodi to make sure it builds on Linux and OSX as well as Windows.
@JohnRennie Which Distro?
@JohnRennie Also, what's a "Tory"? The sentence in the lyrics are "The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich"
In the UK the main parties are the Conservatives, who are right wing, and the Labour party, who are left wing. Though like most European parties they are both pretty left wing compared to the American parties.
Anyhow the Conservatives are also known as the Tory party for historical reasons.
This is a commie band, I see
If you're poor and have a chip on your shoulder it's usual to blame the Conservatives for all your woes.
I doubt these guys are poor
poor man don't pierce their ears, that's millenial stuff
Angry young men need something to be angry about. The Conservatives have traditionally been the party of privilege so they're an easy target. That sounds like I'm being patronising, and I guess I am. But I don't think any one party/person/whatever is to blame for society's woes.
Hello, everyone.
@JohnRennie You're so british :P
@BernardoMeurer So middle aged more like :-)
@JohnRennie Middle? I see, you're being soft on yourself :P
I'm curious, is it easy to run OSX in a virtual machine?
@BenNiehoff No, it's an absolute PITA
@skullpetrol hi pal
I tried once and gave up because it was too much work
using VirtualBox, or VMware?
I just need to compile something. I guess I'll have to find a friend
@Fawad hi pal, how's it going?
@BenNiehoff Hm? OSX is POSIX, why would you need OSX to compile for OSX?
Set up a cross compiler
Clang or GCC should work
but I don't know how
and I would want to be able to test the result, in any case
@skullpetrol …Oh I just fought two world wars single handedly, arm wrestled a bear, headbutted a speeding bullet and disarmed a nuke with a tooth pick....how about you?
Anyone want to hear some neutrino jokes?
I'm bored out of my mind, if you can't tell
Fine thanks @Fawad :-)
@SirCumference yes,if it's not too nerdy
@Fawad "What's new?"
I read somewhere that cygwin gcc uses some cygwin-specific libraries and doesn't actually produce executables that can run properly in Linux...is that true?
(because their symbol is nu)
@BenNiehoff Are you running Windows?
in any case, I have another gcc from Strawberry Perl, plus a Linux VM where I could just do it "natively"
I haven't tested whether cygwin binaries run on linux, I have no way of using cygwin
After some googling"We don't allow faster than light neutrinos in here, said the bartender. A neutrino walks into a bar. – I wrote a speed of light joke…but a neutrino beat me to it."
Free yourself from this proprietary malware
you don't need to harp on this every single time someone mentions they use Windows
@Fawad That reminds me of this one
especially if it's the same person as yesterday!
Rebecca thinks you're insane
A neutrino walks into a bar...and just keeps on going
@Kaumudi.H why would you drop a laptop?
@BenNiehoff I'm trying to help you
@0celo7 Rebecca J Stones?
@0celo7 She's not entirely wrong
Kidney stones?
@BernardoMeurer It is patronizing and insulting
@0celo7 Didn't do it on purpose, mate.
Shits fired
@BenNiehoff You'll find a lot of that here
@BenNiehoff Not my fault you run spyware
@Fawad: U're the old Ramanujam, aren't you?
Linux does not serve my needs. Neither does OSX. Sorry that bothers you. Now lay off.
@Kaumudi.H Iam
@BenNiehoff Sweet, run BSD :)
@Fawad Hi. I wonder, did u get teased a lot after Ae Dil Hai Mushkil came out? :-P
@Kaumudi.H I didn't watched , and I don't watch
Clearly @BenNiehoff's needs are objectively wrong
Hi. I have been dragged into the modified gravity proposals these days and I don't find any of them quite promising. Nevertheless, since I have pondered upon the subject for a while, I have decided to complete my first order review of the field.
A friend of mine working in this field has been given a task by his advisor to find out whether there exists any experimental evidence (or otherwise) to the metric compatibility condition. I think that it is trivial that metric compatibility must be satisfied in order to preserve the Equivalence principle. Am I missing something?
@Fawad Sure, but I was wondering if others teased you. Oh well.
Why would someone tease me?(I didn't get the point @Kaumudi.H )
@Fawad Oh, I was merely joking around about the fiasco surrounding Fawad Khan, which erupted when Ae Dil Hai Mushkil was released; it doesn't have anything at all to do with the plot of the movie itself.
Woah I just realized that astronomy is...out of this world
I'm totally gonna use that
@SirCumference Pretty sure that's on a t-shirt
@BenNiehoff Oh seriously? Darn it, I thought I was clever
@Kaumudi.H I see
@BenNiehoff Bernardo okly
does it because he cares
@Sir: Any word on the book?
@Kaumudi.H I should be getting it today or tomorrow
if he cares enough, he'll get some people to get all the hardware working in Linux on the Microsoft SP4 :)
@Kaumudi.H maybe our Indian friend busy in their exams.
Anyone know why @DHMO is not in chat?
@SirCumference Wokay! It's a short read; tell me if u like it :-)
@Fawad DHMO isn't Indian...
@BenNiehoff Write me an email with what doesn't work and I can try and help
@Fawad He's a dangerous chemical
I don't have hardware to test though
@Kaumudi.H Yup :)
I'm certain we can get Linux to run well on your machine with some work
I don't have the time to bork up my machine by trying to install Linux on it natively
the SP line is notorious for Linux barely functioning
@SirCumference c'mon , he is universal solvent.
Hit me up if you'd be interested in trying
Gotta go to class
@Fawad Fair
There's no system but GNU and Linux is one of it's kernels!
I am not interested. I have to use my machine for work, not Linux developer experiments
@BernardoMeurer If Lunix wasn't an OSS, I'd be convinced that you work-part time-as their PR Rep.
I did try to install Linux on my older SP2. It was a complete disaster
no wifi, no Surface Pen, no keyboard
Aii, 90% of the star-board is about Linux .__.
Linux is love, Linux is life
@BernardoMeurer reb wants me to install Linux on her calculator
good ol' windows forever man
I love FOSS. But FOSS fundamentalism is ridiculous
Should've said "futile" instead of "ridiculous" for the alliteration ;)
I mean, it's also futile :P
When a job interview asks me to make an algorithm I always use recursion and they always ask me about the stack and then I have my speech prepared
about trampolining and such
about trampolining?
Recursion is a good way to blow up a stack
yes, I know
u must use special techniques
I've just never heard the word "trampolining" in this context
Trampolining is a method to convert recursive functions for not being stack blowing
is this different from tail recursion?
basically it turns it into a loop
ah, ok, I know how to do that, I just didn't know it had a name
It's pretty important if you need to make a functional language
I used Scheme for a course in undergrad once
it was fun
Scheme's alright
It's neat if you're a math guy trying to write a function
the course was AI, so it was stuff like solving tic-tac-toe
Are you ACM's coder?
if you're talking to me, I dunno what that is, so no of course :P
@BenNiehoff I'm ACM, and 0celo7 can never quite decide whether I'm an AI or a vampire
oh, I see
Sometimes I'm also Alicia Keys, it's very confusing.
you could be both
or all three
I don't think those are mutually exclusive
What I don't think you are is a German male
Too much evidence against that
Previous night dream:
(forgot except 0celo7 (look like some kind of male) and I were at the lobby corridor of an hotel (has polished wooden furnishing and look very Victorian era). Next to us is a map of the rooms (resemble the Cayley graph of the free group of two generators), which can be zoomed indefinitely and has the property of being locally unbound (each point is a copy of H3, thus to get anywhere requires walking faster than the rate of growth of the space)
@0celo7 tell her to read my blog
@Kaumudi.H Even my calculator runs Linux
So @0celo7 are you investing a thousand dollars into tables of integrals?
you can get Gradshtein for like ten bucks
hey a quick question:
do you know any resources for GRE subject preparation (physics)? I want something that has a lot of multiple choice questions so that I can get used to solving multiple choice questions faster
I have a thing where I have to edit $>$ into $\rangle$ on PSE
@Slereah That's called "good taste".
oh man, I hate when people use <, > in place of \langle, \rangle
as opposed to an "acquired taste"

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