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@Semiclassical are your parents wondering when you’ll have kids yet?
Or is that only a thing for women
not really
i think they're not holding out much optimism there :P
maybe more with my sister
My half sister gets asked constantly by her mother and she despises her for it
she got married last October
however, both her and her husband are actors
Is Gromov married?
@Semiclassical ...It's only been an year.
@0celo7 Twice
He's on a roll
eh, that wouldn't stop some parents @sid
My advisor is on #3
Some people just have a talent
my point is more that their economic/living situation is rather job-to-job and takes them across the country
Understood @Semiclassical
They just need a super nanny
@Semiclassical Pakistan just fuels the fire by sending extremists to our side of the border. The fire that exists is hugely due to administrative fallacies by our former and current Governments.
heh, maybe if tey struck acting gold
at this point my sister has to supplement her income by doing babysitting jobs
not when she's doing a show
@0celo7 We should just stop subscribing to the idea of marriage and be like we are in the 70's
but, for instance, she was an understandy for a NYC show that they hoped would run a few months
but it's closing already within the first month
so there goes that
Acting is indeed one of the riskiest careers out there
@BalarkaSen nuclear family or Gulag.
(which is also important in that, had the job lasted longer, she'd have been able to get health insurance through the actors's guild (or whatever it's called) for about a year. as it is, it's more like six months)
That's also a good policy
That's also a good policy.
That's also a good policy
That's also a good policy
well, grammar gulag > family gulag
The gulag was a pretty cool thing
Siberia in general is pretty cool, yes.
exactly :D
there is a question I have
I have read that Energy is the effect of a force that has been transferred into an object
so when the object is still (when energy is rest energy) what would energy mean?
is there any force being transferred to it?
or does it have any other definition?
Gulag life was really rather painful, even though I use it as a meme. Read "One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich" by Solzhenistyn
@parvin Search "internal energy"
It's no concentration camp but straddles the line between human and inhuman
it was painful as long as you were there
oh, btw folks, in case any hbar regulars are like me and really wanted a lego Saturn V but waited too long before ordering and didn't get one before they ran out
@Semiclassical Well, if you survive as long, that is
ok i'll search
@BalarkaSen yup
"Maria Tchebotareva

Trying to feed her four hungry children during the massive 1932-1933 famine, the peasant mother allegedly stole three pounds of rye from her former field—confiscated by the state as part of collectivization. Soviet authorities sentenced her to ten years in the Gulag. When her sentence expired in 1943, it was arbitrarily extended until the end of the war in 1945. After her release, she was required to live in exile near her Gulag camp north of the Arctic Circle, and she was not able to return home until 1956, after the death of Stalin. Maria Tchebotareva never found her
aha so the rest energy is caused by the energy of movement of body molecules
is that a force?
movement is not a force tho
where does the source of force come from?
Intermolecular forces...
what causes them?
I don't know any easy answer to that
Maybe some QFT person can explain
is kinetic energy caused by intermolecular forces too?
@Blue it's ok that's not a serious question
@parvin Kinetic energy of what?
of a moving object
@BalarkaSen jesus
I'm guessing Stalin wasn't a fan of moral relativism
Not. at. all.
@parvin No. There you have external force
kinetic energy is some how vague to me, I can't understand where the forces causing it have come from
I'll search more
and the story above is just nothing compared to the many many other fables out there
after all, the total death count in Gulag is about 30 million
lotta stories to tell
and lots of stories that can't be told
@blue kinetic energy has some initial forces causing the motion, right?
was russia ever like, a leader of the developing world like the middle east and west europe have been before?
@parvin Pick up something and throw it. The KE that object develops will be caused due to the force you exerted on it
It's external force in that case
newton's law?
Depends on what you mean by development
no sorry
looots of history here
It's certainly a leading figure in art and culture, mostly pre-USSR. It was also a pioneer in space exploration during cold war.
but I think it is fair to say that Russia was not always a superpower, even compared to the relatively diminished capacity nowadays
@BalarkaSen are you unironically a Soviet?
Just curious. I can’t tell.
the important question
is how fucking old is @BalarkaSen
In his 60's
He’s 16
Apparent age is 17
I think you mean, 70 and not 17. :P
I don't bet on that. He might actually be a Soviet mathematician pretending to be a school kid on the internet.
shit people knows I'm a KGB agent
I think he’s Gromov.
Vat is Maanifolths?
if balarka is really 17, I'd be curious to know what got him into reading ahead
what was the first further ahead thing you read?
Communist Manifesto
I think my mathematical interests were a bit of a clustercrap back in the days
@Mithrandir24601 I mean, the fact that SR is so unintuitive is why I chose physics in the first place. I always wanted to learn and understand the wacky, bizarre nature of our Universe. It was so interesting because you’d never expect it. But having to keep up with this speed is hell.
It’s kind of like being given a chocolate cake, but being forced to eat whole in under a minute. I should be loving this class, but instead I despise it.
@SirCumference Oh, just you wait... ;)
gotta go faster
For me, it just kept ramping up and up and up to frankly insane levels until MSc year, when everything calmed down to a nice and relatively sedate pace :)
@Mithrandir24601 MSc?!
@Mithrandir24601 I'm desperately waiting for those days
Could I ask a SR question given the chat theme?
I have to go to class. Later
@SirCumference What's wrong with MSc?
@SirCumference See you
I've heard that proper acceleration is perpendicular to velocity, even for linear motion. Is that just for the particle frame, as position is just (t, 0, 0, 0)?
@Phase four-velocity satisfies $u_{\mu} u^{\mu} = 1$ so it's derivative with respect to arc length $s$ is $2 w_{\mu} u^{\mu} = 2\frac{du_{\mu}}{ds} u^{\mu} = 0$ which shows acceleration $w_{\mu}$ is orthogonal to velocity $u^{\mu}$, regardless of the frame
(arc length = proper time)
Im still new to super and sub scripts. Like atm I'm trying to understand $\omega^\alpha = g^{\alpha \beta}\omega _\beta$
I can see that it looks like it should work but I don't know why
@Phase why read Gourgoulhon when it's full of extra unnecessary notation complicating things
idk I've committed to it now
i'd feel like a coward if I ducked out now
Landau does SR in 30 pages, that book does it in about a million
Does landau still talk about the metric etc?
Because I like the idea of doing SR in a tensorial way
Read Gorgoulhon
Yes, as if you only knew calculus and no linear algebra too
Q: Typo on the tag description of $\text{aether}$

daniel AzuelosThe name of Huygens in the aether tag description is spelled Huygen. BTW, where may one places this fix or improvment suggestion?

@Phase if you learn tensor algebra now you don’t have to learn it later
Does the inverse of a metric map an element to its dual?
Other way around.
Huh. What maps an element to it's dual then... The.. Metric...?
The metric/inner product is a map $V \times V \to \Bbb R$
Oh right
The map $V \to V^*$ is defined as $u \mapsto \langle -, u \rangle$
What is <-,u>
@BalarkaSen pls teach him the musical shit
Where $\langle -, u\rangle$ is the linear map $V \to \Bbb R$ defined by $v \mapsto \langle v, u \rangle$
Partial function application
I’m trying to pay attention to algebra lecture
oh i see so - is just a placeholder?
So what's the deal with inverse non-injective functions
How do you define g^ab to be useful
@Phase the metric $g$ is a a certain function of two vectors $u, v$ mapping them to a number, $g(u,v)$, it linear in each argument so if you keep one vector fixed, say $u$, then it's a linear function of $v$, $f_u(v) = g(u,v)$, but the dual space is the space of linear functions on a vector space mapping the vectors to numbers, and so we now have this map from $u$ to $f_u = g(u, _ \ )$
It’s a bijection
So $\omega^\alpha$ is a linear form?
also @0celo7 I thought that the metric applied to two vectors gives the inner product, is that really bijective?
im really confused by superscripts and subscripts. What's the difference between $g^{ab}$, $g_{ab}$ and $g^a_b$?
@Slereah help him please
I can’t do this on my phone
@Phase The point of even defining this stuff in SR all comes from looking at the line element, you have $ds^2 = c^2 dt^2 - dx^2 - dy^2 - dz^2 = 0$ for a light ray, and so $ds^2 \neq 0$ for non-light rays, so we can write it as $ds^2 = dx_0 dx^0 + dx_1 dx^1 + dx_2 dx^2 + dx_3 dx^3 = dx^0 dx^0 - dx^1 dx^1 - dx^2 dx^2 - dx^3 dx^3$ using the matrix $g_{\mu \nu} = (1,-1,-1,-1)$ (1,-1 on diagonals, 0 otherwise), if for some reason you want upper subscripts to be what you're working with, we set
small request: i know its not a big change but Im just used to -+++, :C
lower subscripts to involve these minus signs, and so can define the convention that we sum along repeated subscripts without writing the $\sum$ notation
You can do all of this without even knowing linear algebra, and can use that way of looking at the subject as a means to motivate linear algebra
so $v_\alpha u^\alpha$ is equal to $g(v,u)$?
since its the sum over the repeated index?
But then what does changing the metric indices do :(
If $u = u^{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\alpha}$ and $v = v^{\beta} \mathbf{e}_{\beta}$ then $g(u,v) = g(u^{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\alpha},v^{\beta} \mathbf{e}_{\beta}) = u^{\alpha}v^{\beta}g(\mathbf{e}_{\alpha},\mathbf{e}_{\beta}) = u^{\alpha}v^{\beta} g_{\alpha \beta} = u^{\alpha}v_{\alpha} = u_{\alpha}v^{\alpha}$
Oh I see.
@Phase $g_{ab}$ is the metric tensor, giving you the norm of two vectors
$g^{ab}$ is the inverse of the metric tensor, which you can apply to two dual vectors
with the usual identity for inverse matrices, $g_{ab} g^{bc} = I^c_a$
$g^a_b$ will be the identity matrix because of this
If $u = u^{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\alpha}$ and $v = v_{\beta} \mathbf{e}^{\beta}$ then $g(u,v) = g(u^{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\alpha},v_{\beta} \mathbf{e}^{\beta}) = u^{\alpha}v_{\beta}g(\mathbf{e}_{\alpha},\mathbf{e}^{\beta}) = u^{\alpha}v_{\beta} g_{\alpha} \ ^{\beta} = u_{\alpha}v^{\beta} g^{\alpha} \ _{\beta}$
Hang now I'm getting myself even more confused
Can I write the generic solution to the wave equation as $$f(x) = \int_{k \in \mathscr C} f_k(g(k,x)) dk$$
The inner product is equivalent to putting an element of E into an element of E* right?
With $k$ a null vector
@Phase if you have an inner product you can define such a map, yes
and vice versa
tensors are really hard to dip my toes into
@Phase this might help amazon.com/Explorations-Mathematical-Physics-Concepts-Language/… gives an overview of the language and explains it with nice examples etc
Wait, does it make sense to write $g(k,x)$
If it's not Minkowski space
So the linear form $u(v) = g(u_\alpha e^\alpha, v^\beta e_\beta)$?
jesus christ what the hell happened there
$= u_\alpha v^\beta g^\alpha _\beta$?
If you want to treat $u(v)$ as a linear functional then you expand it as a linear combination of functions $e^{\alpha}$ which act on basis vectors $\mathbf{e}_{\beta}$ to give $g^{\alpha} \ _{\beta}$
$u(v) = u_{\alpha} e^{\alpha}(v) = u_{\alpha} e^{\alpha}(v^{\beta} e_{\beta}) = u_{\alpha} v^{\beta}e^{\alpha}( e_{\beta}) = u_{\alpha} v^{\beta} g^{\alpha} \ _{\beta}$
thats why it wasn't given a vector line in the book
I didnt even register that
So $u$ is a vector in the dual space, but it is also a function acting on vectors in the original space too, so you write it first as a linear combination in the dual in terms of the dual basis, then let each dual basis vector function act on the vector in the original space, but THEN we define each dual basis function by how it acts on the original vector space basis to give $g^{\alpha} \ _{\beta}$
for minkowski space, ignoring signature, the metric is effectively just a kronecker delta?
@0celo7 lmao there's a new pewdiepie video
The whole point of dual spaces is to let you change the components for a vector given an arbitrary basis, it's obvious to expand a given basis in terms of a new basis, but how do you represent the coordinates changing from one basis to another? This is a big issue, because old tensor analysis only works with the components of a vector completely ignoring bases
Infinite dimensions things get complicated, but so does the idea of components etc
@0celo7 this might potentially be racist to indians but i'm in tears
Holy heck I’m in a talk where the person is reading from a piece of paper
Like literally everything
is $g^{ab}g_{ab} = 1$?
@BalarkaSen like a new controversy?
$I$ i guess
@Phase no, densjon
dimension of the space
@SirCumference With practice you'll get better at drinking from the firehose.
@0celo7 no like literally watch it after you're out of the class
this is awesome
$g^{ab} g_{bc} = \delta^a_c$, $\delta^a_a = n$.
(it's not actually offensive)
Im so lost. If it has one superscript and one subscript do you sum?
If they're the same
does it still count as repeated indices?
What other reapeated indices would you sum 0.o
I might genuinely die from laughing too much
No i mean
I get that for something like v_a u_a you sum the indices but I wasn't sure if it's the same object with two indices the same if you sum them
@0celo7 what does the phase term in wave solutions look like for non-flat spacetimes anyway
It can't be $g(k,x)$
$x$ ain't no vector
@Phase You know the Pythagorean theorem, $r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + x^2$ right? Lets write $r = (x,y,z)$ as $r = (x,y,z) = (x^1,x^2,x^3)$ and write $r^2$ as $r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = (x^1)^2 + (x^2)^2 + (x^3)^2 = \sum_{i=1}^3 (x^i)^2$. Now lets try to simplify notation by setting $x^i = x_i$ and saying that $\sum_{i=1}^3 (x^i)^2 = \sum_{i=1}^3 x_i x^i = x_i x^i$ where a repeated index up and down means to sum over them, while non-repeated indices means not to sum. Thus $x_1 x^2 = xy$.
Do you use the separation vector or something
@Curio Yes
@bolbteppa but I thought x_i is the dual of x^i
or is that only for the bases
boy was this answer wrong
A: Can one force the electric quadrupole moments of a neutral charge distribution to vanish using a suitable translation?

Emilio PisantySometimes you can The obvious example is a purely dipolar charge which has been displaced from the origin, such as a dipolar gaussian $$ \rho(\mathbf r) =p_z(z-z_0)\frac{e^{-(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_0)^2/2\sigma^2}}{\sigma^5(2\pi)^{3/2}} . $$ This system is neutral, and it has a nonzero dipole m...

@Phase ignore dual spaces for a moment, does all that make sense
anyone up for the octupole case?
@Slereah, maybe?
I guess but I don't understand the seemingly arbitrary decision to represent quantities that are effectively the same objects differently [one superscript and one subscript]
Because they are not
A good example is test functions
@Phase they're almost the same objects, but they're not
Test functions form a vector space
@0celo7 I am become dead
But their dual vectors aren't test functions
idek what a test function is..
They're distributions
@Phase This is Einstein summation notation, Einstein originally thought it up as a trick to simplify notation, just a rule to avoid clunky notation
so v_i and v^i ARE dual elements?
He was too lazy to write the sum
well, one is dual of the other
what a hack
@Slereah test functions might be a bit too complicated at this stage
@Phase yes
So it's like the hermitian conjugate?
raising or lowering an index i mean
@Phase not quite
@Slereah ugh, yikes. See Straumann
at least, not like hermitian conjugate of full-fledged matrices
but it is like passing from a ket to a bra
which part
It's a big book
At least I understand something on the page
Even if I dont know what $\Phi_g$ is
@Phase do you understand what $\underline u$ is?
Yeah it's the linear form right?
and how it depends on $\vec u$
@Phase then you know what $\Phi_g$ is
Maybe I dont then
it's the map that takes $\vec u$ and gives you $\underline u$
I understand the underlined u to be an element of E* that is a linear combination of basis vector functions of E*, such that underlined u(u) = inner product of u with u
but I dont get how to get $\Phi_g$ from that... Could you use something like <E* basis vectors|E> like in LA?
@Slereah the part on optics in chapter 2
@Phase that's not quite right
but then you'd be taking the inner product of a function with a vector
$\underline u$ isn't determined by its action only on $u$
you need its action on all of $E$
its action on all E would be the inner product of v in E with u in E
You seem to get really triggered by the duality pairing notation
who me?
@Phase exactly
Like, why? Same notation, different thing
@Phase yeah you
i.e. $\underline u (v) = ⟨u,v⟩$ for all $v\in E$
It seems to be some function $\psi$
is the difference clear?
such that $\psi_{,\mu} = k_\mu$
Yeah I knew what underlined u was to a rough extent, the same as now. But I don't get what Phi is
@EmilioPisanty the book writes the LHS with angle brackets
which makes sense I suppose
@0celo7 I'm just following @Phase's last notation
@EmilioPisanty channelling every student from a grad EM class: NnnooooOoOoOo
Honestly I'd risk being dangerous in saying that I understand 'everything' in the book at least slightly, until I get when it writes "$\omega^\alpha = g^{\alpha\beta}\omega_\beta$"
@Semiclassical ah, how bad can it be?
the quadrupole case only took me four years
scratch that
four and a half
@Phase a vector $v$ in the vector space $V = \mathbb{R}^n$ with standard unit basis $\{ e_i \}$ (e.g. $e_1 = (1,0,\dots), e_3 = (0,0,1,0,\dots), \dots$) has components $v^i$, i.e. $v = v^i e_i = (v^1,v^2,\dots)$. In finite dimensions, a vector space $V$ is isomorphic to it's dual space $V^*$, so we can say that $v$ is an element of the dual $V^*$ too. We then say the dual space $V^*$ has the dual basis $\{ e^j \}$ where the dual basis $e^j$ is defined to be such that $e^j(e_i) = \delta^j_i$.
Thus the vector $v$ in the dual space can be written as $v = v_j e^j$. Notice the placing of indices tells us whether we are working in the vector space or it's dual. Thus a vector $w$ in the dual $V^*$ can be treated as a function of another vector $v$ in $V$ by forming $w(v)$, and then expanding the function $w$ in the basis $e^j$ as $w(v) = \sum_{j=1}^n w_j e^j(v) = w_j e^j(v) = w_j e^j (v^i e_i) = w_j v^i e^j(e_i) = w_j v^i \delta^j_i = w_i v^i$.
Well why not do it for any 2^n-pole at that rate
It can’t be that bad /s
I get that @bolbteppa
but its like seeing the metric just fucks up everything in my head
@Semiclassical that's the end goal
but given how hard the finite cases have felt, I reckon another finite step is in order before making the full jump
TBH I do wonder with some of those calculations hoe much can be done in the generic casr

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