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If that's what you think goes on in there, your impression of it comes through a hugely biased filter in terms of stuff that gets a lot of visibility but isn't a huge part of the profession
seriously, seek out opportunities for science busking
it's great fun, looks good on a CV, and you learn a good bit about yourself in the process
@EmilioPisanty Science busking is one of the things that I'm just not good at...
@Mithrandir24601 its' not for everyone, that's for sure
but you won't know until you try
Yeah, it's definitely worth trying - even I wasn't totally useless after 2 hours of solid practise
I don't think normies should know about science
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@Blue get Kato as well
is quantum computers a hoax ?
what is the current situation of the research?
All the media seems to be over hyped about it. Can someone explain?
1 hour later…
@Mithrandir24601 Yes, and I want more people to support it.
Anyone remember Mafia?
Good times...
3 hours later…
anyone knows about Constructor Theory? It looks pretty cool.
@EmilioPisanty idk if I agree with the principles of it though. It effectively seems to be just like what I dislike about pop-sci, boiling physics until the maths and consistency turns to vapour and sharing the 'cool facts'
at least, that's the vibe I got from sciencemadesimple.co.uk/shows/busking
Besides, I'm only first year it would probably be pretentious to go around campus / anywhere IRL doing this
@PiyushDivyanakar Not at all, but it most likely is overhyped by the media - I'm going to be honest and say that I don't think we'll have a fully scaled up quantum computer for a few decades. Current research is that IBM has 17 qubits and Google's working on a machine with ~50 qubits, which they say will be finished by the end of this year. For a fully scaled up one, we need somewhere around millions of qubits at least
Although it's possible they'll be useful somewhere not too far past the 50 qubit mark
(i.e. <100 qubits would probably be useful to science research in some way. ~500 would be useful for science research, as we can then have a decent number of error corrected qubits)
Lol, you have no say if you say entropy is a measure of disorder
@Secret i think you either have to be Ok with pop-sci existing and accept that no-one can expect a non-student to invest the time to understand the terms rigorously or properly, or refuse all forms of Pop-sci. I don't think this is a particularly stand-out case of being very bad
Well, at least for entropy, there is a way to explain it better. One common and reasonably accurate explanation is that it is the number of ways to arrange things that satisfy some given macroscopic properties
im sad
i cant find my drawing tablet anywhere
@Secret I'd argue that properly explaining entropy is complicated enough that physicists that say this are just putting all the complicated details into this word 'disorder' and giving it a complicated meaning, only because most people know the word 'disorder', they're not aware of this
It's back to the "x is a measure of y. OK, that's great... What's y?"
@Secret Yes, $S = k\ln w$ where $w=$ number of microstates available.
The problem is that 'disorder' is vague enough that a lot of misconceptions arises from it, including the notion where people get really terrified by the misunderstood idea of the second law in that 'everything is getting worse and more disorderly', while in fact the second law is neutral as it is also what drive many life processes
@Abcd Even that only applies in certain scenarios and requires understanding of what 'microstates' are - I much prefer $S=-\sum_i p_i\log p_i$, which is clear, to the point and, best yet, is the definition at any level
The D-Wave systems is currently manufacturing commercial quantum computers. It is advertised as 50 qubits. Is it a true quantum computer.

Also I wanted to know if there are any review papers that I might read to get upto speed on the technology currently available for making qubits.
@PiyushDivyanakar does it run Skyrim?
This also has the added bonus that it makes it clearer that entropy is just another way of saying that a system will tend to end up in the most likely arrangement of that system (i.e. the arrangement with the highest probability of occurring), which shouidn't really come as much of a shock :)
@Phase If it did our will our instructions be executed all the time.
@Mithrandir24601 That equation is also cool because it allows people to be aware of the relation of entropy with information
Also will the consequences of our actions be deterministic
@Secret Exactly :D
i think i've found evidence of macroscopic tunnelling
because my fucking tablet seems to be anywhere but here >:(
@Phase did you try calling it
It's a drawing tablet
@PiyushDivyanakar Do you have a link for this? They do have a ~2000 qubit processor, but it's a non-universal machine and isn't fully connected (i.e. every qubit can't immediately interact with every other qubit). It can be used to give a fully connected 64 qubit 'graph'. I also wouldn't be remotely surprised if they've got a universal machine with a number of qubits. I might be a tad surprised if they admitted it though...
Hi!. Why only monochromatic light is used for photoelectric effect?
It's monochromatic at any one point but you tend to go through a continuous spectrum
Until eventually you find one that liberates electrons with minimal kinetic energy
and then as you increase the energy of the photons after that point
it leads to the emitted electrons having more KE
Since $E_{electron} = h\nu - \Phi = 0.5mv^2$ where $\nu$ is the frequency of light and $\Phi$ is the workfunction [energy required to liberate an electron]
@Mithrandir24601 I was guessing i didn't remember the exact value. I have gone through their tutorial and the types of problems it can solve seems very narrow, doesn't it?
@PiyushDivyanakar Compared with what we're used to with normal computers, yeah
@Mithrandir24601 is there a cloud version of d-wave available. Like can we run d-wave code and get results?
@PiyushDivyanakar You can't run things on D-Wave, but they've written a program for programming it and it defaults to running a classical simulation - github.com/dwavesystems/qbsolv
(that program is open access)
@Mithrandir24601 @Mithrandir24601 I have played around with this library.
Is this just a simulator? and not real code that can be run on a QC
@Phase Not necessarily
@Phase 👍
@Fawad You don't have to, it just simplifies the analysis
The good thing is that it's a linear process
So, if you have light of more than one colour, then you just analyse the cases separately and the global response is the sum of the individual responses
if you have light at frequency $\nu_1$ and at $\nu_2$, then you're going to get electrons at energies $E_1=h\nu_1-\Phi$ and $E_2=h\nu_2-\Phi$
@PiyushDivyanakar If you have access to one of their machines, you add a line somewhere at the top with a key that allows you to have access, so it's exactly the same code as if you were running it on one of their machines, only it's being simulated classically instead of actually being run on D-Wave
@EmilioPisanty to simplify everything and study behaviour of certain frequencies on metals,we use monochromatic light.
@Phase There is indeed a bit of that. But communicating science in its full spirit isn't easy and it takes a lot of people skills. Busking helps build those ;-).
@Fawad if you're already "studying the behaviour of certain frequencies", you're already using monochromatic light ;-)
otherwise you can't talk about the frequency because you have multiple frequencies at the same time
but yes, we want to study the interaction of light with metals and to simplify the analysis we first do it frequency-by-frequency (i.e. we use monochromatic light) and then we combine the results
@Phase No, they take volunteers from anyone, GCSE and up
@Phase I'd avoid orgs that charge for their services though ;-)
Your department likely has an outreach officer, ask them if they do stuff
otherwise, say, IOP might have interesting opportunities
@0celo7 lmao
did you watch the vid i told you to watch btw?
its time you experienced some indian art
hey geometers
@BalarkaSen @Slereah
Q: Are there model 3D surfaces with star and monstar umbilical points?

E.P.The Wikipedia article on umbilical points classifies umbilical singularities into three types ─ star, monstar, and lemon ─ depending on the index of the singularity and the configuration of the lines of curvature around the singularity, and it also provides a nicely visualizable 3D model o...

any ideas?
Not a clue
@Slereah =P fair enough
> any convex, closed and sufficiently smooth surface in three dimensional Euclidean space needs to admit at least two umbilic points
^ apparently that's still a conjecture?
man, mathematics is weird
I have not thought about umbilical points a lot.
to be fair I don't particularly care about the umbilical points in differential geometry
I think Penrose has a very short chapter on them?
Oh wait no, it was caustics
@Emilio I think the star umbillic appears in the Monkey saddle
@BalarkaSen yeah, that figures
the one that really stumps me is the monstar
I still struggle to understand how it's different to the lemon
"It belongs to the class of saddle surfaces and its name derives from the observation that a saddle for a monkey requires three depressions: two for the legs, and one for the tail."
I assume monstar is short for monkey star
hm i don't see an easy example of a surface with monstar umbillics
> Green lines denote the streamlines of major axis of polarization ellipse. Under the control of $E_0$ they behave like the binary fission of a prokaryotic cell.
it's a bad version of lemon, for sure'
you can tell whoever wrote that really enjoyed it
@BalarkaSen yeah, it's bad for sure
I am not sure if the surface is supposed to be smooth at those points
It doesn't look very smooth to me
but the lemon has a singularity too, right?
and that one is completely smooth
The citrusy black hole
@EmilioPisanty i mean sure but the lines of curvature in lemonstar doesn't seem to be smooth
or, hm, maybe i am misinterpreting
I guess the blue lines to the left are like $y = x^3$ for $x \geq 0$ and $y = 0$ otherwise
not entirely sure
@BalarkaSen yeah, those don't look very nice
but that doesn't mean the surface itself isn't smooth
@BalarkaSen well, the lines of curvature that pass through the umbilical itself do have a sharp kink there
Right, and that's bothering me
Hm, let's see. I think lines of curvatures are given by $\Bbb{II}(v, v) = 0$
No, that's an asymptotic curve, nevermind
@EmilioPisanty OK, this is what is bothering me; there seem to be three blue lines of curvature coming tangentially to the umbilic point. But lines of curvature are precisely the integral curves of the principal directions, and integral curves are uniquely determined by the initial tangential vector.
@BalarkaSen the initial tangential vector is obviously singular at the umbilic
it's the same deal with the star
once you're $\epsilon$ away then the line of curvature is unique
Two questions
The radiations which each body emits is different from the quantum jump
Isn't it?
@BalarkaSen dunno what vid you told me about
@BalarkaSen I found a tasteful quote: "Geometry is a magic that works..." - R. Thom
I put that on my thesis. It's probably better than Spivak's line about executing people
Hey guys, is there anybody who could help me understand a (very basic) getDP.pro line?
1 hour later…
@0celo7 you are making your thesis 😲.
@EmilioPisanty Sorry, I don't get it. At the umbillic, every direction is a principal direction. But the lines of curvatures are still uniquely determined by the initial vector, right?
I think you should bring this up to Ted Shifrin in the math chat. He knows extrinsic differential geometry quite thoroughly, so would be able to answer your queries.
@0celo7 Oh damn it got deleted
It was so funny though
@Semiclassical So some genius decided to standardize the units of reactor heat generation as Watts/foot
I mean, at least make it hp/foot
Or Btu/ft/hr
@EmilioPisanty LaTeX master, how do I get TeX to put Roman numerals on certain pages?
dedication page, etc.
@0celo7 lolwut
standard units as SI/imperial
@Semiclassical Yeah, heat generation along the fuel rod
linear heating rate
the diameters are in mm so you have to convert anyway .-.
i guess i can see how that would happen
scientists working on the computational side of things in SI, engineers working on the actual rods in feet
@Semiclassical The prof said someone made that choice long ago and now no one wants to change it because it might be catastrophic
conventions are a harsh mistress
kinda reminds me of the whole thing re: electricity
we use SI there, no?
and Franklin choosing positive/negative for charges
life would be more convenient in a number of places had he chosen it the other way
I am glad that the only time I'll ever worry about electromagnetism is in the context of Yang-Mills black holes.
it doesn't come up in nuclear physics, then?
@Semiclassical It does, but the positive/negative crap isn't too important.
I guess a lot of "electromagnetism" in practice is just electrostatics or magnetostatics
I don't really mean that too seriously, anyways.
electrons as charge carriers is the more common case, of course, but in solid state you h have the whole n-type vs. p-type thing. so you have to put up with charge carriers of various sign no matter what you do
@Semiclassical In other news, my goal is to write a complete proof of the Yamabe conjecture for my thesis. My advisor wants me to include either the 1988 conformal embedding stuff or even the new proof of the PMT if possible
It's going to be a ridiculous thesis
That doesn't sound like just one proof
though i guess maybe it's more that you have to cover so many cases
Yeah, the proof has a lot of aspects, although the overall idea is neat
not to sound like too much of a physicist, but
And is very technical. My advisor and I agree that the standard proofs can be explained better, so there is something "original" here
what's so interesting about Yamabe?
@Semiclassical It's one of the few nonlinear PDEs that we know can be solved without hypothesis
And that's basically the statement of the conjecture
But the method is really interesting. It uses best constant Sobolev inequalities (known to mathematical quantum mechanics people) and the positive mass theorem (known to relativists)
am I right in thinking that, for most nonlinear PDEs, the solutions we usually know are exact solutions
which are of course nice but are special
Yeah and there are existence theorems for equations with "nice" nonlinearities.
so Yamabe is sorta the reverse of that, where there's nothing particularly nice about the solutions but we know about them generically?
pretty much
people have studied the solutions too, but the main conjecture was just that they exist
along with the conjecture that one could prove they exist, heh
whereas I imagine for most nonlinear PDEs there's no such hopes
@Semiclassical Well, I should point out that the equations are homogenous, hence have a solution trivially.
The real challenge is to prove the existence of a strictly positive solution.
And all of the usual methods fail there because they all just give SOME solution that doesn't change signs -- it could be identically zero.
So you have to work very hard to prove it's not identically zero.
Now on a bounded domain of $\Bbb R^n$ you can impose boundary conditions which are a pain in the ass for regularity, but are nice for existence because you know something about the solution.
But on a closed manifold the solution can be doing whatever.
@Semiclassical It's not wrong to say that the problem is interesting because it's so hard.
@PiyushDivyanakar qm computing is not a fantasy but its not a reality either, its in between. maybe comparable to IC research in 1960s wrt current capability/ promise, over ½ century ago. also some natural analogy to babbage. heres recent compilation of latest info/ links etc vzn1.wordpress.com/2017/07/17/qm-computing-summer-2017-update
@0celo7 Put \pagenumbering{Roman} in front of the stuff that's supposed to be Roman-numbered, then put \pagenumbering{arabic} in front of the the stuff that's not.
@ACuriousMind that's not working correctly
How is it not working correctly?
I.e. how does the output differ from what you want?
What class are you using?
Then use \frontmatter in front of the stuff that's supposed to be Roman-numbered, and \mainmatter in front of the stuff that's not
I corrected to memoir
I think that should also work in memoir, but I'm not sure
let's see...
@vzn one slogan for that, I guess, is that quantum computation is already here but not quantum computing
@ACuriousMind ack now it's numbering the blank page between the ToC and the Notation page
Well, that's a page. Why wouldn't it be numbered? :P
it's blank!
shouldn't the first page be the first non-blank page?
In the same sort of way as knowing the English alphabet doesn’t mean you can write a readable essay, let alone best-selling novel
@0celo7 I think there are different conventions
@Semiclassical Funny, the question I wanted to ask that led me to physics.SE was about 6j symbols
I remember seeing stuff about them in that one Birdtracks book
@0celo7 I've known this
but don't currently
@EmilioPisanty the German dude answer the question
But that was because I was interested in diagrammatic notation at the time
\frontmatter and \mainmatter does it
@ACuriousMind thanks btw
@0celo7 ah, found it
the real trick is to get pdf readers to recognize the page offset
Uh, why?
Oh god I need to learn how to use hyperref
'cause it's nice
and not painful
and pain is not nice
what the heck are you supposed to write in a preface anyway
do you do that after writing the thing?
@0celo7 np :)
i.e. if people want to print pages 12-17 of your document but it prints the wrong pages because page 1 is really page 7 of the pdf
then it gets annoying pretty fast
oh, yeah
Trying to seek for an order preserving bijection from $\Bbb{Q}$ to $\Bbb{Q}\setminus \{0\}$ gives...
@0celo7 if you don't know what to write in a preface, you shouldn't really be writing one
Should i worry about that when I've written the whole thing?
@0celo7 yes
what are you writing?
undergrad thesis
is there a strict requirement for a preface?
Not sure
at this point I'm just writing
I have maybe half written already so now I'm building a structure around it
are you using source control for the tex?
hg or git, whatever rocks your boat
don't know what that means
fucking git keeps deleting my shit
Mercurial is a distributed revision-control tool for software developers. It is supported on Microsoft Windows and Unix-like systems, such as FreeBSD, macOS and Linux. Mercurial's major design goals include high performance and scalability, decentralized, fully distributed collaborative development, robust handling of both plain text and binary files, and advanced branching and merging capabilities, while remaining conceptually simple. It includes an integrated web-interface. Mercurial has also taken steps to ease the transition for users of other version control systems, particularly Subversion...
I'm just using dropbox, works much better
every time I compile it updates the dropbox
much better than git where the world ends when I don't push
@EmilioPisanty No thanks, I am very happy with my current setup.
@Semiclassical aaronsons aphorism: "qm complexity theory: what we cant do with computers we dont have"
@0celo7 whatever works for you
@vzn haha, I like that
but, that said: an undergrad thesis isn't so much a place where you do all this amazing research and you write it up under embargo while the paper is getting refereed in Nature.
I'm the only one editing this so as long as I always use the copy on the dropbox when editing, there's no chance for me to override changes.
it's a process apprenticeship
I’ve seen some of his blog posts re: D-Wave and his skepticism thereof
i.e. it's a place to build tools and processes, and learn how to use them, for structuring and writing large documents
So I get what you meab
Unlike git where, as I said, the world ends if I forget to sync correctly.
@0celo7 I must admit I don't use GIT for my own stuff
I use GIT only where I need to collaborate with a group.
Git will randomly revert to month-old versions
It's awful
@0celo7 git is too complex for a first use
[insert obligatory XKCD link here]
Dropbox works amazingly IF only one person edits at a time.
Because it refreshes the cloud every time you compile, the thing on the cloud is always the most current.
No chance for version overlap.
thing is, what happens if you do some structural change on the latex and you fuck it up?
can you revert to a previous version that compiles?
@Semiclassical think he is way too hard on dwave, but he seems to have relented a bit after geordie rose ceo left, who do concede tended to hype stuff a lot. actually wonder if dwave has long term viability. ~$150M spent, not a lot of capability to show for it. (but qc is inherently very hard that way, not saying anyone could have done better!)
how easy is it to find that previous version?
No clue, but you're not going to convince me to use git.
I've had too many headaches because of version overlaps.
@EmilioPisanty that's what backups are for.
I won't be making many structural changes now. I have the ToC in place, the page numbering figured out, and the bib in place.
@JohnRennie how often, realistically, is anyone backing up work?
once a week, tops?
twice a week?
@vzn maybe. But I’m more inclined to be skeptical of such things in general
When I'm working on a project, e.g. the chem eng. stuff I do for the nuclear industry, I back up every day as part of the end of the day routine.
@Semiclassical qc skeptics have a lot to point at, but less so than just a few yrs ago. field is starting to gain traction...
@vzn Geordie Rose conceded that he tends to hype stuff a lot?
The ultimate goal of a project like D-Wave may be have a working quantum computer on the market
You're now going to say you aren't typical. OK, maybe not, but anyone who doesn't backup every day is choosing to take the risk of data loss.
@JohnRennie that's way too sparse to recover a fucked-up latex fix
But the immediate goal is “get enough money fro investors to keep the project moving”
@EmilioPisanty Unless you push your git every 15 minutes I don't see the difference.
@EmilioPisanty you say that with great authority, but in 40 years of using computers I have found a daily backup to be fine.
And if you push your git every 15 minutes, that's annoying as hell.
@EmilioPisanty conceding myself. hypersters never concede :P
@0celo7 there's a difference between commit and push
@vzn OK. That's not what you said, though.
And that does create certain incentives for how such projects get presented/sold as
@EmilioPisanty I do concede. theres this thing in english called "implied subj" etc
@JohnRennie Ok, how about this: is it possible to set up Windows to clone a folder every 30 minutes and save the clone?
And just do this indefinitely?
That would certainly appease Emilio.
@Semiclassical think you have it very exactly. might dig up some links on this if there is interest just ran across one by martinis et al nature
@vzn not particularly, no. Spanish uses implied subjects. English doesn't really, and if you think that that's what you're doing all the times you ommit the I, then that's not standard grammar. It makes your text extremely hard to read.
@0celo7 you miss out on the commit messages
I'm not saying you have to do it
I never write those.
@EmilioPisanty its a chat room. maybe you have better grammar/ usage than avg. trying to increase stds in here seems like (at times) trying to boil the ocean to me.
Mine would be "fixed typo"
I have a habit of omitting the I as well sometimes. Not the best practice, but it’s just a style
"wrote proof"
Not very interesting
@EmilioPisanty Nitpick: English does have implied subjects, but mainly in imperative clauses.
@ACuriousMind would you please take a look at this profile picture?
@ACuriousMind moot, as wasn't an imperative clause
@0celo7 Windows has a technology called shadow copy, which effectively snapshots the state of the disk at the time of your choice. Then you can go back and retrieve a file from any of the shadow copies. That's what I would use if you want regular backups throughout the day.
(^see how that doesn't work?)
As a reference point re: backups
@EmilioPisanty I'm not disagreeing with you about vzn's sentences being ungrammatical and hard to decipher at times, just saying that "English doesn't really use implied subjects" is not true in its generality ;P
My dad works as a network admin/supervisor for a state agency
@ACuriousMind =P
And they run a daily backup
@user685252 I can't, it doesn't display for me
@JohnRennie my disk is 400GB
I can't do that
Seems to be a problem with FF Nightly. It does display in Chrome
Dear god.
(naturally) uncomfortable as topic/ focus of discussion wrt certain angles such as improving stds :(
(Though I think they’re technically more like snapshots/images of the network? There’s enough employees that the memory cost would be prohibitive otherwise)
@vzn Why would you want to improve sexually transmitted diseases?!
Getting back to D-Wave
@vzn if you wrote clearly and correctly people wouldn't have issues understanding you
@0celo7 It doesn't literally copy all 400GB. What it does is take an initial image then journal any changes made to the disk. You can get back any previous state of the dist by replaying the journal up to the point you want. So the impact on disk space is minimal.
@0celo7 sigh, its a chat room, and am only partially influencing others "understanding" wrt anything
The "thumbs up" sign is what bothers me the most...
@JohnRennie ah cool. I’ll investigate
@0celo7 it might be more accurate to describe it as - the time one saves on tying isn't "saved", it's just imposed on others' reading.
@user685252 maybe that comes from this kinda thing?
...stuff like that is what drove away Chris White
@user685252 I'll deal with it, just double-checking policy.
Thank you for your time.
@ACuriousMind is this style of clothing legal in Germany?

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