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Ocelot, the Dirac delta function brings tears to my eyes. ITS NOT A FUNCTION!!! ITS PEOPLE! SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!
why can't it be $\mathbb Z$
@Obliv what is $\mathbb{R}^{-16}$
has to be a multiple of 2
that's still positive and in the reals
same as $\frac{1}{\mathbb R^{16}}$ isn't it
@ACuriousMind Hmm.
@Obliv What the fuck is that
which is in the $\mathbb R$? maybe?
@Obliv There is no set R^-1
why not?
@Obliv Well, how would you define it?
$\frac{1}{\text{cat}}$ makes as much sense
I once divided a cat.
$\frac{1}{\{1,4,2,6\}}$ is the inverse set :D
I prefer not to talk about it.
copyright obliv 2016 ty
@Obliv Blargh, mind blown
hey can't that work? Just inverse all elements?
@Obliv R^-1 doesn't mean 1/r for all elements in R
R^2 doesn't mean r^2 for all elements in R. It means all pairs {r1,r2} of real numbers.
if it did, would $|\mathbb R^{-16}| = |\mathbb R|$?
Set multiplication (Cartesian product), not member multiplication.
@Obliv What is 0^-16 ?
And even if not, it wouldn't work because 16 is an even number.
So you'd just get R+ U {0}
Hey, what happened to Ocleot?
well actually what I said above was for it to be equal to $|\mathbb R^+|$
so it would have to a multiple of 2 otherwise you would get negative reals.
@barrycarter I just realized I have no clue what's going on in class, bye
wait no i'm confusing members with the values of each members again. eh gonna go back in the textbook now lol
No, we have chat logs. Oh, wait, I see your point.
Yes, they would be equal in size.
Chatting about physics during a physics class. Can there be too much love for physics?
Thanks to whoever starred that.
@barrycarter We've been talking about math for the past hour.
Ocelot, math is all encompassing.
Physics is just an impure version of math.
@barrycarter My blog contains mathematical physics
Slightly impure math
I like mathematical physics.
Math can be sullied for lesser causes, yes.
But, ultimately, once the diagrams are removed, the pure fresh glow of math will always shine through.
Except for the Dirac delta "function".
That's like the a-hole of math.
Does the blog actually have any physics in it
IIRC all the proofs are just geometry
Thankfully it never shows up in geometry
You're studying physics in TN?
Interestingish blog.
if $f: A \to B,C$ is the domain of $f$ simply $A$ and co-domain of $f$ is $B$ and $C$?
or can $f$ not have two output sets?
No, did you even read my profile?
The domain of f is A
I skimmed it.
I'm not a physics student
OK, OK. Math/engineering (what a combo), but in TN
@barrycarter yes
@Obliv I don't think your notation makes sense. B,C?
TN isn't the most advanced state in the union in terms of science.
I plan to do physics or applied math in grad school, figured I'd double major in math
can $A$ have an image through $f$ into two sets?
@barrycarter Ouch
@Obliv Unless they mean B x C I don't think so
We're right next to the largest lab in the country
OK OK, I won't bash TN anymore.
I'll prepare some additional material and bash it later.
Have access to a nuclear reactor, synchotron and the second largest supercomputer in the world
what is B x C? I'm not getting this from the book I'm just curious as to if what I wrote makes sense logically speaking
@0celo7 what's the first largest?
Some Chinese one
@barrycarter do you think our profs deny evolution
And we come to school on tractors
well there's no evidence so why wouldn't they? :P
Ocelot himself is the largest.
tractors are pretty efficient honestly..
@barrycarter I don't accept that the world existed before I was born.
Stop stealing my anti-TN material.
Ok, I see that the length of Phi is 1.
OK, fine, you're the KY of the south.
That's another plane of denial right there
@barrycarter what the hell does that mean
In TN we view KY as hicks
You're part of the Confederacy, right?
But, what about mapping it to the \vec 0 and \vec 1 axes?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
And KY is the other side.
I was complimenting you.
My heritage is German and Czech
And I'm from VA
Still the south
DC area
OK, good, German heritage, yes, that counters being in the Confederacy.
The probabilities are 1/2 and 1/2 e^2iΘ are there, which dont' sum up to 1. Right?
RTP area?
@ValentinTihomirov Depends on your theta.
Never heard of that acronym
Research Triangle Park?
And you're on a fast track to my block list
Is that not a thing any more?
That's in Maryland, no?
You blocked me earlier, remember?
I thought it spanned MD, VA, and DC
@barrycarter I relented
@barrycarter not something they tell kids then
Do you think that my being on the fast track to your block list will temper my behavior?
Either you don't care enough to talk to me, and I block you or you do care and will stop annoying me
Works out either way
@0celo7 if you want to block people, that's up to you, but there is no need to advertise it. Please don't.
@0celo7 Your dad is awesome
Theorem: Barry cares to talk to Ocelot. talk(B,O). if talk(B,O) && block(O,B) -> dontcare(O,B)
I'm letting him know @DavidZ
Your dad is famous?
I'd appreciate if he wasn't annoying, am I allowed to advertise that?
@barrycarter Yes.
I was going to say this earlier anyway: I'm just joking, please don't take it seriously.
Who is your dad?
@barrycarter I'm sure you are joking, but jokes can be annoying.
Well, it's banter, the kind of thing we do here.
I'm the only one who is allowed to banter
And you're quite poke-able, if you know what I mean.
Other banter offends me
Poking offends me
So, you get angry, David Banter?
OK, so who's your daddy?
@0celo7 speaking generally, if someone says something that annoys you, you can certainly point it out to them in a non-confrontational way.
@barrycarter A person who's genuinely nice
@BernardMeurer Does he have a name?
@DavidZ I like confronting people.
I'll confront you right now
@barrycarter Yes, but it is none of your business :)
@BernardMeurer if he's famous, and everyone else knows...
@0celo7 You're going to get yourself banned again
@0celo7 this is generally not a place for confrontation.
@barrycarter Not everyone else knows
@BernardMeurer For what
@BernardMeurer Oh great, so you just make the mysterious statement that Ocelot's dad is awesome.
@0celo7 Confronting someone asking you not to confront
@barrycarter yes
Ocelot, if you want, we can get a room together and you can confrontational the hell out of me :)
$g$ is an extension of a function $f$. That essentially means $f$ is bigger than $g$ in a way right? Since its domain is larger than g.
@barrycarter I can tell it to your face
@Obliv Correct. g agrees with f where f is defined.
Your institution have a solid state physics presence?
Do you feel that if we got another room, I would stop having a face?
Or were you suggesting something fairly untowards?
I was going to shank you.
Anyway, I'm not going to churn. Chill out, Ocelot, I'm just kidding.
I was too.
Knives are too messy
So you decided against the shanking?
Seriously, we're one letter away from British soft porn.
Unless the opportunity presents itself, yes.
That's shank-tastic.
@barrycarter I don't think I would shag you
I didn't ask you to.
But thank you for pre-emptively saying no, just in case it comes up at some time in the future.
@0celo7 What about me bae?
Would this be a permanent shag-ban, or may I assume that, as your tastes mature, you may change your mind?
@BernardMeurer you're on my cheat list
Is he a celeb?
You can only add celebs.
@0celo7 Because I won our little bet and am now discussing bald eagles with your father?
and you owe me 20 bucks
if set $A$ is larger than set $B$ and $C$ is the set $A \times B$ do the ordered pairs where B no longer has a member at $a$ just return $\langle a,null \rangle$?
Holy shit
@BernardMeurer this is insane
@Obliv Umm, no.
Best out of context quote
isn't the cartesian product the ordering of all members of $A$ and $B$
@Obliv A x B doesn't require A and B to be the same size.
@BernardMeurer I don't have the money
@0celo7 You cast this onto yourself
what would it return at the elements of $A$ where there is no corresponding elements of $B$? just a 0?
@BernardMeurer will you take a book?
@0celo7 I'll take beer & barbecue
Or Shankar :D
@Obliv What do you think A x B is if A = {1,2} and B = {X,Y,Z}?
I need Shankar for my work @BernardMeurer
@0celo7 Well that's the only book you have I'm interested in
You'll be paying me with some ribs
Hopefully pork or beef?
I thought maybe $\{ \langle 1,X \rangle , \langle 2,Y \rangle , \langle null,Z \rangle \}$
@barrycarter Human
@Obliv Umm, no. It's { {1,X}, {1,Y}, {1,Z}, {2,X}, {2,Y}, {2,Z} }
oh i'm stupid. thanks @barrycarter
@Obliv its not per element multiplication, it's set multiplication
@BernardMeurer You know, Adam got a girl for a single rib. Settling a $20 debt for a rib seems pricey.
@barrycarter haha
Although, I suppose there are places, like TN, where you can get a girl for $20
For an hour anyway.
@barrycarter She's usually in the $30 range
Even on Toothless Bertha's House of Whores Wednesday Discount Night?
Oh, wait, I use the coupon, never mind.
@0celo7 Who?
Toothless Bertha... the safe alternative for BJs.
@BernardMeurer Rebecca
Backdoor Becky?
@barrycarter you'll get a kick out of this one
My gf is from AL
Did she have a banjo on her knee?
@0celo7 one of the babies picked food on his own !
@barrycarter she can play the banjo with her tongue
I'm sensing an ornithological theme here.
You're a lucky man.
Who said I'm a man?
Kin she also cook up a mess o grits real fine?
I'm genderfluid
So you're a gender gas or a gender liquid?
1) A binary relation on a nonempty set $A$ is a subset $R$ of $A \times A$ and we write $a~b$ if $(a,b) \in R$. Doesn't this make sense if it said a set $R$ instead of subset?
@barrycarter Nonnewtonian gender
@barrycarter never asked, don't like grits
@Obliv Yes, it would still make sense.
A x A is a set, R is a subset of A x A
I'm confused with this statement in general. $\{a,b\} \times \{a,b\}$ is just $\{\langle a,a \rangle, \langle a,b \rangle , \langle b,a \rangle, \langle b,b \rangle \}$. so like where is the relation even present?
@0celo7 I'm a non-hausdorff
@BernardMeurer are you really coming to Memphis this summer
@0celo7 I might, dunno yet, gotta check on the $$
@Obliv No, they're saying that a binary relation is some subset of A x A
Or is it Nashville?
Like the relation "<" on {1,2,3} would be { {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}}
I can't remember Michelle's plans
@0celo7 The barbecue's in memphis
@Obliv I'd invite you to go private and do some "real" math, but I'm afraid I've only allocated half a day to waste on chat today, and that ends in 6 minutes.
@barrycarter I'm just learning definitions/preliminaries of this book still LOL. But, I've learned a lot so far and I'm thankful for your help thus far.
yeah I get that $R$ is just a subset of the total cartesian product of the set on itself.
@Obliv Sure thing. It sometimes seems like you're jumping around randomly in the book. Is this the case?
Correct, a relation is a subset of A x B. In this case B=A
no. I think of things sometimes not mentioned in the book otherwise I'm going chronologically.
just curious, how come you never use latex commands @barrycarter
@0celo7 Shit, flights to knoxville are SO cheap
@Obliv I'm allergic to latex
what a rare condition..
Yes :P
@0celo7 400USD the two way
I don't know TeX that well.
And I think it sometimes obfuscates instead of elucidates.
@barrycarter literally never true.
just look up commands as you go and you'll learn quickly. I think it makes things cleaner.
What, Ocelot?
instead of x^2 + 2 you have $x^2 + 2$ :D
@Obliv I'm a TeX hold out
Plus my stupid browser won't render TeX unless I visit the bookmark each time.
Superscripts are for wimps.
@barrycarter $\LaTeX$ is always better
It looks nicer, maybe.
How could it make things more confusing
i used the link on the top right of this page to get a bookmark that renders any tex on the page. you only have to click it once unless you close the page
Besides, he asked me about latex, not LaTeX :P
The answer is that it doesn't
@Obliv That's how it's supposed to work, but it's broken somehow for me. It used to work fine.
It works for me on chrome & nightly
Well good for you :P
i'm guessing it would work on firefox too
Yes, it used to. I probably just need to look into it, but I don't care.
You have to click chatjax every time you refresh
Did you bookmark it?
In my case, I have click chatjax even when I don't refresh.
Yes, its bookmarked.
It's a browser issue on my side.
What browser?
Firefox old version
My god
Use Chrome new version
shouldn't the statement I said above actually be a relation instead of a binary relation?
a binary relation is between 2 elements. So it would be a set of 1 ordered pair? o_o
I think you should take a step back and go about this a bit slower. I don't think you've gotten a single definition right from what you've posted thus far.
my book said that was what a binary relation was.. it lied
@ACuriousMind Do you want to watch bald eagles with me?
Read the definition. Then read the examples (if the book gives no examples, switch to one that does). Think about why every example is actually an instance of the definition.
@BernardMeurer Is that a euphemism?
nevermind it defined it correctly. I have no idea why I thought it was something else.
is there even a formal definition for just "relation" between objects?
Q: Is watching porn in university a crime?

Juan CarlosI am about to start my graduate studies in an American university, moving from my native Peru. Over the course of my under-graduation, I have developed this strange habit of watching porn at odd times, say afternoon, or morning. Sometimes I watch in classroom too, of course, reducing the volume t...

the fuck is this?
that's so fucked. porn is just such a stupid thing and for him to think it's okay in academia is just despicable.
@Obliv I got a reprieve. I can help you w/ math in a private room away from all these "physicists" provided you don't make fun of my little latex problem.
But it's not a crime.
well unless my questions aren't wanted I feel like asking to an audience is better than having a single source. no hard feelings @barrycarter I like mathematicians and physicists equally :p
@barrycarter If you read the question, it's more about whether it is considered acceptable, the title is a slight misnomer
@Obliv Fair enough, I'm getting a little distracted, but I can keep trying to help
I'm baffled that this needs to be asked, though.
@Obliv As you learn more, you will understand why mathematicians are better :P
Then again, I'm regularly baffled by what passed for a good question at academia.SE, so that doesn't say much... :P
the internet allows for people to ask idiotic questions without feeling bad. If he asked that to a public audience in real life, i'm sure he would feel a lot different. @ACuriousMind
Sounds more like an April Fool's Day prank
I, personally, would cheer him on.
Porn is awesome
i'm so tempted to star that.
Go for it :)
It can provide a good break from studying.
but why IN the class?
Hmmm, OK, that one's a bit weird.
just a bit.
I mean, if the class itself isn't getting you excited, you're taking the wrong class.
Real mathematicians don't need porn (to do mathematics)
many people don't realize what porn-addictions can do to people. People just do stupid things when they aren't in control of themselves when those instincts kick in.
@ACuriousMind Ouch! I'd say the exact opposite.
@Obliv I am not aligned to your political views.
I do think porn is awesome, but agree that in class is not a good time to view it.
A partition of A is any collection $\{ A_i | i \in I\}$ of non empty subsets of A (I some indexing set) such that a) $A = \cup_{i \in I} A_i$, and b) $A_i \cap A_j = \emptyset $ for all $i,j \in I$ with $i \ne j$ (i.e, $A$ is the disjoint union of the sets in the partition).
I have a question about the definition of this partition
What does $\cup A_i$ mean? Does it mean the union of all the partitions of A?
Also, does $A_i \cap A_j = \emptyset$ mean they never intersect?
That's right. No elements in common.
No problem. :-)
if ~ defines an equivalence relation on $A$ then the set of equivalence classes of ~ form a partition of $A$. Is this essentially saying the binary [equivalence] relation on $A$ is a subset of $A$?
a partition of $A$ is a subset of $A$, right?
no, a partition of a is a set of subsets of $A$
is a subset of $2^A$
the set of parts of $A$
It's a way of breaking A into disjoint subsets that make up all of A
when it says the set of equivalence classes of ~ , is that equivalent to saying the binary relation on A using the ~ relation?
also @ACuriousMind is it true that carbonated water is the default water in Germany?
@Obliv is that what mineral water is
don't ask me..
@Obliv If you mean that you'll get carbonated water when simply ordering "water" then yes, although many servers will ask what exactly you want.
@Obliv Sort of, yes.
@Obliv That sentence doesn't really make sense to me, but if you're asking whether the set of equivalence classes is the same as the relation as a subset of $A\times A$, then no.
any other countries where they do that? My friend says that he always half-expects drinking carbonated water when he takes a sip of water now. Traumatizing experience smh

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