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@heather Yeah.
Right, the cross does not look like $\Bbb R$ right at the intersection point
At the crossing point, it doesn't look like a curve, it looks like two curves.
@0celo7, would 'o' be a good example of a 1D manifold?
It's the only compact one, in fact.
What does it mean for it to be "compact"?
@heather Yes, see examples above.
~ finite
you can think of compact being "bounded"
Oh, that makes sense.
So where are manifolds useful?
now - is also a manifold if we don't include the endpoints
Oh, snap, @0celo7 I'm an idiot, aren't I? I guess technically \ isn't a manifold because of the end points, eh?
@DanielSank Yeah but that can be forgiven :)
Yeah, it's manifold everywhere except the ends.
@heather Because a lot of stuff is a manifold.
Basically all of vector calculus is just manifolds in disguise
And would these 1D manifolds be described by equations like y=x+5 or whatever?
@0celo7, vector calculus?
@0celo7 That is totally wrong and you know it. At least 50% of vector calculus is linear algebra.
@heather those are manifolds, but you can get more general
@heather He just means calculus with N dimensions.
@DanielSank Implying diff geo isn't 50% linear algebra in the end
@DanielSank, like...oh! Like spacetime in GR?
@heather Yeah, that defines a straight line, which is indeed a manifold.
@heather Yeah.
Okay, I think I'm starting to maybe kind of get this.
@heather there's a really interesting duality in manifolds. Allow me to give you an example.
In 1-dimension there are two manifolds, up to deformation: $\Bbb R$ and $S^1$ (circle)
There are essentially two ways to specify a manifold:
1) By equations
2) By a parametrization
Oh here we go...
Let us consider the circle, what @0celo7 called $S^1$.
Here's the equations way to specify it:
@Obliv People can be so hypersensitive here I don't know when that's a joke...
$$x^2 + y^2 = r^2$$
The set of pairs $(x,y)$ which satisfies that equation is indeed a circle of radius $r$. It is a manifold.
I can't stop Daniel once he goes on this rant
It's an interesting rant.
@0celo7 okay I'm going to derive the lagrange multiplier eq. without looking into the notes logically and concisely. maximize $f(x,y)$ with a constraint $g(x,y)$. We know $\nabla f(u)$ is orthogonal to the level curve $f(u) = c$ where $c$ is a constant. Thus, if we can find the largest level curve $f(x_m,y_m) = M$ (m denotes maximal) that the constraint allows, it is a solution. We need $\nabla f(x_m,y_m) = n\nabla g(x_m,y_m)$ because at this maximum level curve (a point of intersection b/t f,g)
Wait, timeout: what is a parametrization? And it is indeed an interesting rant.
@Obliv wtf is this
@DanielSank Proof :P
Their normal line must be the same. It need not be exactly the same (can vary with a scale factor) in the equation of a plane i.e $\nabla f(x) \cdot (x-u) = 0$ and $\nabla g(x) \cdot (x-u) = 0$
Now @heather note the following:
I) It is easy to check whether a given pair (x,y) is in this manifold because you just plug into the equation and see if it works.
II) It is hard to just randomly find a point in this manifold. To do so, you'd have to solve for x in terms of y.
Reb is studying this right how for a test tomorrow
for some point $x$.
you two should form a study group
Ok, now here's the other way to specify the circle, using a parametrization:
@SirCumference are you referring to something specifically
@Obliv Nah
$$x = r \cos(\theta) \quad y = r \sin(\theta) \quad \text{for }\theta \in [0, 2\pi)$$
Honestly calling me hypersensitive triggers me
I never called you that...
@DanielSank, wait, I'm not sure I follow this part.
@0celo7 my test isn't soon I don't think. We'll be going over multiple integrals before it
@0celo7 *Hyperflagging
@heather ok, I'll pause.
What's up?
That should be a term
Flagging oversensitively
So, you have those two equations, but I'm not sure about the last part, for $\theta \in [0,2\pi)$
@heather Oh, I'm saying that you should think of $\theta$ as going from zero to two pi.
That's one trip around the circle.
don't think she has had trig
@0celo7 You're showing her chain rule?
Oh, okay, and then, hmm, okay, I think I get it now.
She doesn't know calc
@SirCumference I'm showing @Obliv
@heather Oh wait, do you know $\sin$ and $\cos$?
Hey @bl00
@DanielSank, yeah. With the unit circle and the x and y coordinates and everything. I do have a general idea of basic trigonometry.
@0celo7 wow. that is such an easy explanation my textbook sucks
what book is that
@bl00 The notes you gave me are actually pretty neat
Gotten over 25% through so far
@Obliv Rogawski, it's what reb is using
@0celo7 I heard your eye was fucked up, did you see a doctor?
@bl00 Wait what
@0celo7 You okay?
first time I asked...
@bl00 flagging.
@0celo7 Flagged you for flagging
I call BS
if it's only in one eye it's probably not a big deal. You can trust me I'm a PhD
How is that BS?
Flagging is very offensive to me
I take it quite personally
Prove it.
@Obliv right......
@Obliv I don't think that's how it works...
Show the flag
@Obliv He lost acuity in one eye suddenly. It could be something rather grave and frankly I think you shouldn't joke about it.
Just get a high powered laser from your lab and shine it in your eye. I think that was one of the treatment options I read on webmd
@0celo7 Here
@DanielSank It's only distance vision.
There's your flag
Particularly because he has been living with in for several days without going to the doctor, which is a very bad idea.
No time
Or here
Why isn't everything open 24/7???
That enough flags for you?
@daniel What is the worst that could happen (joking aside)?
@SirCumference Hahahahaha
dude aren't u smart or something... just skip ur classes @0celo7
no big deal
@Obliv The worst? He could go blind in that eye.
@bl00 No, I'm stupid, so I go to class to appear less stupid.
Yeah that is pretty bad. Modern medicine is pretty good though so I feel like he'll be okay.
that's just my feeling
@0celo7 you have low self esteem.
0celo, what's up with your eye?
I can't see past 4 feet
everything is totally blurry
In one eye or both?
the whiteboard looks blank it's so blurry
@SirCumference one eye
also the eye hurts from time to time
@0celo7 You need to get that checked out
and it occurred suddenly?
Sounds like an infection
I remember on the old forum I used to use (for videogames) someone posted about how his brother got a blood clot in his leg and whether he'd be okay. They brought him to the hospital and people were really supportive about it and saying he'll be fine. Later that day he came back to post that his brother had died.
yes I have a fucking appointment with an ophthalmologist
That was a bummer.
@DanielSank, I think I get the first part of the parametrization thing.
@Obliv I want you to remember I said this for the rest of your life: If you have a sudden change in health in any way, you do not just hope it's ok. You get your ass to a doctor as soon as possible.
@0celo7 sounds like an emergency to me.
go to the ER
My father is recovering at home right now from a detached retina. Do you know what that means? It means his retina was coming off of the inside of his eyeball. If that gets too bad, you're blind in that eye. Modern medicine cannot save you.
This also happened to my brother.
In both cases, they caught it quickly and are ok.
I can live with one eye
Because they went to the doctor.
@0celo7, wrong response.
I feel like 0celo7 is trolling us now.
@0celo7 That is not the attitude you should have...
It's the only reasonable one
Seriously! That reduces video-game playing efficiency!
"I can live with one eye?" seriously???
@bl00 Going around telling people they'll be ok because modern medicine is good is a terrible idea and you should stop doing that.
I don't need to be playing video games
@daniel wow how common is it? Sorry about that :(
@DanielSank you mean Obliv?
math and physics efficiency as well!
@Obliv one of my parents has had itt
is it genetic or smthn?
@bl00 you two are the same color
@bl00 Maybe. You're both blue. It's confusing.
@Obliv Sort of. If you're myopic you're more likely to get it.
@0celo7 That's racist
we should all be blue
Oh no.. I am near sighted..
@SirCumference I hate blue people
@0celo7 wow
@0celo7 We'll build a wall between us and the blue people
@DanielSank I'm probably just extreme near-sighted and just noticed it.
blue master race.
And we'll make @bl00 and @Obliv pay for it!
@SirCumference And make them pay for it
@0celo7 that wouldn't be very surprising honestly.
I mean
@0celo7 In one eye?
I do have glasses
I'd gladly pay for the wall if it was blue.
@0celo7 nerd :D
But they basically don't work any more
@bl00 I never use them
@0celo7 They run out of battery?
@0celo7 Same
I'm 20/15 in one eye and like 20/30 in the other
It's a tiny correction
I'm 20/60 or something
But now I really cannot see at all
See a doctor
I can't read 1 feet away from me.
No pun intended
oh my god I am seeing a doctor tomorrow
can everybody just calm down
@0celo7 people care about you young ocelot.
SEE A DOCTOR NOW BECAUSE THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!! (sorry, but, you know, it is a big deal.)
unless of course I can't get there, which is a definite possibility
I am 20/20 and can read the lowest line of letters. I'm so cool.
@bl00 Privileged bastard
and I stare at a screen for several hours a day in the dark so no your vision won't get worse by doing that.
I am proof.
@0celo7 Dude, go to the ER at this point
That sounds like a blood clot in your eye
I hope it's cancer
Wtf dude
no seriously
no seriously, wtf?
people pity you so much if you have cancer
you want attention?
because you can die
@SirCumference oh, never thought about it like that
The cons kind of outweigh the pros
hmm, yeah
ok never mind
that was...weird
if 0celo7 dies I will fail qft, and then kill myself so we'll both die.
btw I finished that problem from yesterday :D
@0celo7 XD
I remember the new Ghostbusters movie, one of the women could create a device to catch ghosts because "no one knows quantum physics better than her"
That is just so cringy...
so ACM?
Almost as bad as this
that's why I don't watch sci-fi films. @sirC
pop-culture sci-fi anyway
@Obliv The fact that they relate QM with ghosts is just so...
Dunno the word for it
well there are ghosts in qft.
@bl00 virtual particles don't count as ghosts
@SirCumference, sad? disturbing? upsetting?
theres also spectral theory
@heather screwed up is better
@SirCumference, hmm, yes.
@heather do you wanna know what a topological space is
@0celo7, sure, yeah!
@0celo7 Dude, one step at a time
@heather ummm... learning that won't help your understanding in any way
just sayin
metric spaces first
@SirCumference, ah, going in order. Who cares. =P
good point
@bl00 will tell you what a metric space is
@0celo7, okay, sure. Anything is cool.
@heather From experience I've learned going in order is really the best
It ensures you won't miss out on much information
@0celo7 what's the point of that?
@SirCumference, yeah, I know. But sometimes I enjoy jumping out of order.
@bl00 practice!
good woman
the order is for chumps
well isn't a metric space just a space with a metric so distances are defined?
Precise definition please.
@0celo7 Who needs order? Chaos is far cooler
idk more than that... i'm an experimentalist now.
experimentalists don't know anything.
oh crap
we didn't define functions
@bl00...um. Well. I'm not quite sure what that metric bit is.
@heather Ok we need functions first.
@0celo7, functions. Okay. @SirCumference, see, I am going in order - functions are in Algebra II and precalc and everything in the universe. =)
@heather Ok, $X$ and $Y$ are two sets.
Remember what $X\times Y$ is?
hi all
I've never seen 0celo so eager to teach
When I ask him questions he laughs at my ignorance...
does LateX really not work here?
yeah, the set of coordinates (x, y) where $x \in X$ and $y \in Y$.
wish he was like that with me too.
@ian use chatjax
@bl00 I know right.
well, I mean, the set of all coordinates. but yeah.
Never teaches me topology..
@Obliv We're unloved...
@heather coordinates?
@0celo7, er, I mean ordered pairs. wow. that was bad.
Oh, actually we need $Y\times X$
But same thing basically.
@Obliv Watch what happens when I upvote three of your answers
A relation between $X$ and $Y$ is a subset $R\subset Y\times X$.
@SirCumference keep reading the notes. you'll be done in no time. then you can learn calc 3 and once you learn that you'll understand all your astrophysics papers.
or at least, know enough to learn the stuff required to understand them.
For "$x\in X$ related to $y\in Y$" we write $yRx$.
Now that probably makes zero sense.
We need an example.
what sort of relation might this be and yes^
Let's consider the relation $\le$ on $\Bbb R$
@0celo7 you're being too rigorous :<
heather is a physicist.
Heather is a mathematician but doesn't know it
@bl00, I am nothing, currently, but a student
aren't we all? xD
Ok, so what is the $R$ associated to $\le$ in $\Bbb R\times\Bbb R$?
@0celo7 What'd you say the lower mass limit for a Kerr black hole was?
Um...I have no idea, honestly
@heather Ok let's go easier
@0celo7 what? even I'm lost.
consider the relation $=$ on $\Bbb R$
@0celo7, okay
What is $R$?
@bl00 That's unrelated
He answered my question
$\bb R$
okay XD
@SirCumference dangit man I wanted to keep low rep like @bl00
I mean, however you do the set of all real numbers
What happens if you remove those upvotes? lol
@Obliv That's...not the "thank you" I expected...
@heather no
it's the line $y=x$
@Obliv I should have the low profile badge.
in the plane $\Bbb R^2$
@Obliv You still get 100 rep for every site
I don't deserve reputation as a filthy undergraduate physics student @sirC but thanks.
And for new accounts you make on sites
because if you take an $x$ and a $y$ on that line, then $yRx$
@0celo7, okay, what? I don't quite understand.
@Obliv Well you get more permissions, like upvoting and commenting, on every SE site
Not downvoting though :/
@heather here $yRx$ means $y=x$
So we want the subset of $\Bbb R\times\Bbb R$ such that $x=y$ for $x\in\Bbb R$ and $y\in\Bbb R$
but that's clearly just the diagonal line
@Obliv I'm a "filthy" undergrad student and I have 4k on Astronomy
Heather's a middle schooler and has 3.7k here
oh, right! Oh! That makes sense now!
So now consider the relation $\le $
We want $y\le x$
@Obliv But did you actually know that happens when you reach 200 rep?
I know you've graphed that in algebra
@sirC not at 200 rep but I've heard that something like that happens at some point.
@Obliv if JD has like 5k, then it's not even an issue.
@Obliv Wait, you're a girl?
Thought you were a guy
yes, is that a problem?
Obliv's pic
Nah, 'course not
I'm that girl in the picture.
@0celo7, yes, it sounds familiar, but I'm unsure...
@heather these are the guys you want to avoid btw
I just always hear a guy's voice when I read posts from anonymous people
just like how ACM is the girl in his profile image.
@0celo7, who?
Even Heather
@SirCumference sexist
@heather everyone in here
@bl00 exactly. and @0celo7 is a cat. And @sirC is a slice of pie
@0celo7 It's what I hear in my head
My own voice
So I project that onto other people
@SirCumference then your head is sexist
@Obliv I'm thanatos. :D
@heather let me draw it
PhD art skills
I am gender fluid. I sexually identify as a fluid.
@Obliv look how badass I am youtu.be/EYdPy8da27s?t=7m11s
@0celo7 that shading is beautiful.
@0celo7, oh yeah, duh! I haven't done that in forever.
that's $y\le x$
I hope!
Yeah, I think that's right
@bl00 oh that's what it was from. So your old old old profile picture was the same dude as well?
Right, so "relations" between sets $A$ and $B$ are just subsets of $B\times A$.
@Obliv yes.
@0celo7, yeah, that makes sense now. So those points shaded are a subset of the overall set.
Can we just go, I dunno, 5 mins without discussing math?
@heather So a function $f$ between $X$ and $Y$, written $f:X\to Y$, is a relation on $Y\times X$ such that $yfx$ and $y'fx$ implies $y=y'$.
I.e. to each $x$ is only related one $y$.
@SirCumference math is boring. :(
@bl00 'Course it isn't
This is the "vertical line test" abstracted
It's just insane to talk only about math
Okay, so let me see if I've got this straight.
I think google is in my head. As soon as I type something it knows exactly what I want..
@0celo7, You can have a relation called a function. But this relation must "map" (that's the correct use of the term, right?) every $x$ to a unique $y$.
@Obliv I think that's a new feature, based on what you searched before.
@heather YES
Kind of creepy. eric schmidt knows me personally :(
@Obliv who is that?
@Obliv @bl00 @SirCumference sorry I have a new apprentice
Apprentice? Who?
@0celo7 You weren't exactly training us...more laughing at our ignorance...
@heather You
the crazy guy that works at google that said "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place;"@bl00
@0celo7, cool! I'm excited already. (Well, I mean, I was excited before hand)
@Obliv lol
Ok, not sure why were doing functions actually
I think it was because of metric spaces
Oh right!
And I didn't know what a metric was
@heather run away @0celo7 is going to turn you into another him.
and your eye will get all broken.
@Obliv, though hopefully I'll go to the doctor when I need too =)
@0celo7, so, Master Yoda, what next?
You're gonna be a math purist
Ok, so a metric space is a set $X$ with a function $d:X\times X\to\Bbb R$ such that (i) $d(x,y)=d(y,x)$ for all $x,y\in X$, (ii) $d(x,y)\ge 0$ with $d(x,y)=0$ if and only if $x=y$, (iii) $d(x,y)\le d(x,z)+d(z,y)$ for all $x,y,z\in X$.
@SirCumference, nah. I love physics too much.
A girl version of 0celo. 0cela.
So that needs to be explained
A+ teaching @0celo7
@SirCumference lol
@0celo7, whew! Okay, so $d$ is a function
$d:X\times X\to\Bbb R$ means that $d$ takes two points of $X$ at once
and assigns a real number
and it maps the set of coordinates created by X x X to R, right
$d$ is the metric or distance function
okay, so...oh, that makes sense.
@heather ordered pairs
gotta go. night folks
@0celo7, right.
Gotta remember that.
@Obliv night
So given $x,y\in X$ the symbol $d(x,y)$ just means the distance between them
@0celo7 I'm so used to seeing $d$ followed by variables as derivatives, it threw me off
So the function follows the rules that d(x, y) = d(y, x)
right, these are all "reasonable"
The distance between $x$ and $y$ is the distance between $y$ and $x$
which makes sense because it is creating coordinates from X times itself
and stuff
and what you said
(ii) means the distance is always positive
Anyone here ever tried corn with ketchup?
Tastes darn good
unless the two points are equal, in which case the distance is 0
distance can't be negative, distance is 0 only if they are the same ordered pair
(iii) is called the triangle inequality
I'll draw a picture unless it's obvious
okay, I've heard of it but I don't know what that means
pictures are good
so the lines here represent the distances between the points
Oh, I get it now, the bottom can't be longer than the top, basically
the top?
that makes a lot of sense
well, the right two lines
it means taking a detour through $z$ will never shorten the path
it can be the same distance
but never shorter
so a metric space is just a way of defining distance
many spaces are metric spaces
and they're the first examples of topological spaces we will encounter
now you should have a question about manifolds
one moment
okay, I'll think about this overnight
my mom is telling me I need to go to bed, sadly
but my question would be
1. what is a "space"?
is it past your bedtime? hehe

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